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20170101 A Talk at a Bhūmi-pūjā Ceremony.

1 Jan 2017|Duration: 00:31:50|English|Others|Bangalore, India

20170101 H.H.Jayapataka Swami gava a talk at a Bhumi Puja Ceremony.

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine

namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine

nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine.

sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda 

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah 

yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah

gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana 

giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana

Mukam Karoti Vacalam 

Pangum Langhayate Girim

Yat Kripa Tamaham Vande 

Sri Gurum Dina Tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam

Sri Caitanya Isvaram

Hari Om Tatsat

Gururmaharaj: We would like to first of all thank RSS leader and …3.45…CEO member, Sri Narahari and all the Iskcon leaders who are on the dias, and all the Iskcon devotees who are present, and all the other devotees, guests and well-wishers who are here today.

Actually I was remembering how His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, he came to Hyederabad, he also came to Chennai and various places. I am not sure if he came to Bangalore but he was saying how important South India was. He said that he was mainly given the mandate to preach in the West.

In the Brahma Baivarta Puran, there is prediction that a devotee would come after 5000 years of the start of the Kali Yuga, and he would bring a golden age which would last for 10,000 years. That people by chanting the Hare Krishan mantra would easily be able to get back to Godhead; a great opportunity in Kali Yuga, making it better than any other yuga for some period. 

So Prabhupada asked me to mainly preach in India. He told me also to travel around the world, and he said that all the sanyasis have to take the curse. Just that he told me twice, and I was the only person there. So I got the curse …???, but he said to all the sanyasis.

Now I remember how Rupa and Sanatana are the seventh generation coming from Karnataka. Many people don’t know that. They are the six goswamis, the direct disciples of Lord Caitanya. Some of their forefathers were brahmanas and some became ksatriyas. They were the Prime Minister and the finance minister of Nawab Hussain Shah. They gave up everything and joined Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and they came to Vrindavan and wrote books, and they also excavated the places of Lord Krishna in Vrindavan. 

So what you know now as Vrindavan, Govardhan and Nandagram and all that, some were pointed out by Lord Caitanya and the rest by Rup and Sanatan Goswami. So these Rup, Sanatana and Jiva Goswami, they all came from Karnataka. So that’s another reason why Karnataka is very important. 

We are very happy that, the devotees here have taken the challenge to do something very nice for Lord Jagannath. That they want to build nice ICC facility. We shall have a auditorium as well as a temple and other facilities. So from here, the message of Lord Caitanya can spread all over the South of Bangalore. 

Hare Krishna.

And we are very happy that this design, this temple, this auditorium will be there to train the people to spread this divine message. 

I was saying how Lord Krishna visited a few houses, and thus He gave blessings to some of His devotees, but Lord Caitanya who was Krishna Himself as a devotee, visited thousands of houses. For six years He travelled mainly around South India, and every night He would stay in a different house. They would bathe His feet, they would feed Him prasadam. He would give a talk and people from the village would come and listen. So this way He spend six years travelling around South India, West India, North India. He visited Humpy, He visited Udipi, He went up the coast, He went to Tirupati, all over Andhra, all over Kerala and Tamil Nadu. 

So He took initiation in the Madhava line, because the Padma Puran says that unless you take initiation from one of the bonafide sampradayas the mantra would not bear fruit. The four sampradays are mentioned as Brahma, Laxmi, four Kumaras, and Lord Siva. So we have the Brahma sampradaya which is the Madhavacharya, Sri sampradaya is Ramanuja, the four Kumaras is Nimbarka, and Lord is Siva is Visnuswami, mainly in Gujarat the Pusti Margis. 

So the people we train have to go out and spread the message, this was Lord Caitanya’s request. He gave the instruction, “Bharat Bhumite manusya janma hoila jar, janma sarthak kare karo para upkara.” That those who are born in India, they should perfect their lives and then help others. So this facility is to help people perfect their lives and help others.

Today I was watching how they were doing the Bhumi Puja, and how wonderful is the Vedic culture. Some of the grihastas were sitting with their wives and performing the homa. This is our culture that grihasthas are each one-half and the husband and wife are one. 

Brahma didn’t wait for his wife Savitri. So she cursed him, that you will be only worshipped in one place. So that’s in Puskar tirtha. So that’s the one place where there is the Brahma deity. So this is a very important aspect. 

In Kali yuga, mainly the people would be grihasthas. The Karma sanyas  is prohibited in Kali yuga. We take the sanyas which is active, but there are a very few sanyasis. Maybe in Iskcon there is a 100 or 150, and there are thousands and millions of grishasthas. So it’s important that people understand how to perform their grishastha dharma properly. That it is meant to be cultured and to keep the spiritual culture as the bond. 

So whether one is a viaragi or whether on is a grihasthi, they should be trained to spread the message far and wide. So the Bangalore people want to follow the Western example, but they also have this culture and in Udipi they have Krishna and nearby Balaram, and in Andhra they have Balaji and Lord Narasimha. So side by side the material development and the spiritual development should go on. 

The whole of Bharat is a very special place, and now that people are Bharat going all around the world for different IT jobs and different jobs, you want them to spread the spiritual culture all over the world. So we are very encouraged that you are also very much inspired to build this ICC complex.

Bangalore should not only be the IT capital but also should remain the spiritual headquarter.

So with that we would like the thank all the organizers, thank Narahari and Narahari of RSS, for making this dream possible. 

 I want to thank you all for your active participation and hope for your active support. 

Here in Bangalore it takes a long time to travel from one place to the next. So here it’s good to have facilities in different parts of the city, so that you can easily attend. 

That’s why this center here in South of Bangalore is so strategic. 

Hare Krishna

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Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das (JPS)
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