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20170118 Talk

18 Jan 2017|Duration: 00:51:02|English|Public Address|Kanhaiyādeśa


nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine….nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine (repeated by devotees)

namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine

nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine……….namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine (repeated by devotees)

sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda 

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda…..sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda 

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda (repeated by devotees)

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare….Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare (repeated by devotees)

hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah 

yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah….hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah 

yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah (repeated by devotees)

gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana 

giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana………gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana 

giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana (repeated by devotees)

Nitai Gaura Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol………Nitai Gaura Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol (repeated by devotees)

mükaà karoti väcälaà

paìguà laìghayate girim

yat-kåpä tam ahaà vande

çré-guruà déna-täraëam

sri Caitanya Isvaram

Hari Om Tatsat

I want to thank the children for their nice drama. I thought they would give me the stick. Because you are all learned people..

Who will translate in Hindi?

So I will speak in English, but sometimes my pronunciation will not be understood which Shyam Madhusudhan will repeat. 

(Gurumaharaj speaks in Hindi –thik thak anubad cahiye) – laughter.

If I say something like laughing, you have to also laugh in Hindi. 

It’s very nice to see so many devotees. This is Kanaiya desh, this is the place of Lord Krsna, Kanaiya desh. We have a temple in India which is also called Kanaiya sthan. That’s in Kanai Natsala. It was part of Bihar, now it’s part of Jharkand. Lord Caitanya, He took ignition in Gaya. 

At first Iswar Puri Maharaj did not want to give Him initiation. He said, “You are Nimai Pandit, you are a great pandit, who am I to initiate you?”, but Lord Caitanya said, “If you don’t initiate me, then what is the use of my living. I have to take initiation.” So the only way you can save my life is if you initiate me.”, so Iswar Puri initiated Him. 

Lord Caitanya started chanting Hare Krsna in Gaya. He got great ecstasy after getting initiated. I was thinking after seeing that drama, how being initiated is such a perfection. It’s the human perfection of life to serve Krsna. So then, Lord Caitanya began to chant and dance in ecstasy. People gathered around to see. Then He felt embarrassed that so many people were watching Him. So He did the pindi dan for His diseased father, there is Visnu Gaya. There are many gayas, and Visnu gaya and Bodh gaya are most famous. So then Lord Caitanya after doing the pindi again started to do kirtan and he thought, “let me go to Vrindavana.” , and He crossed the phalgun river that was heading towards Vrindavan. Then there was a voice from the sky, “Now it’s not the time for you to go to Vrindavana. You have to return to Nabadwip and start the sankirtan movement. You will letter go to Vrindavan.”

So then He turned back. Then He went to Kanaiya Desh, Kanaiya stan, Kanai Natsala, and that’s right by the side of Ganges, on the Western side of the Ganges. There in Kanaiya stan he saw a village boy playing on a flute. He was at a great distance, but somehow His flute playing was very attractive. The boys got closer, and they saw that He was wearing a yellow dhoti with a red sash. He got closer and that he saw He had a peacock feather in His turban. He got closer and He thought, “this is Krsna, this is Krsna, this is Krsna.” (applause by crowd), then He was Krsna, and He came right up to Him and then He embraced Him. 

So Lord Caitanya was feeling so much ecstasy, but then Lord Krsna let Lord Caitanya go, and Krsna ran off. Lord Caitanya ran after Him but Krsna disappeared, then Lord Caitanya was rolling on the ground. He was feeling such separation. He had Krsna in His hands, He had Krsna, He lost Him. 

Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna………….. Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna (repeated by devotees)

So Krsna had told Rukmini and Narada Muni, that He would come back in Kaliyuga, but He would be a devotee because Rukmini had said that He did not know how much His devotees loved Him and in what way they loved Him. So he would come back as a devotee. So His ecstasy began in Bihar and Jharkhand. He left Nabadwip as Nimai Pandit, He came back as Gaura Hari, and everybody noticed the change. Now He was giving class on Sanskrit vyakaran teaching with the names of Lord Krsna. Later Jiva Gosawami gave such a class that He called it the Harinamrita Vyakarana. So Lord Caitanya called the devotees, and He told them that He wanted to meet them in the ashram of Sukhalambar Brahmachari, At His ashram He had a kalpa Vriksha. Any flower he wanted, he would give the order and he would get that flower. 300 jasmine, 200 rajanigandha, goloka champa, and no one would go anywhere else, why, if you get all the flowers from one tree. 

So Lord Caitanya came there. There, there is a Tamal Tree. When He saw the Tamal Tree, He embraced it. He told the other devotees, “I had Krsna in my hand, I had Him, I had Him, I had Him, and I lost Him, You don’t know what it is like to have Krsna and to lose Him. Oouuuu…. Ouuuu……” 

So this way, all the devotees knew this history. Before as Nimai Pandit, He was the greatest Pandit in Nabadwip. He would… He could defeat anyone in logic, in Nyaya, He could convince someone that He was wrong, and then convince that He was right, and then again He convinced them that they were wrong, He had such a brain. So this is the supreme Lord. Whatever He does, He does it superb. 

So as a pandit, He was Vacahaspati, who was the greatest pandit. As a devotee He was the most merciful, kindhearted devotee. So people thought He was sick. Mother Sachi came out to call Him for lunch, “Nimai …Prasadam!” The neighbors came. “Something is wrong with your son. Kichu bayudosh, he has disturbed airs in His brains. You should give Him some tender coconut.” …. “No, No, No, No, that’s not strong enough, put dasamul tel on His hair.”, another neighbor said, “No, No, No, He is far gone, tie Him up with ropes.”, mother Sachi said, “Nothing is wrong with my son.”

So Nimai, He went to see the incarnation of Narada Muni, Srivas Thakur. He said, “Can I ask you a question?”

“sure, why not?”

“People say I am sick, I am sick?”

“What are your symptoms?” 

“Whenever I chant the holy names of Krsna, my voice gets choken up, tears flow from my eyes, my hairs stand on end, sometimes I ….26.19… sometimes I laugh, Ha, Ha…”

So Srivas said, “Yes, you have a disease and I want that disease also. You have the disease of Love of Krsna, and even Brahma and Siva want that disease.”

So Lord Caitanya said, “You saved My life. I thought that if I have a disease, what’s the use of living. The most sweet thing, if this is a disease, then what’s the use of living? So you saved my life.” 

“You see, general people can’t understand what ecstasy you are going through. Come here at night, I will invite select devotees to come here at night who can understand your ecstasy.”, So then Srivas Thakur had nocturnal kirtans which Lord Caitanya attended, and people would listen outside the door of the garden of Srivas. 

“What are they doing, what are they doing?” Some started chanting Hari bol, Hari bol. 

Yea, that’s what they are doing. Are you one of them? ………….. haribol (everyone)

Then they must be drinking wine. 

Oh no. 

The people are all crazy, they are all chanting Hare Krsna. So you are one of them ah… covering up for them. So like that, but inside they were having kirtan. 

One day Lord Caitanya, He was not feeling any ecstasy. He said, “today, I am not feeling any ecstasy, wo is responsible?” 

Every devotee thought, “ammm.. what did I do wrong today?” Then they started kirtan again. 

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare….Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare (repeated by devotees)

After a while Lord Caitanya said, “I still don’t feel any ecstasy. There must be some outside person looking. 

Srivas Thakur went through his house. He looked around, he didn’t find anyone. Then he saw this basket, one big basket, and he lifted the basket up. There was a lady there crouching in saree. He grabbed him by the neck and took her out to the door and said, “Why you are disturbing Lord Caitanya’s kirtan.” They flew her out of the door, and closed the door. 

Lord Caitanya said, “who was that?”

“I don’t know. Was that your mother in law?”

“How could do that to your mother in law”

Anyone who disturbs your kirtan my Lord, I don’t know them. 

Srivas, even in the face of lot of problems for mistreating you mother-in- law. It is too much Srivas. 

He said, “Well, I want to see you happy Lord.”

They would not call Him bahgavan. 

Only twice he revealed, because He was acting as a devotee. So there were like this many different things happened at Srivas’s house. These all happened 500 years ago. 

Lord Caitanya, had predicted that after 500 years He would send a devotee, a senapati bhakti, and that devotee would spread the Hari nam and His teachings to those distant countries where He didn’t go. Lord Caitanya preached in the Indian subcontinent, but who went 500 years later to the Western countries? Who spread the Harinam, and Lord Caitanya’s teachings. It was His Divine Grace, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. So you are all very fortunate to be in Srila Prabhupada’s family. 

In Iskcon, we are a multi-guru society but all are coming from Prabhupada. So we are all part of Prabhupada’s family, the guru parampara, and so this is a very great blessing. So while you are working and closing up your economic development, side by side try to encourage your friends and colleagues, I mean the Hindu colleagues, to take up the Harinam. This Harinam is the yuga dharma for the Kali Yuga. 

Prabhupada, he went to the West to preach, but he told me to come to India and preach, but he also told all the sanyasis when I present twice, that they should preach all around the world. So, we are very happy that here in the middle east, in Kaniaya Desh, so many people are chanting Hare Krsna, and not pose like a King. They are using their human life to develop their natural devotion for Lord Krsna. 

So today is a working day. I don’t want to speak too late. I will take two questions, one from the men and one from the ladies. If you have any question on the talk tonight, any questions?

Q: (inaudible) 

Gurumaharaj: You can chant Hare Krsna. Japa and also kirtan with your wife and children, or if you are not living with your family then with the other people in your hostel, and also worship a picture or worship a deity, or read the Bhagavat Gita As It Is, participate in some Bhakti Vriksha group meeting. Come like this when there is a public program, you can participate in that program. Cook and offer your food to Krsna, Krsna Prasad, and eat the prasadam. All ladies should learn how to cook prasadam, and some of the men should also learn how to cook. Some of the men would be Radha-seva, and these are some things that can be done. There is more, but these are the easiest. 

Any question from the lady?

We want to see the yatra to be organized, have a yatra team. Srivallabha and Tapan Misra will discuss with you all how to make a yatra leadership. We want that this yatra should go on very nicely. This is our newest yatra, big participation. We have Balaram desh, Krsna katha desh, Avatari Desh, Shyam Desh, Damodara Desh, Mathura Desh, they are …47.57… names… Kanaia Desh. But there was one lady in Mathura Desh. She said, “Gurudev, I made very less devotees this year. I am sorry.”

I asked her, “Well, how many devotees did you make.”

“Only 76.”

“Well, not too bad.”

“What was your goal?”


If every devotee would make one devotee a year, that would double every year. We don’t want to be a fool like the King, … Brahma. Because you don’t know where he is going, what he is doing, where he will take birth again.

Anyway, so thank you very much.

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Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das (JPS)
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