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20170131 Arrival Address

31 Jan 2017|Duration: 00:17:57|English|Others|Thiruvananthapuram, India


Mukam Karoti Vacalam 

Pangum Langhayate Girim

Yat Kripa Tamaham Vande 

Sri Gurum Dina Tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam

Sri Caitanya Isvaram

Hari Om Tatsat

Gurumaharaj: So, this temple has been under constructions for about seven years. The devotees, the congregation, brahmacharis, they have all been working to finish the temples. Nitai-Gaur, Krishna-Balaram, they have come here, and we want them to be happy. So with that we intend to worship them with various kinds of worship, and we intend to chant the holy name before them, but we want all of you to take part, and make this temple a place of rejoicing Krishna’s presence. 

I would like to thank all the donors and all the families that participated. This temple is your active devotion, and it’s a facility to invite people to have spiritual programs. I am glad that some have purchased apartments …4.50-52…, to be a part of the regular devotees of the temple. We hear that various devotees have participated in various ways. Some have used their technological novel, some have used their abilities to explain Krishna consciousness, and some have participated in the inauguration of the temple, and some have participated in the construction of the buildings, and some have collected the finance needed to build the building. Even one brick given to help  the house of Visnu guarantees one a house in the spiritual world. 

So our human form of life meant to serve the Lord, to awaken our dormant love of Krishna. Some people think that even sleeping, mating and defending is the goal of life. That is goal even in the animal life. The human form of life gives one the opportunity to offer spiritual service to the Lord. 

In this age, singing the holy name of the Lord and dancing is the yuga dharma. So Kerala is blessed with a lot of rain. So we need a place to sing and dance. So this temple provides such a facility, also the devotees can study the sastra, and obtain the diplomas of Bhakti Sastri, Bhakti Vaivabha etc. 

All you need is to be expert in explain the principles that we stand for, and you will find that people from different casts, different creeds come to our temple. They should just be respectful, and we should be able to explain what the deity is. In Mayapur we have Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra deity. Someone came from a non-hindu background. The pujari offered him a sweet. He threw it. “I don’t take the food offered to idols.” 

“Then why did you come here?” The pujari asked. People are welcome but they should be respectful. “So this is not appropriate, you are turning the food down.” So that man left. The next day he came back. This time he offered his flat obeisance. He went to the Pujari, “Please give some prasadam.”

“Are you crazy or what? Yesterday you threw the Prasad, today you are bowing down and begging for it.”

He said, “Last night, one with the white face, He came up and he grabbed me by the neck in my dream.”, he said, “You threw down my brothers sacred food down, now we will get you.”, and then the lady with the Yellow face, she came up, she said, “get him, get him”. I was shaken, I was shaken, it was so scary. Then the one with the black face and the big smile, He came up, “Let him go. It’s his first offence.” 

“So now I believe, believe, and I do… I do… believe, please give me your prasadam, I will never throw it again.” 

So we are not so pure that we can see the Lord in the spiritual form, but we can see the Lord present in the deity form. So these deities are alive, they reciprocate with your faith. If you think they are stone, they will be stone to you. If you think that they are present in the deity form then they are present for you.

Hare Krishna.

I want to thank you all again and again.

Hare Krishna.

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Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das (JPS)
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