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20170301 Talk at the Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā to the International Party.

1 Mar 2017|Duration: 00:12:59|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Śrī Navadvīpa dhāma, India

His Holiness Jayapataka Swami


Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama


So, many different speakers have spoken here. And they all have expressed the different pastimes connected with this place. So you heard here, how Lord Siva was so eager to come and hear the pastimes of Lord Caitanya. That he barrowed the hamsa (swan) carrier of Lord Brahma to come here quickly. Because his bull nandi was too slow. So we told that, we should be eager to have the Lord’s mercy. And we heard how sapta-rsis became very eager to see Lord Caitanya’s pastimes. So, here is the good place to develop a desire for laulyam – intense enthusiasm to serve the Lord. 

Lord’s pastimes are really super. And you know how fun it is to just play a part in a drama. What to speak of Lord coming down and He reliving His pastimes. And then different devotees participate in different roles. So, Nimai Pandita as a child, He was very naughty. And so many boys participated in naughtiness with Him.

A brahmana would be chanting his gayatri up to his chest would be water and Nimai would come up and spit on him.

He said, “What You are doing? You are a brahmana boy – what are You doing – spitting?”

“I am the father of the Ganges.”

He would put men’s clothes in women’s pile, and women’s cloth in men’s pile and cause them great embarrassment. And there will all kinds of jokes. So in this way, what He did was completely unrehearsed. But, He was giving out the extreme mercy to everyone. All the brahmana men like to talk about Him. So they went to Jagannatha Misra and compliant. 

“Your son is doing this and that, all these things. Your son is very naughty.”

And then girls would come to complaint to Mother Saci, how He was also playing naughtiness on them. But then they saw, Jagannatha Misra with a stick. No one wanted Him to be punished. So, some of the girls ran forward to the Ganges and told Nimai, “Your father is coming. He is carrying a stick, You better watch out.” So, he had little hurdle with all His friends. He told them something and He disappeared. And then Jagannatha Misra came. They said, “When is your son coming? We are waiting for Him.” [Laughter] Very clear. Meanwhile Nimai, He came to the house, “Oh! What a hard day work (studying).” They looked… when you go swimming your curled up; but His fingers and body was dry. His head was dry. And the brahmana men, they wouldn’t lie. But He had no symptom of bathing in the Ganges. 

“It is so hot, I think I will go and take a bath in the Ganges.” 


He didn’t know what to say. When Lord Caitanya went back to Ganges, He told all the people. “You are complaining against Me, now I am going to really show you.” [Laughter] So the young boy Nimai, played naughtier than Lord Krsna in Vrndavana. But, when He was Nimai Pandita, He was the greatest Pandita. He remembered all the hundred verses of Kesava Kasmiri. When He was a devotee, He is the greatest devotee. When He was a sannyasi, He was most-renounced, peaceful. And throughout His pastimes, He was the most merciful. So we should be so eager to be part of His pastimes. To see Him talking, interacting.

He is source of the Ananta-koti-brahmanda. He comes down and plays with His devotees. This is the rare pastime of Nimai, of Gauranga. That’s why Lord Siva, was so eager to hear. And he came down on the hamsa. We should be so eager; we have the great opportunity by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy to enter into these eternal pastimes. Hare Krishna!


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