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20170328 Talk in Tamil

28 Mar 2017|Duration: 00:35:15|English|Safari Lectures|Madurai, India

20170328 H.H.Jayapataka Swami gave a talk in Tamil at Madhuri, India




-------- I cannot hear properly


Prayer prayer prayer

I’m very happy to be here tonight and I’m happy to be here to join with the safari devotees. Our special visit to south India is to celebrate the thousandth year appearance anniversary of Ramanujam Achariya. -------------- First of all, on the occasion of the special programs in Madurai. And I would like to thank all the organizers. 

 NANRI! I came to India In 1970 that time petrol was 60 paisa a liter. Has it increased at all... and in 1970 I was awarded sanyas by his divine grace A.C Bhakti Vedhantha Swami. He told me to become a citizen of India and stay in India so I did that and in 1978 I became a citizen of India…now I have my Indian passport.

 I have to renounce my American citizenship…that was the requirement of Indian authorities. So being in east-India I learned Bengali and Hindi and I just learnt few words in Tamil – Vanakkam 

First words I learnt were MIN-MI-NI-PUCHI…because in Trichy there is a lot of MIN-MINI-PUCHIES …so I asked what are those?...so they told me MINIMINI-PUCHI…so since then I remembered. Lord chaitanya, he appeared in the navaneetham..but after 24 years of age he took shanyas…then he travelled throughout south India… so in Andhra Pradesh one person said I want to leave everything and go with you..but Lord chaitanya told ‘NO’ that would be marketa vairagya stay as a grihastha ..stay doing what you are doing…but he gave the instruction (Bengali  pray) tare deko tare kaho krsna upedesha amara agniyaha guruheha tarahidesh) whoever you meet tell the message of lord Krishna…and in this way be a guru…and delivery your country people…so lord chaitanya, he appeared in a brahmanical family… lord Ram appeared in a Kshatriya Ras….Lord Krishna, Balaram; they grew up in vrindavan… and in the first 16 years of their life they lived as a vaisyas….. so our previous acharyas tell us, we should do daiva varnasrama…we should all think and act as devotees of Krishna. According to the work, we are doing we should follow the duties. Whereas our priest and our teachers…kshatriyas protect the citizens from ---- and thieves, vaishyas protects cows, do agricultures and do business…so by doing business they make money… so they use part of their money to do the service of Krishna. If they don’t do their duty in daiva varnasrama…they don’t achieve the success of human life. 

I’m very happy that soo many devotees in madhurai are practicing their dharma and trying to see how consciousness of Krishna can be distributed. The purpose of human life is too fold. One is to experience the pleasure and pain of material life…the other, at end of life go back to the spiritual life. This material world is like a prison house. One of meenakshi’s name is Durga, Durga means a fortress or a prison house…and it is very difficult to get out of this material world. _________(prayer)__ 

that it is very difficult to cross over this material energy because it is my divine power. Krishna said if you surrender onto me I will reach across this ocean of death; so we have this valuable human life so that we can use it in the service of Krishna, in this way we end the cycle of birth and death…and we can be very blissful and happy,…….very peaceful. 

This material world has so many complications…but if we use our energies and abilities then we can achieve all success in this life. In the Bhagavad gita, Krishna says that if one is not able to complete the service…then in next birth they have to take birth in a family of devotees or in a rich mercantile family. I was born in a family of millionaires…I have my father and thirteen brothers and sisters of my father, they were industrialist, they had a paint factory…but unfortunately they was no one before me practicing Krishna consciousness. You are very fortunate because in south India is mentioned that all the people born in south India along the Holy River, they are blessed. Once his divine grace A.C.Bhativedantha swami prabhupada arrived in Australia.  

The newspaper journal said Australia is a rich country and India is a poor country and what did you come to take from us. Prabhupada said I didn’t come to take anything from you. I came to saved you from cat’s and dog’s life. ‘Are you saying we live a cat’s and dog’s life? ‘ ----------------------------

A dog sits anywhere on the beach and on the sad. You have nice bed in hotels. But the sleep is the same thing. Cat and dog; they eat anything. You eat in a restaurant on a table with a knife and a spoon. They come on safari and do what’s natural. 

One person is a professional. She does the fire dancing. So, we like all of you to be very much yukta vairagyas. We don’t want people to give-up their activies, give-up their business, give-up their families. But rather use what you have in service of Krishna. And help us celebrate the great festivals of life. HARI BOL!

I want to take one moment to thank all the safari devotees. I couldn’t spend as much time because of the medical requirements 

I saw the videos of the birth place of Ramanujacharya. Thank you very much for your participation on this safari tour. Thank you. Don’t worry there will be more travels.

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