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20170518 Arrival Address

18 May 2017|Duration: 00:07:14|English|Public Address|New Orleans, USA

20170518 His.Holiness.Jayapatākā Swami gave an arrival address in New Orleons.

Gurumāhārāja: It has become very late in the night. Because of this it is a bit difficult to speak. I haven’t had prasādam yet. The doctor said that I should do everything in a timely manner. I am very happy seeing so many devotees [applause] [Haribol]

Before I came here there was a retreat, and there was the suggestion to have a retreat every year. I was not well. That’s why I was not able to come. So now it is my desire to come every year. [Haribol] Let’s see what the Lord desires. 

Māyāpur is the holy place of the Lord for mercifulness. In order for the Lord’s mercy to be distributed widely here, I have this desire. 

So I have the desire, “By the dint of many devotees being present here, the preaching will greatly expand.” The kīrtan was very amazing. The mātājī’s offered lamps. In a wonderful way that the mantras were chanted. I thought that I was in Māyāpur [applause] [Haribol] 

I am staying for four to five days here. [Haribol] 

I am hoping that I can have a lot of association with all the devotees, and there would be a path. Here the deities of Nitāi-Gaura Sundar are present. I am desirous to see Gaura-Nitāi, Radha-Radha-Kanta and Jagannath-Baladev-Subhadra at the temple. [Haribol] 

What else should I say? (laughter)

Hare Kṛṣṇa.


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