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20161230 Evening Arrival Address

30 Dec 2016|Duration: 00:25:34|English|Darśana|Bangalore, India



nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine………nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine (repeated by devotees)

namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine

nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine…………namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine (repeated by devotees)

sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda 

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda……….sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda 

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda (repeated by devotees)

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare…..Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare (repeated by devotees)

hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah 

yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah…..hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah 

yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah (repeated by devotees)

gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana 

giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana…..gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana 

giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana (repeated by devotees)

Mukam Karoti Vacalam 

Pangum Langhayate Girim

Yat Kripa Tamaham Vande 

Sri Gurum Dina Tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam

Sri Caitanya Isvaram

Hari Om Tatsat

Jay Shri Shri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra Mai…… Jay (everyone)

Very nice to see so many devotees assembled here. 

Su swagatam….. Haribol (everyone)

It’s very auspicious to have so many devotees in one place. That’s why they want to build a palace of Krishna. …………Hari Bol (everyone), so that so many devotees can assemble here. 

Lord Caitanya, He came to South India or Berkley in search of his brother, but actually He was giving mercy to the devotees. In the Bhagavata Purana it says how Krishna with some rishis went to Mithila desh and visited two devotees. He went to see Bahulaswa, the King of Mithiladesh, and went to see Srutadev, the poor brahman devotee. 

Krishna simultaneously went to see both, but I can only describe one at a time. 

The King Bahulashwar gave him a royal reception, brahmans, conchshells, bugles, golden seats with jewels. He bathed Krishna’s and the rishis lotus feet, and he sprinkled the water on the childrens heads, his queens head and ministers head, and on his own head, and he gave them gifts – jewels, gold, royal articles. He gave cow’s with golden ornaments to the rishis. He offered the prasadam, chappan bhog, 56 preparations. He thanked Lord Krishna, “Thank you for coming to my house, to my palace, please stay here for some days.” Meanwhile Krishna had expanded Himself and all the rishis and had gone to the house of Srutadev.

Srutadev was a poor brahman. He didn’t even have enough things to offer to the Lord, he borrowed from his neighbours. He somehow gave asanas to the rishis, and to Krishna, and he and his wife bathed the feet of Krishna and the rishis. His wife poured the water and he rubbed it in. He sprinkled the water on the head of the wife and children. He didn’t have special gifts, so he gave a lotus flower to each one, and then he said, “Please take lunch with us,”, and it was simple Prasad- rice, dal, sabzi,with a tulasi on each. So he was serving out to the Lord and all the rishis. 

He felt so happy, “The Lord has come to my house.”, he felt so happy that he started to dance in joy, Hari bol! Hari bol!

So who’s reception was better, the poor brahmans or the King Bahulaswas. Each offered  upto their capacity to Krishna and the rishis. So Krishna visited a few devotes like that. Krishna came as Gauranga, and visited thousands of devotee’s houses.

How many of you would like to have Lord Caitanya visit your house?


So this was a special mercy that Lord Caitanya gave to the South Indians. 

He came to their house, took their prasadam, He had His feet bathed, He gave lectures. 

He gave mercy one day in each house, then He would go to the next house, that would be 10 kilometers distance, then he would stay in some other’s house. The whole village would come and listen to his lecture ….17.15… 

So we want to open our hearts and let Gaura-Nitai come and leave inside. 

Hari Bol……………Hari Bol (everyone)

So Lord Caitanya is known as the supreme merciful.

parama koruëa, pahü dui jana

nitäi gauracandra

Amongst all the avatars, They are the most merciful. They have given us the process which is simply blissful, that’s chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra-

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

So this great pastime of the Lord… He only came 500 years ago, the time when there were the Vijayanagara king in Karnataka, Krishna Deva Roy, he was the king at that time, and Lord Caitanya was at that time. He walks through… sees Humpy, but he didn’t see kings, but He went to the poor brahmanas, He would go to the different devotee’s house. So we want that the mercy of Lord Caitanya be tasted by all of  you. 

So Krishna thought, “I have manifested my pastimes on the earth, but how many people have understood what they are, so let me come again, I will show how to worship me, I will give out the love of vraja freely to all the people.”, that’s the pastime of Lord Caitanya. So I hope that you all have this unlimited bliss, and chant Krishna’s name, dance in ecstasy, and do devotional service to your heart’ content, and eat Krishna prasadam, and have Krishna conscious children.

Hare Krishna…………….Hare Krishna (everyone)

Hare Krishna…………….Hare Krishna (everyone)

Krishna Krishna…………… Krishna Krishna (everyone)

Krishna Krishna…………… Krishna Krishna (everyone)

Hare Hare………………. Hare Hare (everyone)

Hare Rama …………… Hare Rama (everyone)

Hare Rama …………… Hare Rama (everyone)

Rama Rama …………… Rama Rama (everyone)

Hare Hare ………………… Hare Hare (everyone)

 So Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada brought this message all over the world. He asked me to give this message here to the people of India. So the people of India already have in their hearths this spiritual potential, but they like to imitate the West, but West is looking for something- the meaning of life. So that’s why the West needs the vision which India made us provide.

And now, India is making progress in the economic areas. So when enhanced economy and spiritual vision, there is no end to the spiritual protection.

Hare Krishna.

So please spread this message to everyone you meet.

Chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Read the Bhagavat Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrita, and this is the 50th anniversary of Iskcon, and we have come in a tradition where we lead back to Brahma. 

Lord Caitanya took His initiation from the Madhava line. So our bases are here in Karnataka, but it comes from Golaka Vrindavan.

golokera prema-dhana, hari-näma-saìkértana, this pure love of Goloka has descended on earth as the Hare Krishna mantra.

Hare Krishna…………Hare Krishna (everyone)

Thank you very much.

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Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprem Dās
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