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20161212 Evening Lecture

12 Dec 2016|English||Mira Road, Mumbai, India

20161212 Evening Lecture



nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine….nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine (repeated by devotees)


namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine

nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine……….namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine (repeated by devotees)


sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda…..sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda

sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda (repeated by devotees)


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare….Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare (repeated by devotees)


hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah

yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah….hari haraye namah krsna yadavaya namah

yadavaya madhavaya kesavaya namah (repeated by devotees)


gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana

giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana………gopala govinda rama sri-madhusudana

giridhari gopinatha madana-mohana (repeated by devotees)


Nitai Gaura Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol………Nitai Gaura Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol Hari Bol (repeated by devotees)


Mukam Karoti Vacalam

Pangum Langhayate Girim

Yat Kripa Tamaham Vande

Sri Gurum Dina Tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam

Sri Caitanya Isvaram

Hari Om Tatsat


So today we will talk a little bit about Lord Caitanya on your request. Lord Caitanya is a very confidential avatar of Krishna. He comes only after Krishna. He is Krishna Himself, but He assumes the role of a devotee, and Narada Muni was travelling all over the universe. So his travels led him to Dwaraka where he wanted to speak about Lord Krishna.

It’s just so happened that on that day, Lord Krishna was going to the palace of Rukmini, and Rukmini had personally got in the house ready, and Krishna’s 10 sons were also all ready. So when Krishna came, there were auspicious things in the doorway. Musicians played special music for Krishna. Brahmans chanting Vedic hymns, and Rukmini sent her children forward and Krishna greeted them and smelled in their head. So, then Rukmini brought Krishna to her private quarters. There she bathed the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. She started crying.

So Lord Krishna said, “This is a moment of rejoice, come to your palace, why you are crying?”, and but she kept crying, and she was bathing the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. So Lord Krishna asked, “Why you are crying? Has some child argued with you today? Has some maid-servant not been submissive? Why you are crying?”, and then Rukmini shook her head, “You are bhagavan, you know everything, you know what Brahma is doing in Satyaloka, you know what Siva is doing in Kailash, is this the one thing that you don’t know? Radharani knows, I know, you don’t know?”

Krishna was surprised. No one ever said that He didn’t know something. Rukmini was saying,
“Is this the only thing that you don’t know?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do I not know?”

“Radharani knows, I know, but I think You don’t know.”

“What’s that?”

“You don’t know how much your devotee love you, and how they love you.”

“I do not think that you know.”

Krishna picked up Rukmini, and brought here by His side, and He wiped the tears from her eyes. He was trying to calm her with sweet words. Meanwhile Naradmuni had finally arrived in the palace of Rukmini.

“Oh, Naradmuni, Gurudev!”….. because Krishna was playing the part of a ksatriya in Dwaraka, and Narada Muni was one of His guru’s. So He got up to greet Narada Muni. So Narada Muni sat down on the special guru’s seat. So Rukmini poured the water and Krishna messaged it in the feet of Narada Muni, but He saw that Narad Muni was very agitated.

“What is this? You are always peaceful, but today I see that you are disturbed. What a day? Why are you agitated?”

Then, Narada Muni said, “I see that Your pastimes are coming to an end. Soon You will be leaving this world. When You will leave Kali Yuga will begin. How will the people in Kali Yuga be delivered? I am worried about that. That’s why I am disturbed.

Krishna said, “Today, my queens said that I don’t know something. My guru is disturbed today. So I promise I will come again in the Kali Yuga. I will come as My own devotee. I will be able to understand how my devotees love Me, and how much they love Me?, and I spread the Yuga dharma of chanting the holy names.”

So this is the motive behind the coming of Lord Caitanya. This is a very confidential and secret reason. So although Krishna is mentioned, Lord Caitanya is mentioned in the Vedas, but Lord Caitanya’s coming was kept somewhat hidden. After He came you could easily understand which verses were predicting it, but before it was not so easy, because He wanted to keep His coming of as a devotee secret.

Advaita Gosai, He had also done tapasya to bring down the Lord, and he was worshipping Saligram Shila with water, tulasi leaves, tulasi manjaris, ganges water, and he fasted, and he was loudly chanting the holy name. So the Lord communicated with Advaita Gosai that He would come, but how He would come, who He would come as… this was not revealed.

So He came on the full moon day of phalgun. That day was a lunar eclipse, and in those days people would not chant the holy names of the Lord loud, because they said it will be an offense to the name, but on the eclipse day everyone were in the Ganges. When in the Ganges it was alright to chant loudly. Because they thought Ganges was pure, so changing loud was ok. Everybody was chanting. Haribol………………….Haribol (devotees)

Haribol………………….Haribol (devotees)

Haribol………………….Haribol (devotees)

Hare Krishna……… Hare Krishna (devotees)

Hare Krishna……… Hare Krishna (devotees)

Jaya Radha Madhav………. Jaya Radha Madhav (devotees)

Jaya Radha Giridhari………. Jaya Radha Giridhari (devotees)

Jaya Jagannath………. Jaya Jagannath (devotees)


So Srivas was so happy to see everybody chanting the holy name. He said, “Well they say that the eclipse is very inauspicious, but every one is chanting which is very auspicious.”

So Krishna appeared as Lord Caitanya amongst the loud chanting of Hari bol and Hare Krishna.

He was born under a neem tree, so He got the name Nimai. At that time all the demigods came disguised as brahmanis to see the Lord… the goddesses. So when Lord Caitanya was a baby, He started crying. So they brought the doctor, but they could not find anything wrong. He didn’t know why he was crying, and the ladies started to chant Hari bol. As soon as they chanted Hari bol, He stopped crying. The He would smile and laugh, and then they will stop chanting, and then He would start crying again…..ah…ah…ah…. hari bol, hari bol…..

So they kept chanting around Him while He was awake. So in this way He taught everybody to chant the holy name. There are so many pastimes. When He was about three years old, He went to the class of Murari Gupta, and on that day Murari Gupta was teaching pranayama. Now Lord Caitanya wanted to teach His devotees to practice bhakti yoga. Bhakti Yoga means giving all your love to the Lord, but he was teaching pranayama. So he was teaching pranayama, you hold your left nostril with your right hand. So Lord Caitanya, as a little toddler began to mimic Murari Gupta.

“do your pranayama,  hold your nose…” (gurumaharaj sings) (laughter)

So everybody started laughing, except Murari Gupta. He tried to ignore. When you do pranayama you fix you mind. And maybe Lord said, “do your pranayama, fix your mind.” (laughter)

So then Murari Gupta said, “Who’s son are you?”

And then Lord Caitanya said, “I will come and interrupt your lunch today.”, and then He went back home.

So Murari Gupta ended the class then.

So the he said, “Ok, so everybody will end the class here.”

Meanwhile Lord Caitanya, dressed Himself up just like Krishna, He put a flute in His belt, and He put ankle bells on, and He wore a turban with a peacock feather, just like Krishna wore. So then He walked to Murari Gupta’s house…chk, chk, chk…ankle bells ringing. He stood by the door. Murari was taking his lunch, and in deep voice he cried out, “Murari Gupta….” (laughter). Murari Gupta was surprised, he choked on his rice. He got up to see who is calling him at the door, and He saw little Caitanya, and Lord Caitanya told him, “You are a devotee of Krishna, don’t interrupt your devotion, don’t interrupt your bhakti. I have interrupted your lunch because you have interrupted your devotion.”, so then He walked off.

Murari Gupta was thinking, “How does a thee years old toddler know about bhakti and all that? He looked just like Krishna? Could it be? Could it be? Could it be? I knew that Krishna was predicted to come, is He Nimai?”

So he went to the house of Jagannath Mishra and Sachi Mata. That time, Jagannath Misra was cuddling his child and smelling His hair, and then Sachi Mata was taking the child and hugging Him, kissing His cheeks, and then Jagannath Mishra was taking a bath showing affection on the child, and then Murari Gupta was watching, he got convinced, this is Krishna, He is only a different color, and the he bowed down and started paying his obeisance’s, “namo brahmaëya-deväya

go-brähmaëa-hitäya ca

jagad-dhitäya kåñëäya

govindäya namo namaù”

And then Jagannath Mishra saw Murari Gupta and said, thought, “Oh, what is the greatest physician doing here, I am a poor brahmana, this is a rich physician, what’s he doing offering obeisances.”, so he jumped up and he asked, “What brings you here? What an honor?”, and Murari Gupta helped Jagannath Mishra by his hands, “You are the most fortunate, your son is….”

“Ah…mummy, I am hungry, feed me.”  (applause)

So then Murari Gupta left. So he never heard what he was going to say.

So we will tell some more stories tomorrow.

Lord Caitanaya was so merciful, but He started His devotional practices after His father left. He did a little before, but He did full on after He got initiated in Gaya.

So tomorrow you want to hear about His early life or His devotional life?

Both (audience)

Let’s take a vote.

Question: Every time you speak a new lila of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Where do you get all these information about the new lilas?

Gurumaharaj: So I am trying to write a compilation of all the pastimes of Lord Caitanya…. (applause), but that’s not possible because He has ananta lila, but as many as possible, and … so I got Caitnya Bhagavat, Caitanya Mangal, Caitanya Caritamrita. Also there is Murari Gupta’s Karcha, and there is the Prema Vivrata by Jagadananda Pandit. So like that there are eight or 10 books which are considered to be reliable. But there are more books which I don’t have access.

We have the Bhagavatam 18,000 verses. I heard that the devas have a Bhagavatam with 60,000 verses. So like that there are other pastimes of Lord Caitanya, but at least those which are accessible I am trying to compile together.

Also Prabhupada made me the Chairman of the Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust. Prabhupada wanted to preserve the holy places of Lord Caitanya’s pastimes. So in these places they also have some pastimes which are not mentioned anywhere else. So some of them I will share with you, and that may not be in the book. (applause)

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Transcription done by : Sadananda Krishnaprem Das

26.02.2017, Mayapur


Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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