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20161124 Talk at the Māyāpur Book Distribution Marathon

24 Nov 2016|Duration: 00:17:45|English|Others|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20161124 Jayapataka Swami gave a talk at the Mayapur Book Distribution Marathon

The following is a talk given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja on November 24th, 2016 in Sridham Mayapur, India. The talk was given at a book distribution marathon inauguration and was given with Bengali Translation. 

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine….nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale

srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine (repeated by devotees)

namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine

nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine……….namas te saraswate deve gaura-vani-pracharine nirvishesha shunyavadi pashchatya desha tarine (repeated by devotees)

mükaà karoti väcälaà

paìguà laìghayate girim

yat-kåpä tam ahaà vande

çré-guruà déna-täraëam

sri Caitanya Isvaram

Hari Om Tatsat

I will speak in both Bengali and English. Whatever I speak Sujetendriya should speak in the other language.

We are here in Mayapur Dham. Prabhupada said that Mayapur is the spiritual headquarters. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has descended here from Goloka Vrindavana. He was known as Vachaspati. As Vachaspati, he was the husband of Laxmi and he was expert in speaking. He would tell everyone to chant the holy names. In His hand He would always carry the sastras. Those day’s people didn’t have books. They were very intelligent. So they would realize the sastras. You know, our people today are not so intelligent. They have to read the books again and again, and maybe they can remember something. Therefore books are very important. So we are very grateful for the speakers. They have said so many nice things. How we have to serve Srila Prabhupada. How this is the modern day yajna? How by doing the sankirtan yajna this is raganuga bhakti, how you can help the people who are otherwise deprived of this mercy. How Krishna helps every book distributor, and how He performs miracles. 

That story by Hridaya Caitanya… who were those people? 

Hridaya Caitanya: It was actually a celebration of the group of butchers in the city. They had their Santa Claus celebration and exchanges of presents.

Gurumaharaj: The butchers, they received Bhagavat Gita and other literatures. 

How Lord Caitanya is distributing His mercy through each and every conditioned soul through the distribution of these transcendental literatures. So in the sastras it is said the even if there is any defect, we still give out these literatures because they are special mercy on the conditioned souls. 

And Prabhupada’s Bhagavatam was first brought to the U.S by Prabhupada. The new Bhagavatams are much better qualities than those, but Prabhupada brought these cases of Bhagavatam, and these had such a lasting effect. So let our whole community unite on this sankirtan effort to please Srila Prabhupada. Our sakirtan devotees go out on 10 buses and they meet the people in their own places. Certainly they are big risks. And some devotees go to Calcutta, some devotees are at book tables here. Everyone , we should put out our maximum energy.

This sankirtan yajna is a special way in which we can please Srila Prabhupada. 

I am very grateful to all the devotees and for their efforts for the next months. 

The Delhi temple has like 2500 devotees, who participate in the marathon. So we have to also have all our devotees back up the sankirtan devotees and distribute the books. All over India there is demonetization. So that problem is there for everyone. It’s not only our problem. 

We heard how Prabhupada had tried to carry out the order of his spiritual master, and how he tried to do the best to please his spiritual master. So we want to please Srila Prabhupada.  We would like to remember all the lessons given by the senior devotees here, and be inspired for the next two months. We are very grateful how the B.B.T devotees and the sankirtan devotees are all working together. So before the deities, pachantatva, Radha-Madhava, Mayapur Chandra, Astasakhis, Narasinghadev, Bhakta Prahlada, Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra, we pray for their mercy.

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Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprem Dās
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