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20140308 NMP Day 04 06 Rājāpur Hindi Party

8 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 04 06 Rājāpur Hindi Party

Type Of Talk:



Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal


Saturday, March 8, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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GURU MAHARAJ – NAVADVIP MANDAL PARIKRAMA – 140308 – DAY 4 – RAJAPUR – HINDI PARTY I am trying to serve the Hindi party by coming every day. I am very glad you are all taking part in this Navadwip parikrama and I am very grateful to you as well. This is your home. Gauranga! Have you heard that this temple is an ancient place of Lord Jagannath? And eternally the deities of Jagannath Puri is manifest here. So by the mercy of Lord Jagannath, we have the seva puja of these deities. So this is one of the spots where we have Iskcon facilities to offer you for your worshipping and stay and so on. In the future we hope that all the camp sites will be under Iskcon. Now in the Gaura Mandal in Simantadwip we have this temple, in the Godrumadwip we have the Arogya Ashram, in Navadwip in Pratap Nagar we have a place for Iskcon. Those three are under Iskcon management. In Vidhyanagar we get some rented land and also in Harihar Kshetra we have some land and in Bel Pukur also we have some land. So in the future we hope to get more places. Some of the devotees are helping, they give donations to help us buy the land. So we need camp sites as well as we need to preserve the thirtha sthaans. When we see Jahnu muni’s ashram, next to that, someone has constructed a chicken hatchery. Similarly, Naimishaaranya was also an empty place but now the people from Bangladesh have bought the land. So we were not attentive earlier and now trying to preserve the places. And there was no deity in Simantadwip and so we put the deity of Simantini Devi and Lord Caitanya. You can see that behind here. Have you seen the deities? Thank you! So like this, we are trying to evolve the dham. And if you see in the backside you see what used to be a big pukur and Lord Caitanya used to swim in it and the house was the house of a poor man. He used to grow bananas and in banana trees everything can be utilized. The fruit, the leaves, the centre of the bark, the bark, the flowers and even the roots can be used to plant more banana trees. So practically, everything can be used. But since everybody in Bengal has banana trees, they were not very profitable. Just like they say selling coal in Newcastle. As a young boy, Lord Caitanya used to procure His banana products from this Kolavecha Sridhar. He used to play around with the banana seller. Like He took a dozen bananas, and He would ask, how much are these? And he would tell. He would say one dozen bananas for six cowries. One penny is divided into 80 cowries. So that was very cheap. Lord Caitanya used to say, what? So much you charge Me? I am a poor brahmana. Why are you charging Me so much? And then Kolavecha Sridhar would grab the bananas back. He said, I am not charging You too much, You can check the market rate. My price is lower. Lord Caitanya said, what, you think I am going to steal your bananas that you are grabbing them from Me? Then Lord Caitanya grabbed it back from him and gave him four cowries. The other salesmen in the market they asked Kolavecha Sridhar, why do you have a hard time with this poor brahmana? Kolavecha Sridhar said, what can I do? I see that boy’s smiling face something comes over me, my heart melts, even if He took my bananas for free, I would not care! Sentimnetalist! So this was going on for some years. Then Lord Caitanya grew up. He became Nima Pandit. He was the most famous grammarian, logician of His time. But still He would go to the house of Kolavecha Sridhar. Sometimes Kolavecha Sridhar’s neighbours would come and say, you spend half your money on worshipping the Ganges, Why don’t you save up your capital? Then you can get more money. You will have a bigger capital. If you gather your money for one year, then you will have a big capital. Then you can invest and get more. He said what is the guarantee that I will start getting after one year? If the Lord wants me to be rich, I will be rich. One of the neighbors said, your dhoti has holes, gives you air conditioning! Another neighbor said, your roof has holes in it. He said, no it is for light to come in. Now we know why you scream all night. Hari bol! Hari bol! Because you are hungry! His neighbors were not appreciating him. Lord Caitanya had started a civil disobedience movement and protested against the Chand Kazi for stopping His kirtan. And the whole town people came out in big crowds and supported Him. After His victory over the Chand Kazi, He went to the house of Kolavecha Sridhar to rest. He asked you want to drink some water? Lord Caitanya saw that Kolavecha Sridhar had a broken iron cup. He said, oh, there is a glass, I could drink some water. Kolavecha Sridhar took it and put it behind his back and said it is not good enough for You!I will get you a nice glass from my neighbor. Lord Caitanya said, what is good enough for My devotee, is good enough for me! He took it by force and took water and drank it! So when Lord Caitanya was worshipped by Advaita Gosain with a special 21 hours arti, He called and said I want to see Kolavecha Sridhar. It was one of the rare times when Lord Caitanya showed that He was actually Krishna Bhagavan. But He had to prove to Advaita that he was responsible for bringing Him down from the spiritual world. At that time He was visible as Krishna, visible as Lord Caitanya in the Divine form. So when Kolavecha Sridhar was brought before Him, Kolavecha Sridhar saw that He was Krishna Himself! He paid his obeisances. Gauranga asked him, what boon do you want? He said I don’t want anything. Lord Caitanya said I have to give you something, what do you want? I will make you a king. You will have people to reign over in a kingdom and be a king. But Kolavecha Sridhar said, no, no, I don’t want that. Then Lord Caitanya said, I will give you all mystic powers – anima, laghima, mahima, prapti, all the siddhis, ashtha siddhis – will you take it? Kolavecha Sridhar said, no, no, no, I don’t want the siddhis. Lord Caitanya said, you have to take something! What do you want? I will give you liberation. You can be one with the light! He said, no, no, no, I don’t want liberation. Again Lord Caitanya said, what do you want? Tell me, what do you want? Kolavecha Sridhar said, if I have to ask You something, then I want to take birth in every one of Your avatars! And provide You bananas and the rest of Your requirements! But if I am not qualified to achieve that, then please give me at least a birth in a family of Your devotee. Lord Caitanya said, I am going to give you the highest benediction. Even Brahma and Siva are anxious to receive this blessing. I am giving you blessing of KRISHNA PREMA! Hari bol! Hari bol! Hari bol! All the people, all the devotees saw this banana vendor who is not a brahmana, not a kshatriya, a simple cultivator, he was getting love of Krishna! They started pulling out their hair. Hari bol! Rolling on the ground. What mercy! What mercy! What mercy! Gauranga! Gauranga! Gauranga! So Kolavecha Sridhar’s house is about 200 metres from here. I hope you saw. I am told you have to take rest, then I won’t talk more. I can have three questions and answers, are there any questions? Question: Why did not Lord Siva get Krishna Prema?GM: It is rare for everyone. Only Krishna can give out His Prema. Lord Caitanya is Krishna, but He is in a devotee form. So He gives out freely this love of Krishna. Otherwise in the whole day of Brahma, Krishna only comes once for 125 years and Lord Caitanya comes for 40 years. So Lord Brahma, he prayed to Lord Caitanya I want Krishna Prema. So he got it. I don’t know if Siva did the same thing, if He wants it, He should ask for it.

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