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20140309 NMP Day 05 04 International Party

9 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 05 04 International Party

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Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal


Sunday, March 9, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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140309 - NMP Day 05 - International Party Pratap Nagar

Did you take them back to show the ruins of Vasudeva dutta temple? We asked what you were doing and they told us you were watching a drama so we told that we can be there in 15 minutes. 15-20. they say hurry up but I heard you were waiting. We didn’t want to delay you. Today is a multi island day. Two days you stayed in Godruma dvip. Today you went to Ritu dvip to Jahnu dvip, Jahnu dvip to Modadruma dvip, Modadruma dvip to Rudra dvip and going over ending up in Simantadvip. Today you cover almost half of the islands. And then I know here it seems you covered most of the pastimes. But one place we located which is mentioned in the Navadvip parikrama kanda which is the place of the pandavas that the Pandavas came here with Draupadi and stayed here for some time. So then they were halt to Ekachakra. So while they were here there was a special bathing pond made for Draupadi and that is called Draupadi kunda. And the place near by the old Ganges there is still water there but in this season there is no direct contact with the Ganges, in the rainy season there is direct contact. So on your way here after the Surabhi kunda the Arka tila; when you go through some houses and that is called Mahat Pur they have some different names but the ancient maps show it as Mahat Pur and that is how we located this because Bhakti Vinod Thakur he said the place of the Pandavas is known as Mahat Pur. I don’t know how to identify to you all. But there is a lady there wears a saree and some mango trees and one palm tree of Betel nut looks familiar.


Anyway you will be crossing the Ganges and so we might to caution that they should not take your feet in the Ganges. Some foreign devotees like the cooling effect. But the Ganges is a sacred river. We don’t want anyone want to put our feet in her. And then better to sit inside the boat and not on the edge because in the edge one may fall asleep and then you may fall in the river. One Brahmachari he fell few years ago in the river and he didn’t know how to swim very well. He was screaming “help me help me”. So the matajis boat pulled him up. All glories to matajis. But because in emergency there is no rules but that the Brahmachari his cloth was not the only thing red his face was red too. So don’t sit on the edges. I don’t know who is the life saver here. But better if you don’t know very well swimming, just take a very quick dip in up, if you are alone don’t go into Ganges and because there are very fast currents. I wanted to take the devotees this year to Rukumpur, is further north of the Navadvip dham but the managers said that they couldn’t pull it off. So Lord Nityananda He pointed out that there is a holy place called Rukumpur. And Lord Ram He visited there in Treta Yuga. So it is said to be hundred times more powerful than the other Ram tirthas. Also Lord Balaram He fought with one asura called Kolasura. He had a peak head, so He defeated that demon there and there is a deity of Lord Ram there. And there Nityananda He married in a village called Shaligram, Jahnava Devi and Vasudha Devi. This is according to Bhakti Ratnakar. So then the Ganges from that side moved to Rukumpur. And then Surjadas Sarekhela and the daughters also moved to Rukumpur later Kalna. So they said they try to arrange some Mahaprasad from Rukumpur to give all of you. (Haribol!!!). So say Haribol after getting it!


We are very thankful that Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Narsimha Maharaj and Bhakti Nityananda Swami are with us the whole time of the parikrama they are walking with you and this shows they are very good example and also to serve the devotees. I went many years by foot but now it is difficult to walk. I visit all the parikrama parties. When we used to go from Shankarpur to Belpukur there was only a dearth road and this year is a cool year. But some years are hot. That time you feel the hot dust. But now it is a paved road, a road which is paved. Hahaha. In Shankarpur visited 1000 years ago Shankaracharya and Lord Caitanya told Shankaracharya that” you don’t have to preach here because Navadvip is my Bhakti center. So we don’t need Mayavad here. You can go other places”. And various other Acharyas also met Lord Caitanya like Ramanujacharya, Madhavacharya. Belpukur is Nimbarka. So in that side all the Acharyas met Lord Caitanya, the Vaisnava Acharyas and the Mayavad Acharyas. Also it says in the parikrama book there is a deity of Lord Shiva which is Nila-Lohita, it means blue and red. That linga was worshipped by Ravana. He got his powers to defeat all the devas and conquer the three worlds. Lust personified. Of course he was defeated by Lord Rama. Sriram Jayaram jaya jaya Ram, Sriram Jayaram jaya jaya Ram. So all the avatars have some connection with this holy dham. Did you offer your vancha kalpa in Koladvip? Very good. At this place yesterday Russian party was here and in order to help develop the dham they took my chadder and went around collecting donations. And I said any one giving more than one thousand I will give them one bottle Narsimha oil. I heard you already collected 61,000 today in Jahnu dvip. But Russians collected 72 or 76 thousand plus five hundred, one hundred, twenty, ten so total was about 1 lakh. So if you give how many out of that 61,000 was thousand rupees or more it means I will give oil also. Alright. So please take down that. I understand that here this side is Jamuna, the middle there is Sarasvati and the other bank faces the Ganga. So take some water on your head. Is anyone suffering sunburn? See me after, I will give you some.


I got a golden brick! I don’t want to be alone. This will be under the deities forever. For those who want they can also get a golden brick and that is about 100,000 Rupees, 1600 dollars. This is a chance of life time. Of course I heard already about 6-700 bricks are sold so only about 300 are left. If it is so much that’s above your range of course there is always the square feet. And you will be surprised some Namahatta group they are going to gather give a brick. Twelve people altogether they got one brick. So for yourself, for your group or your family to help us to finish the temple. Haribol. Square foot is 7000 Rupees or 150 dollars.

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