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20140307 NMP Day 03 04 Caṁpāhāṭi Russian Party

7 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 03 04 Caṁpāhāṭi Russian Party

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Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal.


Friday, March 7, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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GURU MAHARAJ – 140307 - NAVADVIP MANDAL PARIKRAMA 2014 DAY 3 – CHAMPAHATTI – RUSSIAN PARTY Are you getting enough dham dust? Gauranga! Sitting there on the ground, touch the dham and put on your head. Now from here you enter into Ritudwip. You have been in Koladwip, and now you are in Ritudwip. Ritudwip means seasons can change anytime in the day. So you may get a cool breeze in the heat or hot wind in the cold! It is unexpected. So, in this Ritudwip there is this Gaura Gadhadara Mandir. I have read your parikrama book. I also read how Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur found this temple. So like this, he found many other holy places. But some he found and nothing was done but here he did something because the Gaura Gadhadara deity was here. So as you go to Vidyanagar, you pass by Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda. So someone should point this out to you. When you reach Vidyanagar, there is a Gaura Nitai temple. Behind that out of sight, about 200 metres behind, is the birthplace of Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya. I heard that his brother, Vaachaspati, he did not hear much about Saarvabhauma. Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya is extra terrestrial. He is like guru of the devas, Brihaspathi, and knowing that the Lord was coming down to earth for His pastimes, he came down as Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya. But he was preached to by mayawadis and he left Navadwip and went to Jagannath Puri, so he was not here in Lord Caitanya’s school days. But when Lord Caitanya went to Jagannath Puri after taking sanyas, at that time he had a major role. He was the head priest of the Jagannath deities, so he maybe forgot who he was, but Lord Caitanya did not forget the reason for his coming. So when he invited Lord Caitanya that he would teach Him the Vedanta Sutra, Lord Caitanya agreed. He listened to Saarvabhauma speak for seven days. And he asked are there any questions? Lord Caitanya had no questions. After some days, Saarvabhauma asked Lord Caitanya, why is it You don’t have any questions? This is a very difficult subject matter. Lord Caitanya said, well, I understand the slokas, but your explanation, I don’t understand! Ha! Ha! Then Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya said, well, can You explain the verses? Because if He could understand the verses and not his explanation, then He is indirectly calling Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya a fool! Lord Caitanya gave the direct meaning of the Vedanta Sutra verses and then Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya asked Him to explain the Bhagavatam verse, the aatma raama verse. So He explained the aatma raama verse with so many different meanings, every word, and Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya realized that this is not a human being and he asked Him, please reveal who You are. Then Lord Caitanya showed him the combined form of Radha and Krishna. Suddenly the six handed form, I may have it mixed up but He showed the six handed form. So gradually, Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya became a devotee and people were surprised to see him chanting along with Lord Caitanya in the sankirtan party. One day Lord Caitanya after Mangala Arti, came in the room of Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya, in the bedroom, and He said, here is Mangala Arti prasadam, take some. So Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya, he took some and immediately he ate it. And Lord Caitanya said, what, you are a smaartha, you follow rules and regulations. You did not brush your teeth yet and still you ate it, you ate the prasadam! You are breaking the rules! Saarvabhauma Bhattacharya said, now the scripture says, when you get prasadam you should immediately take it and he quoted the verse. Lord Caitanya smiled and said, I was just testing you and you passed! You have become a pure devotee. Gauranga! Then He gave prasadam to all the other associates and all ate it. Lord Caitanya asked them, how was it? They said, very good, very good! Lord Caitanya said, but it is simply nuts, cashew nuts. How many times in your life you have had a nut? Why this nut is so nice? Because it has the nectar of Krishna’s bliss. Hari bol! Gauranga! Gauranga! So Vidyanagar is the place where all the Vedas came. The Vedas, Puranas, all knowledge comes from Vidyanagar. Lord Caitanya sometimes came as Nimai Pandit and He would argue with the pundits here. It says that there is a tree here that Lord Caitanya made his table from the branches, here in Vidyanagar. It is said, I have not checked it. They say, nowhere else this tree exists. I never tested that. That is what they say. You can test it. Stand under it. If there is any other tree like that, but leave some of the tree there - you can hug the tree. So every step in Navadwip is worth more than millions of Ashwameda yagnas. I don’t want to take more time for you still have some distance to walk. If there is anything you need, tell the leaders of the procession. While I am here, tell me. I am very happy that you have come to this Navadwip parikrama. Gauranga!

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