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20140308 NMP Day 04 04 Pratāpanagara Russian Party

8 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 04 04 Pratāpanagara Russian Party

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Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal.


Saturday, March 8, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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GURU MAHARAJ – NAVADVIP MANDAL PARIKRAMA – 140308 – DAY 4 – PRATAP NAGAR– RUSSIAN PARTY On your way here you crossed Ritudwip and you went to Jahanudwip, you saw the place of Jahanu muni and Bhishmadeva. It was next to the chicken hatchery. We are trying to get these holy places in the Navadwip area before the chicken hatcheries and such things take them over. In Jahanudwip there is also the ashram of Sanga Thakur. He was the one that had not taken even one disciple. Lord Caitanya said he has to take at least one disciple. Then he decided that the first person I see tomorrow, I will give diksha. Then he found that Murari was a dead body floating in the Ganges. He pulled him over and gave the mantra and brought back the life. Ha! Ha! So then you went to the ashram of Vrndavandas Thakur that is nicely being maintained by Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. There is the place of Lord Sita, Rama and Lakshman and there is also Vaikunthapur but Vaikunthapur is still lost. We have still not found the place and so is the Rama tree. We have the non different from Sri Vaikuntha, Arkatilla. Have you seen the Arkatilla? Then there is Mahatpur. Then there is Sinhalpur, this is the place where Draupadi and the five Pandavas were hiding. There the Pandavas and Draupadi stayed for some time. Then Yudhisthir had a vision that Balaram, He wanted them to come to Ekachakra. So they left and went to Ekachakra dham. But the place where they stayed is still known as Mahatpur or the Place of the Great. Some say that this river there used to be connected to the main Ganges. But now it is cut off and that is why we have the water back here. Convert the boats on the main Ganges. So I heard you did not bow down and pay your vanchakalpa in Koladwip. Some people say this spot is in Koladwip. So, there is a chance that you pay your obeisances and then you ask that Krishna, please forgive anyone who has offended you and that you be forgiven for any offence that you make. Vaancha kalpataru bhyascha, kripa sindhubhya eva cha, pathithaanaam paavanebhyo, vaishnavebhyo namo namaha. Wow! I feel better already! So, from here there will be a boatride and the river is a sacred river. So keep your feet inside the boat. Don’t dangle your feet in the water. It is not proper and don’t sit on the edge of the boat. Someone may fall asleep and then fall in the water. One brahmachari one year, who was sitting on the edge and he fell in the water and he was crying out, help me, help me! A ladies’ boat picked him up because emergency knows no rules. But that was very embarrassing for the brahmachari. So stay in the boat and don’t sit on the edge and hope you have yourselves organized to take a bath. Those who know swimming, watch over the others. There are very flash currents. So you land in Rudradwip at Shankarpur and then you proceed towards Bel Pukur. Somewhere around there starts the Simantadwip. So today, you are crossing many islands, at least touching. In the future, we need places, we have to to expand our parties. Bhakti Siddhanti Saraswati Thakur covered nine islands in nine days. Less walking, more hearing. And now you are all walking more. The year after next, it will be a lot harder. If there is ordinary weather because there is a leap month, the year after the next. From Shankarpur Lord Nityananda showed Jiva Goswamit, that is the last part of the Navadwip dham which is Rukunpur. Because we take a boat, next year the organizers they said they are looking into the possibility of taking our breakfast there. There is a Rama Thirtha there where Lord Rama’s deity is still worshipped. He is green colored and it is said that by taking bath there, you can achieve extreme blessings. In the Dwapara yuga, Lord Balaram killed the Kolasur at that place, Rukunpur. So now we will get to Shankarpur in the north. So we hope you all enjoy these holy places and remember them. As the Temple of Vedic Planetarium is gradually building up with all your help, more people are now coming on Navadwip parikrama, and we are very happy that you have this Russian speaking parikrama. Although we know, it comprises of many countries, and the CIS may be on! Now this Navadwip dham, Prabhupad called it, this Gaura Purnima festival, the United Nations of the Spiritual World! So, Radharani has made this dham as an offering of love to Lord Krishna. I went for the darshan this morning and I felt that Radha and Krishna were very pleased that you are all going on parikrama! Prabhupad was very pleased! So, we hope you are having a very nice time. We are trying to provide basic facilities for you all. So you can chant and dance and hear and taste the nectar of Krishna’s sevas. Some people think that spiritual life is very dry. But Lord Caitanya showed that it is very blissful. In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says susukham kartum avyayam. “It is very blissfully performed”. So I don’t want to keep you any longer. Yesterday, I got a golden brick, so I was told only 300 something are left and some of the Bengali devotees, they are going together to get the brick. In case anyone from Russia wants a golden brick, Madhavkanta das has receipts. These shall stay under the deity forever. Then, we are trying to get some of the holy places. The Jagannath temple is one place which we have got. But we are trying to get some place in Vidhyanagar. Whenever we can, we are trying to get, we need in Jahanudwip. The price earlier was cheaper but now the prices are gradually going up. So sometime, if we don’t get it now, later on it will not be accessible at all. Jayadev Goswami’s birthplace, someone built a house right over it. So we are trying to get whatever we can. Sometimes we don’t have enough money, sometimes we have money but the owners do not want to sell. It is very complicated. But sometimes, everything opens up, right place, right price. So we need to have money in the Mayapur Navadwip Development Trust. Then we could get some place in Mahatpur, in the Vaikunthapur, Jahanu muni’s ashram. We got the Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda but that is not developed. So if anyone would like to be part of this movement to save the dham, we will appreciate it. So I hand over to maharaj.

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