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20140303 Evening Darśana @ Lotus Roof Top

3 Mar 2014|English|Darśana|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Evening Darśana @ Lotus Roof Top

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Sridham Mayapur / India


Monday, March 3, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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20140303 EVENING DARSHAN AT LOTUS BLDG ROOF TOP, MAYAPUR INDIA Inside we had a meeting and I didn’t know so many devotees were waiting outside. We were discussing about the TOVP exhibits. I am responsible for the third dome or the western dome which is the exhibition dome, the planetarium dome. So in the coming years there will be lots of discussion and a lot of work on this. So I have to just coordinate with all the experts and get them to do different services. I hope that you all, although I know it is not possible, had a vision of the deities’ abhishek. I was sitting right in front of the deities when they offered milk, yogurt, various items. You could also smell the milk and yogurt. The smell of saffron permeated the whole room. But the managers thought that there would be a movement when the people could go around and see the deities. But after mangala arati some people just sat down and they wouldn’t move. On the one hand we appreciate their devotion but on the other hand they are really not thinking about the others. In Tirupati they have the queues of people moving on and their mantra is think of others, think of others. So like that they get people not to stop in front of the altar for too long. So the darshan time is just some seconds maybe a minute max and that leaves a life time impression. There was a very special vibration with the Maha Abhishek of the Pancha Tattva deities. At one point it seemed that Lord Gauranga was smiling more broadly. Any way this Mayapur Dham is a special gateway to the spiritual world and it opens up one’s ability to appreciate and love the Lord. Lord Caitanya, He was so much accessible here in Navadweep Dham. Like in Vrndavan or maybe even more. Any way this place is considered non different from Vrndavan and it was made by Radharani to please Krishna. It is also the most merciful Dham. Here the Lord gives out His mercy without hesitation. This is known as the Audarya Dham, the Dham of Mercy. Vrndavan is known as the Dham of Sweetness, Jagannath Puri the Dham of Opulence. But even Lord Jagannath, He is always wanting to go back to Vrndavan. So His car festival takes Him back to Vrndavan. And His mood is separation of Vrndavan. But He was not accessible. But Lord Caitanya, He was accessible. He would walk down the street and store keepers would run up and give Him dhotis, give Him garlands. He was playing the role as a brahmana. So all the other castes would come out and serve Him but more than usual. Once He asked an astrologer, please tell me what I was in My previous life. The astrologer took His hand and started to meditate. He saw Matsya, Kurma, and Varaha, what is this? He saw Lord Rama. Lord Caitanya asked him what did you see? What did you see? He saw Lord Krishna. Lord Caitanya asked; tell me, what did you see? The astrologer said, I am not feeling well, I will tell You tomorrow. And he left and was lying down. So like this Lord Caitanya every day was filled with transcendental pastimes. He is the owner of these three worlds. Not only that the ananta koti brahmanda, not only that but everything. So He has nothing to do, He just takes care of His devotees and He enjoys transcendental pastimes. So He is walking on earth and just enjoying the pastimes. So you are all very fortunate that you have the opportunity to serve Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Hari bol!


Jayaraseshwari devi dasi 31 July 2015

Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari devi dasi
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