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20140305 NMP Day 01 02 Panchaveni Hindi Party

5 Mar 2014|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Navadvipa dhama, India

NMP Day 01 02 Panchaveni Hindi Party

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Navadvipa Parikrama



West Bengal


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Iswaram


So, early in the morning, I was feeling very special. I realized that Srila Prabhupada is very pleased with all of you, going on parikrama. This parikrama has far-ranging effects and you are participating in the parikrama. So you see now that Lord and His names are non-different. We know that Lord and His qualities are non-different. We know that the Lord and His form are non-different. And He and His Lila are non-different. Somehow we don’t realize He and His Dham are non-different and we can worship the Dham. Dham is also a sacred manifestation of the Lord. So the water, vegetables, prasadam, everything has got special spiritual quality. What is that? That is quality increase a desire to serve the Lord. And walking on the Dham, chanting Hare Krsna in the Dham, bathing at the Ganges or crossing the Ganges all these things are spiritually powerful. This place is known as Panchaveni because five rivers have joined here. And even the Devas they come here to get spiritually purified. But the great glories of the Navadvip Dham even Brahma, Siva don’t know what they were. Anantadev with his thousands of million mouths he cannot say the end of all the glories as the Dham of the Lord has so many glories he cannot say anymore. Those who are still on the material platform they see the material aspect of the Dham. Those who are transcendentally situated they can see the glories of the Dham. They see the Dham is full body. We are going to cross from this Madhyadvip into the Koladvip. Koladvip is known as Aparadh banjan Kuliya Pat because there you can get forgiven for your offenses very easily. So there you will see the Srila Jagannath das babaji’s ashram, we bow down and forgive everybody if any offense to us and we pray that we may be forgiven and this way the Dham facilitates our getting free from offense.

In the center of this Navadvip Dham of Koladvip, there is a special Devi mandir of Praudha Maya or Praudhama tala. So there the Devi is in her form as Yoga Maya and she is the protectoress of the Dham. So we offer our obeisances to her with our right side. Left side is for Bhagavan right side is for Devas and we pray then we can enter the Holy Dham. Then you can see the glories of the Dham. Otherwise we just walk on the crust of the Dham without actually seeing the Dham. But first if you hear the Dham, you feel the Dham then you will see the Dham. So when we go to the Navadvip Dham there lots of people live there and the shop keepers are our friends. So we will find out from them which party was chanting louder or which party was more orderly and I am hoping that Hindi will win. But you should try your best. We can keep on speaking but you have to walk and I don’t want to speak too long. Even once by chanting Gauranga’s name you get freed of more sins than you can commit. Gauranga! Nityananda! Gauranga! Nityananda! Gauranga! Nityananda!

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