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20140312 Śrī Caitanya Līlā Day 02

12 Mar 2014|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Caitanya Līlā Day 02

Type Of Talk:



Navadvipa Parikrama


Sridhama Mayapur



Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Inspiration series - 2014

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Mukha karoti vaachalam… Srila Prabhupad, he was visiting Mayapur twice a year, once in summer and once at the end of the year, in September – October, this was just before or after Damodar month. The month of Damodar, he would usually spend in Vrndavan. So, at that time, we were keeping busy at night to see that Srila Prabhupad was protected. Some of the Lotus building, the railings were not finished. He was staying along the drop down area and devotees used to stay up all night, but they were not used to it! So sometimes they were walking and fell asleep while they were walking! They would wake up on the edge! One time a devotee sensed that someone was there. He felt it! No sound there! He had a flashlight and went down the hallway. He was standing by the staircase, looking both ways. He flashed the light up the staircase. Nothing was there. Then he flashed the light under the staircase and Prabhupad walked out! Prabhupad said, I was just checking on you, to see if you were doing your duty! Srila Prabhupad ki jai! One time he was walking on the roof, in the early evening and he looked at the moon, the round thing in the sky. He said something like the moon is made of cheese. He did not believe that they went there, the president of the United States said that we have these goals and one goal is to visit the moon again. They already went once, why should they go then again, is it a big thing? So the question is that, did they go? This was a question even at that time. One French Canadian magazine, said the guy wearing a spacesuit, suddenly moved his hand, so why did he move his hands? So the magazine blew up the picture further and further and saw there was a fly all of a sudden! So how did the fly get to the moon? So, they were saying that the moon shots were made in the deserts of Arizona and any way this was just a karmi magazine. There is a story by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Dasam Chakra Bhagavan Bhooth. How ten people turned Bhagavan into a ghost. So this king, Narasingha maharaj, he had a friend called Bhagavan Pandit and he was his very close friend. So anything he would do, he would ask his friend, what do you think? And Bhagavan Pandit would tell him the truth – this subject is bogus, this project is good, this is bad. So like that the king was managing with help from his ministers and help from his friend. So the ministers had a secret meeting. We can’t steal anything from the king with this Bhagavan Pandit there. He always tells the truth. Somehow we have to get rid of him. So they made a plan and then Bhagavan Pandit next day when he came to the palace, the guards stopped him. They said, we don’t want you to be seen near the king. He said, well, I am his friend. Who told you this? They said, the ministers. So he tried to enter through all the gates but every gate was closed for him. The king meanwhile, he asked where is my friend, Bhagavan Pandit? The ministers said, oh, you did not hear? He had sudden sickness and last night he died. The king said, but he looked healthy. How do these things happen? Oh! He was very sad by this news. They said, he was a dear friend to you. So he called his royal physician. He said, I want you to check what happened to Bhagavan Pandit. He said, yes your majesty, ok. Then the ministers called the physician over secretly and they said, if you tell the king that he died, we will give you five thousand gold coins. And if you tell him that he is alive, we will kill you. It is your choice. How did he die? Ha! So the royal physician went back to the king and told him he died. So he told the ministers, send some gold coins to his widow and make sure she gets it. And then the ministers started to steal from the king. While Bhagavan Pandit, he knew that once a year the king would walk through the city. So he tried to get near the king but the ministers they were ready and they had their armed forces to keep him away. So he couldn’t get close. Then he climbed up a tree and when the king was coming close, he called out, Nrsingha maharaj! Nrsingha maharaj! The ministers said, look there is the ghost of Bhagavan, let us go somewhere else. The king said, oh! Ghost! And he turned around and walked somewhere else. So that is the story how ten people turned Bhagavan into a ghost. So like that, the newspapers, they all say one thing and people tend to believe it. So they all say that such and such person went to the moon. So what is the real fact and what is the dasam chakra Bhagavan bhooth? So Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, he used these mantras, dasam chakra Bhagavan bhooth to simplify a whole intrigue to cheat the people. So I asked Prabhupad, what about Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur? And he would say, he was a Vaikutha man, what else can I say? He was a Vaikuntha man. One day, he was looking at the moon and his disciples were walking with him in the night. One young disciple who was one of the last ones to be here, he would sit with him and hear about Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thaku. So he asked him and he told us that he was looking at the moon. Then he turned back and told the devotees that the moon has become bahir mukh – materialistic. They are forgotting Krishna. So we have to go there to preach. So this is our Param Gurudev, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. So, during the rain season, Prabhupad used to walk in the verandah and on the roof. One day on the roof, he saw some ants and the ants were moving from this place to that place and there were thousands of ants. Some were carrying eggs. They were marching, chuk, chuk, chuk! Then there was a big ant, she must have been the queen. So Prabhupad said just like we are looking down at the ants and we think they are insignificant, there are also entities looking down at us from higher planets and they think that these humans are insignificant. They only live for few months. By the calculation of the devas our one year is their one day. So you can calculate, 80 years is like 80 days, less than three months. So for them we are like mice or something. So in this way, Prabhupad has spent his days here and he was every night translating Srimad Bhagavatam. So now we do Caitanya Caritramrita? Translation: The innumberable followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu brought a constant flood to the desert like hearts of the unfortunate with an inundation of ecstatic love. All Glories to Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu! The most merciful incarnation. All Glories to Lord Nityananda whose heart is always compassionate! All Glories to Advaita Acarya who is very merciful! All Glories to the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who are always overwhelmed by transcendental bliss. Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived at Nilachala, Jagannath Puri, with His personal devotees, always merged in ecstatic love for Krishna. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu always felt waves of separation from Krishna externally and internally. His mind and body were agitated by various spiritual transformations. During the day He chanted, danced and saw Lord Jagannath in the temple. At night He tasted transcendental bliss in the company of Ramananda Rai and Swarup Damodar. People from the three worlds used to come and visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Any one who saw Him received the transcendental treasure of love for Krishna. The inhabitants of the seven higher planetary systems including the demigods, the gandharvas and the kinnaras, and the inhabitants of the seven lower planetary systems, patala loka, including the demons and serpentine living entities, all visited Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the dress of human beings. Dressed in different ways, people from the seven islands, the nine khandas, visited Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Prahlad Maharaj, Bali Maharaj, Vyasadev, Shukadev Goswami and other great sages came to visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Upon seeing Him, they became unconscious in ecstatic love! Hari bol! Gauranga! Purport by Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad: According to some historians, Prahlad Maharaj … GM: So we can learn from here how we should approach Lord Caitanya. We should approach Him selflessly, to render pure devotional service and in this way our dormant love for Krishna can be awakened. The deities of Jagannath, deities of Nrsinghadev, if we have to ask for some material blessings, it could be asked. But even then it is not recommended. Rather one should always approach the Lord in a pure devotional spirit. So somehow through this situation, Gopinath Patnaik, he got delivered and although he was saved by Lord Jagannath, later when the king heard how all these things had disturbed Lord Caitanya, he was very anxious that Lord Caitanya should not leave. And He goes to Allarnath and then He may go all the way out of the kingdom. So he was very worried. In this way, Gopinath Patanaik got more mercy. Indirectly Lord Caitanya was giving him various tests and causeless mercy. When he was in danger he was chanting, he was fearlessly chanting every thousand names, he was putting one mark on his body. He must have had so many marks, all around sorts. He was chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. So Krishna promises, He told Arjuna, He declared loudly that My devotee shall never perish. Name bhakta pranashyati. At the same time, how Lord Caitanya did it was very sublime. He did not do it in any way that compromised His spirit but at the end, Gopinath Patanaik, he was given some higher position. So it is very interesting how the Lord works and no one can understand His way of working. He told him well you can ask Lord Jagannath, don’t ask Me, I am a sanyasi. Lord Caitanya came to give us love of Krishna. He did not come for any material reasons. So we should avoid doing anything which is sinful. We should try to engage in Lord Caitanya’s pure devotional service. So Prabhupad translated the Caitanya Caritramrita just a couple of months and it was a big marathon for the BBT. So now this Caitanya Caritamrita has been revealed to the devotees how by serving Lord Caitanya, one can awaken the dormant love for Krishna. Hari bol! I am supposed to go down and attend the sankirtan award, as a speaker. Although I would like to stay and meet the devotees, but, duty calls me! Today we had the Strategic Planning for Mayapur, the Congregational Development Ministry award, lunch, the deities’ elephant procession, Caitanya Caritamrita class and now the Sankirtan awards. So please, I will be having more time on the Safari. Those who would like to be with us for three weeks, please come on Safari and see the Jewels of South India where Lord Caitanya spent time and we have the opportunity to preach and let the people take some mercy of Lord Caitanya. Hari bol! We are going to visit some of the places that Lord Caitanya visited when He was in South India. Near Vijaynagar, there is a new temple. It was built by the Pandavas. It is brand new, just five thousand years old! Lakshmi Narasimha temple. It is next to the Paanaga Nrsimha, which has been there for many yugas.


13 March 2014 Jayaraseshwari dd

Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari dd
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