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20160719 Caitanya Book

19 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:23:58|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India


20160719 Caitanya Book


Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari om tatsat


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In all four directions sat the disciples, in the middle was Sachinanandana giving his explanations of the scriptures.

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All the vaisnavas at the time of the sunset they came and sat by the side of the Ganges in a very blissful attitude.

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The vaisnavas were sitting at some distance, but they could all hear the explanations of Nimai Pandit. They were all thinking to themselves, simultaneously feeling bliss and also feeling lamentation. So they were thinking to themselves.

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Someone said, such a beautiful form, what scholarship, what knowledge he has, but without worshipping Krishna there is no benefit.

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Everyone said, “Brother, look over there, he has some shrewd question and out of fear everyone runs away.”

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Someone else said, “If he sees you he won’t let you escape like an influential tax collector. He will hold you physically there.”

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Someone else said, “that brahman’s potency is inhuman. He is some great soul or something and he is just coming to manifest his own pastimes.”

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Although he is constantly asking shrewd questions even then people were very satisfied just to see him.

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I don’t see anyone with such knowledge and scholarship amongst all the humans but he doesn’t worship Krishna he is giving everyone great sadness.

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To each other, everyone they said, “please bless him that he may be having spontaneous love for Krishna.”

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They paid their prostate obeisances to the Ganges falling like a stick and all the devotees together gave their blessings to Lord Krishna.

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Their blessing was, “Please Krishna make him the son of Jagannath, make him mad after your transcendental mellows that he leaves other thoughts.”

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Let him constantly in the mood of pure love worship Yourselves. Give us that association. Please give us all that transcendental association.

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So Lord Caitanya from whom the Ksirodaksayi Visnu or the supersoul in all the living entities is manifest, he can tell what each is thinking inside themselves. So such souls like Srivas and others, when he will meet them he will offer his obeisances.

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What’s amazing is that although he is Krishna himself, he takes the blessings of his devotees on his head because the blessings of the devotee are the source of Krishna Bhakti.

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Some people would directly tell the Lord, “Why are you endeavouring so hard with this mundane scholarship, what will you gain by this pursuit of knowledge?”

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Someone else said, “Please see Nimai Pandit, what is the profit of this mundane knowledge. Immidiately worship Krishna, that is the only valuable thing.”

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The goal of life is to worship Lord Krishna, to know about the science of Krishna bhakti, if you don’t know that then what is the use of this mundane knowledge?

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So the Lord laughing He would say, “big good fortune for me, that you are teaching me about Krishna bhakti- the essence.”

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You are all endeavouring to find the auspicious goal of life. Please be my consciousness be attracted, then I will be very fortunate.

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So the Lord said, “Ah! for some days I will study and teach, my consciousness tells me I will go when I am so inclined and seek out some good vaisnava association.”

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So saying this the Lord laughed with his servants.
By the Lord’s illusory potency  no one could understand who the Lord was.

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In this way the Lord He stole away everyone’s consciousness. He didn’t delay for anyone, He did whatever he wanted to do.

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So in this way he will sit down of the Ganges for some time and then he will wander around the town and Nabadwip from neighbourhood to neighbourhood.

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People of the city of Nabadwip would see the Lord. As soon as they saw the Lord, they would great affection offer their offenses to his lotus feet.

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The ladies when they saw they Lord they said, “this is cupid, may the ladies of the world they receive such husbands birth after birth and get this inconceivable wealth.”

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Seeing his knowledge and scholarship (his panditya) as equal to that of Brihaspati, the guru of the devas, even the elders and old people would pay their obeisance’s to his lotus feet.

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The yogis would see the Lord and think, “He has a form that is filled with mystic powers, the miscreants would see the Lord and feel that Oh! He is maha Bhayankar, a great object of fear.”

So Sri Gaur Sundar was so beautiful, extraordinarily beautiful and all the ladies were overwhelmed seeing his unmatched form. The yogis saw him as a perfected being and the jnanis saw him as being equal to Brihaspati and the ill-behaved sinful people saw him as a great castiser as the Yamaraja. Everyone saw him in his own way. This shows us how Krishna also when he went into the arena of Mathura, he was seen by different people in different ways. So as Lord Caitanya would wander throughout the town he was seen by different people in their own perspective.

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Those who had satisfied the Lord they became bound by his ropes of prema or pure love.

This is verse 60 of the Chaitanya Bhagavat.

So we will stop here. I was thinking that since Lord Caitanya is Krishna, he didn’t reject the blessings of the devotees to be a devotee. So please bless me that I can be a devotee for love for Krishna.

Devotee: Gurumaharaj please bless us.

Hari Bol (by everyone)




Transcribed by Sadanand Krishnaprem Das
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