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20160715 Caitanya Book

15 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:31:14|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20160715 Caitanya Book Śrī Māyāpur Dhāma India


The following is a caitanya lila class as given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj on July 15th, 2016 in Sridham Mayapur, India.

Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

(reading original text)

Just see the wonderful form of Lord Gauranga, like the heart, putali is like a doll or image or murti, deity of Nabadwip.

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Every day Viswambhar would perform new pastimes, this is how he would attract all the people and his, his pastimes were always new and fresh.

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The Lord went to see the Ganges and it was with a big crowd of his same age people. At the end of day at the sun set at a pleasant hour they went to see the Ganges.

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So on both sides of the Ganges, all the brahmanas and the gentlemen came to offer their respect to the Ganges with folded hands and appropriate verses of poetry glorifying the Ganges.

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The village ladies also came to the Ganges carrying the full water pots on their hips. They gazed at the Ganges with open mouths. They were so amazed with the beauty of the Ganges.

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Different assemblies of brahmanas, the Mishra, the acharyas, the bhattas, they were unlimited pandits. They were present different practitioners of dharma performing the highest principles of religion.

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All of the people were standing still seeing the Ganges banks, the clear water of the Ganges, with various flowers on the banks appearing so beautiful. This showed how the people were so religious, so spiritual, how they appreciated the Ganges.

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Offering incense, sandalwood, powder and pulp, garlands, there were bananas, which were carried by the young people, young girls, young boys, by the old people, elderly, even by the boys to worship the Ganges.

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So the Ganges which purifies the three worlds, she is flowing with great speed and she flows because of her devotion to the supre personality of Godhead.

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The Ganga devi’s water increased and from the different banks loud sound came. She made a great sound and she touched the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga

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Why again and again the Ganges rose up? The people began to wonder why this was happening, and they were thinking in the way silently to themselves.

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Everyday they would see the Ganges in her ordinary form but today something was special. She showed a different form with so much force. You could hear the great sound of her flowing.

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There were no clouds, no rains but still the water was increasing more and more and then the strong current was flowing and carrying and the water is rising higher and higher.

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Thinking this they presumed, all the people presumed, that there was a devotee of the Ganges who was a very old Brahman and he was a great devotee of the Ganges, he certainly would know why the Ganges was doing this.

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By the mercy of the Ganges he was purified, he knew the past, present and the future. So he was very special and qualified Brahmana. He knew everything by the mercy of the Ganges

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The.. seeing the festival of the Ganges, the Brahmana he became very joyful. He was meditating on thinking again and again why is this happening. Suddenly he saw that Viswambhar Mahaprbhu surrounded by boys and youths of his age. So this Brahmana saw the Lord standing by side of the Ganges. The Lord seeing the Ganges was very much inspired and great love of the Ganges came in his mind, became manifested. His hair stood on end, his body seem to be twice as big.

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His eyes were filled with merciful tears and his eyes were shinning with the radish of the rising sun. Although it was the sunset, his eyes were also moving from side to side, and the Brahmana saw this form of the Lord. He was a confidential witness.

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This is the supreme personality of Godhead, he is no one else and being absorbed in his thought, the went by the… he approached the Lord.

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When he came close to the Lord, he was standing and watching, he was sure that because of the Lord’s presence the Ganges was sure that the Lord was feeling intense love for the Ganges.

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So the heart of Ganges the Lord understands and he was absorbed in those thoughts. Repeatedly the Lord remembered the Ganges in his heart. Approaching the Ganges touched the Lord’s lotus hands.

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Touching the lotus hands of the Lord the Ganges was not fully satisfied. So the Ganges using a ploy of a wave she touched his lotus feet.

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Then the Lord chanted loudly, “HARI BOL”. So then his own people also chanted HARI BOL.

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At that time of the sunset when everything appeared orange, the mood of pure love, his hairs were standing on end like the kadamba flower. In fact he defeated the kadamba flower.

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So there was a great loving exchange between the mother Ganges and the Lord Gauranga. Goddess Ganga was filled with love and so she embraced the Lord with her waters and from her eyes came tears of love flowing in a hundred currents towards the ocean.

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One of the histories of the Ganges is that she is the liquid form of the Lord and she is the ecstatic form of the Lord in the form of the Lord’s perspiration. Just like perspiration is coming from the hair pores so that the Ganges is the gharma or the perspiration of the Lord. So she is the ocean of loving ecstasy for the Lord. One of her name is Dhravamaya Ganga. So she is the liquid form of the Lord’s love. So have you learned to appreciate the Ganges more today?

Ganga Mai ki

Jay (everone)

Ganga Mai ki

Jay (everone)

Ganga Mai ki

Jay (everone)


Hari Bol (everyone)

We see the Ganges as the causal ocean water that bathes the lotus feet of Lord Trivikrama. But here one esoteric meaning of the Ganges, how she is actually the perspiration of the Lord, she is the liquid form of the Lord. It’s something which is revealed in this Chaitanya Mangal. So we are combining different pastimes from different book to form the book Sri Krishna Caitanya.

We have the Krishna book, but we don’t have the Caitanya book. So Krishna Caitanya is revealing that the Ganges is not only the water washing the feet but the Ganges is actually the liquid form of the Lord’s ecstatic love for the Lord.

Caitanya Bhagavat, Caitanya Mangal, Caitanya Caritamrita, Prema Vivirta are different books which are being combined together to give it in one form.


Transcribed by :

Sadananda Krishnaprem Das







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