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20160720 Śrī Caitanya-līlā Class

20 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:23:26|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India


Mukam karoti vacalam 

Pangum langhyate girim 

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari Om Tat Sat

(Original text)

Although everyone heard that the Lord was very proud of his scholarship, but they still loved him very dearly.

Generally people who are proud, they don’t like other people being glorified. But somehow Nimai Pandit, he was loved by all the people and his learningness and cleverness was something that everyone appreciated. So he was unique. Like in Vrindavan everyone loves Krishna, in Nabadwip everyone loves Nimai. There is no difference between Nabadwip and Vrindavan.

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The non-hindus who generally eat meat, they are known as yavanas, they also inexplicably felt love for the Lord. So the Lord’s characteristic is that he would show his mercy to all living entities, whether the yavanas, aryanas or whatever.  Even the yavanas who were normally envious against those following the Hindu dhama but this enviousness was not directed towards Gaura Hari. Somehow they felt great affection for the Lord. Thus the Lord was showing magnanimity to everyone.

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In the city of Nabdwip the Lord of Vaikuntha, He was teaching his students in the courtyard of the fortunate Mukunda Sanjay.

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So Sachi Nandan displayed the system of vedic debate. The vedic debate was very systematic since many scriptures were given and one would read different scriptures and come to some conclusion. So they would learn what arguments were, conter-arguments, and establishing and refuting the meaning of a sutra were condensed …5.49-50… So the conclusion and refutation of the conclusion, all this were taught by Sachi Nandana who was disciple in various ways. He taught this different aspects of vedic debate in various ways. 

So the rules of debate in the Vedas were very specific and what things are unacceptable and what is acceptable, how to explain the scriptures by debating, counter-debating, ascertaining an object properly, removing faulty conclusions, and establishing faultless conclusions. 

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The devotees didn’t know what the Lord’s actual identity but still in their hearts they felt extreme affection for the Lord. Specially Mukunda and Sajay, although they couldn’t understand the Lord’s explanations, they and all their family members floated in waves of ecstasy due to their devotion or affection for the Lord.

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There is a certain bliss in scholastic pursuit and the pursuit of knowledge. So after conquering everyone with his knowledge, the Lord of Vaikuntha would go to his own house where he would enjoy his scholastic mellows. Visvambhar, the Lord of the spiritual world, Vaikuntha, master of the Goddess of learning Saraswati, He would like to vanquish the false pride and deceit of those who are proud of their knowledge. So he drove away all the contaminations of the material energy, all materialism, all anxieties, by the waves of his ecstatic, scholastic pastimes and he would capture their hearts in Nabadwip Dham. 

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When the devotees of the Lord saw the Lord, they told him, “My dear Nimai, please worship the lotus feet of Lord Krishna. Forget all this scholastic pursuits.

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This body is temporary and can go at moment, what can we teach you, you are greatly learned and sober person.

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So Lord smiled at the Vaisnavas, the devotees of the Lord and offered them his respect, his humble obeisance’s, then along with his disciples he went to teach them. 

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Mukunda and  Sanjay were very fortunate. The Lord, he taught his students within the Chandi Mandap which means the hall used to worship the Chandi, the form of the material energy of the Lord once in a year. So the rest of the year it will be unused. So he will teach his students in that hall known as the Chandi Mandap.

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While the Lord was explaining the scriptures, highly scented naturally fragrant oil was messaged into his head. The oil was given by some person who was very pious and fortunate.

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In all sides sat the highly fortunate and pious disciples appearing very attractive and in the middle the Lord was seated. He was explaining the scripture. He who was the life of the universe. The universe is made up of animate and inanimate living entities and the Lord is the life and soul of both just like some gems are said to have a soul. They grow in death valley of Southern California. There are rocks who are known to move. You can’t see them move but over a period of time they leave tracks in the valley. So all these animate and inanimate living entities have a spiritual soul and the soul of the soul is Lord Gaur-Sundar. 

So the animate living entities are those who see the Lord and those are averse to the Lord are considered as inanimate living entities, are lifeless beings. Even if they have life they are considered to be lifeless because they are averse to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 

So only the devotees of the Lord perceiver how Lord Caitanya is offering his mercy to everyone throughout the entire world. So those persons who failed to notice this are considered as dead bodies even though they are living and breathing or are conscious. They adore matter and don’t see the spiritual reality. 

So while Nimai is seated teaching his students he is so beautiful to see the author is expressing his inability to properly describe how beautiful is that scene not able to find a comparison of anything with that scene.

So while in Nabadwip the Lord was enjoying these pastimes of scholastic pursuits and those who are very fortunate they are with him as his students and as his hosts. So they could see the Lord everyday and they felt the love and affection for the supreme personality of Godhead in this most merciful form

Hare Krishna

Hari bol

Hari bol (everyone)

Hari bol

Hari bol (everyone)

Hari bol

Hari bol (everyone)



Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprem Dās
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