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20160731 Question and Answer Session

31 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:48:45|English|Question and Answer Session|Śrī Māyāpur, India

 20160731 Question and Answer Session

Mukam karoti vacalam pangum langhayate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavam

Sri Chaitanya Ishvaram

JPS: Om Namo Bhgavate vasudevaya

Devotees: Om Namo Bhgavate vasudevaya

JPS: Om Namo Bhgavate vasudevaya

Devotees: Om Namo Bhgavate vasudevaya

JPS: Om Namo Bhgavate vasudevaya

Devotees: Om Namo Bhgavate vasudevaya

Devotee: Gurumaharaj we already have about 35 questions here.

Question: Hey Gurudev! Pranam, we know that one gets the next birth according to the desire or thought at the time of death or goes back to Golok dham if he leaves the body with the thought of Krishna but what happens to the person who is in coma and that he leaves his body in unconscious state ?

Gurumaharaj :  Pranam. So Krishna says that he helps his devotee. So if one is a devotee of Krishna, even if they are in a coma Krishna will help him. In this regard I have a disciple, she is from Buenos Aires, Argentina and she was living in London and she came down to see her father but her father was in the hospital in a coma… coma, and the sister told her… my disciple, “look at dady, he is sick, he is unconscious, in coma, now what are you going to do, your religion, your all this , ….03.50-03.54… look at her father.”

“Give me chance, I just got here.”

Her mother was also there. So she started to read the Bhagavat Gita and the father gradually started smiling. The doctors, the nurses, everyone they came. The never saw anyone in coma smiling.

“We don’t know where he is but he must be in a good place, he is smiling.

But as soon as she would stop reading, he would stop smiling. She got the sister, the mother, everyone to take turns to reading, and father kept smiling.


Haribol (everyone)


Haribol (everyone)


Haribol (everyone)

Question in Bengali (translated to English): Hey Gurumaharaj, Srimati Radharani and the Gopis, why do they not put on tilak.

JPS: This question was asked to me many times.

In Vrindavan in half the temple they wear tilak and in half the temples they don’t wear tilak.

Question: In the goshala unspeakable torture and the reign of kali is going on. Will you take some steps in this regard?

JPS: So in this regard to this matter we were thinking there has been some improvements to the conditions given to the cows and a lot of money is being spent, crores of rupees. I am in shock thinking that now even there is such a complaint. So whatever it may be, there is the head of the goshala, on the top of it is the mac and above them is the MEV. So I will ask regarding this issue and if you have any complaints you can write it down and give them to me and I can present them on your behalf but keep in mind that this class is for spiritual questions, not for management question.

Question: Hare Krishna Gurumahaharaj.

JPS: Hare Krishna

Question: Please accept my humble, respectful obeisance’s at your lotus feet.

JPS: Accept my best wishes.

Question: You said in your last class, last Sunday class, devotional service that Gauranga is 1000 times more merciful than Guaranga and that if we advance one step towards Him He will take 100,000 steps towards us. My understanding is that when we chant the Hare Krishna mantra we advance towards Krishna. How do we make advancement towards Chaitanya Mahaprabhu? Also please bless me that I can follow your instructions.

JPS: Prabhuapada said that chanting the panchatattve mahamantra was a thousand times more powerful than chanting Hare Krishna, and every step we take towards Krishna, he takes ten steps towards us. So if the proportion is there it would mean that Lord Caitanya takes 10,000 steps towards us. Lord Caitanya is actually is Krishna but he is in the most merciful form.

We were reading in the Krishna book how Krishna is always the best, the topmost. When he plays fighter he is the topmost fighter. When he is like cupid he is enjoying conjugal affairs with the gopis. So in that it’s said that he enjoys with 1 zillion gopis. Quite a dance!

So when he came as Nimai Pandit, he was the greatest pandit, he knew all sastras. He was the most arrogant scholar and he defeated all other pandits. When he was a devotee he was a super devotee. All mercy! You can’t put any limit to His mercy.

When He was a sanyasi, He was peaceful, renounced. So you can get the mercy of Lord Caitanya here in Mayapur by worshipping Him as a devotee, but then simultaneously you get Krishna’s mercy and Lord Caitanya’s mercy.

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)


Gauranga (everyone)


Gauranga (everyone)


Gauranga (everyone)

… 18.50…

…18.51… (everyone)

Question : I have promised you many times that I will help you in your preaching. I am a lady above 50 years of age. How may I help you in your preaching activities?

JPS: You want to help me, Prabhupada has given me many instructions. Amongst those instructions you can help me in fulfilling any one of those. You can distribute some books and try to help youth girls and for that matter any devotee, any people to come on this path of devotion, bhakti.

Question: Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj ! Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said that, “in the futuremy senapati bhakta will come and will preach in Western countries and he is His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. In respect to his analogy what is the position of other acharyas in this analogy? Can Srila Rupa Goswami be called Maha Mantri in this analogy.

JPS: This prediction is made in the brahma vaivarta puran. There Krishna says that after 5000 years he will send a devotee who will Krishna bhakti all over the world and he will spread the chanting of the Hare Krishna mahamantra.

In the Chaitanya Mangal, there Lord Caitanya, He says that after 500 years he will send a senapati bhakta and he would spread the process of Lord Caitanya all over the world. So Srila Prabhupada came 500 years after Lord Caitanya and he came 5000 years after the beginning of kali yuga and he has spread Krishna conscious all over the world. So he was… therefore he is considered the fulfillment of his prediction. Now he gave credit to all the previous acharyas and took himself as their humble servitor.

In the temple of the Vedic planetarium, in the left altar is all the previous acharyas. So we don’t have to use any similarity on this order of the Lord.

The six Goswamis researched and found the places of Lord Krishna’s pastimes in Vrindavan. They also wrote books in Sanskrit and in Bengali. Prabhupada translated some of those books into English and he arranged for the B.B.T to translate into various languages around the world.

Question: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur has said that one should beat the mind with broom-stick and shoes, how to apply this in practical day to day life.

JPS: When you mind thinks about some nonsense matter, you will scold your mind, “what type of Vaisnava are you?” In this way we believe we are not the body, not the mind either, we are eternal servant of Krishna.

Question: Dear Gurudev Hare Krishna , different views are expressed by devotees regarding prasadam that can be taken on ekadasi, kindly instruct what is practical and best way of doing it, your humble servant, Vrindavan Pran Devi Dasi.

 JPS: Where is Vrindavan Pran?

We shouldn’t eat grains, pulses and cereals. Fast track.

Question: My dear most merciful, ocean of mercy gurumahraj, kindly will you tell me that it is said that one gets 99% the benefit by chanting japa. So therefore whatever time we get for doing services why not give up the service and simply do japa? Should we be doing that?

JPS: Who said that you get the 99% of the fruits from japa? I was chanting 32 rounds. Prabhupada asked, “what are you doing?” I was a little bit egotistical. I said, “I am chating 32 rouds”

“ Finish your 16 rounds and go out and preach. If you sit here and chant the whole day who is going to go out and preach?”

Question: Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj, dandavat pranam to you. What important practices one has to undergo in order to experience easily Gauranga Prem. Your servant……(without name)

JPS:  Tell me, I also want to know. (applause) So if you follow Prabhupada’s instructions you can get Gauranga Prem.  (Haribol by everyone)

Question: When a devotee does something unjust or performs some abominable activity which is against the scriptures what kind of mentality of what kind of attitude should we have in that situation. In most of the cases we find ourselves thinking about it offensibly. What is the remedy for such a situation ?

Devotee: who wrote this?

JPS: From now on if you don’t write your name I won’t give you.

We don’t know… if we do something we shouldn’t do… we have to learn from this, I will not do it again and pray, ask for forgiveness. If someone else does this kind of unlawful, illegal act it is proper for you to think that I will not do such an act and like this people I won’t follow the neophyte type of practices or behavior, I won’t associate with them.

Q: O Gurumaharaj Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. Kindly explain how we can become more determined and steady in our Krishna conscious practices and lose taste for sense gratifications. Please give me your blessings for the same. Thank you.

JPS: In the path of bhakti there are different steps. Adau sradha, satsanga, bhajana Kriya, anartha nivritti, nistha. So at the stage of nistha one becomes fixed. So one should practice the sadhana bhakti and reach the nistha stage and from there you reach the stage of ruci when you get the sweet taste of chanting and serving and then you reach the stage of asakti and you become very attached to devotional service and then you stage of bhava, so bhava means ecstatic love of Krishna. So nistha is like 50% and ruci is like 10 annas, 62 and a half percent, then asakti is 75% and bhava is 99% Krishna conscious, 1 % maya. Prema means 100% Krishna conscious.


Gauranga (everyone)

JPS: one more question from the internet.

Question: from Giteshwari Visnupriya Devi Dasi, twin sisters from Delhi. Even when we are initiated sometimes offensive thoughts towards other mayavadi people come into the mind. Mind and heart feel guilty but still the mind finds satisfaction in thinking like that, how should we overcome that?

JPS: Getting initiated is at the stage of bhajana kriya, that is 25%. So you still may get that thoughts, that is natural. Then the anartha nivritti is like 6 annas, that’s 37%, so you want to keep on making advancement. Don’t think that just because you got initiated you reached. That initiation is you are just born. You have to keep on advancing.

Hari Bol.

Thank you very much


Transcription: Sadananda Krishna Prem Das




Transcribed by Sadananda Krishna Prem Das
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