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20160729 Śrī Caitanya-līlā Class

29 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:32:57|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India


Mukam karoti vacalam 

Pangum langhyate girim 

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari om tat sat

(Original Text)

So Kolavecha Sridhar, he said he will provide banana stems, bananas, fruits or plantains or whatever he wants with a happy mind “but please don’t argue with me anymore, don’t fight with me.” 

The Lord said, “Good, Good, I won’t fight with you anymore but see that I get good quality banana and banana stems.”

So the Lord was giving him a hard time just to test him.

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The Lord will take Sridhar’s banana products and eat them everyday. Sridhar’s banana stems, banana’s and mula roots, so thor, kala means banana stems, bananas and other banana products were the Lord’s daily vegetables.

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Sometimes if Sridhar had a chalkumra, a special kind of lao that grows on the roots, he would eat that and he wold take it with milk and peppers.

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So the Lord said to Sridhar, “Tell me who do you think I am Sridhar? If you tell me that I will go to my house”

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So Sridhar said, “My dear brahman, you are  Visnu’s portion.”

The Lord said, “You don’t know, I am actually from a cowherd family.”

The Lord is saying, “I am not a portion of Visnu.”, because Visnu is a portion of him. He is the source of all incarnations but he appears in the family of cowherd men. In other words he is saying, “Sridhar, I am Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaj.”

Hari bol.

Hari  bol (everyone)

(Original Text)

“Although  you see me as the son of Jagannath Misra, a brahman boy I consider myself a cowherd boy.”

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Sridhar smiled at the words of the Lord. Due to the illusory energy he couldn’t understand his Lord. 

Sri Gaura Sundar, he desired to conceal his identity as Krishna and so he was displaying the scholastic pastimes as Nimai Pandit. 

So Sridhar who was an eternal associate of Krishna, the best among the devotees could not properly understand the hidden pastimes of his eternally worship able Lord Sri Gaura Krishna.

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So the Lord said to Sridhar, “Sridhar! I will tell you the truth. I am the source of the Ganges glories. But Lord Caitanya is saying, “Everything you have said about the glories of the Ganges, they are coming from me. They come from the feet of Lord Visnu. So I am the original source of the glories of the Ganges.”

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Sridhar replied, “Nimai Pandit, aren’t you afraid of insulting Ganga in this way? “

So Sridhar is saying, “You are not afraid of insulting the Ganges who is purifying all the people from their sins? Are you so arrogant to think that you are even greater than the Ganges. The Ganges is coming from you?”

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Usually as children grow the become more sober but in your case I see your restlessness, your arrogance has increased, doubled. 

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After joking with Sridhar in this way, Lord Gauranga returned to his house.

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Sri Gaura Sundar sat down at the door of his visnu temple and his students all returned to their homes. 

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One day the Lord saw the full moon rising from the east. He thought, he remembered the full moon of the Vrindavan dham and he became absorbed in his heart in this thought.

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He became absorbed in the mood of Vrindavan Chandra Krishna that night.

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Nimai then began to play a flute in a most enchanting way which only  mother Sachi could hear.

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The flute playing which could enchant the three worlds , mother Sachi heard. When she heard that blissful attractive sound she fell unconscious on the spot.

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After a little while she regained her consciousness and she steadied her mind that incomparable wonderful sound of the flute, she listened with full attention. 

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That place where Gaur Sundar was seated was the place from which the flute melody was coming. From that same place was coming the sound… the enchanting sound of the flute.

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Hearing that wonderful sound with mother Sachi, she came out of the house and she saw that her son was sitting by the door of the Visnu mandir.

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She was not able to hear the sound of the flute anymore but she saw the full moon in the sky reflected on her son’s chest.

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When she saw the full moon on the chest of her son, she was struck with wonder and she looked all around

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Entering back in the house, sitting down Mother Sachi started to think, “what is the cause?”

But certainly something I can’t understand definitely.

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In this way how fortunate was mother Sachi. She saw so many manifestations. There is no limit to what she saw.

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Someday in the night time, mother Sachi heard songs, instruments coming from all sides from hundreds of people.

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All kinds of wind instruments, dancing and sound of feet from the ankle bells, it sounded like a great rasa lila making a huge sound.

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One day she saw her total house, her rooms, doors, everything was filled with effulgence. She couldn’t see anything else, simply effulgence, permeating on all sides of her house.

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One day mother Sachi saw some very spiritual ladies, almost looking like Laxmi’s- the goddesses of fortune and in each one’s hands there was a special lotus flower decoration.

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Someday mother Sachi would see some devagans or residents of celestial planets who are emanating effulgence. She would close and she would close and open her eyes and look again, she couldn’t see them.

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Mother Sachi had this visions. Those were nothing astonishing for her because it’s natural that she could see all these things. She is described in the Vedas as the form of Visnu Bhakti. She is the personification of Visnu bhakti. 

In fact the mother’s like Sachi, Yasoda and Devaki served the Lord in pure vatsalya rasa. Therefore even though such mother’s are worship able to the Lord they are not bereft of pure devotional service.

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Mother Sachi, if she glances at some devotee mercifully they can also be qualified or eligible to see all these opulence’s or manifestations.

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In this way Shri Gaura Sundar who wore the forest garland he lived in this Nabadwip Dham in a hidden way or covered way or incognito, and he was enjoying himself by this pastimes. He was enjoying his ecstasies.

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Even though the Lord, He manifested these different opulence’s. Still his servitors, his devotes were not able to recognize him.

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The arrogance of the Lord was sportingly manifested in such a way that in Nabadwip there was no one that could match his arrogance.

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When the Lord want’s to display his battle pastimes, desiring to fight he becomes he is the best user of weapons. He is the most glorious fighter, most chivalrous fighter, there is no one that can surpass him, his powers, his weapons.

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Whatever pastimes the Lord wants to enjoy, whatever he does, that is the best, there is no one that can compare. He is supreme in all aspects.

Transcribed by Sadānanda Kṛṣṇaprem Dās
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