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20160711 Evening Pandal Program on Parama Karuna Song

11 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:29:31|English|Festival Address|Kolkata, India

Evening Pandal Program on Parama Karuna Song Kolkata India

Type Of Talk:

Pandal Address


Ratha Yatra


Monday, July 11, 2016


Inspiration series - 2016

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Mookham karoti vaachaalam panghum langhaayate girim Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum deena taarinam Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Ishwaram Hari Om! Jai! Srila Prabhupad ki jai!


Today I will give the gist of Lochanadas Thakur’s song.


Parama koruna pahuu dui jana, Nitai Gaurachandra


Parama koruna means very merciful Nitai Gaurachandra, They are Prabhu, They are Bhagavan.


Pahu dui jana – Actually, Sri Krishna Caitanya Radha Krishna nahi anna Balaram hoilo Nitai. Radha Krishna joined and that was Sri Caitanyadev and Balaram was Nitai, Nityananda Prabhu. How merciful! Parama korunamay


Saba avataara saara shiromani kevala aananda kanda


There are many avatars – Nrsimha, Rama, Krishna. Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita. Caitanyadev He gave such a process to do Krishna kirtan, dance and eat Krishna prasadam. And if you can, hear the glories of Krishna. But the essence of all the avataars and the primary one is Caitanyadev. Because the process He gave is only pure bliss. If someone goes on vacation, and is asked what did he do on vacation? You went to Singapore, what did you do? And he says, oh, I danced, I sang, and participated in a festival and ate a lot! Then they said, oh, that must have been a very good vacation! This is Caitanyadev’s instruction. Sing, dance and eat prasadam! What is the difficulty?


Bhajo bhajo bhaai Caitanya Nitai, Sudridha biswaasa kori Vishaya chaadiya se raase majiyaa, Muke bolo Hari Hari


That is why Lochanadas Thakur says, my dear brothers and sisters, I request you to just worship Lord Caitanya and Nityananda. Don’t worry. Will chanting of Hari naam be enough? Yes it is. Yes, have this firm faith, surrender at His feet, have firm faith. Will this work? But give up engagement in sense gratification, give up sinful activity, drink the nectar of the Holy Name of Krishna, all the time chant the name of Hari, Hari Hari, Hari bol! Hare Krishna! If we do this, we will attain the Supreme Lord. This is why Caitanyadev is most merciful!


Just imagine, Nityananda Prabhu went from house to house. From Krishna comes Balaram and from Balaram come the rest of the incarnations. Nrsimhadev, Matsya, Kurma, Varaha. That Balaram incarnated as Nitai but He went door to door begging, please, please chant the names of Lord Hari! How much mercy! Oh, how much mercy!


Dekho ore bhaai, tri bhuvane naai, emono doyaala daataa Pashu paakhii jhure, paashaana vidare, shuni jaanra guna gaathaa


Then Lochanadas says, see my dear brothers, within the three worlds there is no one as merciful like Lord Caitanya or Lord Nityananda. So much mercy! Is there anywhere in history that we have heard of someone giving so much mercy! Such great mercy! Be it the learned, be it the stupid, be they qualified or unqualified, They have given mercy to one and all. Even the sinners like Jagai and Madhai were liberated by Them giving them Hari naam. Yesterday I had narrated the history of Jagai and Madhai. They were such sinful, murderers, robbers, rascals, but by the mercy of Hari naam they were completely transformed! Krishna’s name has the highest strength and potency. Krishna and His name are non-different. If everyone chants the name of Krishna, they will be completely transformed. When Caitanyadev crossed the Jharkhand forest on his way to Vrindavan, then beasts and birds, deer, lions, they were all embracing one another and chanting the Hari naam. We may not have the ability to make the beasts and birds chant Hari naam, but we should at least motivate the human beings to chant Hari naam. Nitai Gaur had the ability to make the beasts and birds chant Hari naam and dance lovingly. After Jagannathdev’s Snan Yatra when They become ‘unwell’ for fifteen days Their darshan is closed, then Caitanya Mahaprabhu would go 18 kilometers away where there was a Vishnu temple, named Alaranath. There Caitanyadev paid obeisances to the deity. Shastanga dandavat – flat down like a rod. He was feeling so much separation from Jagannath that his tears even melted the stone on which He paid obeisances. That stone can be seen even today if you go to Nilachal, they have made a temple with the stone. Who all have seen this temple? Many of you haven’t lifted your hands! You should go and see how Caitanyadev, in which manner He melted the stone! In the Puri Jagannath temple Caitanyadev had held the Dwaja Sthambha made of stone and there is an impression of His hands on the Stambha, by the melting of the stone. Our hearts could be as hard as stone! Ha! But with Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mercy our hearts which are hard as stone can be melted! Ha! Ha! Please hear the glories of Caitanyadev! Ha! Ha!


Samsaare majiyaa, rohili poriyaa, Se pade naahilo aasha Aapana karam, bhunjaaye shamana, Kahoye locana daasa


Lochanadas says, telling his own mind, that I am entrapped by sense gratification in this material world, there is no hope for me but the lotus feet of these two Prabhus. I am experiencing the karma of joy and sorrow, equally, which I should be getting. I feel Yamaraj is punishing me by not allowing me to be attracted by this sankirtan movement. This is what Lochanadas is imploring.


This is the gist of the bhajan. There are many important lessons in this bhajan. We are so fortunate to get human bodies in this age. If we do not take the shelter of the lotus feet of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, then our human life is a waste. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad spread the name of Gauranga and the Holy Name all over the world. We are so fortunate and indebted, especially those who are born in the country of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, take shelter of the Holy Name and make your lives successful. There is a sloka in Caitanya Caritamrita, Bharata bhumi te manushya janma hoilo jaar Janma saarthaka kori, koro upakaar.


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad has taken this instruction and because of that so many lakhs and lakhs of people on this earth have been able to get the mercy of the Holy Name. So now all of you take this instruction of Caitanyadev and help others by giving them the Holy Name.


Hare Krishna!


Transcribed by: Jayaraseshwari dd 21 July 2016

Transcribed by Jayaraseshwari dd
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