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20160725 Caitanya Book

25 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:35:05|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20160725 Caitanya Book

Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari Om Tat Sat

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JPS: Just as Krishan would go throughout Vrajadham and he would visit the various houses, and in this way he was very dear to the Vrajavasis. So in the same way, Sachinandana, Lord Gaura, he went to various houses in Nabadwip dham. In his visits to various houses, Lord Gaura visited the house of a conch merchant. These were merchants who sold different products of the conch shell, bangles for ladies, conch shells for bathing deities and conch shells for blowing. So when he went to the house of the conch merchant, he was overwhelmed with enthusiasm and with great enthusiasm and a little bewildered he offered his obeisance’s to Lord Gauranga with due respect.

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JPS: So Lord was playing the part of a Brahmana. The Brahman could receive charity from anybody. Other grihasthas were not supposed to receive charity like the ksatriyas and vaisyas. So he would ask, “show me your fine conch shell.”

“Of course I don’t have any money. So how will I take?”

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The conch merchant, he didn’t hesitate. Immediately he got his best conch shell, a very nice quality conch shell and he brought it, and he put it in Lord’s auspicious hands and then he offered his obeisances.

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So Lord Nimai was the told the following thing by the conch merchant. Take this conch shell with you to your home, my dear goshai and later you can give something or you may not give anything, it doesn’t matter to me.

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So pleased by the words of the conch merchant the Lord gave him a auspicious glance and smiling he left. In this way this reminds one of the pastimes where a tribal lady came with a basket of fruits, baby Krishna he went with a hand of rice, most of it fell down on the way, so he only had a few grains of rice in his hands, he got to lady and lady filled his hands with fruits. The lady looked, her basket were filled with fruits. What blessings will people get when they are giving to the Lord is incalculable. Here the Lord gave nothing, not even a grain of rice. So the people may get the highest blessings by giving this spontaneous charity to Lord in love.

So being pleased with the conch merchant, the Lord glanced at him favourable and left.

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So in this way all the residents of Nabadwip were visited by the Lord, and he visited every house in Nabadwip Dham which is non-different from Vrindavan Dham.

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That mercy to the Nabadwip Dham, even today they are receiving. They get the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya and Nityananda. So as soon some people ask me, “what do the residents of Nabadwip get if they don’t practice.”

But here it is said that those who reside in Nabadwip Dham, the get the lotus feet of Nitai and Gauranga.

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)

Hari Bol

Hari Bol (everyone)

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So Lord Gaura Sundar, who was completely independent, he could do whatever he wanted. He was the supreme personality of Godhead. Then he went to the house of the astrologer who is known as the all-knowing. His name is all-knowing because he is expert in chanting Visnu mantras and who is omniscient, and who knows the past, present and future.

So these astrologers could tell what one’s past was and what one’s future will be according to the science of astrology.

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When the astrologer saw the effulgence of the Lord, he spontaneously and naturally offered his obeisances. He was very humble and he was ready to offer service.

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The Lord said, “I hear you are an expert astrologer. So tell me I want to see it for myself, what was I in my other births, previous births. Tell me what I was.”

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“Alright !” said the astrologer, and he thought with a very pious mentality and began to chant his gopal mantra in his mind silently and then he would see the previous births of the Lord.

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So first he saw, the Lord in Dwapara Yuga, his appearance as Sri Krishna. He saw a conch shell which refers to the panchajanya conch, he saw a chakra which means the sudarshan chakra and he saw a club which is the Lord’s kaumadi club and he saw the lotus, that refers to the Srivas lotus or Padma. So in the Brahma Baivartana Purana, Prakriti Khanda, Chapter- 14, behold Lord Hari who was holding the conch, disk, club and lotus in his foreheads and his enchanting form is blackish like the new rain cloud.

Srivatsa is situated as a white tuft of hair curling clockwise on his chest, another opinion given by Bharata muni, in his commentary on the Amar Kosha is as follows:

“The devotees Lord Krishna accept Srivasta as a special jewel like kastuba which adorns the chest of the Lord”

“Kausthuva, the upanga or secondary limb of Lord Visnu is the best of all jewels and is situated on the chest of Visnu. The most effulgent Kaustuba gem is as effulgent as millions of suns. How can the source of all illumination be compared to a lamp?”

So the Lord’s bow is called the Saranga. The jewel in his hand is called Syamantaka. So like this the astrologer was seeing the Lord with all this opulence’s.

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So the astrologer saw the Lord appearing in this divine form in a prison sell. He offered prayers by his parents at the dead of night. So the astrologer was chanting the Gopala mantra and he was seeing the appearance of Lord Krishna. He was amazed, what am I seeing?

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Then the astrologer saw that the father brought the son holding him as a baby to his chest. In that night, he brought him to gokul and kept him there.

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Then the astrologer saw this child grow, become a small toddler with two hands and without clothing. The word is Digambar, that means dressed by the directions, that means nothing, and he was very attractive, he was like a cupid, and he had little bells around a string on his waist. That was called the kinkini. We see that some ladies at the time of their wedding, in fact Laxmipriya was wearing a golden kinkini, a golden chain around her waist.

So this little boy he was seeing with a… he had this smalls bells around his waist, butter in his two small hands.

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So the astrologer in his meditation was seeing his own worship able deity and what he saw in his meditation, he saw the Lord with all this decorations.

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Then again he saw the Lord in his mediation in a three-old bending form playing on a flute and on all sides he was surrounded by gopis who were playing on musical instruments and singing.

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After seeing this wonderful vision the astrologer opened his eyes. There standing in front of him he saw Gauranga. He looked at him again and again, and then he entered back to his meditation.

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So the astrologer prayed to his worship able deity Gopal, “Listen! Sri Bala Gopal, who is this brahman before me? Show me everything.”

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So now the astrologer was seeing the Lord’s avatar in the treata yuga. He was seeing Lord Ram Chanddra. So then he saw someone very beautiful, dark coloured like the greenish colour of the grass carrying about with many soldiers.

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So the astrologer saw the Lord surrounded by many soldiers.

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So then he saw the Lord in his satya yuga avatar. He saw the Lord amidst the universal destruction. What an astonishingly wonderful form of Varaha dev or the boar incarnation, and he carried the earth between his tusks.

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Then again the astrologer he saw the Lord Narasinghadev in his meditation and this greatly aggressive form of the Lord was the affectionate protection of the devotee, Prahlad. So on one hand he saw the violent nature of the Lord to protect his devotee unlimitedly. Thus the Lord was visible as the ultimate well-wisher of his devotee.

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The astrologer again he saw another vision, he saw the form of Vamana Dev, the dwarf incarnation, he was at the sacrifice of Bali Maharaj and he went to the sacrifice to bewilder with his illusory potency, the king Bali. The shaking his head again he saw another vision.

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 Then the astrologer saw the water of the destruction, the giant form of the fist incarnation, matsya who was swimming about enjoying his water sports in the waters of the devastation.

So the astrologer must have seen all these visions. Stay tuned it. What happens next, are you ready to hear it?

Hari Bol (everyone)



Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishnaprem Das





Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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