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20160716 Caitanya Book

16 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:34:04|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20160716 Caitanya Book


JPS: Mukam karoti Vacalam, Pangum Langhayate Girim, Yat Kripa Tamaham Vandi Sri Gurum Dina Tarinam, Paramananda Madhavam, Sri Caitanya Isvaram.

Mukam karoti Vacalam, Pangum Langhayate Girim, Yat Kripa Tamaham Vandi Sri Gurum Dina Tarinam, Paramananda Madhavam, Sri Caitanya Isvaram.

Hari Om Tat Sat

(reading original text)

From all directions the people were chanting Hari Hari Hari Bol, and rose like a ocean of love filling the air with blissful happiness, vibrations.

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So all the people of Nabadwip were feeling wonderful. The Brahman devotee of the Ganges was the one who really knew why the Ganges was doing this amazing pastimes.

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That single Lord, Viswambhar- the form of the supreme personality of Godhead by his appearing, rather by the Ganges seeing his transcendental form their feelings increased more and more.

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So the brahman devotee fell at the feet of the Lord and with extreme roaring sound he said, “finally after so many days Ganga has given me her mercy.”

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The great kings of the yogis, the kings and the lords of the munis, what they cannot get in their meditation, what they had seen Mahaprbhu with their own eyes…. I have seen… I have seen Mahaprabhu with my own eyes… what they could not see I am seeing…. I am seeing… I am seeing 

Hari Bol… Hari Bol… Hari Bol

What they could not see I am seeing with my own eyes

(reading original text)

On the ground he was rolling one side to the next crying loudly roaring, he was out of himself, that Brahmana, in the bliss of pure love of Krishna, krishnaprema.

Hari Bol

Hari Bol

Hari Bol

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So people on all sides remain standing, with open mouth they repeated what the Brahmana has said.

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Seeing the Brahmana the Lord went to his own, his own house, filled with unlimited spiritual bliss.

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So then the Brahmana told the original history of the Ganges, so all the people they listened, how Ganga devi appeared in this world, how the Ganges appeared in the world.

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Why now Ganga devi has increased? The reason I am telling you all, listen with your utmost attention.

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In the past one time, once upon a time ah… the great Lord Mahesh, he was singing the glories of Krishna in great transcendental ecstasy.

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Narad Muni was also singing, Ganges was playing on musical instruments, his hairs was standing on end all over the body, apada mastak, all the hairs from the feet to the hair was standing on end in ecstasy.

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They were all chanting with all force, that the vibrations of the holy name was heard in all parts of the universe and broke the covering of the universe. The transcendental sound vibration.

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Lord Siva, Mahesh, invoked the presence of Lord Krishna. Narad was playing on his Vina and Ganesh was playing on musical instruments.

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Being overwhelmed in bliss, the Lord came to that place. There Mahesh, Narad together were chanting the transcendental qualities of Lord Krishna.

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So Lord Krishna said to Lord Mahesh. Please don’t chant the holy names like this. Listen! You don’t know  the transcendental qualities of your chanting. They are having a special effect.

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Your chanting of the holy names is so powerful that my body will not remain, it will melt if you chant like a madman like this, my… my transcendental form will become liquefied.

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So Lord Mahesh, when he heard the ah… words of the Lord, he laughed and he said, “I will chant and see, if this indeed happens.”

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Saying this he chanted with ah… the Lord’s qualities with increased excessive enthusiasm, ullas  and his sound filled the whole universe from the ground to the sky… sky

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Then the Lord’s body thin as He started to liquefy and melt. Then Mahesh, he stopped his singing.

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So he stopped singing the Lord’s holy names, his mind became very steady and that is why the transcendental water which came from the Lord’s own body, became famous amongst people.

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The liquid brahma nam, name was mercy water, water of mercy and is the special, rare ah… place of pilgrimage above all others.

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Rare, rare, amongst the whole material existence, that water was kept by Lord Brahma in his kamandalu.       

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Baliraj, the Lord’s pure devotee got the mercy of that water. Only Lord Krishna is merciful on this way.

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Lord Vamana dev asked Bali to have as much land as he could take with his three steps. So Vali said, “alright, I can offer give you the whole planet, why  just want this three steps.” “No, I don’t want to be greedy, give me three steps.”

So in two steps, he took the whole universe, and he asked where do I put the third step.

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So since Trivikrama had taken everything that Bali possessed in two steps. So he asked where do I put the third step. Bali said, “Put it on my head.” So he put the third step on the head of Bali Maharaj. Only the Lord can be so merciful. He accepted Bali Maharaj

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No please listen to the glories of this tripad form of the Lord, that in the three worlds how they were made auspicious by the Lord’s transcendental mercy.

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The universe was filled by the transcendental water from the feet of the Lord. Lord Brahma, he offered padya to the lotus foot water with great devotion.

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So the water from the Lord’s lotus feet were worshipped on the head of tripad sambhava, and Ganges was knows as the Ganges by all the people in the universe. So this water is coming from the three steps of Lord Trivikrama or Lord Krishna.

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That Lord, is none other than Mahaprabhu Viswambhar. See all the people can see Him within the vision of their eyes.

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See how Ganga devi was in her previous mood, as she became overwhelmed with love, loving ecstasy that she began to increase.

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The Lord was looking for Gages in order to give her more ecstasy and the nectar was increasing. The Lord with increasing sweetness He looked lovingly at the Ganges and this increased the love of Ganges for Krishna.

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So with the objective of touching his lotus feet she started to manifest waves again, I couldn’t understand her motive and therefore I am telling all of you.

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So everyone hearing this transcendental glories, their ecstasy grew and grew. Locan Das, he is great bliss, chanting the glories of the qualities of Lord Gauranga.

Hare Krishna

So one of the essential qualities of the Ganges apart from being the caranamrita of the Lord’s lotus feet, is that she is actually the liquefied form of Krishna, she is the form of Krishna as water and so that’s why when Lord Caitanya was present she was doing such amazing things, to touch his lotus feet. So we understand how special the Ganges water is, and we can put some of the Ganges water on our head and we can chant, Nitai- Gaur

Devotees: Nitai-Gaur

JPS: Nitai-Gaur

Devotees: Nitai-Gaur

JPS: Nitai-Gaur

Devotees: Nitai-Gaur

Ullu dhwani, prema dhwani, hari hari bol….

After this blissful pastime Locan Das Thakur, he sang a song, so that song is very long, I won’t sing that today.


Transcribed by : Sadananda Krishnaprem Das





Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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