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20160609 Evening Class

9 Jun 2016|Duration: 01:26:11|English|Class / Talk / Lecture / Address|Houston, Texas, USA

20160609 Evening Class at Iskcon Houston

Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari Om Tat Sat

Since I had a stroke in 2008 half of my face is paralysed. Some people have a hard time understanding what I am saying. So Shyam Madhusudhan is repeating what I am saying. This way you can easily understand.

When I came to this temple before, the deities were in a temporary place. Now they are in their established temple. I didn’t see all of that but it seems that it is very beautiful temple.

Actually the deities are described as archa avatars, incarnations of the Lord in an worship able form. Last time I was here they were saying there were some pastimes in relation to these deities of Radha-Neel Madhav and this is quite common that there should be some pastimes with each deity because the deity is described as having lila by chitra, variegated pastimes. So some deities are very active and various pastimes and those are revealed to the pujaris and the devotees, and some of the temple have a book where all the pastimes of the Lord are mentioned.

In Maypur we also have this pastimes of these deities. One devotee was going blind. So she prayed to the Narasimha deity, that this may be the last time I will ever be able to see because the doctors say that I am going blind, that night the deity came in a dream and said that, “I am known as Agnilochana, I have eyes that are red but they replaced my eyes with green eyes and kept my red eyes aside. If you arrange the pujaris to give me back my red eyes then I will give you back your eyes.” So talked to the purjari’s and they were very happy to perform a yajna and officially put back the red eyes. That was about ten years ago. So still sees.

Hari Bol.


Also we have our giriraj in our Jagannath temple and they also have a pastime. One day Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra came to the Pujari in the sleep, “Ever since they put this mountain on our alter, giriraj is a mountain, he eats all the offerings, we are getting thin, he doesn’t even… hardly wait for the bell to ring.

So they came up to me, as a temple president or a co-director and set, solve this problem. (laughter). It’s not in manual of temple president duties, that deities complaining against each other. But I had to think what to do. So there is no guide on this. So I told, “Well, give giriraj a separate plate, give Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra a separate plate. They will manage to divide amongst themselves, no problem, but Giriraj apparently has a voracious appetite.”  So we arranged two plates, after that no complaint (applause).

And so it would be nice to hear some of the pastimes some of the pastimes of the Radha-Nilmadhav, Giriraj and Nitai-Gaur Chandra, Nitai-Caitanya Candra.  If your temple authorities will not… you are afraid to tell them because they will think you are crazy. Then they will tell me. I won’t think you are crazy. This happens all the time with our deities.

Bhakti Purushottam Swami published a book of the pastimes of our Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra Devi. So these deities are very powerful and I am sure they have many pastimes and it would be nice if those are preserved.

In Mayapur there are nine islands and one of the islands is Simantadwip. In Kailash Lord Siva was dancing and he was chanting, “Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga!”

“Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga!” (everyone with drums and ullu dhwani)

And the whole universe started to shake because when Lord Siva started dances he can destroy the universe. So Durga, Parvati, Siva is going around the universe and she started seeing tidal waves, tsunamis, earthquakes.

“Oh! What’s my husband doing?  He is dancing, it’s not the time of mahapralaya, he was dancing in ecstasy, “Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga,”

“Pati, Pati, Swami, Swami, what have you done, you have broken my ecstasy, I was feeling ecstatic, you broke it, why?”

“I am very sorry! You see I am the mother of the universe and because of your intense dancing the universe was experiencing grave chances- tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, all kinds of destructive features. Thus I had to call.  Alright, he is ashutosh, he is easily satisfied and easily angered. Wow! This this he was satisfied.”

So then she said, “What were you chanting? I heard you were chanting something that we never heard before.”

“Oh! I was chanting the names of Gauranga”

“Who is the Gauranga?”

“He is our Lord, He is Lord Krishna Himself but he came as a devotee and gives out freely love of Krishna without considering who is qualified to get it and who not, he gives out freely.”

“Oh! Where can I see him?”

“Well he comes in the age of Kali after Lord Krishna but you can see him anytime in Nabadwip by chanting his names, ….18.40-45… Gauranga.”

So she went down to Nabadwip Dham, she began chanting- Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga, Gauranga!”

So Lord Caitanya appeared to Parvati and she bowed down and then he asked, “Why are calling me? I heard you are giving out love of Krishna and you are devotees but I don’t get much association from the devotees. They call me the witch maya. They don’t like to associate with me. So I need your mercy how will I get the lover of Krishna. You are my daivi Shakti. You are my adya sakti and here we realize your non-difference from Radharani. So you will  be the protectress of the holy dham. Only by your mercy can people enter into the esoteric aspects of the holy dham, then she took the dust from Lord Caitanya’s lotus feet, put it on the part of her hair and that’s why the island became known as simanta Dwip. This part of the ladies hair is known as the simanta or the residence of the laksmi. So we have a deity there of Lord Caitanya and Parvati- Simantini and that is Simanta Dwip.

So like that we have different pastimes of Lord Siva, Of Parvati, in the dham that there is place which is non-different from Naimasinya and there the Sukadev Goswami was giving a class on Gaura Bhagavata, telling all about the pastimes of Lord Gauranga and the news got to Lord Siva, he was very eager to hear the class on the bull Nandi but Nandi was not going fast enough. So when they went past Satyaloka he asked Lord Brahma if he can borrow his Swan, that’s a Swan which is faster. So then Lord Brahma said, “Alright! And he flew in to Nabadwip Dham, Madhya Dwip Dham to a place where Sukhadev Goswami was reading the Gaur Bhagavata. So when all the rishis saw Lord Brahma’s Swan coming. They thought, “Oh! Lord Brahma has come.” So all stood up and the Swan landed, Lord Siva came up. So they were surprised. So the deity was established, called Hamsa Bahan, Lord Siva riding on the swan and he was so anxious to hear the pastimes of Lord Gauranga. So he took up the position of the head of the rishis and heard the pastimes of Lord Gauranga.

I saw here how Giriraj is being worshipped. In Nabadwip, the Giriraj as existing in Koladwip which is famous for number of rishis but one reason is it is considered non-different from Gobardhan. Another reason is that when Varaha Dev was fighting with Hiranyaksya, after Hiranyasakha had knocked the earth out of orbit and put the earth on the bottom of the Garbadhak Ocean, so then Varaha Dev came and lifted the earth up and put back in it’s place in the outer space and then Hiranyaksha became very angry, “how does someone interfere with my destruction, I need to find an opponent who I can fight with and he and Varahadev was fighting with clubs and for sometimes Lord Varahadev enjoyed the fight.

Once someone asked Prabhupada, “Can God create something so heavy he can’t lift it?” Prabhupada said, “Yes, but after a while he will lift it.”

So Varahadev put one leg on the earth and with the other he smashed Hirayaksha, so that place was touched by earth as Nabadwip dham, that is called Koladwip. Kola is another name of Varaha. That’s also famous as a place as aparadha khanjan kuliapath, the place where one can get forgiven for aparadhs and the worst aparadh is what? Vaisnava aparadha. That’s where …25.50-28.55…. pandit got forgiven and various others got forgiven.

So Vrindavan and Nabadwip are non-different. One time Lord Caitanya, when He was a school boy, he came running after class with Gadadhara and Jagadananda. I have told the story sometimes and most recently in Dallas but Lord Caitanya saw a parrot in the forest. So he said, “Oh! parrot you are non-different than Sukhadev, please tell me the glories of Radha and Krishna.”, The parrot …30.10-30.15… the parrot began chanting,  “Gaura, Gaura, Gaura, Gaura”, so we had the devotees in Dallas acting as parrots and we all …30.43-30.46… Heuston was better than Dallas. We want to see, if any of you fly up then declare you victorious, otherwise we will see you as the best parrot, one from the men and one from the ladies, “Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Don’t shy.. who is our judge… Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura….”

Lord Caitanya said, “No, No, No, No, I don’t want to hear this, I want to hear the glories of Radha and Krishna.”

The parrot replied, “I have been since time immemorial doing this bhajan, Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura….”

“No, No”, said Lord Caitanya, “I am a devotee of Radha and Krishna, I like to hear Radha and Krishna, other mantras give me pain, this place is non-different from Vrindavan. So why don’t you chant the glories of Radha and Krishna.”

Then the parrot replied, “Yes ! Nabadwip is non-different from Vrindavan and for me you are Krishna and Gadadhara is Radharani. So I will chant the way I want to chant, you chant the way you want to.”

“Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Gaura Gaura…..Gaura Gaura…. Can I see someone fly?”

So that happened in Godrumadwipa. So now they have the panchakrosha parikrama, where you go through rudradwip, antardwip and Simantadwip, then asthakosh parikrama, we go to those three places- Godrumdwip, Madhyadwip and Koladwip and then we have the sixteen krosh, we go through all the nine islands, that’s during Gaura Purnima. We have Hindi, Bengali, Russian, international which is in English with translation into Chinese, Spanish and many languages. So you are welcome to come. That’s at our Gaura Purnima festival just after the kirtan mela and before the festivities.

We go five days earlier so that we don’t experience crowds at the temples, you are the first in the line. Then when we come back then the other parikrama parties go out.

I been working on a book like Krishna book or Caitanya book, and we got only upto Lord Caitanya’s marrying to Laxmipriya and some of His activities as Nimai Pandit. As a child He was bathing in the Ganges and he was very naughty, He would take the men’s clothe and woman’s clothe and mix them up. He would go to brahmanas who were saying Gayatris, spit on them, and then they would say, “What are you doing? I am saying my gayatri, and I am in the Ganges.”, and he would say, “I am the father of the Ganges”, this little children what they are doing and like this do different pranks, and because he was a child they didn’t take it seriously but he was actually telling his real identity, and so then he would go as a toddler and get his brother Viswarup from the class on the Bhagavatam by Advaitya Acharya, and everybody looked at this child and in the purport it is explained that the reason that everybody looked at Lord Caitanya because he is a soul of all souls, so your child may be very dear but if a child dies, the living force leaves the body of the child. You put the child outside the house or in a funeral home or something. So longer beautiful, so because Lord Caitanya is the paramatma, he is the soul of all the souls, therefore everybody was attracted by him.

One time when he was playing outside and Advaita made one very wonderful point on the Bhagavatam and all the people began chanting Hari Bol, Hari Bol. So Lord Caitya came running in, “What do you want, you called me?”


“I don’t know we didn’t call you.”


So they didn’t know who was amongst their midst and in this way Lord Caitanya was having a good time. His brother took sanyas, left home, his father left the home, he was maintaining his mother, he was teaching now, he was still young, may be 12 or 14 like that and he was thinking to himself, “I am maintaining a house, I am maintaining my mother, I am living as a grihastha but I don’t have a grihini, my house is not a home, a home is made by the presence of the wife, she adds personality to the home, so I should marry but at the same time, the number matchmaker in Nabadwip Banamali Pandit, he went to see mother Sachi and said,  “I have a good match for your boy”, but usually the mothers are very eager to get their sons get married but she said, “Ah… well he is still young, why don’t you continue his studies and later I will see.”

So Banamali was very frustrated by getting this kind of no-ras reply from mother Sachi. So like that she thought, “Krishna, You are the desire tree for your devotees, I want to serve your pure devotee. Mother Sachi, she gave a negative reply, I feel very bad. All my efforts are wasted. In the meantime, Lord Caitanya was in a ashram of his Sanskrit Guru, Ganga Das Pandit. So I bowed down and asked leave, then he went out, because he knew what Banamali was thinking and then he walked down on the road where Banamali was coming. Banamali saw him and bowed down. Lord Caitanya said, “You don’t look happy with what happened, where are you coming from?”

“Well I am coming from your house, I have proposal for your marriage, but your mother she has given me a reply which has caused me a lot of mental stress. Then Lord Caitanya was very grave, He said, “Ah! I will ask my mother what she was thinking about.”  So he gave Banamali a little hope but at the same time he didn’t reveal his mind. Then he went home and asked mother Sachi that, “Banamali Pandit is looking very sad, what did you say to him?”, but then she was very intelligent, so she understood that he must be interested to marry and so she said, “Well, I will come back tomorrow.”, and see what he asked to propose and we can go ahead on that.

Lord Caitanya said, “Ok”, so next day she called Banamali Pandit and heard that he suggested Laxmipriya as the spouse of Lord Caitanya. She is actually Bhudevi but then Mother Sachi agreed and he went to the house of Laxmipriya and talked to her father Ballavacharya, not the same Ballavacharya, Navadwip Pandit. He said, “Well, it will be great honour to have my daughter married to Nimai Pandit. He is the most upcoming pandit in the whole Nabadwip and who wouldn’t like their daughter to have married to him, but I am very poor, I can’t give any dowry, I can give only five haritakis, that’s like a part of triphala, very bitter but Banamali said, “that’s not a issue. Lord Caitanya doesn’t want dowry. So all the things were arranged. They had a adhibas and Lord Caitanya, he gave out jewelled necklace to all the guests, priceless jewelled necklaces on the day of the wedding. A

Sachi Mata talked to her relative and friends but she was a widow. She said, “Well you please see to my sons getting properly married because he had no father. So please help us.”

Lord Caitanya started crying. He said, “Why you are crying? It’s a happy day.”

“Mother is seems like you are asking for money. You know I can do even undoable things easy. Marriage easy, then I gave out jewelled necklaces to all the visitors of adhivas, you need any financial help.”

Mother Saci is very smart, so she quickly changed, “Ok, today is happy, why ….51.08-51.11…”

So they had a procession in which he was taken in Palki. Palki means Palanquin and on two sides there were Brahmans chanting Sama Veda, in the front there was a band playing and the instruments, I only know three or four. There were like thirteen instruments and nine of them I have to take a picture and take it and put it in the book because there is no translation.

We know pakwaj, mridanga, kartal, and all the others indescribable. So this band was playing, dancers were dancing and the people became very excited, “Nimai Pandit is getting married.”

Usually the young boys and the young girls are very shy, very modest, they wouldn’t raise their voice, now they were completely exited, “Hurry up, Hurry up!”, calling to the friend, “Wear your silken sari, put on your kajal, c’mon Nimai Pandit you are getting married, c’mon hurry up!”

They are all running. The whole Nabadwip is flooded with Krishna Prem, people were looking …53.40-42… and the saw Nimai. At that time, he was like Krishna in Vrindavan. His eyebrows, his eyebrows were like the bows of Cupid but they could conquer millions of cupids. So in this youth before he was manifesting his Sankirtan Lila, he was doing all this things and …54.18-54.20… was flooded with Krishna Prem and someone came knocking at the door. I was in the Delhi at that time, I was seeing a doctor and I said, “Yes, they walked in, they said Mayapur is flooded”

Prabhupada said, “When Mayapur floods, the birth place of Lord Caitanya he wants the sankirtan preaching to flood the whole world.”

(Hari Bol)

(Hari Bol) (everyone)

(Hari Bol)

(Hari Bol) (everyone)

(Hari Bol)

(Hari Bol) (everyone)

Then Lord Caitanya met Laxmipriya and he was acting as Nimai Pandit and he had hundreds and thousands of students and he would situate himself to the side of Ganges, but sometimes he walked on the main street with his students following him and the he would recognize his devotees. They couldn’t recognize him because he was covering himself with some of his energies.

“Hari bol, Mukunda, it’s nice to see you today, pranam, I had a question”, and then he asked some technical Sanskrit question, and he wouldn’t give the answer, and so Mukunda would give some answer.

“Wrong, wrong, wrong”, and then he smashed him and then he laughed at him, “Ha, Ha, Ha”

So the devotees would say, “What a waste of time. Doesn’t talk about Krishna.”

One day he walking on the side of the Ganges followed by some students and Mukunda saw coming. Quickly grabbed his clothes and ran. So then he asked, “Govinda, why is Mukunda running away?”

“Ah, I don’t know, maybe has some urgent work.

“No, I know why, he always likes to read Vaisnava literatures and he doesn’t want with me because I am talking tikka, grammar and other things. That’s why they avoid me but then in his pastimes he is playing the part of Nimai Pandit very proud         .”

“Listen brothers, he tells all the students, one day I will be known as the greatest vaisnava, even Brahma and Siva will come to me, Ah me Nimai Pandit, they don’t know who I am.”

 ….58.56-58.58… (applause)

But then Nimai went to Gaya to perform the pindi for his father, to worship the Gadadhara deity lotus feet. There in Gaya he met Isvara Puri Maharaj, not Das.

One of my assistants is Ishvar Puri Maharaj Das. This is the original. So he asked Isvar Puri Maharaj for initiation but Isvar Puri said, “You are a great Pandit, who am I to give initiation to you.”

“If I don’t get your initiation then there is no use of my living.”, and he would tell the Vaisnavas in Nabadwip like Srivas, “When I meet my Guru, then I will take up Vaisnavism, but till I meet my guru I don’t know”

So in Gaya he basically told Iswara Puri that, “If you don’t initiate me I will take my life.”

So then Iswar Puri initiated him and he started to chant in the Gaya temple, in the Visnupad temple and he was chanting and people gathered around him and then ran out towards Vrindavan.

Vrindavan Bihari Lal Sri Bhagavan Sri Krishna ki

“I am going to Vrindavan, I am going to Vrindavan, hari bol!” (Hari Bol)

And then a voice from the sky, now it is not the time to go to Vrindavan. I will go back to Nabadwip, start the sankirtan yajna, …1.02.19-1.02.35…. in Vrindavan the lilas are controlled by Vrindavan. I have not found any particular verse that says who controls the lilas in Nabadwip, may be some of you know but anyway someone’s is controlling reminding Lord Caitanya. So he headed back alongside the Ganges. Then when he came to Kanai Natsala, then he saw this boy in this distance playing on a flute, dancing, coming closer, and he saw that he had a turban and peacock feather on his head. He had a red sashed yellow dhoti and he is coming close and closer, he saw that he had like shark earrings. Then he saw that he was Krishna, Krishna Himself, and Krishna came up right next to him, dancing, playing on his flute, he ran up and he hugged him and Lord Caitanya, He was Krishna in the mood of Radharani. So when Krishna hugged him he became overwhelmed in ecstasy. Then Krishna ran off, and he ran after him and Krishna disappeared and so Lord Caitanya was rolling there in the ground, crying for Krishna. That place is still there. Actually we have by the Krishna’s mercy this pastime place of Kanai Natsala. So if you want to see the place you can see it.

The Jharkand government has built some guest house there. So then Lord Caitanya came back to Nabadwip and he was changed. Now he taught his students, everything he taught was in connection with Krishna, and he would chant, hear the holy name, he became overwhelmed with ecstasy.

Sometimes he would cry, sometimes he would laugh, sometimes his voice would choke up, so the people thought, “Oh here Nimai Pandit is going crazy” and mother Sachi was calling him to come for lunch. At that time three neighbours approached him, one said, “you know, some disrupted gas… vayu dos, just feed him some tender coconut water.”, other said, “That’s not strong enough. Rub on his head the oil from tan roots, dasamul tel.”, third neighbour said, “no, no, no, he is really far gone, tie him with the roots, don’t let him go.”

Mother Sachi said, “There is nothing wrong with my son.”, and then Lord Caitnaya went to see…. Hari Bol, Radha Nilamadhav ki


Nitai Gaur Chandra ki


Nitai Caitanya Chandra ki


Giriraj Ki


Radha Giridhari Ki


So then Lord Caitanya went to see Srivas Thakur and he said, “can I ask you a question?”


“do I have a disease?”

“What are your symptoms?”

“Whenever I hear the chanting of Hare Krishna, my hairs stand on end, tears come to my eyes, sometimes I laugh uncontrollably, sometimes my voice gets choked up, sometimes I faint in the ground, So I have a disease.”

Srivas Thakur said, “Yes you have a disease and I want that disease too. You have the disease of love of Krishna. Even Brahma and Siva are anxious to get that disease. But the general people, they will not understand. So you can come to my house at the night and in my garden we can have a kirtan, and I will invite only people who can appreciate these ecstasies of yours.

So I have been told that I should have questions and answers now.

This is an overview of some of the highlights of Lord Caitanya’s youthful years which you may or not may have heard before. Of course after this there is the pastimes of Lord Caitanya’s sankirtan movement.

Any questions?

Question : What’s the speciality why He accepted Iswar Puri.

JPS: Ishwar Puri, you can say was the most dearest disciple of Madhavendra Puri and Madhevendra Puri was the first one who manifested the Radha Mahavav and Iswar Puri had come, this wasn’t the first time they were meeting, he had come many times to the house of Jagannth Misra and he had instructed his father and young Nimai in Krsihna consciousness. So then now that his father had departed, he was feeding Iswar Puri, then he thought that this is the right person to take initiation from. Of course we know that God doesn’t need a Guru but He takes one just go give us an example because we are not able to see or hear the Supreme Personality of Godhead in our neophyte stage. So therefore we need a spiritual master and so He did this pastime.

I tell people in Bihar, how Lord Caitanya, He had first manifested His Krishna Prema in that state. So that’s why He took Iswar Puri as His guru?


Question: Regarding the Lord Narsinghadev pastime, regarding Narasinghadev’s red eyes. Is there any pastime why his red eyes changed to blue again because this time when we took darshan of Narsinghadev, His eyes are no longer red. So is there any other pastime why His eyes are not red?

JPS: I looked at His eyes, I saw red, I was checking, I will look again. Who dare change his eyes, I don’t think anyone will do it. If  they did there must be some other pastime. I will check. Last time I looked they were red, still red. When you saw?

Even …1.16.44-46… like that, I don’t know. I saw Narsimhadev personally, Narasimhadev live (laughter) (applause)

Devotee : Hare Krishna

JPS: Hare Krishna

Devotee: How to chant the holy name of Krishna without offences?

JPS: See even chanting with offences is better than not chanting at all. So by constantly chanting one can from the offensive stage to the clearing stage, then by continually chanting you can go from the clearing stage to the pure stage. So chanting is the way to chant more purely and of course as it is mentioned in Koladwip, it’s known as aparadh Vanjan Kuliapath, one can get rid of lots of offences by visiting there and asking for the offences to be forgiven. So when I am on the parikrama there I remind devotees, I hope that the parikrama party leaders also remind the devotees. I tell them to. Now there are so many parties that I cant be in every party all the time.

Sachi mata had committed some offences on Advaita Acharya. Once she asked for forgives. Advaita started glorying mother Sachi and how he was so low that he couldn’t be offended by her and he is glorifying, glorifying, glorifying, and then he fainted. Lord Caitanya said, “He is not going to forgive you, so take some dust from his feet and by taking the dust on his feet and putting on your head you will be forgiven. So like this she managed to get forgiven from a Vaisnava aparadh but generally one should be very careful to avoid the other offences.

Question: Can you share with us some deep realization,  why did Nimai Pandit do the pastime of Nimai Pandit?

JPS: Any deep realization, I don’t know it is deep or not. There are very few pastimes where the Lord plays the pastime of a Brahmana. May be as Vamanadev or his expansion of Narshimha, usually he comes Krishna as a cowherd boy or as Ram or Krishna, as a ksatriya.

So he was coming as a non-devotee who took up Krishna consciousness and it says that the Lord is knows as tri-yuga. He proclaims who he is in satya, treta and dwapara yuga. But in Kali yuga he comes as a channa avatar or a covered avatar. He doesn’t reveal who is because in Kaliyuga so many people claim to be God, that he particularly declares that he doesn’t say who is in Kaliyuga.

As one person and his wife, he said that he is Kalki Avatar in Andhra Pradesh and some devotees said, “Aren’t you a little to early (laughter), you are supposed to come 432000 years after Kali yuga starts. So I think your watch is wrong.”

He said, “I may not be Kalki avatar but I am bhagavan.” (laughter)

So all kinds of… one person was giving a lecture, he said, “In the Gita Krishna says, “sambhavami yuga, I come in every yuga”, but in Kali Yuga, they don’t come in every yuga, every century, every year, every hour, every minute, every second, that’s practically what it is today. We would talk about it long but.

Anyone who has some exceptional physical characteristics, he may also claim to be bhagavan.

Jaya Radha Nilmadhav Ki.


Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishnaprem Das












Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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