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20160515 Adressing Devotees

15 May 2016|English|Public Address|Canada

20160515  Adressing Devotees from canada at Hilton Inn Westbury 2

JPS: So there are various kinds of maya. To think that the material world is real but it’s the energy of the Lord, so in that sense it is real but it is temporary. If you find a place that you like it is not permanent, but if you don’t find a place that’s usual. In the Bhagavat Gita the Lord describes that this material world is dukhalayam asaswatam.

I met a scientists whose wife was going to a Bhakti Vriksha group in New Delhi. So I asked him what you are researching. The scientists always research things. So he said, “I am researching pain.” So I asked him, “what did you find out ?”

“Everybody is always in pain.” (laughter) physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, various kinds of pain. All the grihastha men raise their hands, financial pain. (laughter). How to make the ends meet, how to maintain the family.

I told him that in Bhagavat Gita Krishna describes this world as Dukhalayam. Relatively speaking we can be more peaceful and more happy by chanting Hare Krishna, by doing Bhakti Yoga. If we are able to rise up and do pure devotional service then we can become actually blissful in the world. Krishna says that if someone observes Purustomma month or does some devotional service they can be happy and peaceful in this life and in the end of life they can go back to Godhead. (Haribol by everyone)]

So I there any aspiring?

Shelter means 16 rounds, practice to ready for initiation. Aspiring that in the future you want to get initiated, you may be chanting one round or more but in the future you want to take initiation may be 10 years, 20 years and you have a more of a relationship with me. She is only aspiring for a long time now.

(Interview of an aspiring devotee by Gurumaharaj, giving name to the initiated devotee name)

JPS: What are the principles that you should avoid breaking?

Devotee: No intoxication, no gambling, no illicit sex, no eating meat.

JPS: meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic

Devotee: meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic and tobacco, tea, coffe

JPS: Except de-caffeinated

Devotee: Ok, I will try that, I never tried it (laughter)

JPS: There is also herbal teas.

Devotee: OH…Ok


Devotee: how about a caffeine free diet Pepsi? (laughter)

JPS: It’s cafeeine free.

JPS: How many rounds you do daily?

Devotee: 16 rounds per day

JPS: And… you will help me realize Prabhupada’s mission?

Devotee: Yes

JPS: Your name is Param Dayal …09.12-16

Hari Bol (by all the devotees)

(Interview of an aspiring devotee by Gurumaharaj, giving name to the initiated devotee name)

Devotee 1 (male): Gurumaharaj she is our bhakti vriksha member.

Devotee 2 (female): Gurumaharaj she is our bhakti vriksha member and has been very enthusiastic and is doing seva in the temple and she helps in book distribution and andy seva and also helps also in preaching. A very sincere devotee. She wants to take…

JPS: What are the four principles you avoid breaking you whole life?

Devotee (aspiring female): Based on the priciples of karma, the philosophy  of dharma, no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat eating and no gambling.

JPS: No meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic.

Devotee (aspiring female): No meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic.

JPS: How many rounds you should do everyday.

Devotee (aspiring female): Minimum of 16 rounds.

JPS: Will you help me in… to fulfil Prabhupada’s mission?

Devotee: Yes

JPS: Who else wants to say anything about mataji?

Devotee (male): Gurumaharaj she is a very sincere devotee and she doesn’t miss any of our Bhakti Vriksha cell meetings, which we have every Friday at our home and she wants to progress more and more in Krishna consciousness with your blessings.

Devotee (aspiring female): Gurumaharaj even if she is sick and suffering she will somehow try to get to bus, she will be in hospital, then she will come straight, from emergency she comes straight to the program and we tell her, “no stay home and take rest but still she will come, even for book distribution she will come, taking bus or something, somehow she will come, make it even if we advise her to take rest at home, she will come, she is very enthusiastic girl. She loves to do seva basically but her health is not so very good but she still tries her best and comes, it’s your blessings.

JPS: you name is Priyamvada Radha devi dasi (applause)


 JPS: You have to beg for your initiation.

Devotee (aspiring female): Please give me initiation gurumaharaj, I always beg unto your lotus feet and always help to spread Krishna consciousness. My spiritual father, this is my new birth and I will follow all, whatever…

Hari bol (everyone)

(Interview of an aspiring devotee by Gurumaharaj, giving name to the initiated devotee name)

JPS: What are the four principles you avoid breaking?

Devotee (aspiring female): No intoxication, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication.

JPS: No meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic.

Devotee (aspiring female): No meat, no fish, no eggs, no onions, no  garlic.

JPS: And… how many rounds per day?

Devotee: Minimum 16 rounds.

JPS: Will you help me to fulfil Prabhupada’s mission?

Devotee: Definitely

JPS: You want the name of Radharani or one of the queens of Dwaraka?

Devotee: Whatever you wish Gurumaharaj…

JPS:  I am confused (laughter)

Devotees: Anything of Radharani’s

JPS: So your name is Sucharu Padma Devi Dasi

Haribol (by everybody)

Devotee: I beg you for initiation Gurumaharaj, I beg you. Thank you very much.

Devotee 2 (male): Gurumaharaj, she is a very good book distributor of Prabhupada book distribution, she is the incharge in fact of the Sankirtan movement, and she conducts bhakti vriksha also, she and other devotees together they conduct bhakti vriksha and they are very very enthusiastic, and does… she cooks for the deities in the temple, she has got very special permission to cook for the deity. Generally without initiation or without second initiation the devotees are not allowed but she cooks for the Sunday feast as well as for the deities on the Sunday’s and she is a very very enthusiastic sankirtan warrior and preacher. The whole family actually, Prabhu deva Prbhu, her husband, both day and night they serve for book distribution, they are sankirtan… they have a son also, the whole family in fact, and they encourage every…

Hari Bol (everyone)

JPS: Do you have any Prasad to give out?

(Interview of an aspiring devotee by Gurumaharaj, giving name to the initiated devotee name)

JPS: how many rounds do you chant?

Devotee: I try to chant one round

JPS: One round is 700,000 names in a year, 2 rounds would be 1.25 million names of Krishna every year.

Haribol (by everyone)


Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das.






Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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