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20160401 Caitanya-līlā

1 Apr 2016|Duration: 00:30:47|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following was a class given by H . H . Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on April 1st 2016 in Sri dham Mayapur, India. 

The class was given in the evening and was about the upcoming Caitanya book.

Jayapataka Swami Guru Mahārāja: 

Maha Bhagawat sri madhavendra aloke Krishna prem

Madhavendra kaath othi aadhabooth kaathan

Megha dekha liye maatra oohi aa chetan

The Madhvendrapuri discussions are wonderful, his transcendental qualities were so astonishing just by seeing a monsoon rain cloud, he would be reminded of Lord Kṛṣṇa and immediately he would become unconscious in so much love of Kṛṣṇa. 

oohore nisha Krishna prema modhye  pe prai

hashe kaande hoi hoi kore hai hai

Just like an intoxicated person; day and night he will be absorbed in pure Kṛṣṇa prema , love of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Sometimes he will be laughing, sometimes he will be crying, sometimes he will  be lamenting hai !! hai!!

Jayapataka Swami  Guru Mahārāja corrected hoi hoi 


Sometimes he will be appreciating the Lord and saying Hai Hai 

Nithyananda maha maada govinde  ro roshe

Dhulya dhulya  kare aata aata haase

Nithyananda was absorbed in the transcendental mellows of Govinda like a great mad man. He will roll in the ground and be laughing, so intensely.

Dhoohar aadhaboodh bhaag dekhi shishugan

Nirabhaghi hari baali kare a kirtan

When Madhvendra Puri’s disciples saw the wonderful ecstasy of both of them they spontaneously and continuously were chanting.

Jayapataka Swami Guru Mahārāja: Hari Hari!! [Joy]

Devotees: Hari Hari!! [All together]

Jayapataka Swami Guru Mahārāja: Hari Hari!! [Joy]

Devotees: Hari Hari!! [All together]

Jayapataka Swami Guru Mahārāja: Hari Hari!! [Joy]

Devotees: Hari Hari!! [All together]

After this [Break]

And there were continuously absorbed in this kirtan  

Raatre din kheo nahi jaane prema raashe

Kootho kaal jaaye keho khaan nahi paase

They were so absorbed in the prema raasa the pure mellow of Kṛṣṇa prema they didn’t know whether it was day or night, they didn’t know how many days went by, to them it is just seemed like a few moments have passed. They were floating in the ocean of transcendental ecstasy. 

Madhvendra shage jote hoilo aakheen

Ke jaano aa taaha Krishna Chandra che preman

Who can describe all the qualities of Madhavendrapuri? [Paused]. Only Kṛṣṇa can.

Madhvendra nithyanadan charri the ne ta pare

Nirabaadi nithyanada shambhati bhe hore

Madhavendra could not give up the association of Nityānanda. He was constantly enjoying the presence of Lord Nityānanda.

Madhvandra bole prem na dekhi lu kootha

Se mur shoorabati itha halu prem joota

Madhavendra Puri said ‘’I have not seen such pure love of Kṛṣṇa anywhere, all my travels to all the tirtha sthan I have no seen such prema such pure love anywhere’’.

Jani lu krishano krupa aache mor proti

Nithyananda hale bhoondu si nu sambhuti

I knew that Kṛṣṇa had given his mercy to me, when I got association of a friend like Nithyananda prabhu , got his association 

Je she sthane jo di nithyananda sanga hoi

She sthan sharbati tirtha vaikundha di moi


That place if you get the association of Nityānanda prabhu, that place is the place of all pilgrimage sites. That place is filled will the quality of Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. 

Nithyananda hana bhaagta shuni le shaba ne

Abasha pi ve Krishna Chandra shi jaane

If Nityānandaś quality is heard from a devotee, certainly that person will achieve Kṛṣṇa Chandra.

Nithyananda jaahar dilesh rohai bhakta hoile ho

She Krishna priya nahe

If one even has a sesame seed of envy towards Lord Nityānanda, even if he is a devotee, he should know that he is not dear to lord Krishna. 

Aae motoe Madhvandra Nithyananda praati

Aahor nisho bole pare rohti mothi

 In this way Madhvendra Puri was attached to Lord Nityānanda and he continuously day and night glorified Lord Nityānanda and exchanged loving sentiments.

Madhvandra  praati  Nithyananda mahashai

Guru budhi vativikta aana kori

At the same Lord Nityānanda looked at Madhavendra Puri   like his guru. There was nothing beyond this , that was certain. 

Aa maata uunaane dui maha muti 

Krishna prema khotha diya raatri 

In this way both of them to each other are extremely favourable and unlimited pure love of Kṛṣṇa , they didn’t know anything; they didn’t know whether it was day or night. 

Koto din Madhvandra shande Nithyananda

Thakiya challela she she jothal shatuvandha

So for some days Madhvendra  and Lord Nityānanda were together and then Lord Nityānanda went finally to the place known as  Setu Bandhana. 

Madhvandra chollela sahayu dekhi bare

Krishna be she kehonejo nahi de shmare

Madhvendrapuri, he went to see the Sarayu and he was observed in the sentiments of Kṛṣṇa prema he didn’t remember his own body he was in complete transcendental consciousness. 

ooto nibo jeebo ne rakha she birohe 

bakha thaki le ke she praan rahe

Therefore being in separation from Lord Kṛṣṇa kept the devotee alive; if they were an external consciousness will they have been able to keep their life? Feeling that extreme separation?

Nithyananda Madhvandra duhi dareshan

Je sune aa tare mil Krishna prema dhaan

Those who hear about the meeting of Nityānanda and Madhvendrapuri, they certainly get the blessing of the great treasure of Kṛṣṇa prema or pure love of Kṛṣṇa 

Haano moote Nithyananda bhame prema raashe

Shatuvandha aaiye le kaate debho she

In this way Lord Nityānanda he wandered filled with mellow of pure love of Krishna and after few days he reached a place known as Setu Bandhaṇ

Manuja thitha snaan kare gela Rameshwara

Tame prabhu aaiye le Vijaynagar

He took bath at the place known as Dhanushtirtha and then he went to Rameshwara, after that the lord went to the place known as Vijaynagar.

Mayapuri aavanti dekhiya Godavari

Aaiye le Jer Narsimbha dev puri

Then Lord Nityānanda went to Mayapuri and Avanti, he saw the Godavari then he came to the Jar, Narsimbha dev puri.

Tirumala dekhiya Kurma nath purna sthan

She she nelachol Chandra dekhi the baayan

After seeing the Tirumala he went to the Kurmanath holy place and then he finally came to Nilachola for the darshan of Lord Jagannath 

Aaaiye le nelachol Chandra nagare

Duvja dekhi matra murcha hoilo sharire

So then he came to Jagannath Puri and just seeing the flag of the temple he felt unconscious.

Dekhi le Chatharbuha rupee Jagannath

Prakate parma aanada bhakta bharvashat

He saw the Chaturvyuha the form of Lord Jagannath and he saw the manifested form of supreme bliss with his devotees.

Dekhi maatra hoilen pulokan murchete

Punha bakha hoi punha kare pretibhi

Seeing the Lord Jagannath, Lord Nityānanda’s hair stood on end and he fell to the ground unconscious. Then he was again conscious and again he fell down to the earth.

Compo she pule kashru aachar humkar

Ke kohite pare Nithyananda robikar

It is impossible to say all the transcendental ecstasies that Lord Nityānanda was experiencing. Sometimes his body was shaking, sometimes he was perspiring, sometimes he was crying, sometimes loudly shouting and sometimes being stunned. He was going through different spiritual ecstasies.

Aa maatu Nithyananda thaki Lelachale

Dekhi Gangasagar aaiyla kutuhaale

In this way while he stayed at Nilachala  Jagannath puri. Nityānanda was obsorbed in spiritual ecstasy and he went to the place where Ganges met the ocean known as Gangasagar and he was very enthusiastic 

Taar thirtha jaatra sabke parekorite

Kichu likhe lau maatra tar kripa hoite

Who can say all the places he visited on his journey to the holy places, a few I wrote simply by his mercy.

Aai maatu thirtha bhrahmi Nithyananda rai

punar baar aashi mile la mathurai

In this way lord Nityananda travelled to all the holy places, again he came to the sacred land of Mathura. 

Nirabaadhi Virndhavan karena baashati

Krishna re aabe she na jaane diva raatri

So he was staying continuously in Vrṇdavana, there he took up his residence. He absorbed the remembrance of Lord Kṛṣṇa he didn’t know if it was day or night.

Aahar nahi koodachi duudha paan

She ha jodi aajajita keho kare baalidan

He didn’t eat anything, sometimes he drank some milk. If someone thought they would give him something. 

Navadhepe gaaura Chandra aache gupta bhaave

Eha Nithyananda shavrupe romone jaage

In Navadvīpa Dhama, Lord Caitanya , Gaura Chandra, he was remaining hidden.  Lord Nityānanda was waiting for Him to expand His transcendental glories

Aapno hoysho jo prabhu prakashe she be jaabe

Aame gaya kore mu maame nu she baataobe

When will my Lord manifest his own opulences? When He will manifest His own opulences, then I will go and I will personally offer him my service 

Aaa manashe kaakuri Nithyananda rai

Mathura chaaleliya Navadhep nahi jaaye

With this decision Nityanandaraya stayed in Mathura and didn’t go to Navadvīpa 

Nirabhadhi bheharohe kalandi re lo jaale

Sishu sanghe vrindhavane dhulak-kheela kheele

He regularly played in the Jamuna water along with the children in Vrṇdavana he would play games called dhula khela.

Jadapi ho Nithyananda dhare sharva shaakati

Tatha piha kariya hona kare Vishnu bhakti

Unless one gets the mercy of Lord , who is the possessor of all transcendental potencies one will not get Visṇu bhakti or he will not give that person Visṇu bhakti.

Jabe gaura Chandra prabhu karue bure prakash

Tanshe aagaye bhakti daane rogilash

When Lord Gaura Chandra prabhu would manifest Himself, then on His order, he would enjoy the transcendental pastimes of giving  Visṇu bhakti.

Kahu kechu na kare Chaitanya aagya abhine

Eehate aalpata nahi piye prabhu vane

Without receiving the order from Lord Caitanya, then they would not get the mercy from the Lord’s devotees.


♪♪♪ Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare♪♪♪

Transcribed by Bhaktin Vaishali
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