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20160317 A Talk at the Parikramā Realization Night.

17 Mar 2016|Duration: 01:12:18|English|Navadvīpa Maṇḍala Parikramā|Rajapur, India

Hari Bol!!!

The following is the talk given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja on March 17th 2016 at the Rajapur temple in Sri Dhama Mayapur, India. The talk was given at Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama International party realization night. 

 Try to spread it out around over the wide range of devotees. International party includes devotees from all over India, also China, Russia, Russian Europe, USA, Australasia, Africa. Maharaja confirms it has been spread around. 

Hare Kṛṣṇa!! Mathura Desh is a code name for one of the countries in the Arabian Gulf, where it is not legal to preach there, so we use code names. So when they say, Oh I am from Mathura Desh, I am from Damodar Desh, I am from Balaram Desh, you may wonder, “Oh! Where is that place. It is one of those places.” So when it is 9:30, I think we should close the realizations. 

A few things, one is that the feedback papers that you all have please, fill it up because Satyanityakisohri, she does a compilation, to see that we make necessary improvements. What we are doing good, what we are not doing good. And so we need your feedback. Also there is a whole crew, which I don’t think they are here, but these people will guide you with Maharaja’s at their assistance and we give them assistance. And then we see there are camp organizers, security, prasadam and then during whole year we buy new lands, developing existing places. So this is one of the places that we own, while in Belpukur we own a little piece and a part we rent. So this year, I think some of the ladies anyway stayed in our land. While the men stayed in the field that we had to take for one week, while the boys are deprived from playing football. So somehow they have meetings to organize the Mayapur situation but I could not stay away from the Parikrama. So I visit two to three parties everyday and then I went to the meetings. So previous years, I would visit all six parties this year was not possible. So it was very nice to see all the blissful devotees. 

In Gauradahaa, the Bengali party was there, and men and women they are covered from head to toe with dust. They rolled in the dust and they offered dust to each other completely covered with dust. I never saw anything like that. I have seen dust but this is ōincomparable. So we saw although it used to be very hot this year, since Parikrama was later because Purushottam month came last year, still somehow the Lord kept things a little cool. And some how the devotees were able to keep walking, some years I saw it was so hot that the road actually melted and if you would go barefoot on the road you would sink into the tar. So it was not so bad this year. That’s Lord Caitanya’s mercy on all of you. 

I keep seeing how so many people are moving into Navadvipa Dham. Land prices have gone up, holy places are more difficult to get. And we have located most of the places but we don’t have something in all of the places yet. Like from here to the Jalangi river there is a place near the Jalangi river where Balarāma killed Māyāsura. We are looking for that place and we know that it was in Simantadvīpa near Jagannatha mandir but we didn’t know where. About thirty years ago, there was an old man he said each of the fields have actually got some names. They do not just say that field, they say that’s Banswadi or this field or that field. So he said that there was one field that is called Māyāmadimaat field, the field where Māyā was killed. So it is in the right place where Balarāma was supposed to have killed Mayasura. And then we inquired and found that our previous Acharya’s had stopped there and said that it was the place. So I am worried that whether all these places can be preserved or not, I have to take someone around because I don’t know I how long I will be in the worlḍ

.  To make sure that each of these are places are known, so some places like Arkatilla we got, and other places like the place of the Pandavas and Draupadi, we don’t have that but we know where it is. So like this we want to develop Navadvīpa dhama for you, for your children and your grandchildren. Prabhupāda once told me that I am giving you the spiritual world, now develop it. So I have not carried out the order yet and that is the most painful thing. But I am glad to hear how you all even though we only have part of the holy places  protected, how you are getting so much inspiration from the association from the service of the Dhama. And I thank all of you for being part of Navadvipa Parikrama this year. 

You should write to your Guru’ s and  GBC’s , that  they should come and we want them to come and  hear their talks. We are very thankful that Narasimhaswami Maharaja comes, Kavichandra Maharaja, Mahavishnu Maharaja. And I don’t know if he came in this party but he came in the Hindi party that was Gopalakrishna Maharaja. So with 5 / 6 parties are more than enough opportunities for everyone to preach and go around. And some walk with you, and the others even if they are too old to walk or if they think it is too austere for them, then we deliver them by car but they should give their association. Where else you will get such association of nice devotees to give to, so being in meetings rather than Parikrama. I hope that they don’t plan like that next year, so that I can spend more time with Parikrama parties. 

So this place is not different from Lord Jagannath in Puri, actually Lord Jagannatha from Puri came here and he was here hiding for a while. Because there was an Asura in Jagannatha Puri called Rakhtabahu. He only liked Satvik food, he liked to eat Brahmins. [Guru Mahārāja laughs and all devotees laugh along with him] So the Pujari’s brought Lord Jagannatha here because they did not want to get eaten. So Indradyumna Maharaja came and killed the demon, like big Kshatriya’s kill demons as their sport. Then he brought Lord Jagannatha back to Puri. Somehow 500 years ago this Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā manifested. These deities are very active.

I mean I can’t begin to tell you how many past times we have. One year the Pujari put salt in place of sugar into caranamrita and he was riding back to Māyāpur by bicycle and some crazy guy lying on the road and when he called up to the guy, the guy jumped up he screamed [Guru Mahārāja screamed Ahhhhhhh!!] and he pushed the boy of the bike and ran off. So the Pujari lying on the ground and he knew  I must have done something to Lord Jagannatha, he came back and found out that by mistake he put salt in-place of sugar in the Caranamrita. 

One time one of the local Muslim, he came by, Hindu and Muslims everyone is allowed here because some of the Muslims give a Jackfruit or some milk, because there is a tree that did not give any fruits, so  Muslims prayed to Lord Jagannatha and tree gave fruits and they gave the first fruit to Lord Jagannatha. What to speak of Hindu’s and even Muslim. So when one Muslim came up and the Pujari offered him maha-prasadam, he took it and threw it. I don’t eat the food offered to idols, then why did you come here? You don’t have to come here and offend our Lord. So then the guy walked off. Next day he came in and offered his prostrate obeisances to the deities, then he went up-to the Pujari please give me prasadam. Pujari said are you crazy or what? Yesterday you threw the prasadam and today you are offering sastanga dandavat and begging for prasadam what happened? He said well last night in my dream the one with white face he grabbed me by the neck, he said you threw my brother’s prasadam on the ground thumhe ko mar bo, I gonna beat you. And the lady with the yellow face said beat him beat him, I was shaking. The one with big smile and black face, he said let him go let him go this offence is minor not grave. So what I can tell you. I believe I do believe I believe I believe, I will never never never throw prasadam again, so please give.

So every week or two, some past time happens with these deities. We can stay another three hours to tell the past times but you have to attend the mangalarati and leave at 6’O clock. So we won’t do that. May be you heard some already, I don’t know but these deities are very merciful and they will not play around. If you ask them for something they respond. So I know one couple they asked for a child and they had one. They had to bring-up the child as a devotee, no messing around because that’s what they asked for. So anyway you are very fortunate to be here, there you have Lord Caitanya and Simanthini Devi deity here they do the Snana-yatra, no Ratha-yatra for the main deities. These deities are the same deities from 500 years. 

Ḥ . Ḥ Bhaktivignavinashaka Mahārāja : We thank all of you  for participating in the Parikrama programme and thank you all for your realizationṣ We look forward to get back the feedback forms, which will help us more to understand how to develop this Navadvīpa Mandala Parikrama. We also thank Ḥ Ḥ Jayapatākā Mahārāja for coming here this evening and spending time with us in spite of his intense schedule. We hope we see everyone tomorrow, when we have the completion of the sankalpa. Thank you very much!

And tomorrow we have the Mahamilan behind the Mayapur temple and there will be  five groups which merge together and I think that it’s like almost about 10,000-11,000 people, so it’s quite a inspirational and amazing unification. And then after that there will be lots of festivals in Māyāpur. There will be a Ratha-yatra and  there will be Ganges pooja and they have Boat festival with deities in the Samadhi tank. 

And like that everyday there will be some festival. And day after Ekadashi, we arrive tomorrow which is Dashami, then they have Ekadashi then on Dvadashi we go in the morning to Shantipur and distribute prasadam. And it’s between 30,000 to 50,000 people come and Lord Caitanya said whoever takes prasadam, here, at this place, at this thithi they get pure devotion for Govinda.

I hope that you can stay and enjoy the different past times. 

Hare Kṛṣṇa!!


YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEt8NQkTO6g

Transcribed by P V Ramprasad
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