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20160327 An Evening Caitanya-līlā Class.

27 Mar 2016|Duration: 00:22:20|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following is an evening class given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on March 27th 2016 in Sridhāma Māyāpur, India.

 The evening class was about the upcoming Caitanya book and was given on the Lotus Building Rooftop.

♪♪♪ mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam ♪♪♪

♪♪♪ paramānanda-mādhavam śrī caitanya īśvaram♪♪♪

When Lord Nityānanda went to the Lord Buddha’s ashram, the Lord saw that many Buddhists were sitting in meditation. The Lord asked something but no one gave a reply, the Lord being angry kicked somebody in the head, he ran away the Buddhist laughing and laughing. Wandering in the forest, Nityananda was fearless. Then the Lord arrived at Kanyakumari, here they say Kanyakanagar. He saw the deity of Durga-devi and he went to the shore of the Southern ocean. Then Nityananda went to Sri Ananthapure,that must be in Trivandrum (Thiruvanthapuram). So then he went to where there were five Apsaras, the five Apasaras Lake. Then the Lord went to Gokarna, Shiva’s temple. The Gokarna was where Ravan he wanted to take the Shiva Linga but the Shiva Linga could not be moved. So he was using his super human strength and he took the Shiva Linga and it became like a cow’s ear. So that’s how it got the name Gokarna.

In Kerala the Lord wandered from house to house, the Dvaipayani Arca  was seen by Lord Nityananda. Nirbindhya, Payosni, and Tapti Lord wandered at these and had his pastimes. Reva, Mahismatipuri and Malatirtha were all visited by Lord Nityananda. The Lord gave Surparakha and went to Pratuchi and he went to the West.

In this way the Lord in transcendental bliss, he wandered and Nityānanda had no fear anywhere.  Constantly, he was in ecstasy of Kṛṣṇa being in his body. Sometimes he cried, sometimes he laughed, who can understand what kind of rasa, he was experiencing. In this way Lord Nityānanda wandered by the transcendental will of Providence.


The Lord saw Madhavendra Puri. Madhavendra’s Puri body was filled with loving sentiments for Lord Kṛṣṇa, fully absorbed in Kṛṣṇa prema. And also all the disciples and servants were following him without experiencing the mellow of Lord Kṛṣṇa. No one was eating or tasting anything. Mādhavendra Puriś body, Kṛṣṇa was constantly experiencing his loving sentiments. Mādhavendra Puri was the Guru of Advaita Ācārya. So the Lord saw that he was the Ācārya of Advaita Goswami and what more can I say. He would increase the love in everyone. 

When Madhavendra Puri saw Lord Nityānanda, at that moment overwhelmed with Kṛṣṇa prema, he fell on the ground unconscious. When Nityānanda Prabhu saw Sri Mādhavendra Puri, he also fell unconscious on the ground and was not aware of anything. Madhavendra Puri was the first one in the Madhavācārya succession, who manifested the pure sentiments of love or mellows of Bhakti and this was said by Lord Caitanya again and again. So the two of them became unconscious and stunned by seeing each other. When they regained their consciousness, at that time Isvara Puri the dear disciple of Mādhavendra Puri and all the other disciples they were crying to see their Guru and Lord Nityānanda lying on the ground stunned. After some time, the two regained their external consciousness they held each other by their shoulder and they were crying. So the two holding each other by the neck, they were rolling, completely absorbed in Kṛṣṇa Prema, crying loudly, Kṛṣṇa entered into them and they were filled with Kṛṣṇa Prema, so many tears were coming from their eyes it seemed like a river of tears. The earth became soaked with the tears of love of Lord Nityānanda and Mādhavendra Puri and thus the earth was feeling glorious, hairs standing on ends, shaking, crying and there was no limit to their ecstasies. The two were holding each other. Lord Caitanya was inside their bodies and they were manifesting the pure loving sentiments.


Lord Nityānanda said, “All of the holy places I have gone on pilgrimage, today I got the fruit with my eyes I have seen Mādhavendra Puri’s lotus feet. Seeing this pure Kṛṣṇa prema, my life is glorious.”

[One devotee comes closer to Guru Mahārāja to say something, Guru Mahārāja loudly tells and HELLO !! HELLO!!  To him. Both Guru Mahārāja and the devotee laugh]


Mādhavendra Puri took Nityānanda on his lap. He can’t reply. His voice is choked up and eyes were filled with tears of love. Such was the loving sentiment of Mādhavendra Puri he does not release Lord Nityananda from his chest. Isvara Puri, Brahmananda Puri and so on, all the sanyasis, all the disciples were following Lord Nityānanda were affected by Lord Nityānanda. 18:20 – 18:32. 


They saw many saintly people in their wanderings but they didn’t meet anyone who had such intense Kṛṣṇa prema like Lord Nityānanda. So seeing these ordinary sadhus, they had great sadness so therefore they wandered in the forest. All their sadness was destroyed when they saw the manifestation of pure Kṛṣṇa prema.  So Nityānanda stayed for some days with Mādhavendra Puri and while they were travelling they were absorbed in discussing the transcendental subjects of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s pastimes.

[Guru Mahārāja pays pranām by foldings both his hands]



Transcribed by Usha Manoj
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