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20160723 Caitanya Book

23 Jul 2016|Duration: 00:33:31|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

20160723 Caitanya Book

Mukam karoti vacalam

Pangum langhyate girim

Yat kripa tamaham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda madhavan

Sri Chaitanya ishvaram

Hari Om Tat Sat

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Caitanya Mahaprabhu sat down at the Verandah of the door of the gopas, of the cowheard boys and he started to make fun of the activities of the brahmanas.

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Lord Gauranga said, “Oh Son! Make me some milk and yogurt, today I will take charity at your house.”

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So the cowherd men, they saw Lord Gauranga as a form of cupid. They with great respect brought him a good asana.

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So since the ladies called Lord Caitanya as Thakur dada, respected older brother. So then the children of the cowherd ladies addressed Lord Gauranga as maternal uncle or mama and being familiar with their uncle, they said that come and take rice with us. One of us will carry you on our shoulder and will give you rice to eat. Lord Caitanya addressed them as beta or sons.

So Lord Caitanya was asking a big donation and they humorously offered him an insignificant thing to take some cooked rice.

The cowherd men, the cowherd community was cooking various foodstuff from milk. Mothers of the cowherd community fed their children breast milk and later fed them solid food like cooked rice. Thus they humorously proposed to feed the Lord the cooked rice rather than soft children’s foods like yogurt, milk, cheese, ghee and butter, Sandesh, rasagulla, condensed milk, misthi doi.

So some of the cowherd boys took Nimai on their shoulder and carried him to their house.

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Then someone said don’t you remember how you ate all the rice in my house. It’s by the grace of Goddess of Learning, Saraswati.

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So actually, the boys although they were speaking in a humorous spirit by the grace of Sarawati Devi, the goddess of learning, everything they said was actually true, that in his incarnation of Gopal that he had eaten all the rice of the cowherd men. Like Giriraj, he ate all the rice of the braja vasis.

There is a famous place in Govardhan called Aniyor. Bring more, bring more.

Govardhan ate all the foodstuff.

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After having all the light take with Lord Gauranga, they brought milk product like milk, ghee, yogurt, cream, butter and Nimai Prabhu was very happy to accept the offerings of the cowherd boys.

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After the Lord was satisfied by the cowherd men he went to the house of the perfume merchant

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So the perfume merchant payed his obeisance’s respectfully to Lord Nimai who said, “Oh brother! Give me some of your finest perfumes.”

So the perfume merchant brought immediately, some of his best, finest perfume.

Sri Sachi Nandan enquired what is the price of this perfume.

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The merchant responded, it’s well known to you, my dear sir, is it befitting for me to take money from you.

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So please put on some of this perfume today and tomorrow after you take a bath, if your body is still smells of the aroma of the perfume, so after taking a bath if the fragrance is still there, then you can pay me anything that you think appropriate.

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After saying this the perfume merchant began to apply the oil on the body of Mahaprabhu Nimai.

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In the heart of all living entities is the super-soul and everyone is attracted by him. So when the super-soul is himself visible, who is not attracted by that transcendental form.

Nimai is the super-soul and he was there for everyone to see. Naturally people were very much attracted by his form.

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Offering appropriate respects to the perfume merchant, the Lord rose up, and went to the house of the garland seller. In Bengal the florist are those who make flower garlands for sale are called malakar. In India, in the local colloquial Bengali they are knows as malis.

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Seeing his supremely amazing form, the malakar with great affection offered a fine asan and offered his offences.

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The Lord said, “give me a good garland, O malakar, I don’t have any coins, any money.”

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So the malakar, the garland maker when he saw the form of Lord Caitanya, he thought that this is a perfected being and he said that you don’t need to pay me anything.

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Seeing that the garland maker, he put on the Lord’s transcendental body a nice garland. Mahaprabhu Nimai laughed with all his students.

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So casting an auspicious glance, blessing the garland maker, the Lord rose and went to the beetle nut and the pan merchant. Sri Hari, Gauranga went to the house of the Tambuli or beetlenut or pan merchant.

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The beetle merchant, when he saw the Lord’s form as Madan Mohan, Krishna who attracts the mind of Cupid, he thought that Nimai was non-different from Krishna. He took the dust from the lotus feet of Nimai and he gave a fine seat to Lord Gauranga.

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The beetlenut merchant said, “What is my great good fortune, by what good fortune have you come to my house, a most insignificant fallen soul.

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Saying this, driving great personal satisfaction, he brought some beetle and pan leaves and offered to Lord Gauranga. So when the Lord saw this he laughed. The Lord said, “why have you given me beetlenut without taking any price?” and the beetle merchant replied, “I felt like doing it, so I did it.”

The Lord when he heard the reply of the beetle merchant he laughed and smiled, with total satisfaction he chewed on the beetlenut.

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So the beetle merchant offered to Lord Nimai the pan leaves and camphor and other things whatever is beneficial to bring in more taste of the beetle nut, with great faith and devotion he offered this to Lord Nimai and he didn’t take any price or payment, he offered it simply out of devotion.

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So he gave his blessings to the beetle merchant, and then Gaura Rai laughed and smiled and he wandered around the city in this way.

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Almost like the Mathura Dham was the city of Nabadwip. In one place lakhs and lakhs of people, hundreds and hundreds of thousands, it’s not possible for me to explain.

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So in order to the give pleasure to the Supreme Lord, the Nabadwip city was filed with all opulence’s and so that  the Lord by his wandering around the city could enjoy supreme happiness.

So we will end here today

One more verse.

Do you want one more verse?

Haribol (everyone)

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Just as Lord Krishna wandered around Mathura city and that same, and that pastime was performed by Sachinandana in the Nabadwip dham in the Nabadwip city.

So different people were doing their occupations, and then the Lord would come and visit them in their house, visit them in the shop. So in this way he was distributing the mercy to everyone and some people felt that they were supremely blessed but everyone appreciated that the Lord visited their house.

Hari Bol.

How many of you want the Lord to visit your house ?


Transcribed by : Sadananda Krishnaprem Das


Transcribed by Sadananda Krishnaprem Das
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