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19930703 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.24.47

3 Jul 1993|Duration: 00:54:06|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Śrī Māyāpur, India

19930703-SB-01       Parameshwara Prema Das

He sings kirtan in the background Vande ham sri guruh sri yutah pada kamalam sri gurun vasihnavams ca sri rupam sagrajatam saha gana raghunathanvitam tam sa jivam. The following is a lecture given by his Holiness Jayapataka Swami on July 3rd 1993 in Sri Dham Mayapur the class begins with the reading from Srimad Bhagavatam 3rd Canto Chapter 24 Verse 47. Translation by His Divine Grace Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. “Freed from all hatred and desire, Kardama Muni, being equal to everyone because of discharging uncontaminated devotional service, ultimately attained the path back to Godhead.” (Repeat’s it one more time) Purport by Srila Prabhupada “As stated in Bhagavad-gītā, only by devotional service can one understand the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord and, after understanding Him perfectly in His transcendental position, enter into the kingdom of God. The process of entering into the kingdom of God is tri-pāda-bhūti-gati, or the path back home, back to Godhead, by which one can attain the ultimate goal of life. Kardama Muni, by his perfect devotional knowledge and service, achieved this ultimate goal, which is known as bhāgavatī gatiḥ. Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Third Canto, Twenty-fourth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “The Renunciation of Kardama Muni.” So the history of Kardama Muni in this world ends here. Kardama Muni was a brahmachari who was doing tapasya he had God realisation Vishnu appeared to him, blessed him, Kardama Muni was not ready to do complete renunciation at that moment he knew he had to enter into Grahasta ashram, in order to get a proper Krishna Conscious wife so that he could prosecute his devotional service. The Lord knowing everything he wanted blessed him and told him he should accept Devahuti the daughter of Svambhu manu, then Vishnu disappeared. Svambhu manu came things were arranged, Kardama muni got married he continued with the meditation of the Lord, his wife assisted him very humbly with dedication, even though she was a princess, daughter of a great king she accepted so many austerities, in order to serve her husband. Then he had promised her, at the time of my marriage he would give her a son, but afterwards he wanted to renounce and take up sanyas, where was the agreement, so she


19930703-SB-02       Jamuna sevika D.D.

But afterwards he wanted to renounce and take up to God, so where is the agreement, so she devahuti wanted a child , kardama muni first gave her nine daughters she said you promised me a son, so again he gave her another child a son who was incarnation of god head kapila muni. So once in the grihastha ashram although fully maintaining his spiritual practices at the same time kardama muni experienced whatever he wanted to experience of material life, whatever happiness is sufferings in material life without sacrificing his devotional service he was able to experience and get that experience behind him, in the real life it was not very significant without experiencing it he was not able to renounce, after experiencing it he was ready to renounce. He could have renounced after completing his material duties giving a son that had completed. The son was old enough to take care of his mother then he wanted to renounce and take sanyas, so kapila muni took his responsibility of devahuti, to teach her science of devotional service sankhya yoga, you can go, she gave her permission you can go, because she had already agreed, then he took sanyas, he wandered through out the roads not remaining fixed in any residence simply roaming and remembering Krishna, this kind of Bhagavat sanyas where one gives up all of activities is not recommended in kali yuga, in those days people were so nice that anywhere you go you just hold your hand out and you will get some food, most of the people were vegetarians also, even the big materialist what’s his name “ charvak  beg , borrow or steal but relish ghee whatever it takes, I want ghee, not non veg, so in this way kardama muni he wandered across the universe remembering Krishna and he became detached from the material attachment he became detached from false ego, he started to see Krishna in every ones heart, he saw the super soul in everyone’s heart he became complete god realized in Krishna everywhere and everything is resting in Krishna, then now free from hatred and desire equal to everyone he had achieved the supreme path back home back to God head, Nitai Gaura sitanath premanande Hari Bol. So the entire spiritual life of Kardama muni, we have just seen now the overview. It’s totally purifying to discuss about it because he achieved the perfection of life, bhakti sidhant Sri Vishnu paad, Srila bhakti sidhant saraswati Thakur sometimes apparently   his disciples would praise to another of their God brothers, oh that devotee is very good, he is very pious , very enthusiastic, he is doing so many nice things, and in response he would give the reply “sochytam priya manyatam” let the perfect come to the house something like that. Let the great get to the home, right in the field where we see all the beautiful rice, we see the crop all the wonderful rice crop.


19930703-SB-03       Parameshwara Prema Das

Right in the field where we see all the beautiful rice, we see the crop all the wonderful rice crop. , but obviously it’s just that the rice is maya, right in here right in the field if the hail storms comes thumping down and knock off all the grains you can’t get anything more what was the use?. The real success in life is getting back home back to God head, completing our devotional service and going back to God head going to serve Krishna eternally. We just had Rath yatra in Calcutta we saw the beautiful rath yathra deities, you also saw the picture of Jayananda Prabhu he was a devotee came and did so many nice services he was humble very wonderful pulled the rath yatra so many nice qualities right till the end of life he remain fixed in serving Krishna so we glorify him because “sochatam bina manitham” he made it back home back to God head. He started off at the very end. The world’s main people are so much into sports the newspapers dedicate so much space for sports and Olympics is a big events, one of the top events for athletics is the marathon every sports has its soul that only the top three people, once they cross the finish line they consider it’s over, but marathon because it runs so long it is the tradition until the last athletes crosses the finish line one is still in the race and out of respect everyone wins. Its simply a race of 36kms its just a matter of feat either first or last it doesn’t matter it is just to finish, some kind of thing of we know that this devotional service is actually spiritual marathon, spiritual effort to get back to Krishna, so when we chant, serve very enthusiastic for sometimes and then get distracted and leave the race and again we have to take another birth but what is important it’s nice to see enthusiasm in the short run what important is completing this life time entire life time in Krishna consciousness just like Kardama Muni did he went through various phases went through bramacharya, through this ghrasta, and sanyasa went back to God head this is the important point to fully take shelter of Krishna “Bhagavati Gati” Bengali they have Krishna prapti someone who has left his body sometimes say Krishna prapti. Krishna prapt he has reached Krishna he has gone back to God, but actually only two people go back to God head those who are fully Krishna conscious so we have to also we take that initiation (Inaudible) America to go back to Krishna to stay in the race till the bitter end or sweet end, we stay till the sweet end Madhuram go to Krishna to the very sweet end sometimes the devotee say why do I chant I don’t feel attraction I don’t feel bliss I will just listen to the tape in the morning


19930703-SB-04       Jamuna sevika D.D

Sometimes the devotee say why do I chant I don’t feel attraction I don’t feel bliss I was just listening to the tape in the morning of srila prabhupad giving a lecture in vrindavan and he says while you're chanting and you're not feeling that ecstasy because your doing offensive chanting, haridas thakur he was discussing at great length about namapradh Chaitanya caritamrita about namapradh, one gets liberates even by accidentally chanting. But if someone is chanting ,Srila prabhupads said and is not getting ecstasy that means they are doing offensive chanting. He said its alright even offensive chanting is better than not chanting, because by offensive chanting eventually you will get back to Krishna, and he mentioned here you are in Dham, you are in Vrindavan, and if you stay in vrindavan and you stay in devotional service you don't commit any big offense then you go back to krishna bit if you are in dham and you commit offenses then you will be born again in dham but as a pig, dog or tree a monkey or some living entity in the dham, so that is good for you, because then you will be born in Vrindavan. Die in vrindavan, after that you go to Krishna. But those who are born in vrundavan why do you want to waste your time? Why do you want to waste your time. Go back in this life time. Kardma muni did it. He went back one life time. Bahunaam janma namante , gyanwan mam prapadyate, those mayavadis or gyaanis they take many births to go back, that's why in that Pastime in Chaitanya caritamrita, when Haridas thakur came to the house of his father's Uncle Raghunath das that.. Govardhan majumdar he was the guest of bhagvan acharya whose Samadhi we still see at......pune they were 100 of devotees all wanted to hear from Haridas thakur. What are the glories of the Holy name. One of the devotees he shows off and said we know, we chant the name of Krishna we get gopis another devotee said yes yes we know it is very great, sweeps off all the karma's and so many things. Haridas thakur said this is not the greatest thing that you get from the Holy name, being freed from karma, getting liberation, this you get from Namabhaas. This you get from accidentally chanting the Holy name. Then he quoted a shloka from the Vedas, whereby it is given accidentally chanting the Holy name in fear, just like ajamil he chanted the name of Narayana calling his son at first it wasn't his intention it wasn't his intention to call out Krishna he was calling his son Narayana , little Narayan. At the time of death the yamadutas where getting in he is calling out Narayan then he remembered Krishna and he was saved by the vishnudutas as he chant took shelter of krishna, so accidentally chanting gives us liberation , Haridas thakur explained that Gopal chakrobarthy he stood up he said how can you listen to this gentleman what he is doing he is just telling you so many big things, chant the Holy name and accidentaly you get liberation how is that, it takes a thousands.


19930703-SB-05       Parameshwara Prema Das

Big things chant the holy name accidentally you get liberation  how is that, it takes thousand births for a yogi to achieve liberation and he says it gives happiness bliss and chant the name of Krishna and you get the worship and you expect us to believe it. Haridas Thakur is not giving you I am giving you, this is what the vedas say don’t believe the vedas, vedas are saying chant the name of Krishna you will accidentally get liberation moksha, it’s not my opinion and Gopal Chakravathi said If you don’t get liberation that is your down fall. Haridas Thakur said if you don’t get liberation you will all fall down. Must get liberation vedas are not saying anything wrong Jaya Radha Madhava Pachatatva ke Jai vrinda ke jai, jai Narshimha Dev Bhakt Prahlad mahraj ke, jai Vasudev Devaki. So then Govardan Majumdar and….. came and fell at the feet of Haridas please forgive us for the Vaishnava apradh please forgive us the entire Chakravarthy get out of here The tax collector he is no longer working for us How you have offended again insulted it is strange he is an Acharya what are you doing, he is a Vaishnava get out of here foolish, they fell and caught Haridas Thakur’s feet and begged him please forgive us, people think that by yoga some or other they are going to control their mind and get to Krishna consciousness and they are going to get that liberation, they sometimes mistake what Kardama Muni did as a yogi. When in the satya yuga the system was yoga, meditation they would meditate on Krishna, Vishnu in the heart paramatma, it was devotional meditation not meditating on the nirakar. Krishna is the supreme personality of god head he expands himself in everyone’s heart as the paramatma or supersoul and from his spiritual body and planet the brahma jyoti comes out and is all pervasive those you reach the brahma jyoti are on the basic level of God realization, those who have realised parmatma are on the 2nd level and the complete realisation is the realisation of Bhagvan. When we take shelter of the holy name of Krishna he can directly deliver us we don’t have to go through all the things, but the gyanis they go through so many different things they think they will control their minds by this meditation In satya yuga it was peaceful people would sit and meditate know the whole atmosphere is agitated even if one meditates he will hear some one calling out outside the window …… some croaking …..so many different distractions are there. Now if anyone wants to go to the Himalyas to meditate wherever they go the government and tourist department has got helicopter service to show the rishis meditating see there they are, apart from all that the real problem is the mind, mind Arjuna said I cannot do this meditation, I cannot control the mind sitting down looking at my nose at its tip. Bhakti Sidhantha Thakur gave that example once there was a boy, man who  wanted to catch a buck a crane, the crane they are not too easy to catch, they fly away how will you catch them, so then he came up with a plan I will do


19930703-SB-06       Parameshwara Prema Das

so then he came up with a plan i will do find out a crane just by the side of the river and i will go with some ghee and i will put the ghee on the head of the buck crane

in the hot sun the ghee will melt and go in the eye of the crane and he will become blinded then i will catch him. Good idea? What do you think? ..prabhu its a

good idea What do you think Sudarshan a good idea? you don't understand she didn't understand obviously if you can go and put ghee on the head of the crane you can catch it in the first place. How are you going to go

 and put the ghee on his head, so these yogis they think i will sit and meditate and i will control their mind till they control their

mind they will already be able to concentrate, the whole problem is that they cannont control their mind so how meditation will help them control their mind. Its not very easy for them

very hard the process of devotional service, when we use our mind, our words, our activities everything in the service of Krishna that is a practical process, so

Haridas Thakur he said obviously this man you don,t know about this devotional service he does not know this science of Bhakti that is why he saying all these things

so its all right he is just a child he doesn't know any better of course he was cursing Haridas Thakur and has his nose fall off, to curse someone who is more spiritual and powerful the curse comes back to you.

 It bounces back and that Chakravarty, Gopal Chakravarthy lost his own by leprosy Haridas Thakur was sad and forgave him and left the place. So Kardama Muni was practicing Bhakti Yoga he was doing in another yuga  he was doing it in a different way in this yuga we practice Bhakti Yoga by chanting Hare Krishna

Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare and we take shelter of the Lord the golden avatar Chaitanya Maha Prabhu Gauranga Gauranga Gauranga, please get on this simple process and chant the holy name, by chanting the holy name then

 we get all the success of life whatever Kardama Muni acheived by meditation

we can acheive by chanting "deta jayate hom vishnu ... dwapara yam puri charjayam triloka yam adi kirtana" in the age of kali we can acheive the same success that we could in treta by meditating satya yuga

by meditating,treta by homa fire sacrifice and in dwapara yuga by temple worship and in Kalyuga by you get by the holy name,the difference in satya yuga it takes a long time

 thousand of years, in treta yuga it took a long time ten hundred years, dwapara yuga it took a whole year, but here in kalayuga you get in one moment you chant the

 lords name one day you practice you can get success but what is important ending up how do we end up


19930703-SB-07       Parameshwara Prema Das

You can get success but what is important ending up, how do we end up, we build up our whole spiritual strength from childhood actually the parents they give the children a booster before the children are old enough to practice spiritual life on their own the parents do Garboda samsakar do so many sacrifices during pregnancy like simantha  then jagya karma birth ceremony, anna prasada first grain then kali daneyar and then lighting ……(inaudible) then upanayanam, after that the child will be able to practice on their own then the child will personally take Harinaam and brahmana initiation, then take the actual panchratra diksha, so the whole human life is meant to get back to God head “Bhagavati Gati” to reach the path “Prapta Bhagavati Gati” to reach that supreme destination and maya is there to distract us. Children enter the gurukul and they think there whole life is playing around why there parents put them in gurukul they can’t figure it out, they just keep playing, In this way some children may miss the opportunity material nature is so dangerous that you degrade and will have to take birth again can he be born in the family of a devotee, see children born in the family of devotee sometime they get distracted maybe one bad association will spoil few others. Somehow or other they don’t stay in devotional service even if they have the opportunity. So why should we take the risk this is what Srila Prabhupada was saying we should go back to Krishna this life time to do that we simply have to be very careful serving in the holy dham you are in a very great advantage if you just stay in Krishna Consciousness you go back. Just by avoiding offence to the vaishnavas, to the dieties, to the holy name. In order to get a taste of chanting Hare Krishna we have to rise above offensive chanting, we go through the various stage, we get to the offensive stage, then we get realised, real spiritual bliss consistently from chanting, Roopa and Sanatana Goswami they are praying if I could have thousands of tongues and millions of ears to hear the holy name Brahma why have you designed only one mouth and two ears it is not enough to get all the nectar of the holy name. We are so unfortunate we are not getting that same taste that Sanatana Goswami, Roopa Goswami were getting, for our offences, What should we do?, stop chanting ? Of course not it’s the worst thing and we are doomed any way to go on chanting and try to follow all the instructions of the Guru, Guru Parampara avoid offenses to the holy name then we will be successful. So Prabhupada is there, pulling us grabbing us by the shikha and pulling us.


19930703-SB-08 Nila Radhe DD  

(0.01 -0.12 Not clear)only resisting no I don’t want to chant , no I don’t want to do, trying to find some excuse. This devotee doesn’t treat me nice then why should I chant Hare Krishna.  That devotee is in maya, then why should you go in Maya. Maya  (0.30-0.32 not clear) why you have to be Krishna Conscious.( 0.34-0.39 not clear)what should we say? (Not clear)We should give up Krishna consciousness, what should we say? You say Hare Krishna , you say no, Hare Krishna. We don’t listen to Mayas ideas. We don’t. We have already Prabhupada’s idea, we have Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s idea we have all these ideas given in the Bhagvatam, we know already simply serve Krishna eternally. Not clear 1:23 -1.38) maya is getting worried, somehow she is trying to get us accused, misleads are priorities, misleads our justice. We don’t chant , we don’t read , we don’t attend the class, having got accused and maya takes advantage of our weakened state, bewilders us ,gives us some complicated ideas which doesn’t really make any sense. We lose faith in devotees, we don’t cooperate with them and we think that our ideas are right. And actually we know we are off the track, we are no longer in a race. We can make so many excuses but the real thing is (2.29 – 2.39 not clear). But even if you left the race, whenever you come back you start off again from where you have left off. There is nowhere else you’ll get such an opportunity( 2.50-3:14 not clear). In Mayapur somebody poisoned the man, and the body was flowing and it on came on the side of the Ganges, and (not clear) saw all around the body there was jackals , (not clear), and dogs. They tried to eat the dead body. So much poisonous, actually they died. You could see them lying around still. Although it was a biggest thing in those days. (3.39-3.50 not clear). So they died in dham , it’s their good fortune. Who wants to take such a birth again?. Prabupada has given us the opportunity to chant Hare Krishna , to get over the material platform. Get to the platform, if we are not getting the nectar while chanting we should look to ourselves what is wrong with us?, what did I do wrong?. The defect is not in the holy name, the defect is in our hearts, it’s covered. We have to  prevent it (4.24-4.47 not clear).. so Kardama Muni, very pure soul, he couldn’t get rid of …( not clear).

Note : Many places Gurumaharajs audio is not clear due to echo in recording.


19930703-SB-09 Nila Radhe DD

So he went through that phase to be grihasta, now he has taken sanyaas, now he is going back to Godhead. The point is you to do everything according to the instrcutions of the Guru, and then you back to Godhead. He didn’t do anything whimsically. Whatever he did was according to the instruction of his spiritual master Lord Brahma, Vishnu. (0.28 -0.43 not clear) because that is the duty to completely surrender to Krishna at the end of life. There are so many instructions that are given in the life of Kardama Muni, now we are going to..this is the end of this chapter, now we will hear the instructions directly from the mouth of Kapila Deva. Being here on the holy dham we should never object His instructions, be inspired. Normally whats the hope of going back to Godhead because Kardama Muni is such a great soul, he saw Vishnu. What is the “word not clear 1.24”? The “word not clear” is GO BACK TO GODHEAD!!!! Srila Prabhupada ki Jai! Gauranga is so merciful, he said I want to deliver all souls give everyone the chance. Normally they don’t get the chance. This is the request of Advaita Goswami. This is (“word not clear 1.45) that Lord Chaitanya is patita pavan, the deliverer of most fallen, even if you are the most fallen you have the chance. Thank you very much. Hare Krishna. Any questions or comments? Lets say a devotee takes great risk to do some extra ordinary service , in spreading Krishna Consciousness and not getting appreciation from the spiritual master (2.02 -2.40 question completely not clear , too much background noise) . Well affcourse we, Prabhupada said a little secret, is to catch the big fish without getting wet. To be able to take the risk, achieve the appreciation of the Guru and at the same time not fall and get back to Godhead, that’s the goal. Srila Prabhupada, he many time requested the devotees at least just be Krishna Conscious, do what you can don’t leave. Sometimes while giving such a lesson one takes that risk knowing that there is a risk. What is the risk? You say risk..risk means danger. Along with the risk there is a treasure, if I am successful I am guaranteed to go back to Krishna, with the help of spiritual master and help of so many others. So one has to have certain blessings to do that. (“4.17 -4.40 not clear”). That foolishly we shouldn’t take risks. We take risk, it’s a calculated risk, depending on the mercy of the Guru. Certain indications are there , we should take such a risk, we should chant for the success.


19930703-SB-10 Snigdhamayi Sudevi DD

To take such a risk is a chance for success  . so sometimes this is a fact that you cannot calculate.  A person takes  a risk and achieves some wonderful service , has a fall down in the path. But in spite of that because of the service that was achieved sometimes they are delivered that is something you cannot take up to  Krishna and the guru. Just like the vedas it say that someone  who builds a Krishna temple can live in heavenly planets for as many years as their service in temples. In other place in the veda it is written even   If you donate one brick In a vishnu temple you go back to godhead..  So the vedas say different things.  So by doing a small service, sometimes you go a long way. what to speak of someone who Has got a  very important service. Krishna said that by doing something good you never get a bad result. on one sense there won’t be any bad result  but The real question. Just like there was one devotee ,he was, Prabhupada asked to get a neem twig. He started hanging out, just outside the window there was a neem tree in Calcutta.  To  get a neem twig, Prabhupada said don’t do that.   That’s alright Prabhupada. No don’t do that. Hanging already no it’s alright . it is alright but don’t do it at  my risk..  It gives me too much anxiety . they don’t wanna see you take unnecessary risk .one thing okay,  he was doing it for the guru not for himself. It was glorious, may be there was a way in doing it  without taking so much risk. So what are the factors in this whole scenario?  It is the blessing of the guru ,  blessing of the Vaishnava if  something great is approved. . Srila Prabhupada he took a great risk to spread the Krishna consciousness all over the world. that The things that  he achieved was so great that he considered  was worth whatever the risk was.  It is not worthy to break your neck just to get a neem twig for the guru, but it is than lying down in one corner or to just take the advice to go down to propagate in some other country .   so one time we have to analyze , the risk compared to how great effect it will be. if by doing that thing just like Prabhupada was going to the scientist  there’s a risk …..that Prabhupada brought materialistic scientist .  there’s a certain risk factor there.   But the Goal was to turn around the neck of the material  minded scientist which is atheistic and bringing around to a more spiritual point of view which will change the whole  purpose of the world , it is worth the risk. Some scientist have to start doing harinama everyday , or week, they have to read you know  every proforma of the day and  They have to study their science books and write thesis,  books to challenge scientists. They still go on harinam a couple of times  a week once a week , they chant, a couple of books they buy, really fired up in kirtan. They have to do  that  austerity as to read some materialist books ,mythology this book and that book because it is  needed .so different activities have different risks. So in all these there are so many factors . so  that’s why we have a guru, that’s why we have the vaishnavas, so we have sastra . the sastra says this should to be done. Just like Narada muni he knew to be a grihastha was a risk.  I might completely loose , I might loose it, I might just  become a bishoyi and give up my spiritual life . I might just work for my family  and hopefully loose it . so he is doing tapasya to prepare himself.


19930703-SB-11       Parameshwara Prema Das 

Work just for the family and totally lose it, so he is doing tapasya to prepare himself , when I enter into grahasta life I better remain Krishna conscious I am not just going to become a materialist and when, how my children growing up I am going to  face the reality dedicate my real vanaprastha and just going to engage in spiritual life, so he was preparing himself Jiva Goswami, he wanted to defend this philosophy against all the other philosophers so he went to college whatever you call it he went to study Sanskrit, in banaras , he became a great scholar so he could challenge somebody thinks he needs the blessings of the Vaishnava’s, the guru by taking a risk, Prabhupada I remember he had so many  devotees for going on to the  stupid library part something some far away place in the world some of us going to the middle east he asked all the Vaishnava’s to give your blessings, they are taking a risk by going in a very difficult terrain they need your blessing. On the order of the guru and the blessing of the Vaishnava still we have to be careful we have to know we have to be prepared. Not everyone gets the opportunity to do something as was detailed .We should be determined to go on with our service, don’t think that this menial service is also not going to win appreciation of the Guru, they are also going to appreciate. Sometime even a very simple devotee suddenly involved in a very majors service going out and distributing books, the great fallen souls performing arati to the installed deties ringing the bell which is liberating so many living entities, may be sent to some difficult place to preach, maya is everywhere taking the risk so for preaching we take a risk so we prepare ourselves during the temple be very strong attend all the programs go out on travelling sankirtan so we don’t get attracted by some sense gratification which is all around even if we are doing our regular service we should prepare our self to take up to our capacity, whatever service Krishna may require us to do you see by giving us. They say that in Seravu, Seruvu, Seruvu, Seruvu, Serauvu  Yugoslavia  devotees are there every devotee is contributing to the total strength  more they may be doing their simple service planning to go out and do some heroic risk taking situation but they are put into it,  the whole country is in a national karma they have been  put into a war and know they are put in a crisis and they have to defend, they have to do the needful so they voluntarily take the risk whether the risk is thrown up, we have to, the whole life should be a preparation, preparation  in that way we are preparing and when we die we go back to God head once …… (inaudible) and the opportunity comes we do something more we do it so much better. Hare Krishna




Transcribed by Parameshwara Prema Das
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