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19930307 The Appearance Pastime Of Lord Caitanya

7 Mar 1993|Duration: 00:49:40|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following is a talk given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on March 4th 1993 in Sridham Māyāpur. The talk was given during the Chaitanya līlā seminar.


vande 'haḿ śrī-guroḥ śrī-yuta-pada-kamalaḿ śrī-gurun vaiṣṇavāḿś ca

śrī-rūpaḿ sāgrajātaḿ saha-gaṇa-raghunāthānvitaḿ taḿ sa jīvam

sādvaitaḿ sāvadhūtaḿ parijana-sahitaḿ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devaḿ

śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pādān saha-gaṇa-lalitā- śrī-viśākhānvitāḿś ca


mahā-viṣṇur jagat-kartā

māyayā yaḥ sṛjaty adaḥ

tasyāvatāra evāyam

advaitācārya īśvaraḥ

[Cc. Ādi 1.12]


Lord Advaita Ācārya is the incarnation of Mahā-Viṣṇu, whose main function is to create the cosmic world through the actions of māyā.

Because He is non different from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Ācārya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord’s devotee. Therefore, I take shelter of Him. I offer my obeisance’s unto the Supreme Lord, Kṛṣṇa, who is nondifferent from His features as a devotee, devotional incarnation, devotional manifestation, pure devotee and devotional energy.


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: They would meditate on the unlimited qualities of Śrī Advaita Ācārya. Advaita ācārya was a disciple of Mādhavendra purī and his disciple was Gaurāṅga, He prayed for Gaurāṅga to come (devotees laugh).


He was the disciple of Gaurāṅga in another sense so you see he’s the expansion of Gaurāṅga but still he took initiation from Mādhavendra purī, actually he appeared in Śrī Haṭṭa in a place called Lahur Gram, Lahur gram he appeared in the year 1355 Shatabdi who had it written down yesterday Lord Caitanya very well known how much older he was then Lord Caitanya you can research it 1355 satabdva you can compare that to Caitanya birth.


In the month of Māgha, 7th day of the rising moon, that’s a…they say that he was born 1434. Idea was when Lord Caitanya appeared he was already in his 50s, 52. His father’s name was Śrī Kuvera Pandit his mother’s name was Nava Nava Devī, before initiation his name was Kamalaksha Veda Panchanam, Sītā devī and Śrī devī are His consorts mean Sītā devī met Acyuta Nanda then Kṛṣṇa Das, Gopal, Balarāma, Swarup, and Jagadish and Śrī devī had Shyam Das,  they had two houses, one house in ShantiPur and another house in Navadwip, he lived for 125 years and he disappeared 25 year after Lord Caitanya pastimes were unmanifested.


The way Mādhavendra Purī met Advaita Gosāi is quite interesting. Mādhavendra Purī, he was traveling from Vṛndāvan to go down to Jagannath Purī on the Ganges side, he was one of the very few Vaiṣṇava’s Sanyasi’s in North India, said that when he went by the public roads, he would walk down the public roads and meet Māyāvādī Sanyasi’s he didn’t like to meet them tells him one of them wanted to talk about Vedānta and how they’re all God, the common people was ask him for blessings.

I remember one time I was walking in one place then one lady fell down before me offering her obeisance’s and crying and trying to touch my feet, what is this all about?

Then maybe she’s really devoted or something Vaiṣṇava but then she got up and said you’re a sādhu please bless me my son has stomach tumor, he’s got a stomach āche, you have to bless him that the operation is successful.


Will you promise that the operation will be successful?


So, Vaiṣṇava Sanyasi are not supposed to give material blessings, who knows you if you promise some odes the operation will be successful later they come back it wasn’t successful, so we’re not supposed to give such type of material blessings so apparently those days people they would all go to these sanyasi’s only asking such material things. So, this very disturbing for someone who wanted to practice Kṛṣṇa consciousness every time someone come in please give me blessing that I can have this or that and nothing, no interest in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.


So, Mādhavendra purī he was going up the main road and going on side road just by the Ganges and then somehow because Advaita Ācārya lived right beside of the Ganges, he would bump into the court yard of Advaita Gosāi, Advaita Gosāi was….very nice to see a Vaiṣṇava sanyasi with Tilak and tridaṇḍa and immediately he jumped out and Mādhavendra purī was very surprised to see a Vaiṣṇava brāhmaṇa, they were also quite rare to see someone with Vaiṣṇava tilaka.


Immediately Advaita offering his obeisance’s he came and gave a seating place, gave a nice seat to Mādhavendra purī and said please sit down and then let me, he gave a reception, bathed his feet, requested him please take some prasādam here, we’re worshipping Śāligrāma Śilā, we’re pure Vaiṣṇava’s you know we’re only worshiping Viṣṇu.


So, they started discussing about Kṛṣṇa consciousness and Advaita Gosāi was very moved by Mādhavendra purī and he begged him to stay that night and like this he requested if he could take initiation, he was already Brahmanical Vedic mantra but he wanted to get pāñcarātrika mantras from a pure Vaiṣṇava guru.

So Mādhavendra purī gave him initiation, after sometime then went on.

Tomorrow observing the festival disappearance festival of Mādhavendra purī, so then he wrote books about Advaita Gosāi. You know all the goswamis who are the ones are bonafide apart specifically about Advaita Gosāi, so far, we haven’t researched, but there were quite a few that were written about his childhood pastimes, there’s Advaita Mangal, Advaita Vilās comma required here Sītā Caritra, Baliyā līlā Sūtra, and there’s…a lot of books written about Advaita Gosāi.

So of course, the most important aspect is Advaita Gosāi’s personality was that it was actually he who brought Caitanya Mahāprabhu into this world, it's explained in the Caitanya Caritamrita, in the house of Advaita Ācārya all the Vaiṣṇava took pleasure always talking about Kṛṣṇa, always worshiping Kṛṣṇa and always chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa Mahā Mantra.

Prabhupāda explains in the purport that all these principles only does this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement go on, we have no business other than talk of Kṛṣṇa, Worship Kṛṣṇa, chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahāmantra

kintu sarva-loka dekhi’ kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha

viṣaye nimagna loka dekhi’ pāya duḥkha

[Cc. Ādi 13.67]


But Śrī Advaita Ācārya Prabhu felt pained to see all the people without Kṛṣṇa consciousness simply merging in material sense enjoyment.


A bona fide devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa is always pained to see the fallen condition of the whole world. Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura used to say, “There is no scarcity of anything within this world. The only scarcity is of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.” That is the vision of all pure devotees. Because of this lack of Kṛṣṇa consciousness in human society, people are suffering terribly, being merged in an ocean of nescience and sense gratification. A devotee onlooker is very much aggrieved to see such a situation in the world.

lokera nistāra-hetu karena cintana

kemate e saba lokera ha-ibe tāraṇa

[Cc. Ādi 13.68]


Seeing the condition of the world, He began to think seriously of how all these people could be delivered from the clutches of māyā.


Kṛṣṇa avatari’ karena bhaktira vistāra

tabe ta’ sakala lokera ha-ibe nistāra

[Cc. Ādi 13.69]


Śrīla Advaita Ācārya Prabhu thought, “If Kṛṣṇa Himself appears in order to distribute the cult of devotional service, then only will liberation be possible for all people.”


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: So Advaita gosāi wanted the supreme Lord to come and liberate everyone just like the head of states comes and liberates everyone from the prison house

Kṛṣṇa avatārite ācārya pratijñā kariyā

kṛṣṇa-pūjā kare tulasī-gaṅgājala diyā

[Cc. Ādi 13.70]


With this consideration, Advaita Ācārya Prabhu, promising to cause Lord Kṛṣṇa to descend, began to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, with tulasī leaves and water of the Ganges.


kṛṣṇera āhvāna kare saghana huṅkāra

huṅkāre ākṛṣṭa hailā vrajendra-kumāra

[Cc. Ādi 13.71]


By loud cries He invited Kṛṣṇa to appear, and this repeated invitation attracted Lord Kṛṣṇa to descend.


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: So Advaita gosāi took Ganges water and tulasī mañjarī’s and he started to offer the worship to Lord Kṛṣṇa and in this way the Lord was moved and he came down.


When Lord Caitanya was a small child at that time his elder brother Viswarupa use to go and listen to the scriptural discourses of Advaita Gosāi, Nimāi would go to get his older brother, sometime he would sit there and listen for a while then he would ask his brother to come.


When Viswarupa took Sannyāsa, Advaita Ācārya he cried in great separation of Viswarupa. Viswarupa was Saṅkarṣaṇa. So, it’s very natural that Advaita will feel separation Iswara Purī came to Advaita’s temple then Thakur Haridas he sometimes joined with Advaita Gosāi that was also the interesting thing that.

 One-time Advaita Gosāi, he was performing the Shraadda ceremony for his father, he performed shraad for the father same as perform Tirubhava for the Guru.


So, the shraad ceremony you also worship Lord Viṣṇu and then you give the Brāhmaṇa’s the prashadam. There are special brāhmaṇa’s who only go around and eat food in shraada ceremonies, [devotees laugh] if you got the proper Vaiṣṇava shraada ceremony they give Kṛṣṇa prashadam, they’re very healthy. Someone told me I got to know that the ones that go to the non-Vaiṣṇava shraad they all turn very black because they take all the karma of people giving the shraad but I don’t know anything like that’s just  someone mentioned to me that they know this but in any case.


The next day’s Advaita Gosāi invited a pure Vaiṣṇava Haridas Thakur and he also invited many brāhmaṇa’s who did worship Viṣṇu, he had the Viṣṇu Prasad and at the first prasad he is supposed to offer to the most senior most brāhmaṇa’s.


So he offered it to Haridas Thakur, one of the brāhmaṇa’s protested that he wasn’t even born in a brāhmaṇa family, he was born in a Mohamadian family so how can you offer to him bit.


Then Advaita gosāi said that he is the greatest Vaiṣṇava that means that he is also the greatest brāhmaṇa but they were not immediately accepting so then some words and said alight some Brāhmaṇa’s are supposed to light fire by mantra so you blow on the wood and you light it, so he brought the woods front of each of the brāhmaṇa’s and they wshoooo wshooo blowing but it didn’t light the fire. So, he went to each one and each one is huffing and puffing but nothing’s happening, finally when he took to Haridas Thakur and he chanted Hare Kṛṣṇa and blew on it, boom! It lit into fire, so then none of the brāhmaṇa’s could say anything and Haridas Thakur was first given the mahā prashad and others were given the other prashad.


The past time he told was around the parikrama about Murāri Gupta, after Murāri Guptas’ son Lord Caitanya come to his house and he went again to offer obeisances in the house of Jaganath Miśra, he went and talked to Advaita gosāi to say what he thought Advaita he was uncommittable.


He said who but later Rāma Rāma pandit the brother of Śrīvāsa pandit was sent by Lord Caitanya you go to Advaita Gosāi and tell him that Lord for whom he had fasted loudly shouted the holy name and cried in separation and worshipped the Tulasī and Saligram and tulasī and Ganges water that Lord is now in Nadia.


So, Rāma pandit went over to his house and when he went into the house, he offered his obeisance’s to Advaita was sitting Advaita Ācārya jumped up and immediately said “How do I know it’s true, how do I know that he’s not just lying, many people know that I prayed to Lord to come what is the proof that he is the Lord of my life? The Lord of my heart?”


Rāma pandit hadn’t said anything, and Advaita was walking this way and that way in the court yard saying all these things. So, well he thought Advaita Ācārya is thought to be a little eccentric unusual quality so it’s not possible to understand what he does anyway so he just waited.


Advaita Ācārya said sat down and said “Hare Kṛṣṇa, what is it that you want?”


Then Rāma pandit just stood up and said that Lord for who given the message of Lord Chaitanya that ordered him, the Lord for whom you had fasted, the lord for you who had worshiped the Śāligrāma and tulasī and Ganges water, the lord for whom you loudly shouted out the holy name and crying for in separation that Lord has now appeared in Nadia, Advaita Ācārya jumped


HARIBOL HARIBOL HARIBOL [devotees repeating......]


He’s come, He’s come I made him come I brought him from that spiritual world,


HARIBOL HARIBOL. [Devotees repeating…]

Then his mood changed, but how do I know its him for sure?


How do I know?


You tell him, I’m not going, I won’t go to see him, it’s all too much for Rāma pandit he’s just sitting listening, tell him that I’m not going. What I’ll do is I’ll go and hide in the village and if he’s really hearing my word*… he’ll call me and I’ll come to him and pay my obeisance’s and he will put his lotus feet on my head and then he’ll show me. His transcendental glories, so then Advaita was ready to go and Sītā ṭhākurāṇī was right by his side with a whole Ārati tray, he said what is that for just thinking (devotees laugh) the Lord did come, He’s the Lord [Not Clear - 00:19:21] so he was an expert.


So, when he got in the village Rāma pandit came over to see Lord Caitanya from the other way before he could say anything, and then he offered his obeisance’s to


Gaurāṅga GAURĀṄGA. [Devotees repeating…]


Lord Gaurāṅga just ignores Rāma pandit and he looks over in the village area Nar Naray come here, it’s a name of Advaita, you come here, Advaita Gosāi.


So, very humbly Advaita came out looking, he came and offered his obeisance’s at some distance Lord Caitanya and Lord Gaurāṅga went and he put his lots feet on the head of Advaita Gosāi,




Then Advaita gosāi looked up and instead of seeing this Nimāi pandit that he’s seen so many times before now he’s seeing a completely effulgent form of Lord Gaurāṅga more brilliant than millions of suns, the whole world was covered by his Brahmā Jyoti, only the devotees were visible and Lord Caitanya everything else disappeared. Of course, then that’s the famous time of Lord Caitanya asked Śrī Advaita gosāi, “Said alright you asked me to come now you ask me to bloom what do you want, why did you call me?”


Advaita made his request after lot of encouragement from Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, he was accompanied by the Nitāi and Haridas came back telling about Jagāi and Mādhāi deliverance along with Nityānanda. There were some special pastimes GAURĀṄGA! [Devotees repeating…]

Who can read Bengali? Open up the chapter Madhya 13.


When Lord Caitanya was offering his, when he revealed his mahā prakash līlā Advaita gosāi was worshipping him then there was a pastime Sivaram Maharaj mentioned in the parikrama how Śacī mata committed the offence to Advaita Gosāi, Lord Caitanya was love out to everyone and when the devotees asked please give mother Śacī and then Lord Gaurāṅga said no I can’t. the devotees said why not you have to give to mother Śacī, she’s the greatest devotee but he wouldn’t, he said no she has offended a Vaiṣṇava offended, offended a Vaiṣṇava so she can’t get love of god head.


Śrīla Prabhupāda he warned us actually he was very worried that devotees were offending each other. Actually, this is a very important point, living together in a society like this seeing everybody all the time, we tend to just take everything very familiar and sometimes in our lifetime we may refer to Vaiṣṇava’s in a material sense or make commit offences to them mentally or physically or with words.


And here Lord Caitanya is saying mother Śacī had offended Advaita Gosāi just in her mind and with her words, she never did anything more than that and they explained when Viswarupa use to go study under Advaita when he left and took sannyāsa, mother Śacī in separation of love for Viswarupa and blamed Advaita gosāi that he had turned her son into a sanyasi so and so forth so that was considered an offence against a Vaiṣṇava so she can’t get love for god head so they said how can she get forgiven said well… she got to ask Advaita Gosāi to forgive her, so they all went together with Gaurāṅga, GAURĀṄGA! [devotees repeating].


To see Advaita Gosāi begging him to please give forgiveness to mother Śacī, she personally requested please forgive me I committed this offence and Advaita gosāi said what is this you’re the greatest devotee sand he started to glorify mother Śacī in so many different ways how devoted she is, how wonderful devotee she is, he got so ecstatic glorifying mother Śacī he fainted on the ground in ecstasy and Lord Caitanya told mother Śacī now’s your chance, grab the lotus feet, get the dust, it explains that sometimes Vaiṣṇava will not take any offence but the dust of the lotus feet take of the Vaiṣṇava takes offence, you have to take the dust from the feet of the Vaiṣṇava then you can be forgiven for that offence.


So, mother Śacī took the dust of Advaita Ācārya’s lotus feet and got the mercy.


Of course, Advaita Ācārya was so much older, 50 years older than Lord Caitanya so Lord Caitanya always treated him with great respect also he was initiated, he was his uncle in guru’s paramparā but Advaita knew that he was the expansion of Lord Caitanya and Advaita Ācārya wanted to worship Lord Caitanya. Only when Lord Caitanya was in a very special ecstasy could Advaita Ācārya do that, when Lord Caitanya forgets his consciousness is Gaurāṅga and he was in the mood of Kṛṣṇa.


So, that was very rare, and sometimes, Advaita wanted respect Lord Caitanya but Lord Caitanya would get very angry and respect him that’s where the pastime came where Advaita starts to preach some non bonafide philosophy and Lord Caitanya starts chasing him with a stick and Advaita was feeling relieved that once he was being, for once he was being disrespected.


One time Lord Caitanya fell on the ground in ecstasy and Advaita Ācārya went and touched his lotus feet and took the dust but then Lord Caitanya came back to consciousness and he said somebody has stolen all my devotion, all my somebody has stolen everything, I have nothing left, so what is the use of living if I have no devotion and Lord Caitanya ran off and everybody running after him but he goes so fast that he jumped into the Ganges.


Nityānanda ran after him and jumped after but others they were by the shore looking, they couldn’t see Lord Caitanya anywhere. They looked and they looked comma required then appeared.


Actually, until Lord Caitanya went around the bend in the Ganges may be from where we was the ghat you see from the ghat there’s a little turn so turn upside down not sure then jumped in and went under water until he got opposite from Nandan Ācārya’s house, little bit opposite of Māyāpur Chandrodoya mandir, gṛhastha section over there and then he came out of the Ganges, first he came out of the water with his head, looked around then all of a sudden putt!


Nityānanda’s head come out of the water, he said what are you doing here? (devotees laugh)


I’m with you, alright, come on.


They came out of water and they went into the house of Nandan Ācārya, nobody saw them, it was middle of the night I don’t know when it was but nobody saw them, might’ve been the night because they didn’t turn on Kīrtan and was moonlit night, can’t remember that detail.


Anyway, the devotees were looking everywhere where is Gaurāṅga, but they all thought that he had disappeared and Advaita though for his mistake he started fasting, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, he became like a mad man


Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga [Devotees repeating…]


and all they devotees they went like mad, they all like how can they live without


Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga Gaurāṅga [Devotees repeating…]


so, after one day Lord Caitanya asked Nandana Ācārya go and check out everything, don’t know what he had someone come and he told them to check the town what’s happening and then one devotee went looking around came back and said oh its very serious, it looks like all the devotees are going to die in separation.

Advaita gosāi is like a mad man rolling on the ground crying


GAURĀṄGA! [Devotees repeating…].


When Lord Caitanya and Nityānanda heard this, they became moved so then they called Śrīvāsa then they called Advaita then Advaita said please I’ll never do it again please forgive him, he was so relieved Gaura Nitāi were back. Lord Caitanya took…dangerous to take the dust of his Lotus feet had to do it at the right time otherwise sometime heavy reaction so like this so many pastimes.


Which one?


Text 341

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

gadädhara-gauräìge miliyä jala-keli nityånanda-advaite khelaye doìhe milï


Gadādhara and Gaurāṅga were playing in the water splashing each other, Nityānanda and Advaita they were playing splashing one to another,


TEXT 342

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

advaita-nayane nityānanda kutühalì nirghäte märìyäjala dila mahäbali


Nityānanda he raised his hands and gave a big splash with great power and the water went flying hitting Advaita right in the eye (devotee laugh)

After that


Text 343

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

dui cah.su advaita melite nähi pare mahä-krodhäveçe prabhu gälägäli päde

(devotees laugh)

After that the water hit so much, he couldn’t properly close the both eyes, he couldn’t properly see with his eyes, they’re were like, he got such a heavy splash so he started to give some words to express great anger at Nityānanda for this attack Advaita gosāi,


Text 344

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

"nityänanda-madyape karila caksu käna kothä haite madyapera haila upasthäna

çréniväsa panditera mule jäti näi kothäkära avadhüte änï dila thäìi


Text 346

(Sri Caitanya Bhagavata)

çacéra nandana corä eta karma hare niravadhi avadhüta-sarhhati vihare"


Nityānanda acting in such an intoxicated passion he has made my two eyes blind now where has all this foolishness come from? They couldn’t have come from Śrīvāsa pandit, where has this, or where did he bring this avadhūta from śacī nananan, he simply, he is doing so much inconceivable avadhūta activity with śacī nandana this is…the whole thing was like his really getting on with Nityānanda’s case and really acting too wild and why he splashed me in the eye, what is going in here, what kind of…, where do you come from anyway, then Nityānanda he responded


Text 347

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

nityänanda hale,—"mukhe nähi väsa läja härile äpane—ära kandale ki käja?"


anyway, he is saying that what’s the use of crying? Just because you can’t see anymore (devotes laugh) then gauracandra, Lord Caitanya said


Text 348

(Sri Caitanya Bhagavata)

gauracandra bale,—"eka-bäre nähijäni tina-bära haile se hära-jita mäni"


I don’t accept one splash to be the winner you have to win three times then I accept he’s the winner (devotees laugh) in other words Nityānanda he gave a good splash to Advaita one time the Lord says that’s only one time, best of three. So,


Text 348

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

ära-bära jala-yuddha advaita-nitäi hautuka lägiyä eka-deha—dui thäìi


Text 350

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

dui-jane jala-yuddha—heha nähi pare eka-bärajine keha, ära bar a hare


So, the two started a huge water war splashing each other and one couldn’t defeat the other in splashing so hard one time one would wins the next time the other one will win then the other one will win then the other will win (devotees laugh)


Text 351

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

ära-bära nityananda sambhrama päiyä dilena nay one jala nirghäta kariyä


then one-time Nityānanda he really gave the water puff! Again, real hard to the eyes of Advaita and Advaita got pain from that, crazy guy! (devotees laugh) Why you are doing this to a brāhmaṇa?

Text 355

(Śrī Caitanya Bhāgavata)

nityänanda-prati stava kare vyapadeçe çunï nityänanda-prabhu gana-saha häse


Actually, in the purport of this pastime it explains how all these things although they sound like criticisms by saraswati’s blessings each one of them actually is explaining what and what material family Nityānanda has each one is in spiritual world. And what mother father, he’s himself is a timeless unborn and he is the guru of everyone so what is the question of guru and disciple, these are all external like that every point here every word is explained in the purport how that although it sounds like Advaita is criticizing him, he’s actually offering him praise in a very esoteric way.


So, like this Advaita and Nityānanda having a water sport and lord Gaurāṅga is watching and all the devotees are watching, they had a very special relationship.


Tomorrow we’re going to the place where the three prabhu’s had where Lord Gaurāṅga took sannyāsa and Nityānanda brought him back and tricked him to come to shanti pur and lord Gaurāṅga thought he was going to Vṛndāvan then he looked and saw that Advaita and Nityānanda were in a boat, he said what is this Advaita Nityānanda doing in Vṛndāvan (devotees laugh) then his ecstasy snapped and he realized he wasn’t in Vṛndāvan, he was in Shanti pur.


He said you what you have cheated me, you told me this is the Yamunā.


Nityānanda said “Yes that side is Yamunā that’s were Yamunā misses on the western side and the Ganges is on the eastern side”. Anyway, then he got in the boat and the three together they sat down by the side of the Ganges and they took prashadam, that’s also mentioned in the Caitanya Caritāmṛta then again Advaita Nityānanda got into a fight because Nityānanda took prashadam from Advaita from his plate. Actually no one can understand their relationship it’s so…its very…it’s Nitya Līlā will last but their relationship is actually completely transcendental and they understand but we see externally is nothing compared to what they are understanding, all these things have got some very esoteric meaning which we can only see the tip of the iceberg so to speak.


So that three prabhu vishrama sthān the place where the three prabhu sat that is there in shanti pur we’re going there you can pay your obeisance’s.


Also then Lord Caitanya took sannyāsa, of course we know so many times Advaita gosāi went to visit him with Sītā Ṭhākura Rāṇī and offering him prashadam in Jaganath purī and then after some time, after 10 years when Lord Gaurāṅga came back, to Navadwip, didn’t come to Navadwip but came to the other side we told that past time in the parikrama and then on the way back , he stopped in Shanti pur and it was govinda dwadasi.


Tomorrow is dwadasi and Ekādaśī mixed according to our panchanga, all the gauḍīya matts observe Ekādaśī today and dwadasi tomorrow so everybody else takes grains tomorrow but we got Ekādaśī tomorrow.


So, we are going take Ekādaśī then go over there and feed everybody else with kichadi. And just take some on token some non-grain prashad here then come back and have prashad here.


In any case lord Caitanya was there, he saw this massive arrangement that Advaita Ācārya had made I mean thousands and thousands of bamboo houses were constructed, bamboo houses were kind of build one with leaf plates, one with rice, one with yogurt, one you know so many with yogurts. He had made like a whole village was with all the ingredients for the feast, some people were cutting sabji, some people were cooking some were in other place someone was giving lecture from the Bhāgavatam, another place people were chanting and kīrtan, it’s like you saw everywhere there was like you know it was like a mini Māyāpur festival or something so many people doing so many things, its bearing, massive festival, big prashadam offering to Mādhavendra Purī, and massive prashad distribution to all of the people.


And then Lord Caitanya was so moved by all those details buy all those wonderful arrangements and see the wonderful devotion for the guru.


Then Advaita gosāi was showing of Mādhavendra purī. Then lord Caitanya declared that anyone who takes prashadam here on this day of govinda dwadasi he will get devotion for govinda, he’ll get love for govinda.


Nitāi Goura Sītā Nath premānande


Hari Hari Hariboooooooooooool. [Devotees repeating and laughs…]


That is a very…actually there’s a vast scripture…. very long but its already very late so otherwise the description of govinda dwadasi, I don’t know tomorrow if there’ll be time usually there some public discussion, but because at least we give the mini version of this scriture today around more detail today maybe, tomorrow morning go into some detail but you can go into much detail actually there more detail but because it explains every house, every ingredients everything that’s going on, whose dancing, whose doing, its wonderful festival.


So anyway in this way Advaita gosāi  pastimes inseparable with Lord Caitanya is a friend that the same time he has to have respect, he has respect for Lord Caitanya but overtly it’s like friendly, 25 years he lived after Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s disappearance. 125 years he was in this planet.


Śrī Advaita Gosāi ki!

Devotees: Jai!

Sītā Nath ki!

Devotees: Jai!

Sītā Advaita today ki!

Devotees: Jay!


This Acyutānanda was a very great preacher, his first very great devotee of lord Caitanya.


Are there any questions?




Devotee: [Not Clear – 00:43:01]


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: That the person says you are forgiven the your forgiven but in the case of Advaita he never said that she was forgiven.


He said “No no she never how can she have offend me I’m a fallen soul, she’s a great devotee, she couldn’t offend me and then he went into ecstasy explaining her glory, so he never admitted offense therefore he never apologized”.


But Lord Caitanya said no he was offended even though he may not accept it out of his humility but Lord Caitanya was offended, so they said that dust of the lotus feet I don’t know exactly how the dust of the lotus feet why it’s said like that but that’s what the śāstra says and if you take the dust of the feet, then you get forgiven for the offence, or if the person forgives you then you are also forgiven, one time somebody asked a senior Vaiṣṇava so I don’t know if I offended or didn’t offend but even though I didn’t take any offence so I prayed to Kṛṣṇa just in case if there’s any offence please forgive him.


Any other question?


I can’t see, it’s the brahmā Jyoti (Devotees laugh) Should turn the camera around let the people in the video see all the beautiful Vaiṣṇava’s (devotees laugh) their [Not Clear – 00:44:51] like form.


Yajman [Not Clear – 00:44:55]


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: That was there more than once but that might have been, so you want me to look it up? He is the combination of Sadā Śiva and Mahā Viṣṇu. And Mahā Viṣṇu as expected is given more importance in the Caitanya Caritāmṛta.


In Caitanya bhagavat they stress sometime the Śiva as well but that was clarified by Kṛṣṇa Das Kavirāj. Of the two that Caitanya Caritamrita is considered philosophically His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: That the person says you are forgiven the your forgiven but in the case of Advaita he never said that she was forgiven.


He said “No no she never how can she have offend me I’m a fallen soul, she’s a great devotee, she couldn’t offend me and then he went into ecstasy explaining her glory, so he never admitted offense therefore he never apologized”.


But Lord Caitanya said no he was offended even though he may not accept it out of his humility but Lord Caitanya was offended, so they said that dust of the lotus feet I don’t know exactly how the dust of the lotus feet why it’s said like that but that’s what the śāstra says and if you take the dust of the feet, then you get forgiven for the offence, or if the person forgives you then you are also forgiven, one time somebody asked a senior Vaiṣṇava so I don’t know if I offended or didn’t offend but even though I didn’t take any offence so I prayed to Kṛṣṇa just in case if there’s any offence please forgive him.


Any other question?


I can’t see, it’s the brahmā Jyoti (Devotees laugh) Should turn the camera around let the people in the video see all the beautiful Vaiṣṇava’s (devotees laugh) their [Not Clear – 00:44:51] like form.


Yajman [Not Clear – 00:44:55]


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: That was there more than once but that might have been, so you want me to look it up? He is the combination of Sadā Śiva and Mahā Viṣṇu. And Mahā Viṣṇu as expected is given more importance in the Caitanya Caritāmṛta.


In Caitanya bhagavat they stress sometime the Śiva as well but that was clarified by Kṛṣṇa Das Kavirāj. Of the two that Caitanya Caritāmṛta is considered philosophically

don’t let any none disciples touch my feet or anyway he didn’t like non disciple to touch the feet and when he was sick, he didn’t let anybody touch his feet.

So, touching the feet has a characteristic apart from getting forgiveness for offences.


So Lord Caitanya said somebody has taken everything from me otherwise what he does Advaita knew everybody knew everybody can see it Advaita take the dust from his feet So Lord Caitanya saying someone has stolen  that means Caitanya is presenting himself that I’m just an ordinary very simple devotee and I don’t have that much spiritual assets, somebody touched my feet and took away whatever assets I had so now what the…so what he was doing is in a very graphic way telling Advaita don’t touch my feet, but he was giving several instructions through that, he was churning the ocean of rasa in separation, he was using this as an opportunity and Lord was establishing that he had to behave like a devotee and people shouldn’t touching his feet thinking he was God or someone thinking He is God, He is Kṛṣṇa or some other, there wasn’t that respect but some respect is there.


So, one thing was Lord Caitanya was not someone don’t touch his feet like that, the other thing was he was just churning the ocean of the transcendental mellow for his devotees just like Kṛṣṇa left rasa dance and put everyone in separation, Lord Caitanya  just went to sankirtan and disappeared for two days and all the devotees were ready to leave their body.


So that separation and then when Lord Caitanya came back alive and pleasure developed joining Lord Caitanya is unlimited so sometimes Lord Caitanya how important the actual pastime [Not Clear – 00:49:58] give some commentary and that this what actually happened similarly these things are more to be hidden, they want us to experience but its deep as you go you can understand.


So, Lord Caitanya put them all in separation and later everything was taken out, there are the incidents like this in Gaudia Mutt, actually Lord Caitanya particularly hided that for so many reasons, we only get access to certain number of them, as given by the Ācārya’s, sometimes you realize more by their blessing.


Does that answer your question?




Transcribed By: Dipadatri Gurangi DD

Transcribed On: 19-June-2020



Proof Reading By: Amrita Padma Devi Dasi

On 25/09/2020




Transcribed by Dipadatri Gurangi DD
Verifyed by Amrita Padma Devi Dasi
Reviewed by Usha