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19930304 Śrī Advaita Acharya's Tattva And Pastimes

4 Mar 1993|Duration: 01:07:16|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following is a talk given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on March 3rd 1993 in Śrī Dham Māyāpur the talk was given during Caitanya Līlā seminar.


vande 'haḿ śrī-guroḥ śrī-yuta-pada-kamalaḿ śrī-gurun vaiṣṇavāḿś ca

śrī-rūpaḿ sāgrajātaḿ saha-gaṇa-raghunāthānvitaḿ taḿ sa jīvam

sādvaitaḿ sāvadhūtaḿ parijana-sahitaḿ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devaḿ

śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇa-pādān saha-gaṇa-lalitā- śrī-viśākhānvitāḿś ca




His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami:


“isam isavatarakan tat-prakasams ca

tac-chaktiḥ kṛṣṇa-caitanya-samjnakam”


I offer my respectful obeisance’s unto the spiritual masters, the devotees of the Lord, the Lord’s incarnations, His plenary portions, His energies and the primeval Lord Himself, Sri Kṛṣṇa Caitanya, who is known as the son of Śrīmatī Śacī-devī be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart.

Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has appeared in the Age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before, the most sublime and radiant spiritual knowledge of mellow taste of devotional service, the loving affair of Śrī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa are transcendental manifestations of the Lord’s internal pleasure-giving potency. Although Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa are one in Their identity, They separated Themselves eternally. Now these two transcendental identities have again united, in the form of Śri Kṛṣṇa Caitanya. I bow down to Him, who has manifested Himself with the sentiment and complexion of Śrimati Radharaṇi although He is Kṛṣṇa Himself.

Desiring to understand the glory of Radharaṇi’s love, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and the happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love, the Supreme Lord Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appeared from the womb of Śrīmatī Śacī-devī, as the moon appeared from the ocean.


As discussed, Sir Chaitanya Mahāprabhu actually each day to discuss little about each of the panch tattva but our is almost inconceivable because there is unlimited to say about each of the five personalities of the panch tattva.


We just are going to Navadweep parikram for 7 days from morning to night we are discussing about all the unlimited qualities and pastimes of Lord Chaitanya, Nityānanda, Advaita, Gadhadhar, Śrīvas, we just touching the smallest fraction, obviously it is not possible to cover all of the pastimes so we are going through an overview, just to take opportunity to meditate on some of the transcendental pastimes and for the sake of variety and the different personality who are in the panchatattva.


So, each day we are going to speak on one personality predominantly. One can never separate one pastime from the other.


Chaitanya Mahāprabhu, as we have heard from Chaitanya Caritāmṛta, He has a very sublime  purpose of coming into the material world, his inner purposes of understanding Kṛṣṇa prema the glory of Rādhārāṇī’s love these are the primary cause for Lord Chaitanya’s appearance and it’s considered to be an incidental cause, secondary cause is coming to give the yuga dharma so, but for the fallen soul in many respects yuga dharma is more than them for the liberated souls the internal reason for Lord Chaitanya’s coming is more important than those who are trying to be liberated.


So like when we have general meetings on Lord Chaitanya then everyone in the public they are more concerned with is his preaching activities, sometimes the devotees would like to discuss his most intimate pastimes discussion with Rāmānanda Rāya so on, all these different aspects very much integrated in Lord Chaitanya’s life and character.


When Lord Chaitanya was a child, he was not revealing his position as the supreme personality of Godhead. At the same time he could show that, sometimes he would reveal, he had almost like a sense of a humor, he had definitely  has a very great sense of humor about, somehow like he would reveal his position and would hide himself and again reveal and hide himself, being a chanavatar was a unique situation where he would keep himself concealed from his devotees, but then some other time he would reveal and yoga māyā would cover him and we were just speaking of Lord Chaitanya’s love.


There was one pastime when Lord Chaitanya was just barely able to walk and mother Śacī was feeding him milk in her lap and then he was walking just toddling on the verandah of the house and all of a sudden in the courtyard of Jagannath Mishra’s house so many effulgent personalities appear wearing big helmets, someone with four arms, some with two arms, some with various features they were obviously residents from other planets, the higher planetary system deva they were all effulgent with so many gold and jewel and Jagannath Mishra was sleeping in the room just next to the deity room and mother Śacī wanted to call out she was frightened who are all these people what is going on but she couldn’t move, she was frozen.


Even when today we see UFO we tremble anyway mother Śacī, Chaitanya Mangal explains  she couldn’t move she was completely stunned she was just seeing what was going on and she saw them take Lord Chitanya’s and pick him up she was ready to scream at Jagannath Mishra do something  save our child they are taking him what are they going to do and they put Lord Chaitanya on the golden raised dome in the center of the courtyard and one of the priestly persons amongst them he started taking drawing his auspicious articles like milk, yoghurt, ghee and honey and nectar water so many things which she couldn’t keep track, so many nectarine things and started to perform a Mahā abhishek and the child baby little tot, Chaitanya and there was so much sound and they were chanting mantras and they were offering prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Worshipping Lord Chaitanya with so much devotion and after the ceremony was over they took Lord Chaitanya and placed him on the ground and Lord Chaitanya walked again and he went up on the verandah and he turned to all the devas and he told them chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, [devotees repeats] while Lord Chaitanya was walking and dancing there was a sound of Nūpura ankle bell ching ching ching, mother Śacī noted there was no ankle bell on his feet and Lord Chaitanya himself started to chant


Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

[devotees repeat]


and he started to dance, he could hardly walk and know he is dancing and mother Śacī she saw all these deva’s  Lord Chaitanya’s was telling dance dance and they all started to dance, and seeing all these demigods dancing and Lord Chaitanya little child dancing it was too much for mother Śacī “oh” she fainted and when she fainted she hit the ground thud , thud it made a sound, that sound woke up Jagannath Mishra, now, all the kīrtan, the bugleall that was of a different dimension it just woke up Jagannath Mishra. That thus woke him up, mother Śacī dear Śacī “Are you alright”?


Mother Śacī heard his voice and woke up and oh she started crying as if she is overwhelmed “what’s wrong” and she ran to him and she almost you know she was totally hysterical what to say, he was holding her and said “what’s wrong?”


She started to explain everything happened the devas they came and they filled the court yard and they did this and that and you know she was just too much such an experience “Take it easy tell me what happened “


She calmed down and she started to explain everything that happened, did this really happen or was it just a dream.


Jagannath Mishra looked there little Chaitanya started crawling in the court yard smiling and looking from the side, there was no sign of any yogurt or Abhishek, no dust clean, anyways it is alright there is nothing to be worried about it must have been some dream or something.


Later on they again heard the ching ching ching and they looked  and they saw Lord Chaitanya is walking but there was no ankle bells then they thought hmm it is true.


So, Lord Chaitanya he would reveal himself, hide himself, later when he was walking with,


Later one day mother Śacī got up and came running to Lord Chaitanya and said, said “Nimāi what does this mean I had such a dream last night I can’t understand it, I was dreaming that I was offering bhoga to the Kṛṣṇa Balarām deities and when I went back to bring more then there was you as a little child and Lord Nityānanda as a little child and Nityānanda was telling Kṛṣṇa and Balarām that this offering is not for you, [Haribol] this offering should be given to Gaura, Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga [devotees repeats] you are from the Dwapar yuga and Gaurāṅga is for Kali yuga. This is his yuga, so this offering should be for him. I could not understand what is Nityānanda talking about?” and all of a sudden he ran to me and he said mother Śacī “ Feed me, I am hungry” then I woke up it was too much,

What does this mean I could not understand anything then Lord Chaitanya told her anyway it must mean that Nityānanda is hungry, consider inviting him for lunch.


So he went to find Nityānanda, Nityānanda was by the Ganges side playing with some children jumping in the Ganges, chanting with them and Lord Chaitanya told him come on today you have to take lunch at my house, mother Śacī wants to cook for you “


So very nice, whatever mother Śacī cooks is like nectar”.


Lord Chaitanya said he is in five places, one is where mother Śacī is cooking he is there Devotees: Jai.


So he was walking with Lord Nityānanda he told Lord Nityānanda listen “no funny business today”, “What do you mean funny business I don’t do funny business, it is you who does funny business”, “well I don’t do you do funny business” “No no I don’t do” so the two them they were exchanging there very intimate relationship.


Then mother Śacī was so excited that she was able to cook for Nimāi and Nitāi. She cooked a very nice feast and she put down the āsanas, on the leaf plates of banana leaves like that in her ecstasy, she put down three but they were only two. Sometimes in ecstasy one does not see anything in the same way.


So she came and she filled up, she had so many vyanjans, so many vegetables, so many soups, so many things big pile of rice with ghee on top she gave very nice offering and then she went out to get more and when she came back in the room instead of Nitāi & Gaur there, there was small child Kṛṣṇa & Balarām taking prasādam, she looked, “Ooh!”


Nimāi said, “mother Śacī what’s wrong, mother Śacī what’s wrong why did you faint?”


And she opened her eyes and looked there was Nimāi and there was Nitāi and she got up and ran away and locked up the room and won’t talk to anybody the rest of the day, nobody’s business.


So, one of the big, one of the major things with Lord Chaitanya’s revealing himself to devotees, but those devotees who are fixed in a particular relationship to Lord Chaitanya like mother Śacī, Jagannath Mishra they are very fixed in vātsalya bhava so they were always thinking that Lord Chaitanya is my Nimāi, is my son, I have to protect him and I have to take care of him.


One-time Jagannath Mishra had a dream, one brahamana said why do you scold Nimāi you don’t know he is the Supreme Personality of Godhead how can you do that.


Jagannath Mishra was arguing with him in the dream no I don’t care who he is he is my son I have to bring him up properly. I have to see he is properly trained and protected and I am his father I must do my duty so this arguing was going on.


What do you mean you can train the Supreme Lord he knows everything?


And finally, when the brāhmaṇa was saying that, Jagganth Mishra’s dream broke and he woke up he shook his head any way whatever I had to take care of my son and he went back yogamāyā kept him fixed in their relationship, then there were some devotees to whom Lord Chaitanya revealed his glories and somehow they could find out and he just told them don’t tell anybody.


There was a time when Lord Chaitanya as a child was coming out of the Ganges, there was a very great devotee of mother Ganges bathing, he was doing Gāyatrī and praying by the side of the Ganges his whole life he was worshipping mother Ganges and he was seeing that this golden boy was leaving the Ganges and the Ganges water was rising up as if it was trying to keep touching his lotus feet but it was going up higher and higher, what is this?

It is very unique water rising and increasing like that just for no reason no visible reason, all of a sudden, he saw his worship able deity becomes a Devī in her Devī form manifest out of water and bow down at the lotus feet of Nimāi and offered him worship. Then this pandit, this brāhmaṇa, this great mendicant worshiper of the Ganges saw his worship abledeity, he never hoped he never was able see the personified form of the Ganges, of the deity form and that it seemed she was offering worship to Nimāi and then he could realize that Nimāi was Kṛṣṇa himself.


When she went back into the water and then he went and offered his obeisances, but Lord Chaitanya told him you don’t tell anyone, if you tell anyone then you may not remain here in this world very long. [devotees laughing]


You can stay and watch these pastimes so there are these devotees who were living in Nawadweep who knew who Lord Chaitanya was and were watching every move but what to do, and then there were so many devotees they didn’t know who Lord Chaitanya was but they loved Lord Chaitanya, they did not know why they loved Lord Chaitanya but they loved him in the core of their heart.


Nimāi even when he was not manifesting his sankirtan movement, he was very argue mental he came out.


And one time Gadhadhar he saw Nimāi and he turned away and started walking away but Nimāi saw him and said Gadhadhar why are you walking away?


My dear friend Gadhadhar where are you going come here why are you not coming to my school and study with me. Gadhadhar was caught and he came back so well you studied vyakran or grammar, now I am studying another school I am studying Sanskrit, poetry kavitā.


So Lord Nimāi said we also know Sanskrit, poetry so let us see what you have learnt tell us some poetry that you composed, so Gadhadhar was now I am caught because whatever he would say Nimāi would be more intelligent and defeat him and so Nimāi was like that he was very humble, he would always ask some question if you stick your neck out he will cut it, he will defeat you and catch you. In this way there was such a relationship and then in the end he went over Gadhadhar I will come to your school; I will come to study with you.


In this way Nimāi would capture all the top students in Nawadweep he was a youth leader, he was only a teenager but he was already a PHD more in terms of the highest educational qualification. But in his dealings, he just completely won over all these students, it wasn’t only his learning it was everything they loved him.


When he came back from Gāya then he was changed then he was telling everything in relation to Kṛṣṇa, no more was it just a debate or nyāya, argumentation it was everything you can engage in Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa.


They went to Gangadas pandit and said what has happened to Gaurāṅga to Gaurahari, to Nimāi pandit, Nimāi Pandit  know whatever he says it is all about Kṛṣṇa, he doesn’t argue anymore, he doesn’t just go and challenge people. I think he has lost his brahminical edge.


So Gangadhas pandit came over and saw Nimāi and asked him what is wrong and he heard that he has given up his brahminical capabilities of the … nyāya, Lord Chaitanya said who said I can still I challenge any one I can defeat them in debate after defeating them I will take their point of view and I will reestablish that and again I will take their aphotic view and reestablish that.


The next person who comes I will challenge him so he went up to the street corner waiting who is the next person and all the students saw him were encouraged.


Now our Nimāi Pandit is back to his old form.

So, the next person who came by happen to be Śrīvas Thakur’s brother and Śrīvas’s Thakur’s brother was chanting verses from the bhāgavatam and when Lord Chaitanya heard the verses from the Bhāgavatam, How Pūtanā went to kill Kṛṣṇa with poison on her breast?


Instead Kṛṣṇa liberated her and elevated her to the position of his mother because she offered her breast to him and how Kṛṣṇa was so merciful and when Lord Chaitanya heard this pastime of Kṛṣṇa he said, “Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa haa Kṛṣṇa haa” and he fell on the ground he was crying in separation he was rolling on the ground and shouting “Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa” and all the students were watching “oh no !”


And when Nimāi he came back to his consciousness of the external world, then called all the students by the side of the Ganges and he told them “Alright. I have to admit something to you”


After I went to Gāya and I was initiated by Ishwara Purī there was a change in me and know I have realized that the summum bonnum of life is Kṛṣṇa and the best means to achieving Kṛṣṇa in this age of kali is the Hari naam sankirtan.


So, I cannot give you something which I know is not to be the best but you may have come to my class for many other reasons. So, I free all of you if you want you can go to any other teacher, because now what I am going to do is the Hari naam sankirtan so this is the most effective means of achieving the perfection in life. So it is up to you what you want to do you can stay or you can go I free you there is no offence if you want to go so one of the leading students stood up and said Nimāi Pandit you have always given us the best of the education, but you never taught us sankirtan before, so how do we know how to do sankirtan in the other corner, so now you have to teach us otherwise how can we do it? But we don’t want to leave you, no matter what we want to stay with you, they all said “Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga”. [devotees repeats]

So even though they didn’t know that they didn’t know that Lord Chaitanya was Kṛṣṇa or God they thought he was a, they all loved him and then he brought Śrīvas and the Vaiṣṇava and then he brought different devotes and he trained all the students to chant the holy name in sankirtan.


So, in this way sometimes Lord Chaitanya although he is covered, he would attract the hearts of all the devotees, just like Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvan, he wouldn’t think Kṛṣṇa was God. In Nawadweep no one thought Lord Chaitanya was God but they loved Lord Chaitanya, they didn’t know how much they loved him, some of them until he left.


It is described in parikrima, the whole Nawadweep went swimming across to the other side after 10 years when he returned to Jagannath Purī, mad to join with Lord Chaitanya of course the very intimate devotee on some rare occasion, Lord Chaitanya he would be in the ecstasy of being Nārāyaṇa or Kṛṣṇa and he would reveal his full glory, the Mahaprakash 21-hour sankirtan in Śrīvas angan and one other time Advaita.


There was a couple Śrīvas Thakur and Murāri Gupta they could realize Lord Chaitanya is Viṣṇu on more than one occasion and few scattered before.


Generally, when Lord Chaitanya was in normal consciousness when he wasn’t in a specific ecstasy as Kṛṣṇa, he would cover his ears, anyone who would address him as Kṛṣṇa he would cover his ears and say Viṣṇu, Viṣṇu, Viṣṇu, very offensive don’t ever call a devotee a God that was 99% of the time 99.9% a very rare occasion did he break from the normal mood and come into the ecstasy of Kṛṣṇa.


One time Śrīvas, we will discuss Śrīvas later so that a, because Lord Chaitanya was so covered by his yoga māyā that people just considered him a fellow student or a fellow president of Nawadweep, therefore some of the students offended him, when he was chanting the names of the Gopī’s, he got angry with them for stopping and he ecstasy chased them with a stick then they started to criticize, then Lord Chaitanya decided that he would have to take sanyasa in order to liberate the conditioned souls, then at least in those days the sanyasis they would give some respect.

At the age of 24 he went with his 5 associates Lord Nityānanda, [Not Clear: 00:27:25] Thakur, Chandrashekar, Gadhadhar, Mukunda one more, I remember it was five they knew ahead of time, day before, two days before that he was going to take and then he left that night.


Last night Viṣṇu Priya would see him she was always worshipping him in separation from them.


They went to Katwa and he took sanyasa, you can still see in Katwa the Samādhi to Lord Chaitanya’s hair. How many of you have been to Katwa 3,4,5,6?


There is also the Samādhi of the sanyas guru of Lord Chaitanya, Keshava Bhāratī, there is a Samādhi of Gadhadhar das the effulgence of Gadhadhar, after taking sanyasa.


Lord Nityānanda told him to go to shantipur meet with mother Śacī, how Lord Chaitanya was so reciprocating with his mother? You can imagine how his mother was overwhelmed to see him as a sanyasi, and he said well you have given me this body. Whatever you order me to do, I will do it, you have given this body to me, which belongs to you, but I beg you please forgive me, but I have given it to Kṛṣṇa, but I will do what you say, but actually because mother Śacī was such a pure devotee, she loved Lord Chaitanya so much she knew that once her son took sanyasa, it would be a very great disgrace if he were to come back.


Actually, one devotee was sent here to join the temple, then he left the temple, went home and his parents said “What have you done, you are a disgrace to our family, get back to the temple now. How can you leave once you have surrendered to Kṛṣṇa? You go back to the Hare Kṛṣṇa temple” and I am sure you have seen many times in the west.


Mother Śacī, when she saw Lord Chaitanya as a sanyasi, He is compassion most of them presenting everything to her, she knelt at him, she did not know what to say, she asked Nityānanda, please tell him to stay at Jagannath Purī, don’t go to Vṛndāvan to stay because it is so far away, we won’t hear anything about you. At least from Jagannath Purī we can get some information. She knows that he has to go and whatever pain she was feeling he wiped it away with his affectionate words.


Actually, Lord Chaitanya was playing on the heart of all the devotees, his relationships with the various devotees were so intensely played on by Lord Chaitanya he was swimming in the ocean of the transcendental mellows.


When Lord Chaitanya was in Jagannath Purī, Gaura Ghambhira he absorbed himself in the pastimes of Rādhā & Kṛṣṇa and only a few, few and a half devotees would accompany him in Ghambhira for those very intimate exchange.,


Sometimes he was in internal, external consciousness intermediates and sometimes internal, somehow in between the internal and external he would reveal sometimes what he had experiencing in the pastimes of Rādhā & Kṛṣṇa.


Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya Rādhā Kṛṣṇa nahin anya.

[devotees repeats]


All glories to Chaitanya Mahāprabhu,


Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga, Gaurāṅga,

[devotees repeats]


Any questions?


Chaitanya Mahāprabhu, he came down here given his mercy to all the conditioned souls one of the devotees in the parikram mentioned, we missed him just be 500 years wasn’t it that you mentioned that, but actually it is true we are very unfortunate to have missed the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya.

But then in the beginning of Chaitanya Bhagavat Kṛṣṇa Vṛndāvan das Thakur mentions that the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya are still going on


“Adyapika Līlā koru kono kono bhāgyavān layee dekha bari payee”


by hearing about them, by discussing them, by engaging in the sankirtan movement, by engaging in Nawadweep parikrima, by doing the devotional service to Lord Chaitanya, we can actually experience even today the drop of that nectar the presence of Chaitanya Mahāprabhu.


Once somebody gets the taste, how we can live without Chaitanya Mahāprabhu, how can we survive without that association.




Śrīla Prabhupāda ki


Devotees: Jai


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Any questions?


Devotee: [Not Clear- 00:32:55]


I don’t understand your question very well, well having a relationship with Lord Chaitanya, so one of the bonafide relationships that one has to be guided by one’s Spiritual master in detail whether one is maintaining the proper, what you call it whether it is sentimental or is it based properly, some of the pastimes.


 Prabhupāda explained that someone is attracted to some pastime of Lord Chaitanya then that will be more in a, it will indicate the relation is in a parental mood, others it may indicate in another mood, so they  are attracted to Lord Chaitanyas childhood pastimes one may have spontaneous attraction for those it may be, Prabhupāda chastised that we have to be careful because in the beginning even if one may have a women’s body that doesn’t mean that necessarily spiritually one is having a relationship with Kṛṣṇa, could be a gopī or women, it may be a friend, it may be a father, may be a mother, may be it, not  necessarily what our present physical body is, indicate what, this has nothing to do with the siddha swarupa  spiritual body, so if someone identifies with the body and on that basis they feel so bodily sentiment that won’t be reliable, there is a higher sense of understanding our relationship with Lord Chaitanya, the body we have at present, may be by coincidence, we have a appropriate body but that is just a coincidence.


Any other question?


Devotee: [Not Clear- 00:35:05]


When he got to Vṛndāvan and he was there just like Balarām and all of these associates of Vṛndāvan all of these, they will all come and licking the feet of Nityānanda, they had spontaneous attraction for Lord Nityānanda. At that time, Nityānanda had the vision that Lord Chaitanya had just started the sankirtan movement.


So, he decided to go to Nawadweep and he came and he took his shelter in the house of Nandanacharya, that was the first place that devotees went to Nawadweep parikrima. There in the house he was present then Lord Chaitanya told all of his associates to look for Lord Nityānanda my eternal counterpart is here, you can find him and he said this all the devotees went out looking for him, but even upto the late in the night ,they were not finding him, they were going back at such a late hour at 8 o clock in the night knocking at people door, what do you want?


It is already late what are you doing up, we are looking for Nityānanda, what Nityānanda get out of here, what is wrong with you,  followers of Lord Chaitanya they came back to Gaurāṅga and they reported that they couldn’t find him, no one could find him.

Of course, no one can find him, Lord Chaitanya said you cannot find God, when you look for him, he has to reveal himself, no one knew what he was talking at that time, any way if I go out, I will find him, tomorrow we will go out.


Then Lord Chaitanya took the sankirtan party and then they entered into the courtyard of Nandaacarya and from there when the kīrtan party was coming, Nityānanda stood up, when Lord Chaitanya entered he was so happy, so ecstatic to see Lord Gaurāṅga, immediately the first time they are meeting and immediately, they are eternal associates, when Lord Chaitanya came Lord Nityānanda said


“Gaurangaa” and Lord Gaurāṅga said “Nityanandaa Gaurāṅga, Nityānanda, Gaurāṅga, Nityānanda”


and they ran to each other and they embraced each other and all the devotees


“Nitāi Gaura premānande Hari Hari Bol”


and they were all showering flowers down upon them, they were crying profusely and they went on a massive sankirtan throughout the whole Nawadweep and the people were amazed who is this other one so tall, so beautiful, who is that with Lord Gaurāṅga?


So, from that time on Lord Chaitanya and Gaurāṅga were together almost constant companions in Nawadweep and so many different pastimes were being performed, so there was this vyāsa pūjā connected with Lord Nityānanda, then Nityānanda was able to see the various forms of Lord Chaitanya.


This is mentioned in Adi Līlā, chapter 17


“tabe nityānanda-svarūpera āgamana prabhuke miliyā pāila ṣaḍ-bhuja-darśana”

After this function at the house of Śrīvāsa Ṭhakura, Nityānanda Prabhu appeared, and when He met with Lord Caitanya, He got the opportunity to see Him in His six-armed form.


Purport - The form of Ṣaḍ-bhuja, the six-armed Lord Gaurasundara, is a representation of three incarnations. The form of Śrī Rāmacandra is symbolized by a bow and arrow, the form of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is symbolized by a stick and a flute like those generally held by a cowherd boy, and Lord Chaitanya Mahāprabhu is symbolized by a sannyasa-daṇḍa and a kamaṇḍalu, or waterpot.


“prathame ṣaḍ-bhuja tāṅre dekhāila īśvara śaṅkha-cakra-gadā-padma-śārṅga-veṇu-dhara”


One day Lord Chaitanya Mahāprabhu exhibited to Lord Nityānanda Prabhu, a six-armed form bearing a conchshell, disc, club, lotus flower, bow and flute.

“tabe catur-bhuja hailā, tina aṅga vakra dui haste veṇu bājāya, duye śaṅkha-cakra”

 Thereafter the Lord showed Him His four-armed form, standing in a three-curved posture. With two hands He played upon a flute, and in the other two, He carried a conchshell and disc.


“tabe ta’ dvi-bhuja kevala vaṁśī-vadana śyāma-aṅga pīta-vastra vrajendra-nandana”


Finally, the Lord showed Nityānanda Prabhu, His two-armed form of Kṛṣṇa, the son of Mahārāja Nanda, simply playing on His flute, His bluish body dressed in yellow garments.  Nityānanda Prabhu then arranged to offer Vyāsa-pūjā, or worship of the spiritual master, to Lord Śrī Gaurasundara. But Lord Chaitanya carried the plowlike weapon called muṣala in the ecstasy of being Nityānanda Prabhu.


Thereafter mother Śacī devī saw the brothers Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma in Their manifestation of Lord Chaitanya and Nityānanda. Then the Lord delivered Jagāi and Mādhāi.

So many different pastimes are happening.

ecstasy you are always Nityānanda there is nothing about you that is not Nityānanda, everything is transcendentally blissful about you, eternally blissful.


What you may think and understand you, you are Nityānanda you are the supreme transcendental reality, wherever you are, Lord Kṛṣṇa is there.


“Tumahare pujate shakti manushya kathā param susajathya jathā Kṛṣṇa tathā”


Whatever Lord Chaitanya would say, Lord Nityānanda would try to satisfy, he was always agreeable to carry out the orders of Lord Chaitanya. Lord Chaitanya said, given me one of your koupins, it is my desire to have one of your koupins, Lord Chaitanya took his koupin and cut it into little pieces and gave it to all the Vaiṣṇava that were present and everyone put a small piece of koupin on their heads, he told them, all of you tie this to your head you will get the supreme fruits of the masters of all yoga


So, Nityānanda, he went on to explain that by the mercy of Lord Nityānanda one gets Viṣṇu Bhakti, you should know that Nityānanda has Kṛṣṇa’s full potency, Kṛṣṇa is second to Lord Nityānanda, his associate, his friend, his bed, his decoration, his confidante, his brother, all of Nityanandas quality and character. He is the lord of all the jīvas, protector of all the jīvas and dear most friend of all the jīvas, his every activity is filled up with the ecstasy of Kṛṣṇa’s devotion, worshipping him, serving him one gets Kṛṣṇa prema bhakti, so in devotion tie this koupin on your head with great care, worship go and do worship in your house.


So, getting the order from Lord Gaurāṅga all the devotees with great affection tied the piece of koupin on their heads and then the Lord said, listen all my dear devotees, water from Nityānanda’s feet should be taken, if you just, just by taking it you will get very intense devotion for Lord Kṛṣṇa. So, they went, they got the order all of them went to Nityānanda’s lotus feet and washed his lotus feet and took the water from his lotus feet, some body taking 5 times, some body 10 times give me more, he was in ecstasy he was simply smiling in ecstacy the whole time. Lord Gaurāṅga sitting down and was seeing whenever you are eating, whenever you are in ecstasy you are always Nityānanda there is nothing about you that is not Nityānanda, everything is transcendentally blissful about you, eternally blissful.


What you may think and understand you, you are Nityānanda you are the supreme transcendental reality, wherever you are, Lord Kṛṣṇa is there.


“Tumahare pujate shakti manushya kathā param susajathya jathā Kṛṣṇa tathā”


Whatever Lord Chaitanya would say, Lord Nityānanda would try to satisfy, he was always agreeable to carry out the orders of Lord Chaitanya. Lord Chaitanya said, given me one of your koupins, it is my desire to have one of your koupins, Lord Chaitanya took his koupin and cut it into little pieces and gave it to all the Vaiṣṇava that were present and everyone put a small piece of koupin on their heads, he told them, all of you tie this to your head you will get the supreme fruits of the masters of all yoga


So, Nityānanda, he went on to explain that by the mercy of Lord Nityānanda one gets Viṣṇu Bhakti, you should know that Nityānanda has Kṛṣṇa’s full potency, Kṛṣṇa is second to Lord Nityānanda, his associate, his friend, his bed, his decoration, his confidante, his brother, all of Nityanandas quality and character. He is the lord of all the jīvas, protector of all the jīvas and dear most friend of all the jīvas, his every activity is filled up with the ecstasy of Kṛṣṇa’s devotion, worshipping him, serving him one gets Kṛṣṇa prema bhakti, so in devotion tie this koupin on your head with great care, worship go and do worship in your house.


So, getting the order from Lord Gaurāṅga all the devotees with great affection tied the piece of koupin on their heads and then the Lord said, listen all my dear devotees, water from Nityānanda’s feet should be taken, if you just, just by taking it you will get very intense devotion for Lord Kṛṣṇa. So, they went, they got the order all of them went to Nityānanda’s lotus feet and washed his lotus feet and took the water from his lotus feet, some body taking 5 times, some body 10 times give me more, he was in ecstasy he was simply smiling in ecstacy the whole time. Lord Gaurāṅga sitting down and was seeing everyone was taking the water from the foot of Nityānanda, everyone started became madly chanting loud


“Hari” “Hari” “Haribol” “Haribol” “Haribol”


by taking the bath water from Nityānanda’s lotus feet they became mad and the whole sky was filled with sound of “Haribol”.


Somebody said my life today is perfected, someone said today all the bondage of the material world is cut, and someone else said today I have finally became a servitor of Lord Kṛṣṇa and someone else said today is the most wonderful day has manifested and someone said that Carnamrta is very very tasteful even now the sweet taste has not left my mouth, what a wonderful effect one got from the bath water from Lord Nityānanda’s lotus feet just by taking it everyone became very anxious in the love of Kṛṣṇa someone was dancing, someone was chanting, someone was rolling on the ground, someone was crying out Gaurāṅga Nityānanda, someone was crying in this way there was a huge kīrtan


Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare


all the devotees were dancing so all went and called Lord Chaitanya, so after a while Lord Chaitanya shouted out the holy name and he got up and started to dance in a more beautiful way and that time Nityānanda Prabhu he got up and the two Prabhu’s were dancing together surrounded by all the devotees.


Some devotee would fall against another devotee and sometime somebody will grab another one, sometimes somebody will grab the dust of somebody’s lotus feet and put it on their head and sometimes someone would grab the neck of someone else and cry in separation of the Lord, no one could see what form they had taken or taking no one could explain all the wonderful things that were happening.

In this way Lord Chaitanya and Nityānanda they embraced each other and in great ecstasy the two prabhu’s  were dancing all the devotees were dancing around them the whole world started to shake under the vibration of Lord Nityānanda’s lotus feet seeing this all the devotees started to cry out Hari Bol, Hari Bol.


So in this way filled with the ecstasy of the love of Kṛṣṇa in madness of the love of Kṛṣṇa the two Lords of Vaikuṇṭha they were dancing with all the devotees in the love of God Head and these transcendental pastimes, there was no separation, the Lord was constantly dancing, so like this the Lord clapped his hands three times and he would again glorifying  the lotus feet of Nityānanda saying How Brahmā also worship this lotus feet? These lotus feet are so sacred even if the breeze of the lotus feet of Nityānanda would pass over some body’s body they can never give up Kṛṣṇa ever, all the devotees hear the glories of Lord Nityānanda there was a great sound Nityānanda prabhu Jai Jai Jai.


They were all hearing the glories of Nityānanda whose master was Gaurachandra whoever hears about these words of Nityānanda, whoever sees these pas times they will all see Nityānanda. They can never forget the glories of Lord Nityānanda.


So, like this they were so many intimate pass times between Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityānanda and Jagāi Mādhāi were delivered by Lord Nityānanda then there was a dance drama where Lord Chaitanya took a role, Nityānanda was there they were once travelling all over Nadia.


One time Lord Chaitanya Nityānanda they were going and they went over to the other side of the river and then there was an ashram they met a Vaiṣṇava a sādhu with a beard with a tilak and he called them please come into my ashram and then he asked them to sit down let me give you some Prasad he gave them some fruit and he was talking and telling nice things and then the two prabhus sat down and accepted the fruit Prasad and the he asked why don’t you stay for lunch so we will all make some nice fish.

Lord Chaitanya looked at Nityānanda and Nityānanda said fish you eat fish threw out the water something he did aagh and they spit out the food that they were eating you are a bogus sādhu how can a Vaiṣṇava eat these things and how are we accepting your food they ran the two of them ran all the way to the Ganges and they jumped into the Ganges with their clothes on feeling themselves contaminated by drinking the fruit from a fish eating Vaiṣṇava.


In Bengal now many bogus Guru’s family hereditary Guru’s they give people initiation. I met one he said I have 2000 disciples I asked him from 2000 how many are vegetarians he thought for a very long time he said maybe ten. I said do you know you have to take all the karma’s from them, my father never told me that he said, just give them diksha and get the donation, what about the karma?


He didn’t tell me about the karma. Some other people they get cheap initiation and they are not following and they are thinking Lord Chaitanya is accepting but we can see from the pass time of Lord Chaitanya he didn’t accept, Nityānanda Prabhu he didn’t accept rather when they knew these people were taking, rather far from accepting they jumped into the Ganges for purification then there was a pass time Śrīvas and Mohinī they would have vātsalya bhaav or parental mood with Lord Nityānanda, then mother Śacī.


I told that pastime yesterday how mother Śacī was feeding Lord Chaitanya and Nityānanda mahā prasādam and how when she went back into the room and looked again instead of Gaura Nitāi there was Kṛṣṇa and Balarām and she fainted then there was this pass time special abhishek for Lord Chaitanya where are we know then he went with the Lord and when he took sanyasa he took the Lord to Advaitas house, Murāri Gupta realized the transcendental qualities of Lord Nityānanda.


Lord Nityānanda was there when Lord Chaitanya was performing the Mahā prakash the 21 hours sankirtan. What was Lord Nityānanda doing who can say no in the Mahā prakash 21 hour kīrtan Lord Nityananada was doing a service for Lord Chaitanya he was holding a umbrella over Lord Chaitanya’s head chakradhar nice to see, but at some point he was holding the umbrella the ceremony umbrella he was in the nagar kīrtan he saw the vishwarupa the universal form of the Lord Chaitanya he went with the Lord Chaitanya


I mentioned that, then he went with Lord Chaitanya he went to Jagannath Purī and broke his daṇḍa into 3 parts and threw it into the river. Lord Chaitanya got angry and ran ahead then Lord Chaitanya later ordered Lord Nityānanda to go back to Bengal to accept ghrihasta ashram and to preach to establish the preaching he said we both were going to preach.


So, Lord Nityānanda came back and establish a Namahatta at Surabhi Kunj and spent many days with Śrīvas Thakur at Śrīvas angan, he organized a massive preaching throughout the whole of Bengal and he flooded Bengal with the Hari Naam SanKirtan


“Nitāi Gaura premānande Hari Hari Bol”


he got married in saligram with the help of Krsnadas , Gaura Krsnadas Bahuranathi that is another interesting pass time how Surayadasa Sarakhela had two daughters and he asked Gaura Krsnadas to find good husband for them, husband for them and he came back and suggested that Nityānanda was the only suitable husband and he should marry both because both of them are equal and they are qualified and no one is qualified as him but then, but the anti Nityānanda group had told Sūryadāsa Sarakhela he had heard that Lord Nityānanda was a avadhūta and he acted funny sometimes he said you want me to marry my daughters to Nityānanda that avadhūta never, Krsnadas got offened. “Hold on you don’t know what you are talking about you don’t know who Nityānanda prabhu is?” I cannot stay here and hear these offenses and he left Hare Kṛṣṇa.


That night Sūryadāsa Sarakhela had a vision and he saw his daughter he actually saw Kṛṣṇa excuse me he saw Balarām and he saw Revathi and Vāruṇī the two consorts of Balarām and then he saw Revathi and Vāruṇī turn into Vasudhā and Jhanava and Balarām turn into Nityānanda then he saw himself given his daughters in marriage to Nityānanda and he woke up and he realized that Nityānanda was a divine personality and he had committed a great offense then he sent a messenger to Krsnadas Bahura he apologized and he said it’s ok he can arrange this.


And Kṛṣṇa Bahura went to tell Nityānanda and Nityānanda at that time was giving a Bhāgavatam class and all the devotees were around and he waited until the Bhāgavatam class was over and then he was sitting and talking with Śrīvas and some devotees and he told Śrīvas the news that this alliance could be made and he could carry out the order of Lord Chaitanya, Śrīvas went over and whispered in the ear of Nityānanda like this excuse me Nityānanda Prabhu, yes, ok and  then he went on with the discussion, then he went over to the place of Boragati, in this Boragati today there was a beautiful 450 years old deity of Kṛṣṇa , Gaura Nitāi about almost 5 and half 6 feet high very beautiful deities. Deities of Kṛṣṇa Hora Das one of the associates of Lord Nityānanda.


Lord Nityānanda there he was given abhishek for his wedding by all the brahamanas the day before and in Saligram another village where Suryadas Sarakhela and his daughters and Gaurī Das lived the brahamanas did abhishek for the two daughters and then next day Nityānanda came and there was whole wedding ceremony with lot of kīrtan and normal like any other wedding ceremony changing garlands and everything and then after one day Nityānanda went back to Boragati and then from there he went over back to Nawadweep from Nawadweep then he went like that to Shantipur and from Shantipur he got down to Khardaha and in Khardaha he built his house.


So, you can see in Khardaha you can see the house of Nityānanda stayed with Vasudhā and Jhanava and where Mir Chandra and Gaṅgā deity had appeared. Lord Nityānanda also visited Lord Chaitanya in Jagannath Purī many times, Lord Nityānanda taught a lesson to that Ramachandra Khar or Ramachandra car he gave his mercy to Raghunātha Dāsa at Daṇḍa mahā utsav at Pani Hati. Every time they had a child Aheervar Das Thakur would pay obeisance’s to the children of Nityānanda and they would die. Aheervar Thakur was also he was a devotee who was left over from the dwapar yuga when he would in the temple and bow down if there was any bogus shaligram shila would explode his devotion was so strong that any un bonafide deity will break so when he paid his obeisance’s to Nityānanda’s children and they weren’t transcendental they died immediately.


So finally, when he bowed down to Gaṅgā devī and to Mir Chandra they did not die. Mir Chandra is Kshirodyakshi Viṣṇu and Gaṅgā Devī is Gaṅgā. So, like this so many transcendental pass times of Lord Nityānanda we still remember his transcendental glories. He is the adi guru the orginal guru the spiritual master is considered the confidential associate or representative or devotee of Lord Nityanada.


Nityānanda Prabhu ki Jai.


Nitāi Gaurāṅga.


Nitāi Gaura Premānande Hari Hari Bol.


Hare Kṛṣṇa.


Any question?


Yes, Kripa More Prabhu, separate books there are some separate books but at least one of them I don’t know their reliability.


I know one of Lord Nityānanda but people say it is not bonafide it was made by much later by Nityānanda Vaṁśa who tried to sustain some kind of wrong philosophy that they propound basically Nityānanda is very profusely described in many chapters of Chaitanya Bhagavat and his pass times and glories are mentioned in Chaitanya Carnamrta and Chaitanya mangal and other scriptures.


In Brahmānanda Purāṇa there is the mention of Lord Nityānanda Śrī Dayana Chandra Goswami has given the Gayathri and meditation of Nityānanda there is a offering by Sarva Bahuma Bhattacharya there is Nityānanda Astvik by mentioned there is specifically no separate biography on Nityānanda.


There was something about by the servant of Advaita in Advaita prakash which is giving some historical not completely but some historical value I know. As far as Nityānanda someone came up with Nityānanda Prakash but I heard it is not valid it is not bonafide anything else?


The problem is that in different books they say different things that is the problem Mādhavendra Purī there is another book called prema vilās this is not accepted which is said by Ishwara Purī but that is not accepted by the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava.


Prabhupāda accepted that he was initiated by Lakṣmīpati when he was travelling throughout India but there is some basis that he did meet Madavendra Purī in some time then all these ideas came.


You have any more information?


[Not Clear: 01:04:04] It all on the birth and disappearance and have it figured all out Madavendra Purī and Ishwara Purī.


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: He was initiated when he was around sixteen.

[Not Clear: 01:05:15]

His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Initiating, who was the first person initiated Rūpa Sanātana it was in south India.


[Not Clear: 01:05:26]


Rūpa Sanātana and some people in South India he would give them Hari Naam initiation. When he was travelling in South India when he was in Nawadweep he did he organized an initiation of Janardhan Prabhu to Pundarik Vidyānidhi.

Anything else in today’s plan?


[Not Clear: 01:05:49]


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: No, they met here for the first time when the sankirtan movement started He was in Ekachakra when he was twelve years of age he became a mendicant sanyasa and went over all over south of India and then he was in Vrindavan and then from Vrindavan he came here it was the first time that in this manifested pass time met Lord Chaitanya.


So, Lord Nityānanda had already started the sankirtan movement from short time.

[Not Clear: 01:06:30]


When he was preaching there was no mention of avadhūta you know extreme avadhūta activities it was more when Lord Chaitanya was there, he in his earlier pass times there were these avudhuta activities when he was actually preaching you don’t hear about it those activities, but sometimes he would run in ecstasy or something.



Transcribed by Jamuna Sevika DD
Verifyed by Medhavini Sakhi Devi Dasi
Reviewed by Usha