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19930308 The Appearance Pastime Of Lord Caitanya

8 Mar 1993|Duration: 00:34:48|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following is the talk given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on March 8th 1993 in Sridham Māyāpur. The talk was given during the Caitanya Līlā Seminar.


vande 'ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun Vaiṣṇavams ca

            sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam

sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krsna-caitanya-devam

sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita-sri-visakhanvitams ca



oḿ ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

cakṣur unmīlitaḿ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ



nama oḿ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale

śrīmate bhaktivedānta-svāmin iti nāmine


namas te sārasvate deve gaura-vāṇī-pracāriṇe




namo mahā-vadānyāya kṛṣṇa-prema-pradāya te

kṛṣṇāya kṛṣṇa-caitanya-nāmne gaura-tviṣe namaḥ


he kṛṣṇa karuṇā-sindho dīna-bandho jagat-pate

gopeśa gopikā-kānta rādhā-kānta namo 'stu te


tapta-kāñcana-gaurāńgi rādhe vṛndāvaneśvari

vṛṣabhānu-sute devī praṇamāmi hari-priye (Everyone saying together)

(jaya) śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya prabhu nityānanda

śrī-advaita gadādhara śrīvāsādi-gaura-bhakta-vṛnda


(Everyone saying together)

hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare

hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare


[Not Clear – 00:03:15]

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ

paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim

yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande

śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam

Parmananda Mādhavaṁ

Śrī Chaitanya Īśvaram

Jai sachinandana!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating)


Jai Sachinandana!! ((loudly)

(devotees repeating)


Gaura Hari!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating)


 Gaura Hari!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating)


Gaura Hari!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating)


As the Vaiṣṇava blessings, Lord Chaitanya had entered into the heart of Jagannath Miśra and was then transferred to the heart of mother Śacī.. His Holiness Giriraj Swami about having the lord in the heart.. And then he took shelter in the womb of mother Śacī.

At that point the whole life of Jagannath Miśra completely changed. He was a very poor simple brāhmaṇa. Devoted to lord Kṛṣṇa he would worship his Śāligrāma śilā, he would pray, did pūjās but he didn’t have much of other opulence.

But when the lord entered into his house, then Lakṣmī, the goddess of fortune, she immediately started to worship the eternal master. Wherever Lord Caitanya is, there is all good fortune, there is all opulence, all knowledge, all wealth, all the qualities of bhagavān are present.

As soon as Lord Caitanya appeared in the womb of mother Śacī, people stared to walking up to Jagannath Miśra and just giving him money. Oh, you are a nice brāhmaṇa can I give you a donation here and money started just coming. And all devotees and leaders sometimes wonder where the money will come from?

And Śrīla Prabhupāda said where there is Kṛṣṇa there is all opulence. In that way, actually visible in the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, as soon as he entered into the house of Jagannath Miśra, not even born, just in a womb, in an embryonic form.

Lakṣmī started to immediately serve the Lord. It seems that Giriraj Maharaj is giving us the solution to all our problems.

We have Lord Caitanya in the heart, we have everything. Mother Śacī, she noticed that things were different. She started to see that some figures in the sky some devas they were there looking at her in the sky. She saw that visitors from other planets going and why they keep looking at me and then disappearing. Sometimes they will go around her and do parikrama. She feel that someone is in the room, someone's is here but I can't see anyone [devotee laughs]. And sometimes she would see celestial figures.

At that time residents from the higher planets, they came and they offered Lord Caitanya prayers, when he was in the womb of mother Śacī. “Oh, my Lord!! you are the supreme personality of Godhead and you are appearing in this age of Kali to deliver the most fallen souls, giving them the incalculable blessings of pure love of Kṛṣṇa”.

We are your devotees from the higher planets, from svarga. We need your blessings. In whatever avatar you come and give liberation to your devotees.

Matsya, Kūrma, varāha, Narasiṁha, and so many avatars you are giving liberation. Mukti.. But only in this incarnation, we know that you are going to give profusely Rādhā Kṛṣṇa. We want that blessing from you. We don't want any material blessings. Already in our heavenly planets we have enough material facilities, we don't really have problems. Only two problems we have. One problem is that sometimes the demons they attack us and then we have to defend ourselves, so that apprehension and fear of that demons attack us is the problem. The other problem is that so much sense gratification. We get so absorbed in simply the pleasures of the body, that we forget about the real purpose of the life. We forget about serving you and we miss out in that highest benediction of getting your pure devotion.

This is the greatest suffering of all, to be deprived from your devotion. So, we beg you that in this incarnation you will bless us too. We are really the most fallen because in spite of such a pious birth, we get distracted and don't serve you. Please have your blessings upon us.

Certainly, in the world today, where people everyone is trying to get a higher standard of living, people are very much attracted by the standard that is there in the heavenly planets.

But the residents of the heavenly planets are begging for the blessings to serve Lord Gaurāṅga, begging to get the love of Kṛṣṇa. In a heavenly planet there is only two problems, but in this world, there is plenty of problems.  So, people can, hopefully those who are intelligent, they can be directed to take shelter of the lotus feet of Lord Gaurāṅga, like the devas.


So, mother Śacī and Jagannath Miśra, they became so happy that what is happening to us?

What has happened?

Since you conceived and I had that vision of the Lord entering my heart and going to you, everything has changed in our house. People just come up to me, saying Jagannath Miśra!!! [devotees laughing].

And they say so many nice things and people are giving me money without even asking. Mother Śacī said, yes!! I also I don't know what it is.. I feel so happy and I see in that some beings from other worlds, they are coming and they are going around me and they are speaking things and I cannot understand what they are saying .. The house has become transformed.

And as well as Śacī was progressing in her pregnancy she was becoming more and more effulgent. She was becoming so effulgent, so beautiful, anyone who saw her they immediately marked, what is happening to her? She is so beautiful. so effulgent.

 At that time, Advaita Gosāi he suddenly appeared in the house of Jagannath Miśra.  Advaita Gosāi was the leader of all the brāhmaṇas, the most respected. He was very surprised and he immediately he stood up! Oh!! We are so blessed by your presence.

The Jagannath Miśra gave seat to the Advaita Gosāi, offered him all the respects as a any guests should be offered especially such a wonderful guest such as Advaita Gosāi specially honored, you the leader of all the greatest of brāhmaṇas coming to this very poor brāhmaṇa house and Advaita Gosāi he just kept looking at mother Śacī seeing her effulgence and as he was looking at mother Śacī he became more and more ecstatic. Just by seeing that he was so happy.

Jagannath Miśra couldn't figure out what is going on? and why is he (uhh) kind of staring and beaming and not saying much at all? All of a sudden Advaita Gosāi got up and he started walking around mother Śacī  Starts circumambulating.

Jagannath Miśra said,What are you doing?

why you are circling around my wife? [devotee laughing]

This is very embarrassing for us, you are such a noble soul, we are just an insignificant people, we don't understand this please explain.

Advaita said listen, don’t be pre-occupied sure in the future, I will tell you everything. You cannot understand everything all at once. So just be patient, someday I will tell you everything. Don’t mind, he kept on circumambulating, seven times he went around mother Śacī.

Jagannath Miśra, was very confused, he didn't know what to say. Advaita Ācārya is so happy, is all blissful. He just turned to Jagannath Miśra “Listen, I cannot tell you now. I wanted you to do something. Put sandalwood pulp on the womb of mother uhh over the stomach of mother Śacī. He put sandalwood pulp, put some flowers, put some vermillion, just do this for me” then he left. And they discussed together what does this mean or this just must mean that, obviously he is not circumambulating me, who am I? I am just a simple women but., Must be that the (uhh) the (uhh)  the one I am carrying the baby  a child I am carrying in my womb is someone very special, a very great soul.

Jagannath Miśra, “Yes, certainly, we are blessed”. Noticed all these changing.

So, the tenth month of pregnancy was completed. And Jagannath Miśra was hopeful that the child will be born but there was no birth. And the eleventh month came, the twelveth month, and the thirteenth month. He got really worried, maybe the mother will be harmed or the child something will happen. This is very unusual.

He called his father-in- law Nilambar chakravarti to ask him, what does this mean?

What should we do?

Nilambar chakravarti did an astrological chart and he said don't worry! Your child will be born in the month of Palgun which is just a few days away. He is taking advantage of every auspicious constellations which he will appear and he will be born just as the most auspicious moment. There is nothing to worry about, I have seen everything is auspicious. At that time, the month of Palgun on a full moon day, five hundred and seven years ago on this day, there was a lunar eclipse and according to the custom, Vedic culture, all the Hindus, they go to the Ganges and they bathe and they chant the holy names.

But on this particular day, more than ever before, there was a very massive exodus, where everyone left their homes and everyone went to the Ganges and they all started to chant, Haribol!! (Loudly)

(devotees repeating)

Haribol!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating)

Haribol!! (Loudly)

(devotees repeating)

hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare

hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare


(devotees repeating)

and everyone became very happy. Everyone became very jubilant. All the Vaiṣṇavas were so happy that the whole city of Navadvip all you can hear was the name of Hari!! (Loudly) (devotees repeating)

Haribol!! (Loudly) (devotees repeating)

Even those who were non- Hindus, they are also joking with each other, Just see, how all the Hindus are going down and chanting. What are these Hindus they, look at what are they chanting Hari Hari Govinda Govinda.

So indirectly they were also chanting. Everyone was chanting. Not only on this planet but even on the heavenly planets they were dancing in jubilation. The whole universe was feeling transcendental bliss. That auspicious moment, when the whole world was chanting the holy name, when the whole Navadvip was chanting, when the whole universe was very blissful, Lord Śrī Gaurāṅga appeared.

Gaurāṅga!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating)

Jai Śacīnandana(loudly)

(devotees repeating)

Gaura Hari (loudly)

(devotees repeating).


Mother Śacī called Jagannath Miśra, look at the birth was successful. See your son! See your beautiful son, he is golden in color and Jagannath Miśra saw the beautiful golden form of his son and he was amazed, he was overjoyed . So many neighboring women of the family, they immediately came and started to do uloo dhvani. Getting the ule ula..ulations..( devotees laughter) fastly the coming of the lord spontaneously. The women has to give the demonstration men cannot do.. any women can do. (Few women started doing uloo dhvani). only the local Bengali ladies (uhh) the foreign ladies can learn how to do uloo dhvani. This is the auspicious occasion.

At that time in Shantipur all of a sudden Advaita Gosāi, he jumped up and he started to dance in ecstasy.

Haribol Haribol!! (Loudly)

(devotees repeating).

He jumped up and he started dancing Haribol!! And Haridas Thakur, what is happening?

Why is Advaita?  He felt very happy too. And he started to dance with Advaita Gosāi.  He knew that something behind this.. something is very special and Advaita knows what it is but he is not telling me. Advaitam he became so happy went and bathed in the Ganges and he started giving charity to everyone. On this auspicious taking the(uhh) auspicious occasion of the lunar eclipse, he gave profuse charity.

And we know, as Giriraj Maharaj will explains, how he had prayed for the advent of the Lord. He knew in his heart that the Lord has come in this world.

Śrīvas Chandrasekhar, all the Vaiṣṇavas of the Navadvīpa, they felt very happy spontaneously. Now everyone was feeling so happy. Śrīvas they all bathed in the Ganges and chanted the holy names Govinda!! (Loudly)( devotees repeating).

So Nilambar chakravarti Thakur came in the house of Jagannath Miśra and he did an astrological reading and he found. Looking at Lord Chaitanya, Amazing!! He looks so beautiful. He has all the characteristics of Kṛṣṇa! Only he is golden instead of blue.

Actually, if you ever go to Tirupati, there is a museum there. In that museum, it shows different ways of making deities and in there .. there are shelves there.. there are different physical dimensions or physical (uhh)ratios of (uhh) the body part for different forms. And the Lord had got a particular ratio and then other devas have little different. And Human beings for the Lord is called the number 9 and then they had number seven or six or seven every limb. Ganesh was number five in his different shapes. So, they have all ratios. So just by seeing his bodily parts, seeing his signs, seeing the symptoms, Nilambar chakravarti was such an expert astrologer.

Immediately he could understand this is no ordinary child. This is the divine child! Then, he did the astrological chart, he saw this is the Siṁha lagna and he predicted this child of yours will be the king of all the brāhmaṇas, the leader of all the brāhmaṇas as Gaura. He will preach that knowledge which has never been preached before.  He will deliver the whole universe. And all the suffering of the people will be eradicated by is, Yes. He also could see that he will take sanyas but he didn't reveal that, he kept it as a secret because it would have been a pain to the mother and father, if they thought that he was going to take sanyas. At that auspicious moment.

Jagannath Miśra, he was a poor brāhmaṇa, he didn't know what to do, he felt so happy, he wanted to give something to Nilambar chakravarti Thakur but without having anything in hand, he just fell on the ground and -grabbed his feet clasps Please accept my obeisance’s. My humble offering to you Nilambar chakravarti, He surprised everyone, even though he was the father-in-law, he paid his obeisance’s and he grabbed the feet of Jagannath Miśra.

Haribol (Loudly)

(devotees repeating)

Everyone started chanting seeing this!


(devotees repeating)

Haribol!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating).


There came the announcement in Navadvip, a beautiful golden son has been born to Jagannath Miśra. And all the professional musician and dancers, they started coming and playing in front of his house. There was a very big festival and then all the brāhmaṇas, when they heard they started coming, their wives dressed up in their best clothing and they came to see the child.

Nimāi who is born under a Neem tree. At that time, the word without the top of the whole universe, various wives of the devas and transcendental personalities. They all appeared in the form of Navadvip Bengali brāhmaṇas. As Bengali Brahamanis wives of the brāhmaṇas came down such personalities of the consort of Brahmā, Śiva, Indra, even Ramaa devī came, even the wife of Narasiṁha Deva. Lakṣmī herself, she came down to see the appearance of Gaurāṅga!! (loudly)

(devotees repeating)


Mother Śacī saying, where are these beautiful people coming from?

I never seen these people before. They are all smiling, they are giving gifts, they are touching the feet of mother Śacī. Taking the dust. The word spread, and in the other planets, there was a huge festivals going on the Lord has appeared! Not only demonic qualities of the universe will go down and all will become auspicious for everyone for us in the entire world.

So many people were there, from professional reciters, they started to recite. And couldn't know where all these people coming from, they started speaking in different languages, some in sanskrit and other languages that no one ever heard before. And they saw, the crowd is coming. Was so soothing, so beautiful... that it touched everyone’s heart and made wonderful, blissful jubilance and auspicious vibrations.

Then Chandrasekar, the mama of Lord Chaitanya and Śrīvas Thakur came and they told Jagannath Miśra, we have to do the Jāti karma of the various rituals of child birth. And they started performing all these Vedic rituals.

Jagannath Miśra whatever he had received. whatever he had; he starts giving out to the brāhmaṇas. Giving out to these professional musicians and everyone, to the poor people he started giving in charity whatever he could give.

Mālinī queen and wife of Śrīvas and put turmeric and some vermillion all over the body of Gaurāṅga!! (Loudly)

(devotees repeating)

Next day Sītā took permission from Advaita Gosāi. Sītā ṭhākurāṇī and she came from Shantipur in a palanquin.

Those days they very respectable ladies they would not go walking in the public, but they were carried by palanquins and covered carriers. So, she came in a palanquin with a nice fine silken cloth and the gifts to see the child born to Jagannath Miśra and Śacī mata.


First, she gave very auspicious natural articles, grass, paddy, turmeric, kuṅkuma offered all this to the child. And She saw the beauty of Lord Gaurāṅga, her heart melted, tears flowed out her eyes, she also saw and she looks just like Kṛṣṇa but in golden. As he was born under Neem tree so why don't you call him Nimāi and this form of naming easy to call Nimāi!! ( Loudly)

(devotees repeating).

Then she got out gold ornaments, she has special tiger claw for his protection white and gold and put silk saree to mother Śacī and all kinds of valuable gifts. This way she went back to shantipur and she was just crying, remembering the beauty of Lord Gaurāṅga.

On this auspicious day, Lord Gaurāṅga appeared, he entered into the world to expand his transcedental pastimes. Jai Śacīnandana!! (Loudly) (devotees repeating)

Jai Śacīnandana!! (Loudly)

(devotees repeating)

Gaura Hari!! (Loudly)

(devotees repeating).

As Giriraj swami mentioned, Nimāi, The Lord Chaitanya entered into the heart of everyone.

I remember that in one program, [Not Clear – 00:31:05] Calcutta, Śrīla prabhupāda referred .. and one the organizer it happened actually all the wonderful things that Bhaktivedenta Swami Prabhupāda has done. He had no doubt that Chaitanya Mahāprabhu has fully empowered him, has entered into him but actually he is the shakthya- vesha, he has got the full Shakti of Lord Gaurāṅga.

Śrīla prabhupāda just still he didn't say anything, he didn't deny. Actually without Śrīla prabhupāda and Lord Chaitanya has entered into the heart of all the preachers that has been merely guard and Simply by the presence of Lord Gaurāṅga, he created this wonderful environment in the world and everyone is carrying Gaurāṅga with them all over the world chanting his holy names. He is also present in his names, He is present in his books, He is presence in the deity form. Everywhere he want to fly the presence of Lord Gaurāṅga!!


(devotees repeating).

Then automatically all the auspiciousness will come and all the problems will evaporate very easily in the world.

But also.. but also, [Not Clear – 00:32:41] Mahārāja is saying Krsnadas kavirāj is very, I was moved by his speech, how he is feeling inadequate. If he feels inadequate, what to speak of myself. I feel totally inadequate to pray to the Lord, what me and what to speak of others.

But somehow, I remember Prabhupad said one day, he called all of the devotees, and told, this devotee is going to preach in some very difficult place. So, all of you should bless him.

We said prabhupāda, you know, what can we do, how can we bless?

He said, “No! You are Vaiṣṇavas, you have the power to bless, you bless him that he will get the mercy of Kṛṣṇa that he will be empowered to give his preaching”.

Look on this auspicious day specially, blessings of all Vaiṣṇavas here, that all the preachers of ISKCON, even this most insignificant soul, and all the preachers that we may be blessed in-order to... to have Chaitanya Mahāprabhu in our heart, to have Śrīla Prabhupāda in our heart and be able to spread this Kṛṣṇa consiousness movement everywhere.

So please all the preachers and all the Vaiṣṇavas, we will just pray to Prabhupāda and Lord Chaitanya to bless all the preachers. In this way the Lord will listens to his devotees, causeless mercy, no one can understand, he is totally independent but he still listens. So therefore, we need the blessings of all the Vaiṣṇavas and all the preachers, so that Prabhupāda and Lord Chaitanya will be in our heart.

Nitāi Gaur Sītā nath permanandhi!!(Loudly)

Hari Haribol!!(devotees Loudly)

Transcribed By: Shyam Madhvi DD

Transcribed On: 17-June-2020


Proof Reading By: Amrita Padma Devi Dasi

On 25/09/2020

Transcribed b Medhavini Sakhi Devi Dasi

Completed on 18th December 2020




Transcribed by Shyam Madhvi DD
Verifyed by Amrita Padma Devi Dasi
Reviewed by Medhavini Sakhi Devi Dasi