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19931115 Rahu Has A Head Without A Body ISKCON Should Not Be Like That

15 Nov 1993|English|Others|Sweden, Europe

The following is class given by HH Jayapataka Swami on November 15th 1993, in Stockholm, Sweden. 


I will start the translation from 


nadiya-godrume nityananda mahajana
patiyache nama-hatta jibera karana


Set in the land of Nadia, which is the pastime place of Lord Chaitanya, around Nawadweep, in the place of Godruma, the second island of Navadweep. Simatasweep, Godruma dweep that's the island of chanting, shravanam, kirtanam. Nityananda mahajana, Nityananda, as the mahajana, mahajana, you know the 12 mahajana in, the great soul. Nityananda Prabhu, mahajana, also means the main distributor. Patiyache nama-hatta jibera karana, like we have the manufacturer, something or the main distributor who is, who's the, everyone has to get ...for himself, all the goods, this also in the local lingual, they call the mahajana. So it's like the ...In the social term, mahajana means love distributor, in spiritual term it means that. Distributor, nothing like a book distributor, distributor in the sense of the like the sole distributor of cigarette, I don't know what you call it, the big capitalist, the franchise. But he won't give the franchise, like here they got, pharma companies like, like (not clear) or something like that. so they, Nutyananda, he sets up his office at Godruma and he is the mahajana, he is the one who holding all the franchisee, he is holding all the good. He establishes the nama hatta, market of the holy name, why? jibera karana, why he send down this holy preaching of the market place of the holy name, to deliver the fallen souls, for us. Nama Hatta is for us, we go to the market and we can get our necessities for spiritual life. Otherwise there was no market before, it was (not clear), spiritual vacuum. So he has set up the market for the jivas, the conditioned souls can enjoy and get the mercy from The Lord. 

sraddhaban jana he sraddhaban jana he, all types of people, c'mon, come all type of people. prabhura ajnaya bhai, on the order of The Lord Chaitanya, my brother, magi ei bhikha, I am begging from you, this alm, this gift bolo krishna, chant Hare Krishna, bhajo krishna, worship Lord Krishna, koro krishna-sikha, that means the transcendental books of Lord Krishna. 

aparadha-sunya ho'ye loha krishna-nama, chant the holy name of Krishna, free from offences
krishna mata krishna pita krishna dhana prana, accept Krishna as your mother, as your father, as your life and soul, He is your treasure in life.
krishnera somsara koro chari' anacara, make a Krishna conscious, Krishna center family, give up anachar, all forbidden activity, all things against the regulative principle
jibe doya, mercy on the conditioned soul, krishna-nama, preach the glories of the holy name, sarba-dharma-sara, this is the essence of all, very simple direct to the point, this is the point that Bhakti Vinod Thakur in his nama hatta preaching, in the sutras, each one you can expand unlimitedly. These sutras, he would go and he would chant Hare Krishna, he would chant this nama hatta, Balaram in the kirtan, invite everyone, this is the, this was in the scripture, chant Hare Krishna, read the teachings of Krishna, worship Krishna, engage in the sankirtan movement, give up offences and chant without offences. All the essence of  things are there, very simplified. This is what the Nama Hatta movement is, simplified, bringing in the essence to everyone, all over the world
So you saw that you know, sorry it was production and it had some very basic footage of the seminar in Mayapur which was  when the canal was there, something moved property and focus, just a, give some highlights about some of the past different people had, different ideas and what the previous acharyas wanted. You can understand that in order to get clarity of preaching everything, Prabhupad said whether you are a pujari or cook, whatever you are doing, someone may be a translator or someone may be a book distributor but everyone is a preacher, becuase we are all having the same broad vision of how Krishna Conscious is spread and everyone is applying their heart in their effort of spreading Krishna Consiousness. So, part of the revision of  Krishna Consciousness, we consider Bhakti Siddhanta Thakur, he was saying develop the Holy Dham, Nawadweep Praikrama, develop the Holy Dham, i want you to publish, transcendental literature, distribute it and then preach Nama Hatta, where everybody can serve. It was like a 1,2,3, publish the book, distribute the book and then what do you do ? That's the end there, its not just distribute the book and that's it, you convince the people to practice what's significant and you organize and cultivate them so that they remain faithful,  'shradhavan jana hai'. When you read the book, what happens, you get faith. This is the purpose of learning. Lot of book distributors came up to me and asked me in Calcutta. What should I do, what should I say, well I said what do you mean ? Well today a man came up  and he purchased one of the maha big book. What do you mean purchased the maha big book and then he sat down, the whole day, in a near by seat, he read the book, he read and he kind of finished the whole book and he came to me  and said I am convinced, I am convinced, your book, this is the Absolute Truth, I want to join your movement, what can I do? He said, alright, come in, move in with a tempo, become a missionary, become a preacher, move right into the temple. He said alright I am working here in the railway for 27 years, I have 3 years before my pension. I have got presently 6 daughters, 3 sons, I have an old grandmother and I have got 10 acres of land about 5 acres of land with a 4-5 cows. i am ready to bring everything, this is what, I'll bring everyone and come to  your temple, give up my pension, wait a second. (Devotees break into laughter). Alright have to talk to my temple president first.. Is there anything else I can do? Alright you can become a life member, how much is it ? It's 5555rs or 7000, no  no I don't have 5000. I make 5000 a month but i will stay back for a couple of months and then you know take me while. He said Ok and anything else I can do, I can buy some more books?  (Devotees break into laughter). Sure why not if you insist. Ok I want to do more, I believe your point, you convinced me, now tell me what can I do? He was a book distributor, you know what is he going to tell him, what to, what to do now. Ok come back and see me tomorrow, he came, what am I going to tell him. So here we are in situation where people were convinced, want to practice and like Prabhupad said well we don't,  it doesn't mean that we have to have that we expect that we meet we have 100 and 1000s of people in every center. We want to train people how to practice in their homes and as you start preaching you find that there are so many people, elderly people, mature people, like this some people may be students want to finish their university carriers or something, people are not ready yet, to just move in to a temple and be you know missionaries or whatever, full time preacher. So, what is the program for them? That probably, we were discussing with Srila Prabhupad and he gave us this idea, we have to train people to practice at their home. In fact at one place said we don't want people just to move in prematurely because sometime they don't follow, they get disheartened, they weep, then after that they don't feel the courage to join later. You bring someone and he is not ready and he fail, he gets cried out, he is not you know, very mature enough to stay in the temple. If you leave, later on when, it will be much more difficult for him to have the confidence to move in the temple. This and everything that Prabhupad would explain all these things. So what we are trying to do in the congregation of preaching, congregational development or nama hatta program around the world is provide a program where all the people who do not live in our temple can (not clear). Should be under ISKCON sponsor, ISKCON approved, ISKCON co-ordinated, cultivated, organized program so that people can practice Krishna Consciousness and they can help. Now you all know that last December Mayapur had the good fortune of distributing quite a few books. 38000 maha big and 3-4000 magazines and another medium and everything. So how is that possible, in India at that time there was a riot going on. Whenever there is riot because of the problem between Hindus and Muslims at Ram's birth place, shrine or dham, so, so our book distributors could not go out in the vans because the vans would be stoned by the Muslims. Some sankirtan leader got pulled put and punched and everything. So everyone was like afraid to go out in the vans because it was like too obvious. Just one person pick up a rock and smash at your window and create the whole riot like a situation. So our book distributors were not able to really move out at full speed. So what the congregational members, they all didn't have this problem because they are going door to door, amongst their friends, some are taking 100, some are taking 150 books, some are taking 15, 20 whatever their capacity and they were distributing at, to their business, colleagues, to the worker, fellow workers, to their relatives. Some people are giving through another relative. So you have to distribute these 5 books, no no I don't have money now, that's all right, give me the money next week, when you get your pay check. Book distributor on the street, he can't give someone 5, come back and see me week from now then give the money. Because you may not  see the person again, what's the guarantee but the congregational member gives his brother, he is responsible to the temple devotee gave him the book then you get the money or they will get the books back. So this way you have a whole network of book distributor (not clear) in the congregational member, all the several hundred, I think almost a 1000 congregational members were distributing books, I don't have the exact number. How many were doing, maybe 200 serious ones. And to make the total of the 38000 maha big books they did 22000 and even the books I distributed were also done through congregational, with the help of congregational members. So it was very first to get the 200,000 small books and ultimately it was in India but in London they also, they did quite good last year in the marathon, they also very rigorously called the congregational members on the phone and they booked orders over the phone in their program and even in America they are not doing that great but some other temple did anything also had a lot of help from the congregational member. They told the member had taken the whole box of books and distribute them, that's part of their business. Marathon for Krishna So the scope of not only in just having a if we are having a big congregation but they also at least sometimes, they also help in the preaching. In South Africa there is a competition in every marathon between the Nama Hatta devotees and the temple devotees and what his name Bira....Raghubira. He told that in 5 years, only the last year the temple devotees distributed many books than the Nama Hatta. The previous 4 years Nama Hatta distributed more. So this year it's going to be very heavy competition. There are 30 Nama Hattas all around the South African Durban temple and all of them have, may be 50 book distributors versus groups of 20, how many,100 (aside) but they do a little each but add that to a lot of total. So what the big distributor share on arranging cultural program for reaching people who are all the white cutural reach, preaching to other family members, the scope is unlimited. Environment is the fastest growing christian religion in the world and they have something like 20,000 equivalent of what they call spikes, which is the equivalent of Nama Hatta Groups. First they call this spikes or the state or something, they go and put a plate somewhere and say this is where we are going to, we are going to start a community here and they start preaching and from there gradually builds up to a temple. Its interesting Srila Bhaktivod Thakur said if you go with a holy name or the flag of the holy name and you take it and you just insert, this place is for Krishna and preach in there in that village. The preachers should they go their with a flag in their hand. Anyway (not clear) but the idea is that you are going staking claim, on a particular place you have  some friends, you have some people, you have Sachinandan Maharaj nicely explaining how in Keev and (not clear) different places from nama hatta preaching gradually temples have evolved also Berlin and the scope is actually unlimited. You know like in the varanshrama concept the brahmanas are the head. You can picture here with a picture here one big head like Rahu, cut off with a head, no body does that make a lot of sense? Opposite to ISKCON temple are supposed to be the brahamanas of the society. What is the meaning of being a brahmana unless you have head, but no body. The rest of the body is the congregation. So we want the head with body. So the way that we have so many books being distributed now all the people they get the books, they start practicing in their house and they start accepting Prabhupad preaching, they go and buy more books, they chant Hare Krishna, they set altars in their house, they get the deity worship, both and guru are worship of the deities in their homes. Set a 2000 deity worship books from millions, the most popular books. They have this (not clear) deity worship. So, this is the idea, you want to know, Prabhupad had established the temple, where the are heads are situated but now he said, now I built the frame, you have to fill in the body, you have to fill in the structure, structure and you have to fill in the rest, for the skeleton is there, now we have to fill in the body, fill in all the rest of it. So that, what the development of the congregation is about, trying to utilize all the favourable people that come to us and engage them In Krishna's service, cultivate them. So this is the very authorized, we are doing, most of us have been doing....BBT with their service, so, just to inform you that this is like part of our worldwide strategy that ISKCON has adopted, just to also see that the congregation is developed that they are preached to and that they are engaged in Krishna's service. So with this few words now we open up for discussions and questions. 

I guess this is first introductory video on the topic but we hope and the picture we come up more professional production, at least we could humbly present to the vaishnavas, this idea of trying to get some (not clear) to the air. Any questions? Now (not clear) is doing lot of congregational preaching.

Question : Devotee asks a question

Guru Maharaj : Oh no, you see what we have done is we have constructed a special ratham, like a very nice like the padayatra cart, something like the fiber glass dome, what we are doing is that we have a full size more to the side of Sril Prabhupad, which was donated during the matsyavatar and (not clear) Italy and they are taking that 

256. Bengal is divided into 256 administrative blocks and about 7-8 blocks equals one district, and there is16 districts in the state, something like that. I don't know maybe more blocks, some districts they have got more some more small but the total 256. So Bhakti Purushottam Swami, he inaugarated this program in Bharata after the Gaur Purnima festival and he took Prabhupad on the procession, like a ratha yatra, pulling the cart, people chanting kirtan. 5000 people participated in the procession. going to 3hrs throughout the town of Barasat outside of Calcutta, coming to Mayapur, Calcutta is the first city. It's the district headquarter and has a population of maybe 200,000  people or more.  This is (not clear) 200,000 will be very big in Sweden probably but in India, Bengal (not clear) But still anyways it's a, it's a lot of people, so you can imagine 2 1/2% of the people who are, who are actually in the procession and lot of more people who saw the procession, everyone was vowed, everyone little bothered and they came out on the streets and watched the procession go by and maybe half of the whole town, 100,000 people might have witnessed the procession, going through another words of being a temple program with lectures of Prabhupad, distinguished, the Mayor and other people came and went on for two days like the Bhakti Charu Swami came also, gave lecture, there were other ISKCON senior vaishnavas who came from different parts of the world, participating in the program. So now they are doing this in every part of the centennial preparation. Now all these festivals are organized by the local nama hattas, they are organized by the nama hatta (not clear). They, they  arrange everything, they find out the field, they get the permission from the local authorities, they see the police, they personally collect money from the public and financed building a tent there, a pandal and a stage and they (not clear) their posters which are pre-published and the poster, posters everywhere around the city and so they are doing that something like 60 places this victor again in the year they do like that 100 each year almost, completing all the entire state by 1996, so the idea every, we want everywhere to know Prabhupad and they give a picture of Prabhupad to the senior organizers and through their competitions, there are 10,000 children in the schools they are taking a test, they give out a 6 page pamphlet of Prabhupad's life to the students and then they give them, they let them study and take a competition, so take a test whether they, whoever gets, when they give the picture, things and books to the winning students and then they go to the finals for some other special gift, trip to Bombay or a trip to (not clear) (devotees laugh), to see Prabhupad's temples. We take them to the world headquarters. So there are many other details, some massive programs and combined between book distributors, college and school preachers, to the centennial festivals teams and the nama hatta, they all coordinating together to make this success. By the month of December everybody is busy in book distribution, goes on November and then January, February, December's marathon. Now marathon fever (not audible). So December they probably what they (not audible) they figure out the reason and release the book. So we start up with  every many murtis of Prabhupad, one murti is send to many palce but there are many photos are give to the members who want subsidizing in mass produce the BBT photos of Prabhupad, and selling them for like 25 paise which is like 1 cent. So everybody, we want everyone there to Prabhupad frame in their house, we are not giving them the frame but (ha ha ) giving them the photo at a cheap price. 

Devotee asks a question  

Guru Maharaj : You see there is advantages and disadvantages everywhere and nowhere it's like totally easy, there is plenty of obstacles in Bengal whether they are (not clear) or communist or we have (not audible), even in Bengal we have got communist government. This communist government, can you believe it after every happening in the world , the communist leaders are still glorifying Stalin (devotees laugh). That is how off they are, what can you say about them, in this day and age we are not where they are glorifying Lenin, they are glorifying Stalin. So, still before their lecture they are going and speaking in the temple and praying for giving blessings to win the election (devotees laugh). So we make friends with the communist, we make friends with everybody as much as we can but they are not like that, they are official stand is that religion is opium of the people, so, how can they make (not clear) as much as we can, we are trying to be friendly with them but they are not, they are still very fanatic from old school. So we have to deal with that society and facing different kind of difficulties so in the beginning they were preaching also against the Hare Krishna movement, saying it's all funded by the CIA, The American government is funding the sankirtan movement of Bengal (devotees laugh). Can you believe it people believe you. So I mean America got credit, they don't deserve it (devotees laugh). So what happened is that we continue preaching of the devotees sometime the beginning the communist were saying don't follow them, they said all these things  and the people get up and walked away from the meeting, say where are you going, we will not give vaishnava aparadh, we cannot give this vaishnava aparadh. So now we are not, we are not a-political, we are not preaching this thing or that party. So now the communist they also don't speak against us, they are losing vote, they are just quiet and so there will always be difficulty but the advantage is many people believe in Krishna, the disadvantage is that they believe in Krishna sentimentally but they don't have any standard of understanding of what the principles are. Like we have to preach to the, we get many people to follow, superficially enjoying the kirtan but few people to practice rules and regulations and be vegetarian that relatively speaking. It take, just taken that since 1978, the 15 years to build up a core of couple of thousand of people who are chanting and following all the principles and we have 10s of 1000s who are chanting. But its started off very slowly and we have lot of, you know, this Nama Hatta preaching is a very long term program. So what we find in some other places is that we convince someone who doesn't know anything about Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. If they are convinced, sometimes it's easier for them to follow everything, they don't have so many other speculations that we have for preaching. To preach in Bengal you have to know not only Krishna Consciousness but you have to know so many philosophies. You have to know Krishna, you have to know Rahu. Everyone was there saying you know how to counteract each of the bogus philosophy. We here in the west kind of just maya, there is not so much philosophy in life. So that sense some advantage is but (not clear) there, therefore we focus that since in Bengal we have many followers of Lord Chaitanya, we should do it a  mass way. We should do it a very big way. Otherwise what is the use. So much seeds of devotion were planted by Nityananda Prabhu, so we should organize in a mass way and then we are systematically trying to train them up and get them to follow the rules and regulations. Now in the west, obviously you can't just suddenly start up in a very massive way but this has to gradually develop the people who are interested in Krishna Consciousness and then gradually it grows. So, the advantages like very few nama hattas centres becoming big temples like in Colon. So here we get nama hatta centres and the people may decide that Ok we want to be all temple, just  want  to give more time and just preach all the time. Well that won't happen so much in Bengal. Difference being so many families responsibilities and, it's a different environment. So as they say every place has its pros and its cons. It has advantages and disadvantage, so what we want to do is hake(not sure) whatever opportunities Krishna gives and then try to utilize them. So we shouldn't think that we are in a difficult place or we should see what are the opportunities Krishna is giving us and how should we utilize. Just like here there is a straight edge seen in Sweden according to the shelter group is the best in the whole of Europe when they left and once more than Sweden, in whole Sweden is very good scene. So there is so many of these straight edge youth, peer that could be cultivated and brought close to Krishna Consciousness. So whole type of congregation preaching to the youth. Then you have of course so many people here in the greens, ecological vegetarian, so many going to the restaurant, to make them feel that they belong, that they can also be a member of the Krishna church or the Krishna temple and to. Just right now and there is another interview after this one, I don''t know if you want to see it happens at the end of the same tape but it's an interview by one Danish devotee, Anantashri Das who is coordinator for preaching in South America in Limaperu and the temple President of Lima Peru and there discussed how they are engaging the people of Peru and they have 150 people coming to the temple, chanting rounds and doing volunteer service and many more people who are more loosely connected like fired up, they get 20-30 people to stay over Saturday night, open early saturday morning and do a morning program from 7 until 11, training them of and Tulasi puja, Prabhupad Puja and so many other different things. So everywhere this happens to be one of the opportunities that Krishna is giving us and how we can utilize it.  Although some places may be a little easier but all so important, some places may come little harder but you may get more sweet fruit at the end. Preaching gives enough idea, but preaching in a place we have to see the total preaching it is like from the book Srila Bhakti in the entire in between they are saying 'I need people who believe in our philosophy, who are convinced by the book, to train and cultivate them. If we don't do that then we are going to be missing much of the hard work. It's like you plan an apple tree and then you wait and when the apples are ripe you just sit under the tree and wait for those apples that fall in to your lap then it grows. What's the kind of fall or go away or, you just wants the ones that kind of fall within your reach. Obviously no one will do that, it's just the how to pick every apple at the right time and package and so on. So many devotees are there that need to be engaged in Krishna's service and we have to see how each person can be engaged upto their capacity. Those who are able to fully engage in the temple, let them engage like that, those who are not able to do that for some real, practical reason that doesn't mean we reject them, we also consider them devotees, that's what I wanted to say. In Limaperu, so they changed their program for friend of Krishna to the ISKCON league of devotees. They want to make those members feel not friends but like devotees, bring them close to the movement. 


Devotee asks a question 

Yes (GM)

Back to Godhead club, ISKCON world review and in Bengal because in ISKCON sankirtan samachar, which means the sankirtan news and it tells about this sankirtan movement all over the world. They have a page specially dedicated for congregational preaching. The, that comes out only fortnight, every two weeks and Back to godhead bhagvad darshan comes out every month. So Bhagvat darshan is much more philosophical and the other is much more practical and its very simple, so people are so attached to getting their magazine and their newspaper that they somehow if it doesn't get off on time or are misses up, you get all type of complaint letters, people coming up, they are really waiting for that. It's a very good program for cultivating, very very good program that they need to get association and that association, we have see this is one of the problems we face that we have so many people, how to get association to thousand root (?) where are the devotees, you know, we have got team of 46 devotees for congregational preaching because we made it financially subtle from other temples because no other temple would give so much manpower to such a program because they will have other priority. But to the Nama Hattas many temples are giving lot of  devotees, only a few people who are actually get in the  Nama Hatta preaching group. But even 46 people, 2 people have to go in the team, left with 1 person alone, too difficult, to be alone, to preach the people alone. Bhrahmachari is going and grihasta cultivatingThey say always go two, although 22, that means the maximum, you have 4,5 people in office all the time, so you have about 20 or 18 teams, that means 16 districts and maximum you have 1 person for 1  team per district and each district has 2-5 million people, it's nothing, nothing at all actually. So the people when they need the association through these festivals, they need regular association through the books. Bhagvat darshan, Back to Godhead in Bengali and sankirtan samachar, sankirtan news. These are the life lines, that really keeps the, everybody in touch with the whats going on in the sankirtan movement, very important. There is no faults there, there is no dilligence, there is no (unclear), communicate.

Yes (GM)

Devotee asks a question 

GM : The point is that, what is the varnashram, who is going to be varnashrama, it's, you have to be devotee of Krishna for daiva varnahrama. Daiva means the begining, daiva means its of the devotees, varnashrama is for uniting for organizing the human society, So first you have to bring them up to the human level, right? and people are burning house, shooting here and there and cocaine and they are doing all kinds of, they are spending all the time on the golf course or something. Where is the question of human life? In fact the vedic civilization, they are not visiting the varnashrama, you know, shudra or they are lower than shudra. So by the congregational program we are actually bringing people  up to the human platform, civilized human platform and also the devotional platform so then they can be organized, you have the whole varnahrama community there, all the congregational leaders, just like in Dimapur they are coming and doing service, they also keep giving some money, in different places around the world, in London, in Germany where ever they have. So in this way they are doing their duties as sudras, vaisyas , kstriyas in some places, the Houston temple is being managed by the congregation actually. Brahmanas devotees are there who do the puja but they actual management of the money and everything is done by the congregational members. They are leading the temple, they are living in their home but they are coming managing the temple, holding regular job outside. So, the varashrama is happening but its all being done by devotees, under the distinction of various ISKCON senior devotees, its very thin (not sure) in terms of devotion, in terms of karma and guna there may be some difference but in terms of there devotion there is always a lot of difference. So we see that developing a large, strong Congregation is the key for having a varnashrama development. We are just going to develop varamshrama with 100 or whatever devotees are in the temple we want to see varnashrama in the 1000s of people who are living around the temple and they eventually to spread further in the society. So as they, varnashrama is based on the format for organizing our congregation. We can explore. It must be having majority of the people, I mean who are Hare Krishna who change the government, system is like that, by democratic process, still that happens. We have majority of people, may be we can start to do something and that would affect in minority. Untill that happens the only people that we are going to be able to develop varanshrama with is those who believe in varashrama, who believe in Krishna Consciousness and that's the devotees in the temple and the devotees in our congregation who else is there, you are going to go out to Mr (not clear) and whatever Mr. 

Skansen and Sweden that practices varnashrama and someone gets our books and believe in philosophy, cultivate and consider himself part of our congregation or part of the devotee in their home and then you can organize them as part of the varnashrama program of Prabhupad and the society. They feel their duty is to serve the grihasta , they should give donations, that's the duty of a grihasta; danam, give donation. You see the practical, they may be other things but the practical way of establishing varnashrama in the world is through this preaching, combined effort of devotees in the temple and the congregation. We have to come up with a very clear blue print and then everyone can see have reached there, it's a very practical way of doing it. So far, one of the, one of the ideas. Any other question?  Balaji? Ok (not audible)

Devotee asks a question 

GM : We have to see that the thing in India, people are religious but they are religious to a certain point, like the parent preach to their children do religion but don't go too much into this, right? No one want their son to become a sanyasi or join a temple, they are frightened of that, you know, so every, every everyone all the hindus are very proud to see the big 45:39 of so many devotees  but if their own son or daughter wants to become a devotee they become very, you know, generally the tendency is like that.  Only those who are very advanced vaishnavas actually push that they teach their children to surrender but the general people they believe in to various degree but they believe in Bhagvad Gita and eveything but in the practical, they are always take something that is don't do too much46:08 All the preaching is in Bhagvatam, all the, in India. So people that come with a (not clear) to study, most of them are coming with the idea that I will will get a good job or get money, their ideas is to get some kind of economic development but like any other type of preaching what they need is association. You will get so many other nice devotees, senior devotees of Srila Prabhupad's came, they are foreign exchange students and tried  in the west. Subhash Swami Maharaj, he was a student in England, he joined there, I don't know, I think there is Sumatinandan (not clear) but Adidas Prabhu, President of Calcutta, he also joined in America, he was a student in University of Florida, he was preached by devotees there, Abhiram Prabhu and others, so, and there are so many like that. So, but he had, had general program for all of them and then he had to see who is more interested, not everybody is going to become like fully involved. He had to cultivate, see who is more interested. There is this like, I mean difficult someone, a Roman catholic, doesn't mean that all men will be (not clear). So we have to have program if you are too happy for surrendering then what happened we alienate and others will preach to the, if I don't load them because all will talk about his leaving his studies, leaving his family. So we have to be kind of tactful, encourage them in what they are doing, encourage to them get associated, you see some other more interested, try to give them little more association, get them to organize some programs with other students in the university. This type of thing. That's a very big subject, how to engage students, that's the; Bhakti Raju Maharaj and other preachers they are just concentrating on that and if you want more details about that, you write to him. He has developed this as the whole special department of youth preaching but just as an Indian preacher we have this, Indian has been very friendly with that, they have to be friendly with person, generally very personal people and you give them some nice association and prasadam and everything, they really appreciate. They may be under very strong pressure from their parents, to finish there studies, to get a good job, some money they earn, everyone is an individual. Subhash Swami joined and he went and back to India, his mother came and was crying like anything to Prabhupad, I remember that sometime. Prabhupad asked him if you want to go with your mother, he said no, I want to stay with Srila Prabhupad. I can't force anyone, mother was crying. Rolling, rolling on the ground. If you see your mother rolling on the ground and dying and crying. Mothers, when they cry, they are very sentimental, they love their children very much. The other part is they are not so bad but depends everywhere. So you have to (not clear) them off. Face lot of family attachment, every family is dependent on Krishna, the advantage is they know about Krishna but they are worried (not clear) sometime they get pride also, they get pride with devotional culture. 


You have to engage them in service, then they still, then they have some help you with devotion, they get more life. Last question?

Devotee asks a question 

GM  answers : Now that resolution can be followed, one may employ, only thing is that guru can employ, that's the, (devotee speaks : guru cannot employ). Should be applied, should be applied or done by the Temple President, anyone, because the president time is moratorium and pre-initiation, the guru is somehow apart from the guru outside, somehow by being a new devotee feel obligated.








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