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19930303 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya Līlā 10.49—54

3 Mar 1993|Duration: 00:36:30|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Transcription|Śrī Māyāpur, India

The following class is given by His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami on March 1st 1993 in Sridham Māyāpur.


vande 'ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams ca

                       sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam

sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam Kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devam

sri-radha-Kṛṣṇa-padan saha-gana-lalita-sri-visakhanvitams ca


His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: When Prabhupāda he came and he stayed in the grass hut then he walked out he planned for this building, originally the plan was to have 4 of these building exactly the same and one temple in front. That was the design four of these building with two in a smaller similar rectangle elevation; it was like whatever land we have ok we build the four buildings and one big temple that would be the Māyāpur Chandrodaya Mandir the very big temple.

But then Prabhupāda said when we get more land gradually the master plan started to change, that was the original plan and when this building was under construction Prabhupāda stayed in the grass hut, he said you should preserve this grass hut for prosperity, for prosperity rather but in future people can see this was where it all began in beginning the Māyāpur Śrī Chandrodaya mandir was only this grass hut Rādhā Mādhav they were also staying in the grass hut.

Then Prabhupāda he said this grass hut this is sattvik, this is in the mode of goodness for practicing Kṛṣṇa Consciousness this is all what one needs to live in a simple grass hut like this chanting

Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,

Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

by the side of the Ganges … so that building we are constructing with the stones and the bricks, and concrete that is in the mode of passion, but if we don’t build these buildings who will come to Māyāpur. If we just stay in the grass hut no one will come, we want people to come from all over the world to have a place where they could stay where people could come and practice Kṛṣṇa Consciousness.

So therefore, we have to construct so many buildings so for preaching purpose it is alright to engage in the mode of passion, but for our own salvation, for our own liberation, for our own personal deliverance to lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa then a grass hut is enough you don’t need more.

So Śrīla Prabhupāda kept up this mood that all the development should be in the mood of preaching.

One time in the temple he said that these buildings are all there for preaching and if we use it for preaching then as a result you get the love of God head and you go back to God head. For so many things the buildings are just for a comfortable living, comfortable life and they don’t try to use the facilities for preaching, then they will get comfortable life but they won’t get love of Godhead and they won’t go back to the spiritual world.

So, he wanted to imbibe that we should keep up and maintain that mood of preaching throughout the Māyāpur project.

One day when Śrīla Prabhupāda arrived in this room was ready downstairs in this building where he was staying after the reception was over and the Guru pūjā everything was over he came up and sat in his seat he leaned back in the cushion and he asked for a drink of Māyāpur water he took his golden goblin and was filled up with Māyāpur water. He would drink water without touching so he raised the cup high to get a little sip aah Māyāpur sip. He said living or dying in Māyāpur are both the same he took another sip, how is it possible living and dying in Māyāpur are the same like a riddle and he was smiling.

He said “Yes if you are living in Māyāpur you are living in a spiritual world and when you die in Māyāpur you go back to the spiritual world, so your living or dying is the same it is all spiritual world”.

When the building was not fully finished in fact Prabhupāda room were finished but his toilets the plumbing was not connected so that time there was a little tin can that was put behind the toilet and then Prabhupāda would use it and flush water would flow out and go in this one gallon 5 liter tin can the remnants. There used to be a race in the morning by the devotees who would go and get there first and carry out the remnants of Prabhupāda and take that and throw it away, Prabhupāda used to walk on the verandah, he used to walk out here on the roof, sometimes it would be raining out so he couldn’t go out for a walk so he walked around the verandah. He would say how nice these verandahs are he would set up big festivals and the devotees they can come and sleep on the verandah here, he said we can have 1000 people stay here even if the rooms are filled they can sleep on the verandah we have designed nicely these verandah nice and warm.

Sometimes Prabhupāda he would walk out here that’s why he had put there was this over this expansion joint there was like a small between the door you see the little raised area so he had us made this platform so when he had to walk up the stairway he had made a ramp he could easily walk around just going up the ramp without going upstairs and downstairs he could continue walking, sometimes it was very hot he would stay out in this room he uses it like his retreat and sleep outside here under the stars and say it is very nice.

In the month of May, April one time he came in the month of October it was quite warm so he stayed outside.

One day I don’t remember which time of the year it was know maybe it was in the fall, he used to come at mainly at Gaura Pūrṇimā time and then again he would usually come in fall November one year he came early in September, the month of September there are so many insects just after the rainy season everything starts to dry out and the sun is beating and as the water from the rainy monsoon season is evaporating and sometimes it is season when many flying insects start to come out and some servant kept the light on and then Prabhupāda was standing there and looking at the light there were millions there was so many insects were flying and going and Prabhupāda was standing there watching and we were kind of watching

What is Śrīla Prabhupāda watching the insects for?

Prabhupāda was going moving his head and looking oh and Prabhupāda says “they can understand that we are watching them” what is Prabhupāda looking at the insects.

He said just even with their big big scientist have their big jumbo jets, big airports but still even though there are so few airplanes they are always having collision often and on crashing, here there are millions of insects they are not colliding they are missing each other all the time. No radar or anything.

Śrīla Prabhupāda ki

Devotees: Jai

And sometimes Prabhupāda will walk with the devotees in Māyāpur especially during Māyāpur festival he would take, he would take the mood of alright you take the opposing party you say that you take the role of being a challenger or entrepreneur then I will defend. So then some devotee would start to like the he would start to take the role like Prabhupāda they say why this why that then Prabhupāda replied simply by going out walking over the pathways sometimes we go to where the Gurukul is now to the Goshala sometimes he went back to this land sometimes we went to the Ganges, Śrīla Prabhupāda would have me sometimes lead the way he say you know where all these high ways are to the fields. Actually there was no high way there is just a small one foot little raised path he would kind of balance and he would use his cane and somehow go through the fields, he would make sometimes these enduring statements and he was walking over the land he was giving guidance sometimes.

I remember one time he was telling different GBC actually you should build the Māyāpur temple I am simply depending on you they told, rather I am depending on all the GBC they should build then he called one over and say I am really depending on you and he would say I was just trying to enthuse them that they should take it up very seriously build a big temple.

One day Śrīla Prabhupāda he was walking to the Ganges he got to the Ganges and he looked around there was that time it was in the winter because the Ganges was very low the water was very clear.

Usually the Ganges now has lot of currents that is why you see this little brownish color but that time somehow I remember it was quite clear the current had reduced quite a bit but now they put more flow into this Ganges, in the beginning there was less flow of water because of some arrangements, they had some barrage some kind of dam like thing in Farakka and they regulate how much water comes maybe this was before this was completed I don’t know the exact completion date but there was less water that time.

So Ganges was much narrower in winter and it was going slow and clear and then Prabhupāda he looked around and he said why don’t we take a dip, servants said “Prabhupāda we didn’t bring a gāmchā or anything”.

He said well we are only sanyasis and brahmacārīs here where are my tāpīs so he put on his tāpīs and with the Gāmchā and tāpī he went inside the Ganges, all the sanyasis there were sanyasis and double brahmacārīs they went into the Ganges with the help of other devotees went into the Ganges with Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Prabhupāda remember when he bathed, I never saw anybody do this before he covered all the holes on his head like this and he went in three times, one of the devotee started splashing water on Prabhupāda back and he went out.

He said I will come to the Ganges every day and bath this will be very good for my health, when I was in Calcutta I used to bathe every day, in Allahabad I used to regularly go so that I could bathe in the Ganges this is very beneficial if you could get me a road so I can come directly to the Ganges, but at that time Ganges was very far away it was like almost a kilometer away from the road and to get there one had to go to very, it was very difficult actually sometimes after the rainy season there was a whole river of mud you had to cross some of the older devotees may remember.

So Śrīla Prabhupāda wanted to get right up to the Ganges so we tried to get a road tried to get a land that time nobody would sell now the Ganges is so close you have many roads up to the Ganges but now we cannot take Prabhupāda physically with us so I went proposing that we should take him from the Samādhi by his deity form a small some mūrti to the Ganges for bathing as he desired anyways.

Sometimes Śrīla Prabhupāda one time he was here for Śrīla Bhakti Siddhantha Saraswathi Thakur disappearance day he was giving a lecture in the temple at that time I remember near the end of the lecture he started to explain how the secret of success in Kṛṣṇa Consciousness was to please the previous ācāryas and he explained how Bhakti Vinod Thakur had begged door to door and build the first building at the yogpeet Of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and how Śrīla Gaura Kishore, Bhakti Vinod, Bhakti Siddhantha Saraswathi Thakur how he had built the birth place temple he had worked for developing Māyāpur dham he had given some details how each one of them had done something for the dham, then he said I am also trying to do something to develop Māyāpur dham and then he said actually I am very grateful to all of you for helping me to please to serve the previous ācāryas and Prabhupāda he just became completely choked up and he became like stunned he couldn’t speak anymore tears were coming from his eyes and for long time he was sitting there and crying and wasn’t able to wasn’t saying anything he was just sitting there and then like Prabhupāda moved his hand and something that we got the idea and we started chanting.

So how dear it was for Śrīla Prabhupāda for serving Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu dham for pleasing the previous ācāryas is beyond expression he was so grateful for all the devotees in every way that they were helping to build this Māyāpur project for developing the holy dham.

So sometimes Prabhupāda he wanted us to become very expert in all the, at one point there was also vyas pūjā or something of Śrīla Bhakti Siddhantha Saraswathi Thakur there are many guests coming to the Caitanya math because they invited some lieutenant general from Pondicherry lieutenant governor of Pondicherry one of the territories of India and they saw so many cars and people going there and at that time we didn’t have so many people coming here.

Śrīla Prabhupāda called us and asked why people are not coming here why you are not bringing people you are not able to, you don’t know how to be a proper host, you don’t know how to properly take care of the guests you have to know how to serve the guests properly they are very expert they know how to bring someone in and they feed him very well and they there lot of events are big Maharaj will sit there and he will say ok [Not Clear – 00:15:12] water give this and he will make like a lot of interest in seeing that the person is served properly that person will feel oh this great Maharaj is taking so much interest in me he will feel very thrilled by that he will feel very impressed and afterwards then they would bring him and sit him down nice sitting and then they will ask him you know to do some sevā [devotee laughs] and naturally he would be so won over by their hospitality and by their dealings that he will give accordingly very nicely some donation or some help that they need.

So actually they are very expert in this they know how to treat people how to win them over to make them lifelong friends you have to learn this technique this art how to win friends so he was very anxious that Māyāpur should be successful many people should come and then when we had a big festival many people were coming and he was very happy.

Remember one time just as he told us it just so happened one very big government officer may be one of the top ten officers in the West Bengal he came to visit Māyāpur.

Then Prabhupāda said “I am going to show, put my chair out on the verandah”. So while the officer was sitting there with his family Prabhupāda had his chair their he was telling a humorous story with him and the person was laughing he said in the meeting you should not talk any subject people should laugh a little bit and they can digest very easily[devotee laughs] and he had us brought us bring some misty dahi. Did anybody here have misty dahi in Māyāpur?

So, he gave the officer misty dahi he said oh this is the best thing I ever had then whenever he went to see him in Calcutta in office, he brought him some misty dahi from Māyāpur so he would bring for him a big clay pot of misty dahi and then Śrīla Prabhupāda would ask him if he would help, we need to develop Māyāpur we need certain help in developing this. He would preach and then he would tell us how he wanted a master plan made, if you think very big don’t live in our self in any regard.

In the development of Māyāpur dham you think very very big.

So I remember one time one of the first so many master plans were made even in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s time as I mentioned there was one master plan another master plan many different master plan different ideas, one plan came by that we were wondering it was for Brahmans especially, that was for Gurukul university everything and then another layer something else they tried to do like Kṣatriya bhrahamana administration don’t know how practical it was, it doesn’t seem practical now just in the conceptual stage Prabhupāda was saying yes and that time there was like 5000 students plans for Māyāpur, Prabhupāda was saying yes very nice.

Then one time when we had about 50 students in the gurukul that time most of them were like orphans or poor children then Prabhupāda said we could increase that 50% of the food could be made by ISCKON food relief and 50% we have today some other way like sponsored or something and then Śrīla Prabhupāda said we should have 500 children in the gurukul right away so immediately he liked the children so much he said you would get 500, unfortunately still we haven’t reached up to 500, now we are not taking the orphan children but for the poor children.

Some parents they have many children in Indian and they make devoted yes it is better than I can hardly feed them nicely, if 1 of my or 2 of my sons can go and become a brahmacārī in the temple they would get nice education and training so they give their children.

I think you have this problem also in the west many people want their children to join the temple?

Here if we allow people to give children to the temple, we will have a big waiting list, many parents they like their children to become devotees especially when they are younger like that, they are 5 or 6 brahminical families or something poor.

Usually when the children are already old like 18 or 20 then they are thinking that we should make some money when they are young more people give.

So Śrīla Prabhupāda he liked that.

I remember one time we were walking over by the Chowrangee River with Śrīla Prabhupāda and one man was walking with a big basket of vegetables on his head and Prabhupāda stopped and he asked where are you taking these vegetables in Bengali and

The man said “I going to Nawadweep to sell these”.

So then Prabhupāda said how much will you sell the whole basket for and then the man gave a price and Prabhupāda said no 8 rupees, I will give you 8 rupees for the whole basket you have to carry this so far the whole day you will sit there selling you sell me now 8 rupees, so then he said alright 9 rupees like that Prabhupāda was bargaining with him right there on the little road that goes on the dike where the Chowrangee starts and so Prabhupāda told ok you take this to the temple and they will pay you over there he gave a chit you will get the money over there.

Then Prabhupāda said my father used to always buy like this if I buy quantity you get cheaper price and this is fresh from the garden and he really liked fresh vegetables, when he came he said can I have some portal those little torpedo shaped vegetable is famous for soft portal Nadia district [Not Clear – 00:21:00] talking about Prabhupāda I will tell you what.

So, he liked lot of vegetables he said Bengal and Orissa is famous for vegetables you can have so many vegetables here, you can offer nice offerings to Lord Caitanya, Rādhā Mādhava so you get lot of fresh vegetables.

He told us how his father used to buy food for his family he would purchase the grains once for the whole year and in those days, he would just pay a couple of rupees it would be enough to feed the family for the whole year.

So actually, I like it is I think it is the women they keep one-year stock of food in there house. It seems that Śrīla Prabhupāda father also used to follow that he would buy one-year stock of food and keep it in a like a basement or some storage area for the whole year, so that used to be the system for the Grihastas they would have food for the whole year they wouldn’t have to worry about anything there was some crises they have food.

So Śrīla Prabhupāda also he was, he asked us to establish a foundation stone for the big temple in 1977 at Gaura Pūrṇimā festival.

I remember we went out according to some Vedic system he drawn he put straight from the ground we had the shadow intersecting a circle for that rod and we could get the true east and west line and accordingly at that time we took it from the main gate he said that at the main gate there should be some straight line. Now we have a different idea because of the Samādhi, then we established Prabhupāda told us on my order I am establishing the foundation so you then we found the location and then Prabhupāda established the foundation of the temple there, big foundation stone like the temple is done, foundation stone was placed by His Divne Grace A C Bahktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda.

So actually, Prabhupāda has already put the foundation of the big temple, he is just waiting for us to finish it and for Prabhupāda it was not a question of chance or anything, Prabhupāda has established the foundation of the big temple and we finishing it.

But of course we need his blessings, blessings of all the Vaishanava we have to work together cooperatively so that we can do it, it is not a one man job to build such a massive monument for Caitanya Mahāprabhu and that is what Śrīla Prabhupāda wanted he said many times actually I have got so many big big leaders but they have the extra energy so they need something some place where they can use their creative energy and do something wonderful for Caitanya Mahāprabhu and they can use their creativity here in Māyāpur and build something wonderful for the Lord and so in this was Śrīla Prabhupāda was enthusing his leaders to participate in the development of the Śrī Māyāpur Chandrodhaya Mandir he explained that Māyāpur is the birth place of Caitanya Mahāprabhu.

This is the birth place land and the actual birth place the yoga peeth that is where Lord Caitanya appeared but in Bhagavad Gītā Kṛṣṇa explains

“janma karma ca me divyaṁ evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so 'rjuna”

there he said Janma Karma ca me divyaṁ by Janma he is divyaṁ by birth is transcendental and by karma my activities pastimes are transcendental. So Śrīla Prabhupāda said that may be the birth place of Caitanya Mahāprabhu Janma stan but this is the karma sthān of Caitanya Mahāprabhu.

This is where the activities of the lord are manifesting so Lord Kṛṣṇa was born in Mathurā but the same night he went to Vṛndāvana and there he did his activities so more important than Mathurā was Vṛndāvana so the Karma sthān is more important than the Janma sthān.

Even Prabhupāda explained also Bhakti Vinoda Thakur one time said how this whole Universe, this planet is special because here all the Avatars have appeared and, on this planet, how amongst the whole planet the land of India is the most beautiful because it is so blessed by so many ācāryas, and great devotees and avatars and how within India is the most beautiful place is Bengal it is very luscious with the Ganges flowing through it.

And with and here Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Gaur Mangal Bhoomi had his pastimes you can see that Bengal is very beautiful and when you come by train as soon as you enter Bengal it is very lush and green in that in the whole of Bengal the Nadia district Is the most auspicious and that is the place where Lord Caitanya did his pastimes and within Nadia especially Māyāpur is the most sacred place where the lord appeared.

Then he said in Māyāpur Śrī Māyāpur Chandradoya mandir is the most auspicious place because here is the place of Lord Caitanya preaching and activities.

So practically speaking right now you are sitting in the most wonderful place in the whole world


Māyāpur Chandradoya mandir Ki


Śrīla Prabhupad ki


Of course you have to develop this, Prabhupāda wanted us to develop, one time I visited Prabhupāda when he was in Calcutta and he told me he just looked at me told me well I am giving you the spiritual world now you develop it Śrīla Prabhupāda gave all of us this spiritual world he gave us Māyāpur dham to the whole GBC to the whole ISKCON to the devotees and he wants all of us to develop Māyāpur Vṛndāvan the devotees here are eagerly waiting for Prabhupāda to return he travels all around the world then he comes here he will tell us all about his preaching like so I was in Australia and this thing has happened sometimes he will send letter oh I am in such and such place and this thing has happened and why you haven’t written me in two weeks you are just sending me pictures of stones and bricks I want to see the buildings, I don’t want to see pictures of materials when are you going to show me the finished building then he will put us under heavy pressure one time construction was going slow on the next building and all the laborers went on strike he said what is this he sent all the sanyasis and the leaders out you do the work I remember I was running the cement mixer then making the cement and then lifting it on the head of this Maharaj and that Maharaj they are carrying the cement on their head and pouring finishing the concrete slab and the workers are surprised how these sanyasis are doing the building work we will go back to work.

And Prabhupāda was standing on the verandah watching us from his room also it was the place of Prabhupāda officially started the food for life on a very massive scale, after we had the opening of the temple and there was a very big feast so many hundreds or may be thousands of people were fed and we piled up at the back. Now maybe where the Narasiṁha temple is somewhere in that area maybe not so far just besides the temple all of these plates have been thrown in fact there was nothing else but this building and Śrīla Prabhupāda heard some dogs making a screaming and noise and then he went out and looked and he saw there in a pile of leaf plates there were some young village boys, some poor people they were there with sticks and they were beating off the dogs with the sticks and with one hand the dog aagha trying to get to the food and on the other hand were going fishing through the leaf plates trying to pick out some food that was thrown away by the guests.

Prabhupāda saw that he couldn’t it was such a to see human beings having the fight off dogs to get people thrown away garbage remnants and Prabhupāda started to cry he said just see how hungry they must be! That they are so hungry that they are going to fight with the dogs to get the this thrown away food then he said actually we want to establish proper temple then within 10 kilometers nobody should go hungry and then he gave us order and started distributing regularly, of course already we were distributing but then Prabhupāda confirmed that he had to really expand the prasad distribution so that no one is hungry within 10 kilometers and then we really increased the prasad distribution so thousands of people. Then we had the prasādam hall where we used to take prasādam until but now we shifted here.

How is the new prasādam hall?


So now Prasad distribution will still go on there …bhojanalaya the discounted prasad for the pilgrims as well as free feeding so Prabhupāda had us built that for free feeding thousands of people to be fed at one time.

So, like that there are so many different pastimes. Śrīla Prabhupāda when he came to Māyāpur, he was very merciful to all the devotees at the same time he was insisting, he was personally coming and insisting on very high quality of care and maintenance.

One time he came and he saw that in this building there were brahmacārīs living on the next floor and they were making a mess of the building and he said the brahmacārīs have to move out you are ruining my building [laugh]

They had hung up a laundry line in the …. and the wind line was rubbing against the wall and had made a line in the wall see what they are doing and he walked and he saw someone left the fan on in the room the door was locked.

He said “Who is this rascal how are they wasting Kṛṣṇa’s energy?”

And then sometimes here the electricity goes off so then someone would try to the water and then there would be no water it would go on and they wouldn’t close the faucet then the electricity would come back fasshhh the water would be coming and Prabhupāda would hear that he would be so angry why are they wasting Kṛṣṇa’s energy he put signs in all the bathrooms close the faucet when you finish.

One time he walked there was a outside faucet that was just dripping drip drip look at Kṛṣṇa’s energy is being wasted. Who is responsible for this?

So actually, Prabhupāda was very much ecologically conscious he did not want to see one drop of water wasted. When he would put on tilak you see he would put a few drops and no drops will fall for someone else the water was dropping he said don’t waste Kṛṣṇa’s energy don’t waste his water.

He would be so careful not even a drop of water would be let fall while he was putting on his tilak!

I remember he would walk he was going out on the fields there was a small little area of land between the construction and between the path of field and nothing was there it was grown over with grass. He said “Why are you not using this? You have to use every square inch of land don’t leave anything lie unused.” So he gave a very high standard we have yet to fully come up to that perfectional platform he gave us very high standard we should aim for try to utilize everything in Kṛṣṇa’s service. He said you don’t waste all these things are brought by Sankirtan money this is my blood so don’t spill my blood, Śrīla Prabhupāda was it is easier to make money but it is very hard to spend it carefully don’t waste so that time he was teaching us to be very tight he was supplying money giving it BBT and giving it for here for the construction of many building he was very concerned that we should make a budget follow the budget very carefully and he had give us a time schedule and we had to follow the time schedule very strictly then if we didn’t follow he would get on and he would get heavy with us why you are not following why you are going over the budget.

He was very happy.

One time when the devotees said Prabhupāda it costs so much money to come to Māyāpur if we use that money for building doing something else in the west we can do so much and Prabhupāda said “Yes you are also spending so much money for eating if you use this money for something else you could do so much” [laughing] and that was way of Śrīla Prabhupāda. He was establishing that for Māyāpur and Vrindavan pilgrimage this was not just a luxury just like we have to eat for our body we also have to get this type of association is food for our soul, Prabhupāda explained that when we preach to the materialist and live in this materialistic country, we gradually get the attitude of enjoyment we get certain materialistic vibration from all of our contamination from these places we come to Māyāpur dham and do Navadweep parikrama we do associate with the devotees in the temple In the holy dhāma and chant hear the classes and participate in the different activities. This purifies us from the contaminations and gives us the source and the purity to be able to preach Kṛṣṇa consciousness and practice Kṛṣṇa consciousness even if we go back into our different preaching fields.

So Śrīla Prabhupāda did not consider it a luxury but considered it essential that we should get togeather and have this association.

So, thank you very much for coming here satisfying the desire of Śrīla Prabhupāda and Bhakti Vinoda Thakur and previous ācāryas.

Śrīla Prabhupāda ki

Devotees: Jai

Nitāi Gaura Premānande

Devotees: Hari Hari Bol.

Any questions?

Hare Kṛṣṇa

Devotee: [Not Clear – 00:35:50]

His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami: Pardon.

Devotee: [Not Clear – 00:35:49]

did he get to see the completion, Māyāpur he say this building the long building he saw the boundary wall the building next to the prasaādam hall and the prasādam hall that was there in the Gurukul, Ghoshalya so much was there in Gurukula.   


Transcribed By: Parmeshwar Prem Das

Transcribed On: 23-sep-2020


Proof Reading By: Amrita Padma Devi Dasi

On 18/10/2020










Transcribed by Parmeshwar Prem Das
Verifyed by Amrita Padma Devi Dasi
Reviewed by Usha