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20200225 Viśvambhara Eats Cooked Rice From Śuklāmbara Brahmacārī and bestows mercy on Vijaya (Part 2)

25 Feb 2020|Duration: 00:31:57|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India



Mukham karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim

Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram


So we are continuing the history of Lord Caitanya taking cooked rice from Suklambara Brahmacari.


Caitanya Bhagavat, Madhya Kanda:


I cannot describe the wonderful taste of the banana stem; how did you cook without touching it?!


Persons like you are My friends! Because of persons like you, I incarnate! The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita, that He comes to protect the devotees and to annihilate the miscreants. Paritranaya sadhunaam vinasayaca dushkritam, sambhavami yuge yuge. So He comes because the devotees, they are completely dependent on Him, and the devotees are usually disturbed by the non-devotee atheist type of people. The Lord protects the devotees, and annihilates the non-devotees, for disturbing the devotees for no reason.


Seeing the great mercy, the Lord bestowed on His devotee, Suklambara, the devotees amongst themselves began to cry.


In this way the Lord again and again, He relished the meal and to His full satisfaction. Ananda yukta – fully satisfied.


So Lord Caitanya was accepting the prasadam from His devotee, Suklambara. Although Suklambara was a beggar, let the non-devotee millionaires who are sinful by nature, let them see the mercy that the beggar, Suklambara, received! Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada said that it is not true that if one has hundreds and millions of dollars, they can see the Supreme Lord. Suklambara was a beggar, he had nothing of his own. But the Lord was very satisfied to take his prasadam, because he was a pure devotee. So Suklambara satisfied Lord Gaurasundar with the rice he collected from begging. Sinful non-devotees cannot understand this mystery, how the Lord is satisfied by the humble offering of His pure devotees!


By wealth, prowess and learning, one cannot attain Lord Caitanya. He can only be controlled by the bhakti rasa, by the mellow of devotional service. This is what all the scriptures sing.


The Lord, He sat down in love of Krsna and after He finished His meal, with great satisfaction. He smiled again and again as He chewed betel nuts. The Lord was very satisfied by the offering of Suklambara Brahmacari. We should see that the Lord can only be satisfied by having pure devotion for Him.


The devotees took the remnants and grabbed themselves in ecstasy, by having the remnants that Brahma, Siva, Anantadeva worship! So, they had the remnants of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


Who can describe the loving ecstasy which filled the house of that beggar, in the sets of these pastime, joyfully performed by Lord Viswambara?


After discussing the pastimes of Lord Krsna for sometime, Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu at that place, took His rest and lied down there.


Then His devotees also lied down at the same place, they lied down there. Amongst them there was one person who saw something wonnnnnderful!


There was a disciple of the Lord, his name was Sri Vijaya das. And that great soul, he saw some divine vision.


In Navadvip, there was no writer as expert as him. He copied many books for the Lord! So, Sri Vijaya das was by profession, a copyist. He copied books for people. He was very fast, very expert! In those days there were no printing presses. So if you wanted a book, you had to have someone copy it and so that is what Vijaya das did!


People called him as Copyist Vijaya, but they didn’t know, because they were devoid of devotion, they didn’t know of his actual glories!


While the Lord was lying down, His hand was placed on the body of Vijaya, who then saw something most wonnnderful! You want to hear? We will stop here!! Who wants to hear?


Like that, he saw, the Lord’s hand was long like a column, almost like a column, and it was covered with jeweled ornaments!


So on His fingers, were decorated with engraved jewel rings. It appeared that tens of millions of suns and moons and pearls were shining!


So, Vijaya saw that the effulgence on the Lord’s hands went up to the Brahma loka, and  seeing the Lord’s hands became filled with transcendental ecstasy.


So, Vijaya was about to shout when the Lord immediately placed His lotus hand over Vijaya’s mouth!


So the Lord said, as long as I stay in this world, you will not tell anyone about this incident!


After saying this, Prabhu glanced at Vijaya and smiled. Then Vijaya jumped up and loudly shouted, roared loudly!


Vijaya’s loud roaring woke up all the devotees. They tried to restrain Vijaya by holding him, but they were not able.


For some time, he was jumping around like a mad man. Finally, Vijaya became absorbed in ecstasy and fell unconscious!


The devotees all understood, they realized that Vijaya had seen the Lord’s opulences. All the devotees began to cry in ecstasy!


The Lord asked everyone, what happened to Vijaya?! Why is Vijaya suddenly roaring loudly?!


The Lord said, I think it is the influence of the Ganges!! Poor Vijaya, he is very devotee to the Ganges!!


Otherwise, in Suklambara’s house, maybe Lord Krsna is present. Only He knows what Vijaya has seen!!


So saying all that, He put his hand on the body of Vijaya and then he regained his consciousness and the Lord and all the vaisnavas laughed!!


Although Vijaya got up, he remained stunned, practically inert, for seven day, he wandered around Navadvip in that state!


No eating, no sleeping, no bodily activities. Vijaya wandered around and no one understood the mystery behind this!


After some days, Vijaya regained his external consciousness. Such pastimes took place at the house of Suklambara Brahmacari.


Who has the power to describe the good fortune of Suklambara?! His rice was eaten by Gauracandra!


So in this way, Gaurasundar enjoyed pastimes with His associates in the house of the fortunate Suklambara.


By hearing about the mercy on Vijaya prabhu and the acceptance of Suklambara’s rice, by hearing these pastimes, one achieves the treasure of pure devotional service!


So in this way Sri Gaurasundar constantly performed pastimes in Navadvip, that are glorified by all the Vedas. So end of the chapter.


Question: What should be one’s consciousness during Navadvip parikrama and what should one pray to Lord Gauracandra during the sankalpa?


Guru maharaj: We should pray that we can complete the Navadvip parikrama, keep Krsna conscious in the parikrama and Gauranga conscious.


Question: Dear gurudeva. PAMRO. How can I put my full attention during rendering any seva?


Guru maharaj: If we think that we are doing the seva for the pleasure of Krsna, then that way we will be focused on Krsna. Like if you are buying a gift for your loved one, on say Christmas or birthday, then naturally when you are thinking what that person likes, is it pleasing to him or her? So we should also do our services in such a way that Krsna will be pleased.


Question: Guru maharaj: I saw dream a month ago that you were giving me brahmana diksa. What should I do now?


Guru maharaj: For getting brahmana diksa, complete these – bhakti sastri, reading the Bhagavatam cantos, etc. Complete them. Hare Krsna!


Any one wants books, please get them.


Chinese devotees on line: Bhakti Gau Ying, Haripriya Ganga devi dasi! Haribol! Sucitra devi! Bhakti Gau Ying! Caitya guru! Seva Hari! Bhaktin Zing Yu, No name! Olivia devi!! Krsna Dharma! Caru Madhavi! Madhavi Priya! Haribol! IPhone ha! Ha! Prahlad Krsna! Navina Visaka! Malini Kripa! Shyamala devi!


Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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