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20200228 Mahāprabhu’s Proposal for Kīrtana-vilāsa

28 Feb 2020|Duration: 00:41:21|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book



Mukham karoti vacalam pangum langayate giri7

Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram


Mahaprabhu’s Proposal for kirtan vilas


Caitanya Mangal:


On all four sides there were devotees chanting the holy names. In the middle was Gaura Hari, mad in love for Kishore Kishori or Radha and Krsna. Sri Sri Radha and Krsna! Can you repeat what I am saying?


Sometimes He rose, sometimes He fell on the ground, chanting Hari Hari! And He cried out, while crying loudly! So this is showing some ecstatic symptoms of Lord Caitanya during the kirtan.


Day and night, He was absorbed in the transcendental ecstasy of pure love of Krsna. On His body, His hairs were standing on end. There was no other topic of His discussion except the Krsna katha or the topics about Lord Krsna. So it shows how Lord Caitanya He was demonstrating that someone who has pure love of Krsna, is completely absorbed in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They don’t have any other interests.


AS the glories of the Lord rose up, pure devotion for Krsna was manifested. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, He was enjoying with all His servitors.


Murari Gupta Korca: 2.2.7: Sanskrit


“Once while at home Saci Suta became overwhelmed by love for Krsna and exclaimed, Oh, where shall I dwell? And where shall I stay? How may I fix My mind upon Hari?!”


So in the mood of Radharani, Lord Gauranga was thinking where He would go? Where He would have the association of Lord Krsna!


One time, in His own house, He became overwhelmed with pure love of Krsna. He began to cry as if, five or seven streams were flowing from His eyes. So, the Caitanya Mangal is Bengali expansion of the Sanskrit verses in the Murari Gupta Korca which means Murari Gupta Notebook, which is written in Sanskrit. We can see that what is said in the Murari Gupta Korca is also said in Bengali, may be some more details are given.


What will I do? Where will I go? What is the solution? How will I always fix My mind on Lord Sri Krsna?


Hearing these words, the Lord wept loudly and in despair, hearing these desperate words, all the people also began to cry.


Murari Gupta Korca, 2.2.8, Sanskrit:


“While He thus perplexed, a celestial being pleasingly called Him by name and told, Hey Bhagavan, You should know that You are Yourself, the amsha of Sri Hari on earth.”


At that moment, there was a divine voice which was heard pleasantly saying, You are Yourself, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, our dear Viswambar!


Murari Gupta Korca, 2.2.9 and 10, Sanskrit:


“You have descended to bring people the highest perfection of life which is Krsna Prema. Do not be despondent. This sacrifice of the chanting of Krsna’s names on the earth in this age of Kali, will be supremely successful by Your mercy. Of this there is no doubt. Upon hearing these words of the goddess, the Lord became filled with joy.”


So, this angelic voice predicted that Lord Caitanya’s chanting of Hare Krsna would give love to everyone, throughout the whole world. No doubt that His chanting would be successful. Haribol! Gauuuuranga!


To manifest pure love of Krsna, You have descended from the spiritual world, to this earth. By Your causeless mercy, pure love of Krsna will be preached.


To establish the principle of eternal religion on the earth, do kirtan. Don’t lament. Do Krsna sankirtan, congregational chanting of Lord Krsna’s holy names! So this explains one purpose of Lord Caitanya’s descent. And that is to give us all this priceless jewel of love of Godhead. Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur has explained, it is not to benefit just a limited number of people in the land of India, it is for the whole world, all the fallen souls! Haribol!


So that angelic voice from the sky continued to speak. By Your mercy, in this Kali yuga, You will deliver the conditioned souls. You will give Your own love and remove everyone’s sorrows.


Don’t have any anxiety or doubt, Listen to my words. Put Your sorrow far away, or Your lamentation. Through Your own congregational chanting of the holy names, in this way make everyone happy.


When He heard these divine words from the hidden goddess’s mouth, He was very joyful inside, but He did not speak anything.


The Lord said, oh brothers, listen to Me, the essence of all truths. Why do We waste our nights uselessly? All of us.


From today, make a resolution that all of us will follow, We will chant kirtan congregationally in the night. So just as you have a new year’s resolution, we make our firm commitment, I will do something. So He is inspiring all His associates and followers, MAKE A RESOLUTION, A FIRM COMMITMENT, from today on, every night We will perform mangala kirtan or auspicious congregational chanting. Haribol! So it was thereby resolved that they would every night without fail, they would chant the 16 syllable holy names of Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.


I will perform the congregational chanting with all the devotees, and I will immerse everyone in the Ganges of pure devotional service!


Let the whole world be delivered by listening to the holy names of Krsna! Which is the life and treasure for all of you! Your wealth and life! And the process of your spiritual advancement.


Thus ends the chapter Mahaprabhu’s proposal for Kirtan vilas.


So are you ready? What about mangala arati? Ha! Ha! Last night I saw many books but there was no announcement in the morning, then I heard you had purchased books from downstairs and had me sign it. That is alright! We want to inspire other sannyasis and devotees to distribute books. So, is there a book table today? Why not?


There are many ladies who are sankirtan devotees, why don’t they set up a table? Sakhi Sundari mataji, Doctor Parikshit Visakha from Abu Dhabi. Want blessings from me! They are … Swami’s disciples. Blessings! They don’t want the blessings very much! Varada Krsna prabhu – is he attending the South Indian parikrama? He is the temple president of Gandarvika Giridhari and Nrsimha mandir in Bengaluru and co president of Hyderabad. I was seeing today how a young man was playing the accordion and leading the kirtan. Next to him, with head covered was an elderly man, playing the accordion. So I look closer and the elderly man was none other than Mahavishnu maharaj!!He is 75 and still dancing and playing on the parikrama. So, a good example for all of us. And he is very blissful! He was leading in the morning. Later the younger guy was leading in the afternoon, but Mahavisnu maharaj was still there dancing and playing. What is the question?


Question: What about those who don’t chant Hare Krsna, but other names of Krsna?


Guru maharaj: What about them? Any other name of Krsna also has some benefit. But, the special mantra for Kali yuga is the Hare Krsna maha mantra. But if someone likes to chant some other mantra, so long as it is bona fide, we have no objection. A bona fide name of Godhead.


So, so many people from China are online. Bhaktin Gow Ying, Sucitra, Krsna Dharma, Syamala,

Haribol! Gau Yu!  Caru Madhavi! Madhavi Priya! Seva Hari! Olivia Bhaktin! Syamala devi!


Guru maharaj, a devotee couple from Bangladesh,  Biswajit Yadav das, Brajarani Vrnda devi dasi entering grihasta ashram. Seek blessings!


Guru maharaj: When is the wedding? March 11. When are you going? Giving you blessings that you keep Krsna in the center and have a nice family life.


Bhavanandini and Mahatma das have been here for four days, seek blessings.


Question: How you and other devotees established the pastime places of Lord Caitanya in Navadvip Mandal parikrama?


Guru maharaj: So, we saw in the Navadvip parikrama book how Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur said there were so many places and some of those places, it was not known where they are. So we talked to some old disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Prabhupada, they showed us some of the places they went to and spoke on. So, that way we located some. Others, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur indicated that in the old British land maps, there were ancient names for places here in the dham. For example, the place where we are now, was Rudrapara. And Srila Prabhupada said that means Rudradvip. So similarly, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur said the Pandavas came to a place called Mahatpur, so we found in the ancient British maps there was a place called Mahatpur. And that was in the same island of Navadvip that it was supposed to be, in the Modadrumadvip. Like that various means we located some of the holy places. Puskar thirtha, Naimisaranya thirtha. Also, between two rivers there is a place non-different from Kuruksetra called Ucchahata. So those two rivers we located. They dry up in the dry season and they have water in the wet season. But they have bridges over them. And so, like that we located various places. Still some places we don’t know. Like, the place of Hari dham, where Narayana stays with His consorts. We know the island but we don’t know the place. That is in Modadrumdvip. Also, there in the Treta yuga there was a gigantic banyan tree and there, Lord Rama, Sita and Laksmana, They went and Lord Rama was smiling. Sita said, why are You smiling. He said, well in this lila You go to the forest and I worship a golden form of You. In the Kali yuga I go to the forest and You worship a golden form of Me! So Sita did not like to hear either one! Because She didn’t want any separation from Rama. That was in Treta yuga, the banyan tree, it is not visible now. So, we only know the island. Similarly, there are Sapta Rishi tilas in Madhyadvip. Somewhere there are seven hills, where the seven rishis would meditate. If you can find that we will appreciate. Maybe Google map will show it! Seven hillocks in Madhyadvip. So like that we found some places but some places are still lupta, hidden!


 We also heard that a devotee who came from somewhere in the Middle East, he was seventy years old. He went to Simantadvip. He went bathing in the Jalangi and had a heart attack and left his body on parikrama, yesterday. That devotee’s name was Acyuta Gauranga das. Everyone can chant Hare Krsna for his safe journey to the spiritual world. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Another disciple named Sanatan Caitanya das, from South 24 Parganas, south of Kolkata, he took initiation about 30 years ago, He left his body on February 26th. My disciple Mohini Radha left her body peacefully at her home, with Srila Prabhupada kirtan playing, with her deities. Thank you very much! Amani Jayanandini. Let us all chant for Mohini Radha and Sanatan Caitanya das. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. One thing is sure that we will all leave our body! Ha! So these devotees they left with the chanting of Srila Prabhupada, with their deities, or on parikrama, so their destination is very auspicious. But please be careful when you swim in the Ganges. If you don’t know swimming, wear a life jacket. When you are on a boat crossing the Ganges. Recently they were having a JSSS picnic and one boat sunk because it was overloaded! So, two guests who were not initiated, they weren’t found again. One daughter, she was also uninitiated, they found her body but she was deceased. So don’t overload boats, and if you don’t know swimming, wear life jackets. They are supposed to have life jackets. So, are there any other questions?


So these are after offering to Srila Prabhupada, we are formally releasing these Navadvip parikrama books for children. Samudrasena, the vaisnava warrior. This is a pastime that happened in Ritudvip. The glories of Simantini devi. This happened in Simantadvip. Nagaraj in Navadvip. It is how Anantadev came to Navadvip and got the mercy of Lord Caitanya. And then there is the Rajapur Jagannath, special Jagannath deity! And the Navadvip Mandal Parikrama book released by guru maharaj and Bhakti Purushottam maharaj has been printed now in Tamil. So, wango! Please come and take your Tamil book! Wango! Ha! Ha! (Wango means please come in a respectful manner, in Tamil).


Varada Krsna and the vaisnavi group from Bengaluru, can you give them a mike?


Varada Krsna das prabhu: About 40 devotees from the Gandarvika Giridhari mandir in Bengaluru have come. Some from the Jagannath mandir also. We are participating in the International group as well as the Tamil group which has started this year. Hopefully more and more will participate in the parikrama. We are all waiting eagerly guru maharaj for you to come to South India in June for the 50th anniversary of your sannyas celebration so that we can suitably recognize this great achievement and offer our appreciation for the services that you have been rendering. Guru maharaj, on behalf of all the devotees in South India, I would like to mention that you are an unlimited source of inspiration for all of us. And, we are never tired of thinking about you, meditating about your glories. And we are begging on this auspicious dham that you will be merciful to grant us your mercy so that we will continue to seflessly engage in doing things intensely, that are very pleasing to you, completely dedicating our lives in serving you and pushing ahead your mission. So it is with that desire that we have come here and seeking your blessings, guru maharaj! At the same time, we pray to our beloved deities, Sri Sri Gandarvika Giridhari, Sriman Mahaprabhu, and Sri Nrsimhadeva, that They continue to protect you and bless you with a long life, great health and more success in fulfilling the instructions of Srila Prabhupada! Thank you guru maharaj! A garland made with cloth, made by our vaisnavis. They will make one every day for you. We are here till the 6th of March. Thank you guru maharaj. These are offered garlands, and has some Maha beads from Sri Giridhari in Bengaluru. Guru maharaj I also want to convey to you the earnest prayers of all the devotees in Raichur. You saw the plan and you blessed the project when you were in Chennai during the SIDC meet. We seek your blessings, as we want to start the construction on Gaura Purnima day guru maharaj!


Guru maharaj: Bring a brick or something, and I can touch it to put in the ground when they start construction.


Take the sweets on my behalf!


Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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