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20200224 Viśvambhara Eats Cooked Rice From Śuklāmbara Brahmacārī and bestows mercy on Vijaya (Part 1)

24 Feb 2020|Duration: 00:32:01|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book



Mukham karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim

Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram


Viswambar eats cooked rice from Suklambara Brahmacari and bestows mercy on Bijoya.


One day at Suklambara Brahmacari’s house the Lord personally, because of His causeless mercy, asked, begged, for a little rice!


To eat your rice, I have a strong desire. No reason to have any fear! I am frankly telling you this.


So when Lord Mahaprabhu made this request again and again, hearing this, Suklambara Brahmacari emotionally pleaded with the Lord.


I am a lowly beggar, I am fallen, sinful, wretched, and You are the eternal religion. I am completely fallen!


You are not giving me the shelter of Your lotus feet. I am not even an insect, in comparison! So why are You trying to deceive me in a big way?


The Lord said, don’t consider this a deception. I have a strong desire to taste your cooking!


Go home and quickly prepare an offering for the Lord. I will surely come by at the midday.


Still, Suklambara was in fear and anxiety and therefore he asked all the devotees present for a solution.


So the assembled devotees told him, why you are fearful - from the spiritual point of view of the Lord, no one is separate.


The Lord desires prasadam from the person who always worships Him, with unflinching devotion. Therefore, He is always looking for that prasadam, that food. This shows how the pure devotees’ offering is very much appreciated by the Lord. He would rather eat, He is happy to eat the simplest of offerings of the pure devotees but He doesn’t accept offerings, however opulent it is, from the non-devotees.


Vidura was the son of a sudra but because of his pure devotion, Lord Krsna personally begged food from him and ate it!


“For a description of the Lord begging rice from Vidura, see the Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, Chapter 90.”


The Lord’s nature is to beg food from the pure devotees. They go and offer Him lunch with great devotion. So devotees are recommending that Suklambara Brahmacari, that he should offer the food, and give to Lord Viswambara. That is the nature of the Lord, to ask for the food from His pure devotees.


If you still feel fearful, then go and cook, separately, without touching it.


You have great good fortune! Who gets such mercy? So when Suklambara heard this, he became happy and he came to his own house.


After taking his bath, Suklambara very carefully boiled some scented water.


So, he gave some rice with a choice stem of the banana tree. He didn’t touch the things but put it in, and folded his hands. He prepared with great devotion.


Suklambara began to sing very joyfully, very happily, Jaya Krsna! Jaya Govinda! Jaya Gopala! Jaya Vanamali! Jaya Govinda Jaya Krsna! Jaya Krsna Govinda! Gopal Vanamali! Jai Jai Jai! Krsna Krsna Krsna!


So, at that time, at that moment the rice of the devotee was glanced on by Laksmi, the Mother of the Universe! By Her glance, She made the offering sacred. She was a great, chaste wife of the Lord.


Then immediately, all the rice became nectarean by the glance of Mother, Laksmi devi! Meanwhile the Lord had finished His bath and came.


Along with Viswambar came Nityananda and other intimate associates. Sacinandana prabhu then changed His clothes, His wet clothes.


According to his desire he took Viswambar and he ate the food and audio break happily.


Suklambara Brahmacari’s house was right next to the Ganges. The Lord offered the audio break very happily.


The Lord smiled as He joyfully sat down to have prasadam. Audio break to their full satisfaction, of their eyes.


It was most amazing that Lord Gaurasundar who was offered the remnants of sacrifice offered by such personalities as Lord Brahma, was eating the rice cooked by Suklambara Brahmacari! This was a very amazing, unusual thing.  So ,audi break He was touched by various   non-devotees audio break considered as contaminated. But since he took it as the mercy of the Supreme Lord and since his heart was pure he was offering to the Lord with pure devotion, his was a very spiritual offering. So the most important thing in prasadam is the purity of the heart!


So the Lord said, from birth I have never tasted such palatable rice as this! Haribol! There was one rich lady, she told us I can cook khichri and add pistachios and various opulent things but it can never match the taste of the Maha prasadam of Radha Madhava!


So meanwhile, if anyone wants a book I will sign and we can also answer a few questions, and then I will take rest. Anyone from China online? Are there any questions?


Question: Dear guru maharaj (Guru maharaj: Yes!) PAMHO (Guru maharaj: Accepted! ). AGTSP!  (Guru maharaj: Yes!) How should one pray to all our previous acaryas for mercy and what is the way by which we can develop unflinching faith and love for all our parampara acaryas? Your insignificant fallen servant, Prema Gaurasundara das.


Guru maharaj: Another how to question? How to develop love? That is a whole process, as to develop love. So we should pray to the Brahma, Madhwa, Gaudiya sampradaya acaryas and offer them our respectful prostrated obeisances. Hare Krsna! So we should not think that the Lord will only accept the offerings of the rich people. He accepts the offering from His pure devotes – they may be rich, or they may poor. What He cares about is the devotion! Audio break and he appreciates that love. In the Prema Sarovar there was a bumble bee who was disturbing Radharani, and Radharani was seated next to Krsna. So Krsna asked Madhumangal to chase away that bumble bee. She he said, Madhusudhan has gone! Madhusudhan can also be the name for a bee – Madhu sudhan – one who eats honey. But that is also the name of Krsna. So Radharani when she heard Madhusudhan has gone, She fell audio break oh Krsna! She started crying. Krsna was sitting right next Her! He saw how much love She had for Him and He also started crying. They filled up a whole lake, Prema Sarovar. Or Prema Lake, filled with the tears of love of Radha and Krsna. Haribol! Any other question? Anyone who has just arrived? Krishna Kishora, you have arrived! Ha!


Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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