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20200222 Viśvambhara Eats Raw Rice From Śuklāmbara Brahmacārī (Part 1)

22 Feb 2020|Duration: 00:28:59|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book



Mukham karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim

Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram


So, the GBC meetings are over, but I am tired! Ha! Ha!  Next year I am going to buy cold pressed oil from her and give the GBC! (Gesturing to a devotee sitting outside on the terrace.)


So Viswambar Eats Raw Rice from Suklambara Brahmacari.


It is not so crowded here tonight because most of the devotees are downstairs for the Kirtan Mela Adivas.


So, with the begging bag on his shoulder, the vipra brahmana Suklambara Brahmacari danced in ecstasy. Seeing this the Lord and all the vaisnavas with Him, laughed!


So Viswambar was treated in the mood of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Suklambara Brahmacari, with a bag on his shoulder was dancing, crying and laughing.


So Lord Gauranga, the all merciful Gauranga, seeing Suklambara, He called out to him, eisho, eisho, come here! Come here! Saying this, He called out in mercy!


You are My poor servant, birth after birth. You give everything to Me and you remain a beggar. But you practice the duty of being a beggar.


I want your foodstuffs. I always desire your foodstuffs. But even if you don’t give to Me, I forcibly take and eat them! So Lord Caitanya said to Suklambara, you are my impoverished devotee, birth after birth. You have no desire to enter family life and become a householder. You beg alms door to door as a brahmacari and offer Me whatever you collect. You are a naistika brahmacari or a lifelong servant. You are free from even mundane false ego, of all the grihastas and vanaprastas. Being situated in the Paramahamsa dharma, you have accepted occupational duties of the renounced, akincana means having nothing. Therefore, you are actually a fully surrendered tridandi biksu or vaisnava sannyasi. You have been able to offer Me your mind, your speech and your body. I always long for your offering! You have no preoccupation and do not enjoy anything, other than offering Me everything! Therefore, I personally took everything from you, and as a result you are poor. So, him being poor is a special mercy of Lord Krsna. But he didn’t care. He wanted to offer everything to Krsna. So Krsna took away any opulence, and still whatever he got by begging, he would offer to the Lord.


Did you forget that I personally took your broken rice in Dwaraka? Have you forgotten? Kamala, Rukmini, goddess of fortune, She held My hand. So this is described in the 10th canto in the 81st chapter, 10th verse. So, Krsna took one handful and was about to take another. When Rukmini the goddess of fortune, took hold of His hand, because She said, that if by taking one morsel, He had to give him opulence like Krsna’s. But if He took two, then He would have to give more than Krsna! Since he begged rice, it was not his rice, and there is nothing that is not Krsna’s, therefore she stopped Krsna from eating again because She couldn’t repay Sudama vipra appropriately if He took two bites!


Saying this, Viswambar, put His hand inside the bag and taking fistfuls and fistfuls of the broken rice, or the raw rice, He began to chew it.


Suklambara exclaimed, Prabhu, My Lord, You have ruined me. This rice is full of broken particles!


The Lord replied, I ate your broken rice and I turned My head away from the nectar offered by non-devotees. So, in the Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, chapter 81, verse 3 it says:


“I regard as great even the smallest gift offered by My devotees in pure love. But even great offerings presented by non-devotees do not please Me.”


The Lord who is the life of the devotees, is completely independent and is always in spiritual ecstasy. If He chews that uncooked rice, who could stop Him?


Seeing the Lord’s compassion, all the assembled devotees put their hands on their heads and they began to cry!


Seeing that compassion, no one could say where the devotees fell in ecstasy, crying. They all became overwhelmed on seeing such compassion.


So everyone began to chant the glories of Krsna and performed Krsna kirtan. And there rose great ecstasy amongst everyone. Whether children or elderly, everyone was crying!


Someone put a straw in their teeth and someone offered obeisances, and someone said, oh Lord, never, never, leave Me! Ha! Ha! Haribol! Gauranga!


The pious Suklambara rolled on the ground as the Lord of Vaikuntha happily ate the rice!


The Lord said, listen, Suklambara Brahmacari, I CONSTANTLY enjoy pastimes in your heart! So the Lord is in the heart of His pure devotee and the pure devotee is always thinking of the Lord. So, in that way the Lord is performing pastimes in the heart of His pure devotees! Gauuuuranga!


When you eat, I eat. When you are walking around begging, that is My travelling. So, the Lord Viswambar, He distributes the holy names through His vaisnava tridandi sannyasis and pure devotees. Under the shelter of Sri Caitanya, they wander about on the pretext of begging alms. But, they may distribute books or they may engage in other activities, people think that they are parasites. But actually, they are doing a confidential service for the Lord!


I incarnated to distribute pure love of Krsna, Prema Bhakti. And you have come as My loving, beloved servant, birth after birth!


How many more verses? 34.


I give you Prema Bhakti, pure love for Krsna. Know for certain that Prema Bhakti, pure love for Krsna is My life and soul! So, who would like Prema Bhakti? Lord Caitanya incarnated in order to give this!


And hearing the benediction of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Suklambara Brahmacari received, all the vaisnavas chanted Haridhwani, Jai Jai! Hari Hari Haribol! Haribol! All ladies did the ulu dhwani. All the men did the Haridhwani! Hari! Hari! Hariii! Hariii! Hariii! Harii Hariii! Haribol!


I will continue tomorrow. Anyone who wants a book which I will sign, there is a book table there somewhere. Get the book and bring it here and I will sign. Meanwhile, if anyone has a question? A question from last night, you know that person is here?


Question from last night: While chanting, if we see some picture of Krsna, Prabhupada, while the lips uttered the holy name, would that be considered as inattentive chanting? Sujitendriya das.


Guru maharaj: Seeing a picture of Krsna or Prabhupada or chanting in front of the deity of Prabhupada is considered attentive chanting. In fact, if we chant in front of the deities, we are using our eyes to see Krsna, we are using our tongue and lips to say Krsna and our ears to hear Krsna. We are using all our senses. If we have incense, you can be smelling the prasadam of Krsna. And when we use our beads, all our senses are absorbed in mantra meditation.


Question: Dear gurudev. PAMRO. Honestly speaking, I am getting disturbed by lusty desires opposite gender attracts me seriously. I don’t want this. Please give me a medicine and blessings.


Guru maharaj: Being in this material world, the possibility is there. Either one has to see which ashram they are best suited for. If they can completely renounce, then the renounced order. If they cannot renounce, then have responsible, regulated activities in the family life and engage fully in Krsna’s service, in Krsna’s chanting. Gradually, one can cross over this situation.


Question: PAMRO, AGTSP! How to know the if the service a disciple is doing is pleasing to the guru? Or he/she has to always be trying to expand this service?  This is in relation with the teaching of giving the guru milk, instead of water that the guru wants. Iksavaku das.


Guru maharaj: What the guru is asking for, one should give that. If the guru wants water and he gives milk, that is not fulfilling his desire. So if you are doing a service which the guru has told you to, then there is no problem. If you have a doubt, if the guru is in this world, you can ask him. If your guru is not then, you can see whether you are following his instruction, or talk to some senior devotee, and see if what you are doing is alright.


Question: Srila Prabhupada and you and others say, chant and be happy! But you also said that we should cry and cry and cry because we are not crying and crying and crying while chanting the holy name. Your insignificant devotee. Audarya dhama devi dasi from Mayapur.


Guru maharaj: Yes! Next question! We should develop - by chanting purely then naturally we should be crying. Just like we see in the pastimes of Lord Caitanya that devotees when they see the great qualities of compassion and mercy of Lord Caitanya, they naturally started to cry. So why we are not crying when we hear these wonderful pastimes, when we hear how merciful the Lord is! If we are not crying, we should be crying that we are not crying! And if we are not crying that we are not crying, we should cry that we are not crying that we are not crying! So, this comes naturally when we appreciate the Lord’s quality of compassion and mercy! That crying is happiness! That is the highest happiness, to be crying in ecstasy! Hare Krsna!


Question: PAMRO, you said the glories of the holy name a while ago. Can an initiated devotee after his leaving the body, can any other devotee chant on his beads? If that is not allowed, then, what do we do with his beads? Your eternal servant, Iswar Vismabaradas.


Guru maharaj: Question was, if someone dies, can we use his japamala to chant on? I saw the japa beads alleged to be the japa of Jagai Madhai in Katwa. So they were on the samadhi. Similarly, on the samadhi of Haridas Thakur there are beads on top of his samadhi. I don’t know if it actually means that they stay there. Generally, we don’t chant on the beads of great devotees. One time I was give beads by a secretary of Srila Prabhupada. At that time, I chanted and I felt great ecstasy. I came back from the park after I chanted 32 rounds, nonstop! I was feeling more ecstasy. That secretary told me, oh! You have the beads, they are Srila Prabhupada’s beads, I shouldn’t be giving them to anybody! I gave you by accident! So I had to give them back. So it was not quite the same. So, maybe some deceased devotee’s beads may be very powerful, but maybe not be meant to be glorious, and generally we don’t chant. We give those in the devotee’s samadhi or something. But I didn’t see anything particularly for or against it in the sastra, so I cannot really say.


So who has the books?


Any Chinese devotees online? Sucitra devi dasi! Bhaktin Zow Zing Yu! Our Iphone prabhu! Lilagopi! Navina Visaka! Caityaguru! Bhaktin Gow Yun!  Haripriya Ganga! Madhavi Priya! Olivia! Jamuna Priya!


Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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