Namo Om…
Welcome you all to the Jagannath Ratha Yatra in Chennai. Krishna has come here in person. He came here as Varadaraja deity in Kanchi and also Vaikunthanathar deities as well. There are pastimes of Lord Shiva and Vinayagam as well. Vaishnavanaam yatha Shambho – Lord Shiva is the greatest vaishnava. Lord Brahma does the creation and Lord Shiva does the destruction but all are coming from Lord Krishna. Here are Lord Jagannath with Yoga Maya and Baladev! We are eternal jivas because the soul never dies. But we take birth again and again and again and again and again and again! But if we know Krishna and serve Him we can go back to Him. Bhakti Vedanta Swami introduced the Ratha Yatra all over the world! It is a great opportunity to serve Lord Jagannath! Lord Caitanya appeared in India as a devotee of Krishna. He has taken that form and awarding devotional service to all. We pay our respect to all the elders and the ministers. Without salary no one works for anyone. That is why everyone is working hard. I see that everybody is running after Caitanya Mahaprabhu but He doesn’t pay heed to anyone. This can only be done for spiritual reasons. So I think that the Lord is non-different from Allah. We are all part of Krishna, so if you serve Krishna, if you bow to Krishna, then you will be very happy. Thanks to the temple through the Ratha Yatra you are getting a chance to serve the Lord. The more we serve the Lord, the more you get His blessings. Haribol! Sumitra Krishna das! You are all very fortunate because you get to serve Lord Jagannath Baladev and Subhadra!
Lecture Suggetions
20190128 Advaita Ācārya’s Vision of The Lord’s Universal Form (Part 1)
20190127 Question and Answer Session
20190126 Explanation of Offense of Mother Śacī (Part-4)
20190125 Explanation of Offense of Mother Śacī (Part-3)
20190124 Explanation of Offense of Mother Śacī (Part-2)
20190123 Explanation of Offence of Mother Śacī (Part 1)
20190122 Offense of Mother Śacī Removed
20190121 The Lord Instructs How to Remove the Offense of Mother Śacī (Part 2)
20190120 The Lord Instructs How to Remove the Offense of Mother Śacī (Part 1)
20190119 Śrīvāsa Requests the Lord to Give Love of Godhead to Mother Śacī
20190118 The Lord Proves His Words to Remove the Doubt of Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura (Part 2)
20190117 The Lord Proves His Words to Remove the Doubt of Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura (Part 1)
20190116 The Lord makes Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura fearless
20190115 Prayers by Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura (Part 2)
20190114 Question and Answer Session
20190113 Prayers by Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura (Part 1)
20190112 The Lord Encourages Śrīvāsa and Makes Him Fearless by Revealing His True Identity (Part 2)
20190111 Question and Answer from Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book
20190111 The Lord Encourages Śrīvāsa and Makes Him Fearless by Revealing His True Identity (Part 1)
20190110 Question and Answer Session from Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book
20190110 The Raving of Envious People on Hearing the Kṛṣṇa-nāma-kīrtana
20190109 Śrī Krishna Caitanya Book
20190108 Viśvambhara Starts Kṛṣṇa-nāma-kīrtana in His House
20190107 Mother Śacī Pleads with Gadādhara to Always Stay with Viśvambhara
20190106 Viśvambhara Describes How He Saw Kṛṣṇa and Lost Kṛṣṇa
20190105 Viśvambhara describes how He saw Krṣṇa and lost Krṣṇa
20190104 Devotees Wonder Seeing the Symptoms of Love of Kṛṣṇa in Viśvambhara
20190103 Viśvambhara and Gadādhara Met Advaita Ācārya (Part 3)
20190102 Viśvambhara and Gadādhara Met Advaita Ācārya (Part 2)
20190101 Viśvambhara and Gadādhara Met Advaita Ācārya