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19881029 Caitanya-caritāmṛta Madhya-līlā 13.7-18 Festivals for Spiritual Pleasure

29 Oct 1988|English|Caitanya-caritāmṛta|Atlanta, USA

The following is a class given by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami on October 29 1988 in Atlanta

Georgia. The class begins with a reading from the Chaitanya charitamrita Madhya lila chapter 13 texts 7

through 18.

advaita, nitāi ādi saṅge bhakta-gaṇa

sukhe mahāprabhu dekhe īśvara-gamana

Mookam karoti vachalam, Pangum langhayate girim

Yat krupa tamham vande, Paramanand Madhavam Sri Chaitanya Ishwaram.

Sri Caitanya caritamrta chapter 13 text 7 on The Lord dancing on the Ratha yatra for the Ratha yatra

celebration today at Pani hati Atlanta.

advaita, nitāi ādi saṅge bhakta-gaṇa

sukhe mahāprabhu dekhe īśvara-gamana

Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His prominent devotees — Advaita Ācārya, Nityānanda Prabhu and

others — were very happy to observe how Lord Jagannātha began the Ratha-yātrā.

baliṣṭha dayitā’ gaṇa — yena matta hātī

jagannātha vijaya karāya kari’ hātāhāti

The very strongly built dayitās [carriers of the Jagannātha Deity] were as powerful as drunken elephants.

They manually carried Lord Jagannātha from the throne to the car.

Prabhupada explains that these deities were originally shabar and they're taken from the sabar and they

serve Jagannath.

kataka dayitā kare skandha ālambana

kataka dayitā dhare śrī-padma-caraṇa

While carrying the Deity of Lord Jagannātha, some of the dayitās took hold of the shoulders of the Lord,

and some caught His lotus feet.

kaṭi-taṭe baddha, dṛḍha sthūla paṭṭa-ḍorī

dui dike dayitā-gaṇa uṭhāya tāhā dhari’

The Lord Jagannātha Deity was bound at the waist by a strong, thick rope made of silk. From two sides

the dayitās caught hold of this rope and raised the Deity.

ucca dṛḍha tulī saba pāti’ sthāne sthāne

eka tulī haite tvarāya āra tulīte āne

Strong, puffed-up cotton pads called tulīs were spread out from the throne to the car, and the heavy

Deity of Lord Jagannātha was carried from one pillowlike pad to the next by the dayitās.

In 1970 when I first went to India when there was no temple I went to Jagannath Puri and from the top of

a big building across on the temple, could see Lord Jagannath being taken. The.. they said here that well

the daggers carried the heavy Jagannatha deity from one path to the next some of the paths broke and

the cotton contacts floated into the air when they broke them into heavy cracking sound and Jagannath

temple is very, it's quite actually high and there are many steps to get down to the road level in the actual

base of the temple is may be from outside it would seem like 40 or 50 feet height to walk up to four to

five stories to get up just to the ground floor of the temple up to that point all stairways. so taking

Jagannath down the stairs Jagannatha is huge these may be seven feet high and six feet wide solid.

There are hundreds of people helping Jagannatha with the ropes so, so that Jagannatha they can't lift


him to slide him they slide him on these pads, when He goes on the they, they have one rope around

and hold His feet and one around His waist people are holding Him from all the sides so they'll bring him

forward but the ropes on top and then they'll pull this peaceful with the other rope so it's kind of like

walking then behind them they have behind Jagannatha that they have a huge about 12 to 14 feet high

peacock fan you can see moving. They move as Jagannath moves they move the fan so even and you

can't see Jagannatha from a distance you can see the fan moving and in front they have more than 100

people on each side fanning Chamara fanning seriously the Chamaras and before them there's maybe

200 people on his side with gams was the ground gams and they're all playing in unison it is going boom

boom boom boom and that's 400 gam's it'll very loud you can hear it for five miles and while they're going

boom boom boom boom you listening Jagannatha going and as they're pulling in He's going for back for

that He's actually moving, they can move and so it's really a gigantic. There's hundreds of thousands of

people and it's actually like that when Jagannatha goes you see they have a pillow on the next step

when He goes down oh, he goes down on His like He must weigh almost half a ton or ton Jaganath

alone it takes hundreds of people to move Him and of course is the weight of the whole universe so we

can't estimate but I mean even if one word is speculate materially it's very heavy might even normal

calculation but if you want to you can be very likely to be heaviest the whole universe because he told

him but this particular day I could see that yeah actually that the cotton will just poof would fly way up in

the air when he'd go down one step he'd hear that crack I was a good half home on you know I was quite

a distance away across the big Road I mean maybe even a quarter mile you can hear the crack and see

this though you know they must have song the pillow is so tight that it was like air tight when they came

down and to see the cop flying up in the air you'll only see the tip of Jagannatha head from across the

road and the big feather and you can see the cotton every time hear the sound and finally they get

Jagannatha to the down to the ground level and then they just keep on boom boom standing and then

they moving forward like that He's coming forward till they finally get him up to the rock car.This car has

16 wheels Balarama has 15 and Subhadra's is 14. There's no steering apparatus in this steering

apparatus the people pull the wheels to really fit loose but it's a huge wide road it's not like it is a road

that's maybe 200 feet wide and it's just no wires that they dismantle Ratha yatra took festival so they

designed the city like that and then they have to get Jagannatha up so they have a big ramp going up to

the ratha cart in the front it's all big solid logs boards across it and then actually to become a carpenter

on Ratha yatra every year there's like there's a whole competition people come from all over the country

carpenters never be competition I'm exactly what they do but they have like all the competition who can

be their carpenter to make the Ratha yatra car and some people they do tapasya and everything just to

be able to get their mercy and in the Ratha yatra they use no nails, no screws everything is done with

wood so it's fact I used wooden plugs to connect the things and everything's no cuts or pizza and wood

plug so you had to be expert carpenter and I read harder once some carpenter after this come all the

way from Delhi, from U.P. , from South India to be able to cite special seva for carpenters to come every

year they've done the new ratha yatra from scratch,,,, every year at the end of every year they put a new

car for Jagannatha. So then somehow they got Jagannatha up it was very difficult time to get him up this

ramp but somehow they got checking that up then when Subhadra was coming down she came down

right away she was little smaller they had her down within a 10- 15 minutes right up into the car and

Balaram is bigger than Jagannatha a little bit, but it's hard to so it looks like a little bigger, just as Big foot

may be a little bigger elder brother when they took Balaram down around about the guy others took you

know takes a long time in Jagannath puri temple. just taking the deities to the even now I mean doesn't

seem... to be much different now I don't know I thought what is 18 years ago I don't but then I didn't see

much different than what's explained here they keep the same tradition and it takes about hour and a half

to take Jagannath down I mean going step by step or may be hour it seems like a long time at least it

may be 45 minutes to an hour and to move all the steps and come over just going up He's just going it a

very small piece. When Balaram came down He had a big a white fan behind Him He is moving the

same way when they got Balarama to the finally up to this car as the three cars in a row and they are

trying to take him up to ramp one of his associate says here that often the ropes break and they have to

give me a place to rope so the rope broke His right is going up and this like just like 50 people behind

them little Poojari no one looked like half the size I mean the height of Balaram and you know just a

small fraction and this volume and there's like 15 pujaris are pushing on them and then they're pulling

and all of a sudden the rope snaps all. Balaram falls back hundreds of pujaris which are used are

climbing on their back and pushing out in this like a whole and it's incredible just to keep the Balaram

falling and the pujaris falling down and they somehow tied the rope 300 people it's it's like I would say

we're all of people just like so many people are falling off the car and somehow they get Balaram up on

top of the car its incredible exercise, it's quite pageantry pitch what's the proper word? pageantry. So

then that's the seemly the same similar situation same tradition that kept Prabhupada wanted to

establish certain traditions in ISKCON he established actually many pandits in India they say that was

important for ISKCON its new organization but with very important ancient roots it's important for them to

establish their own traditions so that by established and tradition thing becomes very natural then that

adds to the to the whole depth of the society and the preaching Prabhupada said to spread Kṛṣṇa

consciousness in the Western culture to the Indian culture. It's like having Ratha yatras having different


festivals these traditions whether in the temple wire basis or society like these, these add to the society

the big contribution and they expand the preaching. Prabhupada created himself his various traditions

were just continuing them originally they're coming from Chaitanya's past times.

viśvambhara jagannāthe ke cālāite pāre

āpana icchāya cale karite vihāre.

Lord Jagannātha is the maintainer of the whole universe. Who can carry Him from one place to another?

The Lord moves by His personal will just to perform His pastimes.

mahāprabhu ‘maṇimā’ ‘maṇimā’ kare dhvani

nānā-vādya-kolāhale kichui nā śuni

While the Lord was transported from the throne to the car, tumultuous sounds were made on various

musical instruments. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was chanting “Maṇimā! Maṇimā!” but He could not be



The word maṇimā is used to address a respectable person in Orissa. Lord Jagannātha was being

respectfully addressed by Śrī Caitanya in this way.

So of course Jagannatha is moving by His own sweet will to self-manifested deity is Kṛṣṇa Himself in the

deity form no one can move Him if He doesn't want to be moved He's actually allowing Himself to be

moved. moving Himself through the apparent by a ... via media media of serving so Jagannatha Lord

caitanya was calling out Maṇimā! Maṇimā addressing Lord Jagannath very affectionately but there was

so much noise and musical instruments that nothing else could be heard now it seems they disused He's

gone but absolutely previously they use of horns and conch shell trumpets and various other instruments

this is a various type of 'nana vadya' various musical instruments making a tumultuous sound. So part of

the ratha yatra sometimes just taking Jagannatha from the temple to the car takes one whole day

sometimes with very system is that if the Jagannatha car doesn't move by the night or whenever it

becomes night they stop the car right there and they just worship Jagannatha in the car.They don't go

any further fortunately even in Calcutta or in other places I don't think the police would appreciate it who

would stop in the main street for a night to the next day I don't have that much clue..-- (In audible: 17.22)

yeah so we don't follow that tradition other cities but in Jagannatha puri they use that particular tradition.

So sometimes it takes so long to complete all of the ceremonies of moving Jagannatha out and the king

coming and so on that by the time they start it's already night form so then Jagannatha deity stay

overnight that's the next day. Usually doesn't get delayed that much it goes and reaches the same day

sometimes Jagannatha moves just slow down and when I move so fast.--

tabe pratāparudra kare āpane sevana

suvarṇa-mārjanī lañā kare patha sammārjana

While the Lord was being carried from the throne to the car, King Pratāparudra personally engaged in

the Lord’s service by cleansing the road with a broom that had a golden handle.

Usually before Jaganath goes to the car they bring Sudarshan chakra and he goes around the car three

times in the kirtan. Sudarshan chakra prepares everything for Lord Jagannatha and he goes in the car

then after that then Balarama actually Balaram , Balaram came last to the car Subhadra, Balaram like

that but their car went first in the procession with Balaram which which I know Balarama's car goes first

in the procession my kind of weather Jagannath went to His car first whether Balaram went first also to

His car from the temple but definitely His car was first in the procession and then Subhadra's and then

Jagannaths. Once the procession is done so just of course but the devotees the procession is a very big

thing but then Jagannath puri even just moving Jagannatha there's a whole ceremony every point of

taking the deity moving the deity placing the deity then placing would be back from the car to the temple

of Gundica it's all ceremony it's all festival every aspect of the deity service is done with the utmost care

and attention I was giving the deity special devotion. So afterwards even today that the present

descendant of king Prataprudra he comes on his elephant or horse usually an elephant sometimes on a

horse and he comes up to the car and then he sweeps the road with their golden, the broom

with the golden handle. This year that standard Consul General of Russia he also swept the road in front

of Jagannatha in Calcutta with broom so this year also the kings sprinkle the road with sandalwood

scented water and although he was the owner of the wealth road he engaged in menial service for the

sake of Jagannatha although the King was the most exalted person still he accepted menial service for


the Lord he therefore became a suitable candidate for receiving the Lord's mercy.

In India, sweeping the road is really considered to be like a real low activity. Only people that the

sweepers are considered because in India the tradition before used to be that the they didn't have

plumbing in all the places so behind the houses they had a specialist shoot and a big container where

the night soil would be collected and the sweepers of the street would go around and also collect a night

soil that was the municipal sewage system and they would carry the containers and take it to some

predetermined spot on the outside of the city for the recycling. So their jobs everyday sweeper is

considered like traditionally kind of a unclean person or was considered to be very of course the king

wasn't doing that but he was sweeping the road so in a generalized way sweeping itself had been

considered something to be very menial insignificant service. May be in America have been things like

more equal now.Garbage man are called sanitary engineers, sanitary technicians things like that but for

a king to do that type of a work it was considered quite unusual but for Jagannath because the Lord of

the universe was working he humbled himself and served the Lord the path in front of the Lord this is

why king Prataprudhra got this special mercy of Lord Chaitanya in other words whatever position one

had before the Lord everyone is a menial servant even Romaharsha was a very great guru, he

personally heard the teachings from Vyasadeva from Sukadeva goswami he was sitting in

Naimisharanya when Balarama came he didn't stand up to offer any respect he didn't think that before

the Lord I am a servant, thought that I'm a guru it’s like Srila Prabhupada of GBC has someone to be a

spiritual master it's a service, it's a responsibility that they do it's a service. The disciple may see them as

a servant as a representative of God or external manifestation of Kṛṣṇa but the Guru himself considers

himself always a menial humble servant of the previous acharyas and considers that whatever respect is

offered is being offered to the disciplic succession through the spiritual master but if the Guru actually

thinks that well he's something individually very great and independent of Kṛṣṇa's mercy or the previous

acharyas mercy that's a total illusion so like Romaharsha for some reason he didn’t stand up to

somehow he didn't think he had to do it and all Balaram could see that his attitude wasn't proper that

guru is respected by everyone but the Guru should respect God so then he just took them out of his body

by touching this with a blade of grass he was gone. So of course it's a real heavy situation for the others

because they said why we have known the teacher of the Bhagavatam. Sutagoswami's son was

established the son of the words but here we have a contrast where king of course is normally not gurus

mostly Brahmin or philosophical or more in contact with the spiritual teaching them say kshatriya was

more to the politics administration and protection of the people but in this case Prataprudra was a very

great devotee he follow the tradition of Indradyumna and other great kings in the service of Lord

Jagannatha and they would all sweep the road in front of Jagannatha in fact the kings of Orissa they

manage their kingdom in the way that they said that actually their real king is Jagannatha. He's a real

proprietor of the kingdom in fact they were never there their palaces would always be moderate

compared to other palaces and other Kings in India and they would always be addressed as

administrator on behalf of the deity, that the entire kingdom was dedicated to Jagannatha and they were

managing the Kingdom on behalf of Jagannatha and so they would they would only keep as much

treasury as they would need for managing the kingdom but they would every year that contribute a lot of

land directly to the service of Jagannatha and they have spent a lot of money on Jagannatha’s favour

rather than have their own kingly festivals and things that all of the made money would go for the

Jagannatha festivals the kingly festivals would be toned down literally speaking there'd be definitely

some certain festivals for the king would they wouldn't be like in other places that king was the big thing

and there was but here Jagannatha was the biggest focus for everyone and the king was secondary, the

representative or the servant of Jagannatha.

mahāprabhu sukha pāila se-sevā dekhite

mahāprabhura kṛpā haila se-sevā ha-ite

Upon seeing the King engaged in such menial service, Caitanya Mahāprabhu became very happy.

Simply by rendering this service, the King received the mercy of the Lord.


Unless one receives the mercy of the Lord, he cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead

or engage in His devotional service.


athāpi te deva padāmbuja-dvaya-

prasāda-leśānugṛhīta eva hi


jānāti tattvaṁ bhagavan-mahimno


na cānya eko ’pi ciraṁ vicinvan

(Bhāg. 10.14.29)

A devotee who has received even a small fraction of the mercy of the Lord can understand Him. Others

may engage in theoretical speculation to understand the Lord, but they cannot know anything about Him.

Although Mahārāja Pratāparudra was very eager to see Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the Lord refused to

see him. However, when Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu saw the King engaged in menial service for Lord

Jagannātha, He became very happy. Thus the King became eligible to receive Śrī Caitanya

Mahāprabhu’s mercy. If a devotee accepts Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu as the universal guru and

Lord Jagannātha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kṛṣṇa, he is benefited by the combined mercy

of Kṛṣṇa and Guru. That is stated by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu in His instructions to Rūpa Gosvāmī (Cc.

Madhya 19.151):

brahmāṇḍa bhramite kona bhāgyavān jīva

guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja

The seed of devotional service fructifies and becomes a transcendental creeper. Finally it reaches the

lotus feet of the Lord in the spiritual sky. This seed is obtained by the mercy of the Lord and the guru. By

the Lord’s mercy one gets the association of a bona fide guru, and by the mercy of the guru, one gets a

chance to render devotional service. Devotional service, the science of bhakti-yoga, carries one from this

material world to the spiritual world.

So Prataparudra maharaja was not permitted to see Lord Chaitanya when Lord Chaitanya saw that he

was sweeping the road in front of Jagannatha he is doing menial service he got this special mercy. The

devotees are very eager to do menial service for the Lord even Lakshmi devi she does sweeping of the

touchstones in Vaikuntha in order to get the mercy of the Lord. The devotees are eager to do service

actually the deities presence is an opportunity for all of the devotees to serve with the putting on festivals

like ratha yatra means unlimited opportunity to service,dressing the deities building the ratha cart

painting the ratha cart moving the deities chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa for the deities cooking for the deities

sweeping the road for the deity pulling the deities and so on so so many services are there. By engaging

in service for the deity of Lord Kṛṣṇa Lord Jagannath this is actually what purifies the conditioned soul.

This is the greatest mercy, actually in the material world people they want to work with the objective of

becoming rich so everyone will serve them they'll have many servants many machines, many toys, many

facilities their ideas they can be served so Lord Chaitanya thought well this is a king kings are like that

they want to be served by everyone in the mode of passion. When he saw that Prataprudra was actually

in service attitude he had a service attitude privilege he wanted to serve Jaganath he got as a menial

servant without any pretension then Lord Chaitanya became favourably mood similarly our mood should

be to approach the Lord with an attitude of service. That the Kṛṣṇa conscious movement is actually giving

people an opportunity to serve. It's not that sometimes you hear that devotees say that while the

movement owes it to me they had to provide me this there to provide me that means what is the

movement per sake?. The movement is actually the deities and their service and the deity doesn't owe

us anything the deity actually we owe the deity our life we owe everything to the deity we've been taking

from Kṛṣṇa always so this is the one opportunity we had to give back to Kṛṣṇa. Prabhupada said that if we

think that by coming to the temple and we'll get a nice facility we can get many things from the deity,

material things that we'll get this material facilities and that will be our result but we won't get love for

kṛṣṇa but if we come and we think that we want to serve the deity this is our opportunity with for so long

we've not served. Kṛṣṇa we've served our senses, we've served maya now let us dedicate ourselves and

serve deity then that is actual perfection of life and then for serving the deity like Maharaja Prataprudra

got the mercy of Lord Chaitanya he got love of Kṛṣṇa we can also get the mercy of Lord Chaitanya we

can get love of Kṛṣṇa which is the highest goal. So we're not pure enough to see Kṛṣṇa and his original

transcendental form so the Lord appears to us in his deity form but also Kṛṣṇa is there for those who

have the eye to see they can actually realize the Kṛṣṇa's thereby serving the deity we get the same

transcendental benefit. Serving to the deity and serving the holy name the deities form visible form of the

Lord and the Holy Name is the audible form of the Lord. The form we can hear or the form we can see

put in simple language. So we chant the holy name to hear the Lord and we see that take the darshan

see the deity of the Lord textually purify a sense of seeing .the two forms are not different their different

functions different purposes so differently deity forms have different moods, different ecstasies different

leela's or pastimes says although the Kṛṣṇa is the same was a difference in Kṛṣṇa the new Pani hatti

.Lord Chaitanya new Pani hatti Lord Chaitanya in New talavana Los Angeles or in Toronto or anywhere

else so in the shastra says there is a difference it was also matter difference of course it's Kṛṣṇa

everywhere so that sense is no different but in another sense that each deity has got leela vichitra has

different pastimes different ways of reciprocating with the devotees so some devotees experience have

our particular deity is very merciful it gives the mercy very easy to our particular deity is very heavy in


case of devotees are careless, deity may react or the deity is very very active very responsive

reciprocates with the devotees very directly where another deity doesn't seem to respond as much

different pastimes are there different characteristics and these are not speculative I mean someone

might speculate what they are in some cases but the fact that different deities have different qualities and

different activities different pastimes with their devotees this is not a speculation this is confirmed in the

sastra that different deities have different pastimes just like deity in Remuna has stolen the part of

condensed milk from Madhavendrapuri like this Sakshi Gopal deity walked all the way from Vrindavan to

Orissa. similarly there is ISKCON deity some of them have different pastimes also. some are not

recognized by the devotees is something new or not real-life ---said it was the deity performing the

Pennsbury so if we want to understand that the Lord we need the mercy of the Lord so we get the mercy

by approaching an humble attitude and servant by getting a little mercy of the Lord that we can

understand the Lord if you want to know something about the personal life of some very important

person you had to become a friend of that person get the confidence of that person that need to know

actually what he's doing. if you want to know deeper about Kṛṣṇa you need to absorb yourself in Kṛṣṇa

service and become intimate with Kṛṣṇa He reveals by his causeless mercy doesn't have to worry He

sees the devotees sincere is trying whatever by His own desire He gives a little mercy and then the

devotee can understand Kṛṣṇa there are many people they come they don't understand Kṛṣṇa even we

explain to them --this came at the standard some others like a mental block so that means they didn't get

the mercy of Lord Kṛṣṇa you can give a little mercy that way you know they understand so sometimes the

devotee they see that someone is having difficulty to understand Kṛṣṇa consciousness they prayed Kṛṣṇa

please give this person mercy give him a drop of Your mercy this prayer by the devotee to Kṛṣṇa to give

a little mercy to the neophyte it's a means whereby the neophyte can advance so the Guru is always

praying for his disciples and for new devotees to get some mercy from Lord Kṛṣṇa and the devotees are

in virtue anxious to get the mercy of guru of Kṛṣṇa. in this case Lord caitanya Himself was president--

Lord Jagannath Himself so Jagannath His original spiritual master He's Kṛṣṇa in the form of original guru

Chaitanya mahaprabhu Jagannath id Purushottama supreme personality of Godhead Kṛṣṇa. So this is a I

don't want to speak too long because he has so many services we can perform and this is also the

month of Damodara so whatever service we do we also get multiple effect .you should try to do as much

service as we can to get this special mercy to actually and just like I remember when I don't know if they

still do this but years ago when I was a child some supermarkets gave a lottery or draw or something and

they would allow people a certain period of time like 11 minutes or 12 minutes or 1/2 hour or something

we're during that time they could take this was the sweepstakes prize you could take whatever you

wanted at that time as much as you could you know your markets it with the shopping carts and running

and piling up all running back you know then being time's up so for material things (In audible: 40.48-58)

it's a big publicity stunt for the supermarket these ladies going crazy trying to get too many groceries and

their cargos that could happen this time but for material things people don't like mad running around

trying to get and because they're all like this this little time I could get as much as I want it's like a bargain

it's it's free but actually we should be more mad than that to get to mercy whether I just keep going after

a couple boxes of cereal and a few cans of things what not over here we're getting the greatest mercy

Lord Chaitanya His and His pastimes are just in the material world for a limited time we're here for a very

limited time and then even within that time like there's some special days like Ratha yatras or Damodar

month or we can get a hundred times the benefit by doing some devotional service .so everything is like

very auspicious but it's only at a certain time we don't know how long we'll be in Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

maya may trick us or we make him with some offense by being you burden so if we can accumulate as

much mercy from Kṛṣṇa much devotional service to qualify yourself for his causeless mercy to attract

more mercy there can be the difference between our crossing over some obstacle by maya or are not

being strong enough spiritually of succumbing actually while we have the consciousness we should be

so active to serve Kṛṣṇa that we never get distracted like we are take this special opportunity we should

be so eager but here in Kṛṣṇa to take as much mercy as you want you should just be thinking how I can

be serving day and night 24 hours and simply give out as much mercy as many books as much service

as I can do in this time .so many moments minutes, hours and even days and weeks we split slips

through our fingers without proper utilizing them with devotional service we should actually take the

advantage Lord Chaitanya of course He was always fully engaged 24 hours a day 365 days a year all

life. Srila Prabhupada in his footsteps therefore they got getting the mercy always we should try to follow

in their footsteps and some of they stay completely engaged always actually the uttama highest level of

disciples always looking for what their Guru wants looking for what Kṛṣṇa wants they going forward and

(In audible:44.04) one who's the Guru has to tell I do this do that do this do that he does very does it

diligently. the third-level the guru says he should do this but even then they don't do it so enthusiastically

are so careful you so expertly there's a lot of mistakes then the fourth class which actually adham fallen

disciple they don't even properly do what there guru had said they don't do it they neglect get into maya.

so by acting trying to act in the least in the second level where we diligently carry out the instructions of

the spiritual master even trying to understand these spontaneously offering always what service can I do

next wonder the temple president going to the authority.What service can I do looking for service being

eager for service that is actually the the best attitude that one could have because this is that greatest


opportunity to serve.

Jaya Jaya Sri Chaitnaya Jaya Nityananda Jaya Advaita Chandra Jaya Gaura bhakta vrinda .

Jagannatha swami ki.. Jai, Baladeva ki.. Jai, Subadra devi ki.. Jai.


Any question?

(In audible: 46.00-40)

Well if the Guru is properly situated giving proper service then this means that the disciples not very

expert, Guru has to be expert to know that disciple capacity and give service but the disciple from their

side they always try to carry out the Guru's instructions. So in the beginning it's like that Prabhupada

explained in the beginning will children make a lot of mess they make a mess and the mother has to

clean it up and change the diapers, so like that in the beginning as when the disciples disciples serving

the spiritual master then even after first initiation and the disciple is still very neophyte creates some time

out of anxiety for the Guru I think gradually they're supposed to become more just like a child grows by

the time they take brahmana initiation is supposed to become very steady and more expert in their

services. When some initiate is seeking for the guru and serving different spiritual masters or they're

trying to find out the spiritual master and in doing their service they they also see how there have been

purifying how they're able to become enthuse in devotional service how they're becoming trained was the

results but in that particular state of devotional service is bound to be a lot of mistakes because they're

new but they can make up for that if they're enthusiastic that's why enthusiasm to go on trying and being

patient even though one makes mistakes not to just throw in the towel or to give up or to get disgusted

and so I can't lie going to serve anymore but to sincerely try to serve and to correct the mistakes not be

overwhelmed with false ego if one makes a mistake but then they get angry at the Guru or at other

people rather than you know just see that this is also my purification. Kṛṣṇa's revealing to me my

shortcoming so I can correct them mistakes are also necessary part of purification. Whenever we have

something in us that needs to be purified and if we're not able to philosophically by our intellect realize it

and change it then because we are bewildered by false ego or something then sometimes it has to be

revealed to us that you have a problem, you have this aspect of your devotional life which needs to be

purified and corrected so therefore if there's no other way of staying we'll make some mistake and then

that's humbles as we can see oh I am not expert, I'm not exactly what I thought I was I had to know read

just my thinking and I had to correct my mistakes this is the proper attitude but if we stay fixed to the

false ego and then we don't correct a mistake but we get any we get stubborn trying to just say well it's

not really mistakes or some other kind of false position then I can turn even into offenses so we have to

be very careful to be humble to accept the guidance of senior devotees and to actually try to correct our

own shortcomings having shortcomings even for a long period of time itself isn't the problem it's how we

deal with the shortcomings, are we surrendered, are we willing to face them and try to correct them being

diseased, is not a bad thing. It's like someone comes if they have an infectious disease that it's not like

someone's it's anyone can be diseased the whole world people are diseased the question are you taking

the cure are you actually trying to cure pure pure fight the disease correct disease correct the problem

and if a person is enthusiastic patient determined takes good association and instruction follows the

regulative principles and straightforward in the dealings according to Rupa goswami six form formula

then naturally they can cross over this everyone has got certain amount of imperfection it may be more

growths in their case of younger devotees and theoretically it's supposed to be less gross in that case of

more experienced older devotees but even the older devotees may have very subtle types of maya's that

also need to get purified subtle desires for fame distinction or subtle desires for different things which

they haven't fully rooted out of their heart although superficially they doesn't seem to have Kṛṣṇa may

revealed so that even at the end of the world it depends how they if they surrender and they can realize

that I haven't fully purified my heart and I have to just so the purification continues until we complete

become completely pure the symptoms of the disease are going to come out so that's not bad it's

expected that we have disease that's why we're in the material world we have some spiritual problems,

but the question is how we deal with it how we try to purify it you shouldn't become disheartened there's

so many problems you are pure friend someone goes to the hospital I got so many diseases what's the

use one by one the doctors trying to cure the diseases and eventually the patient has a will to live they

and there's a good hope from the patient to recover we have to keep the will always to live as Kṛṣṇa

consciousness to live in our Kṛṣṇa devotional service and then we can cross over this.

Any other question?

(In audible: 53.50-54.55)


Mahavishnu doesn't come in direct contact with the material energy His glances as Rama his concert in

the reflection of that glance it's agitates the material energy and the expansion of Lord Mahavishnu so

Lord Shiva actually comes in contact with the material energy and he's the first masculine principle

Shambu of the material world and thus He and the material energy by uniting create original material

situation. Kṛṣṇa is not literally masculine or feminine. He's transcendental so His energies but the

material energy is materially feminine and His expansion Lord Shiva's and the gentle masculine form

therefore Shiva was worshiped as Shivalinga, this way he said that when he's first expanded he's like

melt but that when he's like Vishnu milk and Shiva becomes yogurt because once He combines with the

material energy and the material relationship then He becomes a little bit transformed so it's like milk

turning into yoghurt, Shiva loses some of this therefore He becomes Shiva tattva.


That's it like an expansion of the original Lord Shiva the Rudra form for the universe there's a lot of

different Shiva's shiva tattvas different forms of Shiva before touching yoga after combining Shiva the

boundary of the material spiritual world in the Shiva's in the universe of kailash I don't know that detail

about all the different I know there's like 11 Rudras or something I said this a lot of so whole big tattva

because it's one of the intermediate tattvas, its unlimited that he can go discuss it also many forms of

Durga different aspects so those who are like in the Shiva tattva they some of them don't even realize

that there's something behind Shiva please come out just close your eyes and vision of supreme

position. So there were they're really into studying all these different aspects of Shiva well the shot goes

also worship Durga they study all the different forms we're not only we generally know that there's

different forms and there's of different forms of Durga but it's not so important for us because they're

different material aspects,their relationship with Kṛṣṇa how they interrelate with Kṛṣṇa and how they relate

with the individual Souls generally is what's more important for us to get into all the fine details even get

into anything in teaching that much used to get that much.


Those are the temples we don't take the prasad also think that the demigods are independent from

Kṛṣṇa or equilibria the Shaiva siddhanta some group later they think that some groups and they don't

refer to the vedas they don't accept the vedas because the veda say that Kṛṣṇa is supreme. Kṛṣṇa is

supreme Lord Shiva sending himself into this to avoid this they have some Tamil ancient literature which

discuss about Shiva from that particular point of view and they accept these as authority so they're really

it's a little separate thing we follow the vedas and follow the a statement so that Sankaracharya so that

all the authority and second little thing where we just follow Tamil sastra.I would have my doubts even in

the Tamil literature and probably some contradiction any more Jaganath? Hare Kṛṣṇa.

(In audible: 1.00.27-53)

As far as I know (In audible: 1.01.00-06) I ever said last time that he occurs (In audible: 1.01.19-24)

I think it's too much out of my everyday I'm only thinking about Shiva but Rama did the Abhishek for Lord

Shiva and Jagannatha.(Aside).


Transcribed by Pundarika Mahajana Das
Verifyed by Giriraniradha DD
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