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20210914 Special Class on Rādhāṣṭamī Day

14 Sep 2021|English|Public Address|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Namo mahavadanyana Krsna Prema pradayate
Krsnaya Krsna Caitanya namne Gaura tvise namaha

He Krsna karuna sindu deena bandhu jagat pate
Gopesa Gopika kanta, Radha kanta namostute

Tapta kancana Gaurangi Radhe Vrndavaneswari
Vrsabhanu sute devi pranamami Hari priye!

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
 hariḥ oṁ tat sat

Jayapataka Swami: Today is the auspicious day of the appearance of Srimati Radharani. This is a special day of Mayapur because Radharani created Mayapur. So, She appeared in Raval. She was in a thousand-petaled lotus with a huge effulgence. That was floating in the Yamuna river. King Vrsabhanu, he saw that lotus and he went there. Lord Brahma appeared and said, you have done great austerities to have the potency of Lord Visnu as your daughter. Hladini potency or the pleasure potency is the source of the goddess of fortune. So you take Her and take very good of Her. Then Lord Brahma disappeared. So Vrsabhanu maharaja took the daughter and gave to his queen, Kirtida. But Her eyes were closed. She did not cry. So some thought that the child was blind and could not speak. Anyway they had a glorious appearance day festival. They gave away 1000 cows to the brahmanas.

So Nārada muni, he saw that Krsna appeared and he knew that with Him, His shakti will also appear. He went to various homes to give blessings to their children, but he could not find the pleasure potency of Krsna. Then he went to Vrsabhanu’s house. He showed other people but not the daughter. So then Nārada muni asked, do you have any other child? We have one daughter but she is blind and cannot speak, they said. Let me see the daughter. So then they gave the daughter Radharani and put Her in his hands. So when Radharani was put in his hand, he became bhava purna, ecstatic. He could not talk. He was in such ecstasy, he was crying. And Vrsanbhanu maharaja was wondering what is wrong with Nārada muni. It took him about two hours to gather himself. He told them to take care good care of this daughter. He gave the same instruction to Yasoda and Nanda maharaja about their son, and he gave the same instruction to Vrisabhanu and Kirtida about their daughter. He went out and prayed if I can see Radharani when She is at Her kishori age. There Srimati Radharani and Lalita devi gave their darsana to Nārada muni. Lalita said that some people, they do tapasya for days of Brahma to just get the darsana of Radharani. You are getting a very special mercy. So when there was a festive occasion, then Vrsabhanu maharaja invited his very close friend Nanda maharaja. They put Krsna in the same place as Radharani. Lord Krsna was gazing at Radharani. They were both in baby forms. But Radharani could smell the presence of Krsna. Then She opened Her eyes and the first person She saw was Krsna. And She was crying. This is the first time She opened Her eyes and started to make a sound. Then Vrsabhanu maharaja and Kirtida were very happy. Their daughter can see, can speak now.

So somehow Radharani got the blessing of Durvasa muni. Whatever She would cook, that would be nectar, amrita. So Yasoda and Nanda thought that She should cook for our baby Krsna. Because He should have nectar to eat. Radharani, She is the source of the Laksmis. They are the vaibhava vilasa, the expansions of Radharani. And the queens of Dvaraka are the reflections of Radharani. They are vaibhava prakasa. And the gopis are the direct expansions of Radharani. Krsna was one, but He became two. Krsna and Radha. He became two so that He can enjoy pleasure. Krsna has three principle potencies – His transcendental potencies full of eternity, bliss and knowledge. Sandini, samvit and hladini. These are the three main potencies, the eternal energy, the conscious sakti, which is sometimes known as knowledge, and the hladini sakti, the pleasure giving potency. So Radharani is the hladini sakti. One time, Lord Krsna was saying to Radharani, You should not be so humble. And he explained how everything is resting on another thing. Like the whole material world is resting on Garbodakasayi Visnu and Ananta Sesa. Then He described that other things are resting on Him. But He said I am resting on You. So He put Radharani on the topmost position. This morning in the announcement they were saying how we are the Gaudiyas. Our faith is that Srimati Radharani is especially adorable and worshipable.

So here we are in Navadvipa which is a sacred land and was created by Srimati Radharani. Parvati asked Lord Siva to tell her how Navadvipa appeared. Then He said that Radharani heard that Krsna was meeting Viraja in the forests of Vrndavana. Then Radharani She came there to see. Viraja when she heard that Radharani was coming she turned herself into a river. And Krsna disappeared. Radharani came but She could not find anybody. Radharani was completely deeply immersed in Krsna’s thoughts. And She gathered all Her sakhis at the Ganga and Yamuna. She created a beautiful place between different rivers. And She had different trees, creepers, female and male bumble bees, and deer, and bucks were enjoying and moving around. The place had the fragrance of jasmine, mallika and malati flowers. There Ganga and Yamuna both appeared by the order of Radharani and a beautiful atmosphere was created. She created forests of Tulasi trees. So, cupid, he also stayed there. There even the birds would chant the names of Krsna. Actually, one of my attendants told that he heard a bird chanting the name of Gauranga! Gauranga! So in order to attract Krsna, Radharani started to play on a flute. And hearing the beautiful melody, Lord Krsna appeared at that place. So Radharani attracted Lord Krsna’s mind and saw that Krsna had come. Then She held the hands of Lord Krsna and they were experiencing ecstatic delight. Then Krsna spoke very lovingly to Srimati Radharani. You have a lovely face, Radharani. You are My very life. There is no one more dear to Me than You. You have created this beautiful place for Me, I have accepted it and I will stay with You, and I will transform this place filling it with new sakhis and groves. Then the devotees will say, this is New Vrndavana. And because there are many rivers here and due to the presence of these rivers there are islands, some will call this Navadvipa. So on Krsna’s order, He will bring all the holy places to stay here. He told Radharani because You made this place for Me, I will reside here eternally. The people who come here and worship us, they will get the blessings to become our sakhis. My dearmost Radha, like Vrndavana this place is also extremely pure in nature. If anyone comes even for once, just once, that person will get the result of travelling to all the holy places of pilgrimage, whatever result he will get here. And they will very quickly attain devotion towards Me, devotion which is very pleasing to Me. These things were explained by Lord Siva to Parvati. And Krsna He merged with Radharani. But then He had a golden color and He is known as Gaurahari because Radharani is also Gauri, She is golden. The Lord He is Gaura and Hari. Outwardly He is golden in complexion, inwardly He is Krsna. Seeing this, Lalita sakhi, she gave up her sakhi form and she took a male form. So that she could serve Gaurahari. Then when Visakha and all the other sakhis saw this, they also took the male forms. And then from all four directions the sound of jaya Gaurahari was being heard. At that time devotees called this form of Krsna as Gaurahari. Gauri and Hari combine together, they are Gaurahari. So Krsna and Radha, Krsna became two as Radha and Krsna and then they combined again to become Gaurahari.

So in Vrndavana Radharani is on the left side of Krsna. And She is always giving Him transcendental bliss. But in Navadvipa He combines with Radharani. Radharani is in His heart. In Vrndavana Lalita, Visakha and all the sakhis serve Krsna and Radharani. But in Navadvipa, and Nilacala, the devotees are serving Gaurahari. So this way, Navadvipa was created for Radharani. And here Krsna is combined with Radharani as Gauranga or Gaurahari. So, this is the history of how Navadvipa appeared. When a human being simply hears these glories of Navadvipa, then all the sinful reactions completely vanish and firm devotion is established in his heart. Especially, in the morning, hearing theses glories is auspicious. In Vrndavana, Krsna appears as in rasa dance. Here in Navadvipa, He appeared as Gauranga or Gaurahari form. And within one kalpa or one day of Braham, after the appearance of Lord Krsna, He comes. So there are a thousand catur yugas in one day of Brahma. It is like four billion years in a day of Brahma. And his night is also the same amount of time. So we are having the great mercy of Radha and Krsna combined as Gauranga, Gaurahari, just five hundred years ago. So this confidential subject matter should not be discussed or imparted to those who are faithless, stupid or non-devotees. So this is a part from the Ananta Samhita. Here we worship the Panca-tattva and Radha Madhava and asta sakhis. So we are very blessed to be in Radharani’s place.

For us, Radhastami is a very special day in the year. We hope that all the devotees will take advantage of the mercy of Radha Madhava and Lord Caitanya. At 8.30 am we are having darsana of the different deities. It is already 8.31! So I will end my class here. Jaya Sri Radhe!

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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