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20210614 Question and Answer Session

14 Jun 2021|English|Question and Answer Session|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Harshita Sharma, Aspiring, New Delhi: Here we can understand wherever Mahāprabhu says about worshiping Lord Nityānanda, can it be applied to our spiritual master, as he is Śrī Nityānanda prabhu’s personal manifestation for us? Thank you.

Jayapatākā Swami: Since the spiritual master is the representative of Lord Nityānanda we can think that He is the representative of Lord Nityānanda. Of course, to have Lord Nityānanda personally present is something incomparable. But I am very happy to distribute the mercy of Lord Nityānanda.

Śāntagopī devī dāsī: In Tamil: Yesterday we heard that Lord Nityānanda prabhu also took prasāda in Rāghava Bhavana. He came to Rāghava Bhavana when He was in Bengal or He came to Rāghava Bhavana when He travelled with Lord Caitanya?

Jayapatākā Swami: I don’t remember, I don’t think Lord Nityānanda was with Lord Caitanya when He travelled from Jagannātha Purī. I don’t remember reading that. Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya, Rāmānanda Rāya, Gadādhara Paṇḍita, they were present. And I remember Gadādhara Paṇḍita was sent back to Jagannātha Purī with Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya, and then Rāmānanda Rāya, up to Bhadrak or Bhadresvara He was with Lord Caitanya, then He was sent back. When he fainted crying, Lord Caitanya took him on His lap. I remember all those things but I don’t know about Lord Nityānanda. I think He must have met Lord Caitanya from Bengal since Lord Caitanya told Him that every year He should not come to Jagannātha Purī. Rather he should preach in Bengal. But his village was Kordaha, that is 6 km away from Panihati, very close. So He must have visited Panihati many times. That is why Lord Caitanya told Rāghava Paṇḍita to serve Him.

Arun: Mathuradesh: How can I please Lord Nityānanda Prabhu so that He will give me the bhakti same like the associate of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu?

Jayapatākā Swami: By serving the guru paramparā, Lord Nityānanda is the original guru. So by pleasing the gurus in the paramparā He will be satisfied, and you can get the special mercy of Lord Nitāi. So if you can help expand the movement of Lord Caitanya, then Lord Nityānanda will be very pleased. Hare Kṣṇā!

Sumukhi Hariṇī devī dāsī: Just by glancing at Caitanya Mahāprabhu the Muslims started chanting. But on the contrary, when Mahāprabhu was personally leading the saṅkīrtana movement in Navadvīpa, why were many people, even the brāhmaṇas, did not take up chanting? Can you please throw some light on this guru mahārāja?

Jayapatākā Swami: Lord Caitanya took His saṅkīrtana party through Navadvīpa on the way to the Cāṅda Kazi, it is said that some atheist brāhmaṇas were on the way. When they saw Lord Caitanya dancing and crying in ecstasy, they also became overwhelmed and started to dance and chant and cry. So, people who saw Lord Caitanya, their hearts were changed. Maybe there were some who were very offensive to the devotees, who did not see Lord Caitanya, so they maintained their offensive mentality. But we see that many people when they saw Lord Caitanya, they became changed. Hare Kṛṣṇa. jayapatākā@gmail.com 

Jayapatākā Swami: So I am supposed to have the operation tomorrow. And they tested my ECG and all that, but then some dermatologist said that maybe there is a non-invasive way we can remove the tumor. It will take more time. Now we are having the Health Forum discuss that and may delay the operation for a few days or a few months. The jury is out! We will see what they advise.

But now what we are going to do is that on particular days I will generally visit certain temples (countries). If there is more time, no meetings, then I will may visit some other places. The idea is that the places I am definitely going to visit, if you want to make prasāda, you can make. But then, the other places, since it is an option to visit, I don’t want to put you out making prasāda, when I am not sure whether I will visit. So we are going to publish particular days like on Friday, Middle East, since it is a holiday there. Saturday, South America. And Sunday, USA and Canada. Like that some schedule we are making. Monday, Russia and Kashadesh. If you have any preference, please send your ideas and I will try to see if that is possible. All my blessings to everyone and weshould only see the places who have the specific codes for sure. So you should put the codes up before your name, like for Canada now we made the code CAN, Latin America, is ES, Espanio. Those from Brazil should put ES. We know that your language is Portuguese but put your code as ES. Since it will be easier. We missed UK, that is why we visited UK today. India, we need to split it up. South India, Śrī Laṅkā in one, North India, East India, West India, Nepal, another one. Like that, Syamarasika prabhu will tell you all the codes. If I have more time I will visit other places. Like tonight I visited several other places. Hare Kṛṣṇa! I will keep you informed on the Jayapatākā Swami App.

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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