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19970606 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 5.11.13-14

6 Jun 1997|Duration: 00:52:33|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Perth, Australia

The following is the class given by HH. Jayapataka Swami Maharaj on June 06th  1997 in Perth, Australia, The class begins with a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam 5th Canto, Chapter 11, Verse 13 and 14.


There are two kinds of kṣetrajña — the living entity, as explained above, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is explained as follows. He is the all-pervading cause of creation. He is full in Himself and is not dependent on others. He is perceived by hearing and direct perception. He is self-effulgent and does not experience birth, death, old age or disease. He is the controller of all the demigods, beginning with Lord Brahmā. He is called Nārāyaṇa, and He is the shelter of living entities after the annihilation of this material world. He is full of all opulences, and He is the resting place of everything material. He is therefore known as Vāsudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By His own potency, He is present within the hearts of all living entities, just as the air or vital force is within the bodies of all beings, moving and nonmoving. In this way He controls the body. In His partial feature, the Supreme Personality of Godhead enters all bodies and controls them.


Purport by Srila Prabhupada

This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā (15.15)Sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo mattaḥ smṛtir jñānam apohanaṁ ca. Every living being is controlled by the supreme living being, Paramātmā, who resides within everyone’s heart. He is the puruṣa, the puruṣa-avatāra, who creates this material world. The first puruṣa-avatāra is Mahā-Viṣṇu, and that Mahā-Viṣṇu is the plenary portion of the plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa’s first expansion is Baladeva, and His next expansions are Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Aniruddha and Pradyumna. Vāsudeva is the original cause of the brahmajyoti, and the brahmajyoti is the expansion of the rays of the body of Vāsudeva.

yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koṭi-
koṭiṣv aśeṣa-vasudhādi-vibhūti-bhinnam
tad brahma niṣkalam anantam aśeṣa-bhūtaṁ
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi

“I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is endowed with great power. The glowing effulgence of His transcendental form is the impersonal Brahman, which is absolute, complete and unlimited and which displays the varieties of countless planets, with their different opulences, in millions and millions of universes.” (Brahma-saṁhitā 5.40) The Supreme Personality of Godhead is thus described in Bhagavad-gītā:


mayā tatam idaṁ sarvaṁ
jagad avyakta-mūrtinā
mat-sthāni sarva-bhūtāni
na cāhaṁ teṣv avasthitaḥ

“By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.” (Bg. 9.4)

This is the position of the plenary expansions of Kṛṣṇa as the all-pervading Vāsudeva, Saṅkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Translation and purport to the fifth canto , 11th Chapter , 13 and 14 verses.  Harihi om tat sat…

So Narada muni is here explaining about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to king Raghugana I mean, jadabaratha , and Jadabarath first of all explaining all about  kṣetrajña how the living entity is in the body and perceiving all the different activities of the body using the five knowledge acquiring senses, speech, touch, __ and evacuation and sexual intercourse, and working senses sound, touch , form , taste , smell are the objects of the knowledge acquiring senses, he explains  all these and now he is explaining the super soul and the supreme Lord who is not only knowledgeable about one body , as we are, we having some limited knowledge about this body, but who is transcendental to all the bodies, knows about all the bodies, and explaining here is transcendental glories that He is all pervading, cause of creation, He is full, He is not dependent on others  , He  is perceived by hearing and direct perception of , in other words some people say God cannot be perceived He is formless, or he has no qualities, but here clearly says that He is perceived by hearing and direct perception, so today we had a japa session, and that is one way we can perceive the Lord is to hearing, the other means is by directly perceiving by visible form, so this qualities here that the Lord is self effulgent is not dependent on some lighting, even the most karismatic person in this world or most beautiful models or whatever, nobody is self effulgent, they have to have a lighting, if you ever have to go to a TV show something they spend so much time adjusting the lighting, a shadow,  __ lighting is a hassle to do a professional kind of a film, they __ reflector , the lighting has to be,,, here Krsna is no need of any kind of lighting arrangements, he already got a built in, then the Lord he explains that birth old age and disease, __ we should understand that anytime when we put the limitations of material entity, material person or the supreme Lord , we are really making a big mistake, that committing offences  , we shouldn’t impose any kind of limitation on the Lord experienced in the material life, the reason is preaching on account of , the certain devotees that face difficulty in accepting Krishna as supreme personality of Godhead why  someone has form, why.. he is in a male form, because people are putting material concepts on Krishna, Krsna, is not a material male,  krnsa is not a material anything , He is transcendental to all these things , in fact the Vedas says He is not a father but He is  mother , if you see, who has a mother, mother gives birth to a child , isn’t child is connected through the empirical cord so we see Garbhodhaka shai vishu , Lord Brahama coming from His naval on the top of  the Lotus, He is also the mother, as well the father of Lord Brahma, in the same way He is mother and father for all the living entity, Krishna saw as one, and He Krsna was one, and He becomes two and then He divides himself into his female aspects, separated as Radha, and making his form of Krsna, but originally He is Krsna, both male , feminine and masculine, qualities , but Krsna is nothing to do with material law, in fact, Krsna as a visnu form, expands and contacts with material world in the form of Siva and Siva is a first expansion when Lord not had any contact with the material world, but not only Krsna not have, or visnu not have, any material quality they don’t even have any contact with the material nature, the material nature doesn’t even appear before the Lord, remains as a shadow, behind the Lord, of course the material energy is one of the very faithful devotees of the Lord , and she has a very difficult task, of being a prison operator, in the prison house for all the conditioned soul are some have or other not remain under the shelter of Krishna, not wanted to experience separate of Krsna        , some have or other therefore they become , control of the material nature,  and just like, in this world, very misbehaved, they are taken away and put in homes of ___ because the parents cannot handle them, just recently saw in the newspaper, ____ supervisor worker in America and he was murdered, she was just ___grandmother a widower, 80%burnts, and her grandson 12 year boy set her fire, they had a picture of him with hand calf taken , 12 year boy to the detention home , so some have if you want to ___ devoid of Lord then you puts in the rehabilitation centre known as material world, and the material energy is one who runs it, you know, material world most , the more in the mode of goodness  they are more in the position as demigods as powerful controllers of rich people, those who are in the modes of ignorance, more  __, put into the more stringent conditions to lower species but their consciousness is less developed, but the devotees of the Lord who are surrender to Krishna, they are completely transcend the conditioning of the material universe , they can go directly back to Krishna, __ in fact Lord Siva , those who do hundred birth of perfect varnasrama dharma can achieve the position of Lord Brahma, and those who are more pious they can reach me, but somebody completely surrenders to Krishna, in this time, in the very same life time, the can go back to home Back to Godhead, just like in 4th canto to the prajetas, explaining therefore the devotees of Krsna re so exceptional, and wonderful and they are very dear to me and I am very dear to them and coming to teach you this mantra, personal mantra that he prayed to Lord Krsna, . it was interesting the Lord Siva appeared in front of prajetas and ___ asked for there are countless devotees who worship Lord Siva day and night and they will give anything to have the darshan of Lord Siva, but in spite of worshiping him for the whole life, he may never appeared to them, but the prajetas the devotees of Krsna are not even asking for, he appeared to them,. Why? Because the devotee of Krsna re dear to me. He taught them his personal mantra and he explains, why. The devotees of Krsna are so special ____ to the spiritual world, not in the material world. That is because they are directly connected with Narayana, Because Narayana is nothing to do with the material world directly connect with him.  We also not have anything to do with this material world. ___ so he goes on explaining how he is____ Jadabharata , he doesn’t get affect by birth, death, old age, and disease, self effulgent, controls all the Devas, including Brahma., he is called Narayana and He is the shelter of all the living entities, after the annihilation of material world. When the whole material world is annihilated where does everybody go? Doesn’t get liberation. They put in the dormant state in the body of Mahavishnu. We read o ne of the glory of the holy name is by chanting, by meditating in the impersonal Brahman, one doesn’t get rid of the prarapta karma , pramodiya karma, and I am sure that many of you may didn’t understand what is Prarapta karma is , how many of you could explain right now what is prarapta karma is ? Pramadiya karma, explain what is prarapta karma …(Some devotee answers manifestation…) Prarapta karma, karma that existed before the creation for instance, when the annihilation comes you know, may be somebody may be somebody is Brahma, somebody is varuna, or somebody is a demon, and somebody’s a dog or cat or someone they have certain karma, then there is a certain kind of like we have in market, supermarket, you have bar coding, they scan it and they ssshhh. Every essential information, that product comes out, this is a type of very simplified, coding which is__ coding discovering the living entity, so that everybody is stored away in a proper when they comes out again, ok, back to ___ they know that to start off, all the karmas, there, some very basic kind of a karma, how much is goes to us but carried away karma that stays with us until we actually go back to the spiritual world, even the Brahma jyothi realization doesn’t/t ___ because someone goes upto the Brahma jothi, he can again fall down, then___ so this __ where thy couldn’t in mentorium , but the chanting of Holy name of Krsna, wiped out __ srila Rupa Gosvami explains, being directly connected with Krsna, by chanting his holy name, wipes out because, pure Devotional Service going back home, Back to Godhead, so you don’t need this___ karma, __ sumsuddhim paramam gada, __ again , shelter of all living entity, material world is full of all opulence’s, Krsna doesn’t need anything, , material world man and women are both lacking things, so therefore they are looking for friends because they want to fulfill whatever they are lacking, but Krsna is satisfied, He doesn’t lack anything at the same time out of His causeless mercy He __ accepts the worship of devotees and reciprocates with him perfectly , as if He was dependent upon him.  __ the resting place of everything, and everything’s depending upon Him.  ___  no found of He worship Krsna and he didn’t reciprocate, Krsna makes him enjoyable for His devotees and He reciprocate with them and He actually takes his devotees __ ideas, so He presents within the hearts of all living entities as a super soul, as a air of vital force present, 6th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam Krsna says that I inside  of my devotee, like that inside and the devotees are inside me, so by love Krsna accepts His devotees as His inner self, because of Love, because He is always thinking about Him and He reciprocates them. Similarly the devotee looking at the Lord Krsna is within the devotee, devotee carrying Krishna anywhere, in His partial feature He enters all bodies and controls them, so this is the ksetraja, in the paramama form. He is a partial expansion of Lord Krsna, so we have ksetraja means knower of the feelth, the feel of this  body, we know whats going on in our body, Bhagavad Gita explains this, for instances, some insects by  __ how we feels, he may see it, he may imaging, being bite b insects feel like this because he is being bitten  by the insect in the field, by he won’t feel it,  ___ what’s going on in anyone’s body, we only know what’s going on in our body, but Krsna He knows what s going through His paramatma form everybody, although not directly attached to that, He knows like we smell the flower, without touching we can smell it, just like we have a mango sometime , ___ what do you do, you can smell it , if it smell sweet , probably tastes sweet , you need not have to taste it too, anticipate sweets, whether it is rotten probably rotten, so Krsna He can understand what is the position of our consciousness and all the different bodies, simply like the aroma of that , we understand the special position of Krsna, as a kstrajna of the whole world as a knower of everything . then we shouldn’t apply such limited things what apply to us would apply to Him, many different people try to research the Lord, to understand Him, Bruhuvarthan try to test too,  what is the position of the Lord, first he went to see his father Lord Brahma just kind of neglected Brahma doesn’t offered any obeisance’s, that __ Brahma really angry , my son come and didn’t offered me respects, then he went to Lord Siva , that was the offences by action, ___ mind by neglecting, then he went to Lord  Siva, and criticize Siva by words  but Siva , Siva got pretty angry but he controlled , he was very angry , then he went bigger offence it’s a offence body , by action, and then Bruhu went and he kicked visnu right in the chest, what could be more offensive kicks on the chest, and then instead of getting angry Lord, visnu, oh, I had a very hard chest, I hope you foot is not ____ (Devotee laughs) it’s alright, please forgive me my chest is hard ….(Devotee laughs) of course lakshmi was very angry , he could do such a thing, and cursed Brahmans to be poor, so Vishnu showed he had all the most of goodness all the transcendental qualities, more than anybody else in the universe, so outside  the universe no one is testing but whatever the testing has been done, they come to the conclusion that Krishna has all the transcendental qualities easily, never to be considered He is under the control of material world, in fact, explains in Gita maya dakshena prakruiti the material nature is under my control , what this brings us , then we can understand  we should take shelter of Krsna, this is like we take shelter of different things, you don’t want to take shelter of solid dependable base just like we are sitting here,  right now, temple looks very solid and everybody..few years ago there was a big earth quake ___, and they mentioned how, just like in mangla aratti time, the three alters there Gaura Nitai , Rukmini dwarkadesh and Jagannath Baladev Subadra they had paid obeisance’s to the Gaura Nitai deities and little alter paying obeisance’s there just at that moment earthquake hit and the two side of the temple marble columns , when the earthquake hits the two side of columns smashed down, and everybody within 12feet of the wall there  would have gotten crushed because they all paying  obeisance’s at the centre altar  that moment nobody was hurt, and then its sounded like  hundreds and thousands of  lion roaring , tremendous sound earth quake just like … really __)__and it is just like very scattering and so all floor everything is moving ,,_)_ he had his deities at home packed off because of the earthquake , get back to his house, he couldn’t run because the whole earth was in waves, just like run on the waves of ocean  , walk on water, as he try to run he put his foot on earth, but earth wasn’t there anymore, (Devotee laughs) when they came up just like , whole wave motion , and he was falling down in the ground and , it’s very difficult to go forward so like that we takes things for granted this material world, is something we can depend on, depend on our senses and on our mind  when it actually comes to the final analysis nothing is dependable nothing is permanent, everything is fluid, but Krsna is completely dependable He is when the whole material world is annihilated , but Krsna is not annihilated , he is the shelter , so why to wait till the end to take shelter, take shelter right now, and by taking shelter now , we completely secured, protected safe, and by doing so we can also get back to Krsna, in the life time. As I mentioned earlier the material nature how she has very difficult task, her job is to keep us, bound up in the material mode, she has two jobs one is to bring down the under, the un surrendered souls and keep them in the material illusion, bring them down and keep them, so if somebody tries to get out of the material world she test you she test us, tries to whether we are really determined to be out, if we are not having a pure desire then she is able to find that out and bring us into illusion and then to keep us , it’s very difficult to totally free from Maya Krsna is also given the secret what he says, prakrite kriya manani… what verse,  mayadakshena prukriti, no, what is the…

daivī hy eṣā guṇa-mayī
mama māyā duratyayā
mām eva ye prapadyante
māyām etāṁ taranti te

It’s very difficult to cross over my divine material potency why she is so, because she is empowered potency to do this, but Krsna is more powerful than His energies, mām eva ye prapadyante
 those who surrender unto me, māyām etāṁ taranti te

 I deliver them from this material world and bring them back to me, interesting pastime happened in navadwip, that one time Lord Siva he was chanting in mount kailash chanting the names of Gaurnaga and He was very ecstatic  in chanting

Gauranga  (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

He is chanting again and again Gauranga playing on his dhumdubi drum dancing in ecstasy , Gauranga, Gauranga, mother partvathi seeing this she is wondering who is Gauranga, so when Lord Siva stop chanting, Parvathi said what is this mantra you are chanting , you are so happy  so ecstatic chanting and dancing the he said this is the Golden form of the Lord he appears in and he gives out freely the love of Godhead chanting his name you feel so much love for Krsna , so this also a secret that , we are having difficulty in chanting the names of Hare Krsna, we should chant more of Panca dattva mantra , sri Krsna  caitanya, prabhu nityananda, sri Advaita Gadadara  srinviasti gaura bhakta vrnda, which purifies us and help us to chant offenselessly , so Parvathi said I like also to meet this Gauranga , where can I meet him, he said, well he appears in the Kali yuga after Krsna’s 27th kaliyuga cycle, thousand cycles, he comes, and that time for now, but he always present  in his holy dham , navadwip dham, if you go there you can see him, , so then she went to navadwip dham , then she went to the island of, the first island of for chanting for hearing srnvanam, and then she become to chant the names of the Lord, listened very attentively, chanting

Gauranga  (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

She chanted louder like you did, she didn’t see anything, (Devotee laughs)

Gauranga (Devotees repeats Gauranga)

So then , because of her very sincere chanting, Lord Caitanya appeared to her and she was overwhelmed to see the beautiful forms of the Lord golden in colour, vaijayanthi garland, touching his lotus feet yellow garments, bumble bees flying around the garlands ,very tall , __ like lion, chest like a Broadway, arms going up to his knees, ajata lambita bhujo, __ then lotus eyes, beautiful face like a moon, smiling, lotus eyes with tears in and going back almost to his ears, beautiful shape like a lotus,   tilak, so she saw this beautiful, hair the flowers, Brahmnical tied up, so she saw the Lord caitanya and offered her obeisance’s on the ground and she got up offered prayers , offered obeisance’s, normally she cannot appear before Krsna, but some have she was allowed to before Lord Caitanya , Lord Caitanya revealed himself to her and He said what is that you want , what blessings you want, when Krsna appears to you , many people ask to see God, he give blessings, he wanted to see me, or what do you want, better know what do you want, Markandeya rishi, he saw narayanan, he saw nara narayana form he could ask anything he wanted, and then he wanted you know, __ very curious how does this material illusion works so he ask, he could see how the material illusion works, and nara narayanan rishi smiled ok alright, you want to know, I will show you , the Srila Prabhupada why did you __ because material illusion, he could gone back to the Godhead, he could gone back to the spiritual world, he could have got eternal , but he wanted to know __ material energy is working, and because of that he has to suffer because the material world is the place of suffering, and is temporary, Lord Caitanya said kabi swargha., kabi naraga…. Sometimes           we get heavenly paradise situation sometimes we put into the very hellish conditions, this is like a criminal ___ put into the water and dunked , __ upto the breadth and shshshsh, for some people may be know this is a time, this is a paradise, this much paradise, whatever you can experience in Perth Australia, but someone may think ok, this life is good enough, I got my dog (Devotee laughs).I got my __ whatever they might have looks happy, even if sometime hellish , even if  you go to, forget this world, even if you go to higher planets, you can live upto  tens and thousands of , hundreds and thousands even millions of years where there is no old age and one day you will die, you know, dragging on, and wrinkles, you know the piles (Devotee laughs) heavenly this and that, whatever , different traumatism and bad eye sight, and this ok,timely get old, old and die finish, pregnancy one day over, everything, well, convenient ,  comfort, could have a better in the material world even, after that, you have to come down come to this material world, into the hellish conditions, you know, in this planet, the change between heaven and hell __day by day moment by moment, one day , oh this is a beautiful day , next day you do some kind of a special ___ poisonous things  ___ then you will be in ascharya, one day what happened , I just read somebody was sitting on the gardens, putting the hand , some special kind of spider,  ___ red packter , and it was serious things, so you know, some have everything is ____ even somebody devotees recently one disciple of , Indrudumna maharaj ______ in the car accident, we have right there a devotee called Ramanada das, south Africa, a special care, his spine was broken in two places because of car accident , but in the day time the driver  fell asleep___ , you know, the devotees in the material world, everybody was prayed for Ramananda a wonderful kirtan, and kirtan very tough black township of Johannesburg and who did the operation don’t know whether it will be successful or not, prayed to Nrsimha and Krishna, to __ lead kirtan, they already said there is hopeless for him to survive, and they said he paralyzed , he was___ his legs, so they did this operation, and they said its very less chance of success but by Krsna’s mercy and prayers of vaishnavas Ramananda das _____ able to fully recovered, and the point I am giving to you is, this material world is not a place of perpetual happiness, little bit of happiness and then lot of sufferings, may be someone might be what they think it’s a favorable situation right now , just like a fool’s paradise, so be like that, while you are in a good position, ___ the materialistic ok, now I am in good let me enjoy , just why they making money and spending it, some people still don’t  have money, when you are in good position use your position to become Krsna consciousness use this good position to God conscious to solve this problems for ever eternal position back in the spiritual world, now krnsa when he appears to you , you can get whatever you want, reason. You cannot ask something crazy, ____, so what you are going to ask for, what a brand new car, ____ become a Lord Brahma, what you want, once, what is the thing to ask for, so the devotee they want to ask, they asked, Krsna conscious, they want love for Godhead, so here Parvathi, she had her darshan of Lord Gauranga,, and Gauranga asked what do you want? And she made this very heard felt plea  there ,I am your material energy, you give me ___ to keep all the ___ living entities under my control, by your incarnation as __ you come and  love for Godhead for everyone even the most fallen souls, everyone in the universe get the love for you, which is more, what’s more greater than going into the spiritual world, and get liberation love for godhead is the highest goal of life, this four purush artha, religiosity , economic development, sense gratification ,liberation, the fifth purushartha is love for godhead, Krsna caintanya mahaprabhu gives that feeling, she said everybody get love for godhead, and I am the only one deprived , I am the only one won’t get love for Krsna, so the devotees, I don’t even get the association, of devotees, because devotees refuses to associate with Maya, the devotee call me the witch, Maya, (Devotee laugh) pisacira kole, who wants to lay on the lap of witch Maya, such uncomplimentary terms sometimes used to describe Maya, ___ somebody is like a baby totally depended right, we see here, little three months baby, is here, and different mothers here, are taking and holding the baby and giving their affection so if the baby is under the care of the Mother or someone who have the motherly affection, then it s very nice, isn’t  but the Puthana, who is a witch when she came to take Krishna on her lap , her __was different, the witch was want to suck the blood, kill or something it’s harm to the baby ,so Putana looks like a mother she dressed ___ like a mother give me your baby I want to hold him and her intention (Devotee laughs)

Hahahahahahaha to kill him, (devotee laughs) what do you think, there is a difference in a mother and a witch, so why this such uncomplimentary terms used to, actually she is a mother, Why this so, because the devotees point of view she wants to take us away from Krsna , what is witch wants to take us away from our knowledge, kidnap us, we want to be with Krsna, but maya’s challenge is to take us away so we don’t want to be under the care of maya , we want to be directly under Krsna , Krsna’s care, maya we don’t need to be Krsna, I make you happy , (devotee laughs) I will give whatever you want, but thatis the illusion we get entangled we find this is not ___ ,we are not happy, we are not really satisfied, but this relationship with , )__) but she is doing this as a devotional service , that’s her devotion because she has ___ that’s where she keeps people ___ spiritual world here , happy about that, they are quite happy to be here, it’s not that she change people no, with gross change, +__ because they want to be here, but Krsna comes and give us an opportunity to go back and hisrepresentative the Guru and the devotee are there, the vaisnavas, to waken us , to take us back, now Parvathi said everybody is getting this mercy , I am here ____ devotees not even associating with , don’;t get any , she said, I also can get the love of godhead , this somehave I can also get love that you giving to everyone, then Lord Caitanya blessed and said, actually  you are the expansion of Radharani, because all energies comes from Radha, so therefore you are by __sakthi, you are my own spiritual potency, ___ I __ let you down, you are , because we know according to Lord Caitanya this achindya abedabeda tattva, __ simultaneously oneness and not, difference and non difference of Krsna,  so she later realized non different from Radharani at that moment and we observed in the mood of Radha and get the love for Krsna they are in navadwip dham, see navadwip dham one can approach Parvathi she is in a blissful mood as Radharani as yogamaya  and she there helps the devotees but she also protects the dham , from the non devotes entry and also devotees she helps them so there we pray for the blessings of Siva and blessings of Parvathi , to enter into the dham in the form of pournamaya and __ so this happened in the island of Simantadweep, there she took the dust from the Gauranga and put on her forehead , __ gap between the hair, this is called simanta the place where Lakshmi resides, and that island become known as Simantadweep, Parvathi taken the dust from Lord Caitanya , so we have a choice, the conclusion now  , the time is over, we have a choice , whether we want to take shelter of Krsna or the shelter of maya, it’s upto us, it s actually just like the  cat , the cat takes the kitten, very carefully , and moves it, that’s the way Krsna takes care of devotees, and the cat also with the same teeth catches the mouse , in a different mode, so when we are in material world its just like being __ mouse, when we surrender to Krsna like being a kitten, you can decide , if you want to be a kitten under the cats protection or want to be a mouse , if you want to be under Krsna’s protection or if you want to be under the criminal program we have here, of the material world under maya’s external control that’s where we have reason to understand Krsna is actually our well wisher , Sukrutam sarva bhutanam , He is the well wisher of the living entity and He is , He is only one welfare , because if we want to be independent He gives us this world , we can work it out, we can see whether figure out, and He is hoping that with good association  , and representatives people would realize , there is no fun being separate from Krsna , its actually better to be back with Krsna and serving Him, that;s where the real happiness is. And everyone has the opportunity to learn devotees shown , actually serving Krsna is blissful and wonderful this is want to be always happy, but being in this material world, no place of gentlemen or gentlewomen even the devotees we have to face ___ different karmas, what to speak of the material , I was on this, we did harinam on the couple of year ago in ___ happened to be a  first day of spring or something first day of summer, and some have the channel 9 came to film us, and this was the Hare Krnsa doing the Harinam ,and they put in the 8’o clock news and this shows summer has stopped and spring has come , Harinam, Hare krnsa out on the streets, dong harinam, sometimes people have this ___ like ___ anyway , this was like symptom of spring, Harinam ___ we all went to watch it on TV , we had this crazy televisions dialing,  channels was broken, everybody push the button and go random and never get the button , won it, we trying to get the channel 9 , channel 8, it is happened, every time we push this button to try to get the channel we won’t , ___ the other channel , Trauma centre, we never watch TV but just watch news  , Hari nam, and Trauma centre and it  shows the somebody was on a yak, millionaire on his yak , and he was up there showing the justice , fell off the mak, fell on the __ puspuspuspusps., huge kind of machine where they do X-Ray,  back and he is like parallelized neck down , he is complete trauma and we try to , go off, try to find out the Harinam, channels may be pushing comes back Trauma centre , every time we go back and , there was some lady or little baby with she is holding the baby , she is covered by blood , bababbbby, (Devotee laughs) kept going that, Trauma centre , (devotee laughs) this is like, the material world , we are trying to , select this thing, that thing, Trauma, or sport other, Trauma centre you know, (devotee laughs) there was like seeing the whole world , just a few seconds, get the harinam , channels kept this going on, but here  we are material world , why should we wait for the Trauma’s , anyway it’s going to happen , it cannot wait, let us make a permanent solution and realize our real shelter is Krishna, and we should take shelter of Krsna and we should develop our Krsna Consciousness   and even mind says __love of godhead, everybody wants, anybody has sense would definitely want love for Krsna, and we directly related with Him, with Krishna, the Supreme Godhead  and Lord Caitanya  giving us this mercy,  which is incomparable.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki jai (Devotee repeats Jai)

Nitai Gaur ki jai  (Devotee repeats Jai)

Nitai Gaur is merciful, so take advantage of this opportunity to serve the Lord, we are very fortunate now HH. Prabhavishnu swami maharaj is here, where he benedicting you with days, giving you his transcendental association.

Hare Krsna



**** That’s end the voice recording of Guru maharaj Class****

Transcribed by Svayam Nitāi das
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