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19970618 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 3.25.30

18 Jun 1997|Duration: 01:03:09|English|Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam|Alachua, USA

Lecture Code: 19970618

Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.30 Lecture By

His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja


In Florida


vande 'ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams ca

sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam

sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam Kṛṣṇa-caitanya-devam

sri-radha-Kṛṣṇa-padan saha-gana-lalita-sri-visakhanvitams ca



19970618-SB-01  Name - Kalpataru Jahanava DD

The class begins with a reading from

Srimad Bhagavatam 3rd canto, chapter 25, verse 30.

tad etan me vijānīhi

yathāhaṁ manda-dhīr hare

sukhaṁ buddhyeya durbodhaṁ

yoṣā bhavad-anugrahāt

Om Tat Sat


Translation and purport by A.C.Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada

My dear son, Kapila, after all, I am a woman. It is very difficult for me to understand the

Absolute Truth because my intelligence is not very great. But if You will kindly explain it

to me, even though I am not very intelligent, I can understand it and thereby feel

transcendental happiness.

Repeating the verse and translation by Gurumaharaj and the devotees

Purport by Srila Prabhupada

Knowledge of the Absolute Truth is not very easily understood by ordinary, less

intelligent men; but if the spiritual master is kind enough to the disciple, however

unintelligent the disciple may be, then by the divine grace of the spiritual master

everything is revealed. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura therefore says, yasya prasadad,

Yasya prasadad, by the mercy of the spiritual master the mercy of the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, bhagavat-prasadad, is revealed. (Devotees repeated the

Purport) Devahuti requested her great son to be merciful towards her because she was

a less intelligent woman and also His mother. By the grace of Kapiladeva it was quite


possible for her to understand the Absolute Truth, even though the subject matter is

very difficult for ordinary persons, especially women.

Thus end Bhakti Vedanta translation and purport of the Srimad Bhagavatam text 30,

chapter 25, canto 3 of the Srimad Bhagavatam in The Glories of Devotional Service.

Harihi Om Tat Sat

Here we are, here we can say, how all though, Devahuti is his mother, she has

accepted Kapila at this present moment as her Guru, therefore she is presenting herself

humbly before the Spiritual master and begging for transcendental knowledge. When I

1st joined the temple in 1968, some devotee told me, whenever you go before the

Spiritual master, you should always praise the Spiritual master and humble yourself,

present yourself in a very humble way, and ask for yourself some mercy, ask for some

blessing, it seems like a very simple advice and so, that gave me good advice. Always

think of good questions to ask in the end of the class, appropriate to the class


19970618-SB-02 Snigdhamayi Sudevi DD start date 13/06/2019 end date 21/06/2019

One other advice always think of good questions to ask at the end of class,  appropriate

to the class. So I remember would always, everytime I went before Srila Prabhupada . I

would always say Srila Prabhupada you know, you are most merciful. You are the

kindest,whatever . Then I would humble myself. One time I remember I said, Srila

Prabhupada I am the most fallen. He looked at me "you are not the most   anything"

Hahaha. Just to humble me. Because it was a daily affair I would be seeing

him,everyday so I would always be  offering him. Though it was not like always

mechanical. You get responses that are unexpected. I know one time I prayed to

Prabhupada,  Prabhupada I want to serve you life after life. He looked at me "so why

you want to make me come back?" (laughter) I didn't think about that. What did I say

wrong? That was the right thing. Even life after life Srila Prabhupada. Even if I am not

frail, not taken back to the spiritual world then, to take birth again in the material world, I

want to serve you, nothing else. I was I don't those stick in my mind because  they were

the unexpected but otherwise so many other i don't remember exactly but Prabhupada

he smiled and accepted. So since that's the principle that one should do. When you.

Prabhupada in fact said that in his books that when we go before the deities we pray,

we always offer glorification, humble ourselves and, get the blessings. So that applies to

from disciple to Guru. And here although Devahuti is the mother but now she is also a

disciple. So she is presenting herself very humbly. She is the daughter of

Swayambhuva manu. One of the most intelligent women in the entire universe.

Aristocratic family, the wife of the great Risi, Kardama  Muni. She has that all the good

qualities. But instead of presenting herself as very intelligent, she is presenting

herself very humbly. She said because I am in this humble position because I am in this

less advantageous position I need your mercy more. So that is the special

recommended technique to get the Lord's mercy. Instead of presenting all our

credentials, how qualified we are to get, our qualification as we discussed yesterday is


how we can get the mercy because Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the first day. He had

given a blessing also to Advaita Gosai that He would give his mercy to the most fallen.

This is special in Lord Caitanya 's movement. We can present ourselves in a very

humble way but that doesn't mean we should be fallen. Once we get the mercy of  Guru

and Krishna and we come out of our fallen state, we should remain out of it. Even

though we may present ourselves in a very humble position knowing that without mercy

of Guru and Krishna we can again go back in the pits. The material world pit. We heard

that here near Alachua there is a Santa Fe river. What's it called?  the Santa Fe river is

going full speed, full river all of a sudden phu it goes down in the ground disappears,

comes up three kilometers or three miles later. Is that true? Ah it's true. Here we see

how big river can go and suddenly disappear. There's no use of being proud because

similarly we can go and suddenly disappear from devotional service, if we are not

careful, if we are too proud. To me to try to remain humble that's very difficult because

the mind is always looking for fame, adoration and distinction and trying to take

everything as a cue, you see how special I am. But therefore we need to consciously

make a decision how we want to pray, how we want to represent things. Is not that we

just have to accept whatever the mind comes up with by default. In computers they

have the default setting. We don't want a default setting. We want a setting which is

given by our previous acharyas, vaish ah(?) by mahajana Jana gatha sva pantha . We

want to follow in the footsteps of the mahajanas so how they are presenting themselves

how they are praying that's how we should take and follow in their footsteps,



19970618-SB-03 name krishna Caitanya start date 13/06/2019

< We want to follow in the steps of the Mahajanas, so how they are presenting

themselves they are praying that's how we should take and follow in their footsteps, so

Prabhupada stresses on this actually, today in the world most people are less intelligent

kalau shudra sambhava, in Kali yuga, everybody is born as shudra previously people

were born with brahmanical and Kshatriya qualities and they had some special

intelligence compared to them, generally speaking although there are some exceptions,

women were not considered to be as intelligent as the top Brahmanas and Kshatriyas,

they were categorised amongst the vaishyas and others, although some women had

really special qualification, but today in the world, everybody is born as a shudra so who

is special is very difficult to say, where is the Brahmana that can claim having so much

intelligence very rear, even when Advaita Goswami he was performing   shraddha

ceremony for his father, at that time he had so many brahamans there, cast brahamans

doing the ceremony and  one of the ceremony is to offer the bhoga to lord Vishnu and

then give the prasadam to the senior most Brahmana  present, so Adwaita Goswami

looked around and said “ I want to give the Prasadam to Haridas Thakur. “ so they

protested why Haridas Thakur, he is not even born Brahmana, he is born in the family of

muslims, you should give it to one of the Brahmanas, born Brahmanas so called,

nobody is actually born Brahmana become by birth shudra, by samscara, you become

Brahmana, by process of initiation mean what is that mantra ? Everyone heard? One


becomes a dvija by the touch of the touchstone to the bell metal which turns into gold

this by the process of diksha, one is transformed, how that transformation takes effect is

a mystical process, just like nobody exactly knows, how you can turn bellmetal to gold,

but if anybody had that stone, they did it, you won’t worry about it, right? ( Gurumaharaj

laughing:-- you won’t be asking that question, you will be making gold ) similarly, the

process of initiation has got that, from a bona fide spiritual master, bona fide disciple,

has this effect, it changes one into a Dvija, what is a dvija? Its something special, twice

born. Actually sometimes people take ok will join the temple, find a Guru, take Harinam,

take second initiation but actually the second initiation is something very special, I was

asked to talk something about the Gayathri Mantra because this Raghunath Das has

mentioned Naama sastanga manur api, the mantra given by Guru and also the

Gayathri, sometimes, we just take the Gayathri for granted I don’t feel that I personally

chant the Gayathri in the best possible way but maybe many who do but it’s something I

definitely want to give more attention to, because if we properly chant the Gayathri, you

are supposed to be able to control the mind from mental speculation and focus it on

Krishna and if you really chant the Gayathri perfectly, we can hear Lord Krishna’s sound

of his transcendental flute. I think a few of us have not even heard that yet during our

Gayathri chanting, we have ways to go. So we can get that transcendental sound

vibration, Raghunath Das, he took it very seriously Harinam and also manur api the

Gayathri mantra.


19970618-SB-04  Sakhi rangadevi Devi dasi 13/06/2019

Raghunath Das he is saying, he took it very seriously harinam and also manur api, the

Gayathri mantra. Ha and then take it very lightly sometime, but there is something that if

we chant it very consciously, very effectively, we can get a boost in our spiritual lives.

For taking the second initiation in a sense is like they say in America, they think ' double

jappary'  is that or not we don't know if that's the right word. I don't know because it's

mean trying for the same thing twice. What is it when you be taking a double risk then

also use some conscious. In other words you get double benefit if you do a right and

you get double trouble if you do a wrong. Taking second initiation, I have seen people

had taken for granted Oh! no I am going to keep up with the Dasa's and Dasi's right?

They got I should get, but then they are not strict and you see people after second they

take a loose more because if you are taking second initiation you are making a

declaration to Krishna so that now I have understood 'Param brahasmi', I am not this

body, I am a spirit soul. I am going to act like an embodied spirit. I am no longer going to

act like a glorified animal. And therefore, everything we do is considered, was just like

we saw, this morning our Radhakanta was wearing a prison uniform, he is the prison

gardener or something. So when you are in a uniform, you have to really act properly.

Then when you see a policeman. Even when he is in uniform or not, he is always a

policeman. He has a separate you know it's like Even if you know he is a policeman you

are going robbed, he is off duty, he is still expected to come and save you right?

Similarly a Brahmana is not like you know, you are on duty or off duty you are always

supposed to be act like a Brahmana. Therefore, when we do tulasi puja, it's very simple,

everyone knows " yani kani chapa pani Brahma hatya hita nicha" that every step you


take around the tulasi you can get forgiven for such great sins like Brahma hathya,

killing a Brahmana. It does not say you know narahathya, killing a human, brahmahatta,

because even worst than killing a human is killing a Brahmana. That an ordinary human

being kills himself by suicide he does become an ordinary ghost but if a Brahmana kills

himself he gets a special distinction for becoming a brahma rakshas, super demon,

manly canimalistic demon. So, if a Brahmana commits sinful activities then he gets

multiple benefits, multiple chastisements, immediately more heavy. People don't know

what they are getting into sometimes. Dear Brahmana, be merciful to your Guru and be

strict, me merciful to yourself because Yamaraj has got a special boon for Brahmanas

it's like. But if you are careful and you act as a Brahmana, you can make quick

advancement and stay balanced. Like first people they are young and enthusiastic they

want to make quick advancement. We should always remain young at heart and

enthusiastic right, if we want to be back to Krishna in this lifetime. Sometimes,

Brahmanas are you know they get attack by Maya like everybody else and than it's

worst they should be more careful, they should be covered as quickly as possible. So

anyway that process of devotional service is something we need to beg for from Krishna

and from the Guru and also that's what Devahuti is showing and there are so many

things of course that can deliver us without formal initiation sometimes people get back

to Godhead. That's a special kripa siddhi kind of a mercy case. Normally, one needs to

go through all this process, accept spiritual master, follow his instructions, take

initiations and then practice carefully. It's important that whoever in your community is

worshiping the deities is also following carefully and the deities are worshiped carefully

because that will effect the whole community. There was something happened, the

Brahmana had a fall down who was worshipping the deity one place and Prabhupada

said you should bath the deity with milk, and wipe away, wash away all the effects from

that. So there is may thing you know, many sadhus urged to devotional service we see

the word here


19970618-SB-05 pallavi  start date-13th june2019 end date-27th june2019

transribed on 26th june 2019

status: complete

Effects from that.

So it is, you know, many subtle parts to devotional service.

You see the word here is that this is difficult to understand.

Some of these are difficult to understand.

We need to accept from the authorities.

Why the puranas are so special is that they explain very, in a story form, or very easy

form, so it becomes easy for us to understand.


Just like this, the the story about the glories of the fourth chapter, Bhagavad Gita, you

know that?

Parvati was asking Lord Shiva what was the glories of different chapters of Bhagavad

Gita and she asked him, "What are the glories of the fourth chapter? Is there any


So all she asked is a wonderful example.

You see, there was this Brahmana called Satyatapas!

He would perform great Tapasya!

Austerities and penances and his Tapasya was so pure and so truthful, he became very


Even Lord Brahma came to visit him.

That was how powerful and how sincere his Tapasyas were.

Then, Indra got worried.

Indra thought that this Satyatapas is getting so much accumulative pious results that if

he wants to even bump me off of the Indra seat, he could take over Indraship because

being Indra is he had accumulate al lot of good karma like when Bali Maharaj did all the

yagnas and he got the seat of Indra, the first thing the Brahmanas and the Gurus told

him is that if you want to stay on this seat, you're burning up karma now, you know like,

we say "a mile a minute" but I don't know, I'm pretty sure they didn't say that but "You're

burning it up so fast coz' sitting on that seat means, whoosh, you're just buring up

karma, good karma, so you better immediately start doing yagnas if you want to stay

there otherwise you'll be off faster than you know it."

So that's when he started doing a hundred Ashwamedha yagnas. I see when you walk a

Navadvipa Parikrama and says "Every step you take is worth more than an Aswamedha


This year, we are very blessed by Naveen Krishna Prabhu, who is walking with us,

Navadvipa Parikrama, giving all the devotees his association.

It's very nice when a senior devotee and when they visit and coming with, even visit,

where else, and come with the devotees and we walk in the Holy Dham.

How much benefit one gets by walking another Navadvip and another Navadvip

mahayagna, Bhaktivinod Thakur and Nitananda Prabhu actually explains in it, so



It's inconceivable. Even if somebody lays down, it's considered the same as offering

your pranam before the deities. Every breath is, everything it is, it's like the glories that

are really just amazing!

Then, if you chant a thousand times, you get to benefit.

So, where was I?

Anyway, this Satyatapas.

He was meditating in a place.

I think the place's name was called Mayapur?

That's why his tapasya was supercharged.

But Indra, he was getting worried, and paranoid.

Actually there's nothing to worry about.

They didn't know, you know, maybe, sometimes the Devas, they'res called Sakham

Bhaktas, they're devotees of the Lord but they have desires and they get all afraid that

someone is going to take away their position.

So, he got worried and then he was, he said, "I better do something to diminish the

potency of this Satyatapas."

Then, he announced in his court that he needs some volunteer. That he needs some

volunteers here for the sake of the, of the, what do you call, the Rashtriya.

For the sake of the nation. National sacrifice. For the sake of Devaloka.

"Who will come and do something for their king? I need too gentle, attractive,

enthusiastic apsaras to do a special sacrifice for their King, Indradev!"

So there were two, were used to do something for our king. He's asking for help. So the

two of the most attractive, accomplished-


19970618-SB-06 Partha prannath das    START DATE-13 Jun2019 END DATE-26 Jun


Transcribed on: 26/06/2019

Status: completed

“His Holiness Jayapataka Swami:”do something for our king asking for help so two of

the most accomplished and attractive apsaras they came forward and said “well, we’ll


do anything for you, my Lord. What can we do?” “So alright, I'll tell you, you come. We

have a special assignment.” These special assignments (he clears his throat) for

apsaras are not always what they seem to be as you will soon find out. We know that

Indra sent apsara to take care of Vishwamitra and because of that, who he sent? He

sent Menaka, right? And from that Shakuntala was born. It seems sometimes Indra, if

he feels someone is threatening his position then, [Break] he does try to diminish. That’s

why Lord Caitanya says

na dhanaṁ na janaṁ na sundarīṁ

(he clears throat) is very important. We can see no, na devalokam. I don’t wanna to go

to the heavenly planets. I don’t want. Don't worry, Indra. ( he clears throat) I got enough

problems. You don’t have to disturb me . Even if I’ve getting any accumulated pious

activity, I have no intention, no desire to go there. You can have it, right. But, (he clears

his throat) in any case so Devaraj Indra told the two apsaras that “this crisis, you know.

There’s some person doing tapasya just to take over my position and put the whole

kingdom of Devaloka in jeopardy. Will you do a special sac ’...’ I know this is something

very difficult for you, but if what, if you can do a special sacrifice?” ” What can we do?” (

he stammers) here they’re seeing the king, and a throne and everything. Just asking

these two young simple girls. “Well you have to go and somehow using your natural

skills and all the bharatnatyam dancing or whatever.” That that’s not bharatnatyam. I

think they have another form, but anyway apsara dancing and “Go, and you have to

engage this king, this rather this rishi. Somehow you attract him and, you know,(he

clears his throat) you have to get him to break his celibacy.” So they agreed to take this

task, you know and they went down, to come from the heavenly planets and came down

to this Satya Tapas. They had a little ‘...’even they have a few gandharvas whose sent

to give a little backup music. (devotees laugh) You know, ding, ding, ding. And they

have the ankle bells. And they’ve got these super ankle bells. If a normal person hears

the ankle bells, forget meditation. It’s immediately you know, attracts their mind and

anyway, we won’t go too much into all of that. Accomplishments of apsaras. But we

know they have airconditioned bodies. According to the temperature that’s it either goes

hot or cold. They don’t get old, no wrinkles so on and so forth. So one day when it’s time

to pass away, they get old and pass away apparently. Someone was saying yesterday

in the Devaloka, a week before they are going to die their garlands starts to wilt and

everyone stays away. Oh, Oh (devotees laugh) for that time and they all start to go and

preach that you better do the tapasya needed, you better do the austerities needed to

come back again after you die otherwise we may never see you again [Break] and if the

last week they vogue it out. That’s the last time they see, you know for another spin

around who knows where they go. What if they do tapasya apparently they can get

back. And we don’t know too much about that; has’nt been our preoccupation (he clears

his throat)(devotees laugh) But someone was mentioning yesterday, one of my senior

Godbrothers, so and that was interesting. Then here these two young apsaras, they go

down . there’s a music playing and they’re dancing, you know ching, ching, ching. The

anklebells, ever here such a tapasya; he’s deep in meditation. Actually he’s a devotee,

he’s deep in meditation and Krishna in his heart. He’s trying to meditate and he’s

hearing, you know ting, ting, ting chik, chik, chiii, chik, chik, chiii, chika, chika, chiii,

chikachi, chikachi, chik, chik, chiii. (devotees laugh) and he said “What is going on?”


you know it’s like you know, he ‘s trying to meditate you know, and unnecessarily you

know. da da da whatever, I don’t know whatever ...(devotees laugh) exact music they’re

playing, but you know there’s some, so then he is meditating you know he’s[Break]

(devotees laugh) he sees the two girls and they see “he’s looking at us.” Oh here, you

know .You know. This is a good sign, right ‘...’



19970618-SB-07 Jamuna sevika devi dasi- start date 13/06/2019 End date 17/06/2019

He says the two girls looking at us and you know, .. it is a good sign right, he broke his

meditation looking at us, so they get a little encouraged that we are making a little

progress here, and we can please King Indra and smiling at him and using all that

feminine charm and then he said what is going on, im trying to meditate and what’s all

this Apsaras and the gandharvas. What is going on here. I want to meditate and I am

getting so many disturbances, You must be wondering what is this has to do with the

4th chapter of Bhagvad Gita, we are we getting to, this is a part of the story, so we

come around to that at the end. So, actually he was getting angry, he was getting really

impatient, just stop this, I want to meditate you know, what is going on, but the apsaras

completely he is moving his eyebrows like bhurrr, they thought you know like he is really

getting angry, they thought he might be winking at us or something, you know , so one

of the apsaras she gets encouraged she comes forward and smiling and may be some

of her clothes fall a bit and expose a little bit of her natural beauty, and the Rishi he

does tapasya, he gets so angry, what is going on here, they dont let you alone to

mediate anymore, and he says I curse you two to become trees.. Oh oh. Indra dev

never told us about this option. We are going to be national heroes, we come down here

decorated, we go back, Indras special, but this one didn’t work you know, he didn’t tell

us what happen, what is the down side of it, like you know, they never tell you like

become CIA whatever they never tell you get shot in Lebanon or something.

But here you are going as a secret agent for king Indra and if you have happen to get a

wrong Rishi and if he is not a Mayavadi, if he is not just a yogi, if he is meditating on

Krishna he could care less about Apsaras, he is already in spiritual bliss, they looked at

each other, Oh o, we have made a mistake here, the gandharvas they split fast, run out

of here, they didn’t want to stay there. What if we got cursed too you know, there was

no back up music, there was nothing there they are all alone, on the grand stage and

just chht.. and immediately just fall down at the feet of the rishi and say forgive us, we

didn’t know what we are doing, we were just following orders.  Following orders? whose

order is it to come and disturb a humble devotee trying to meditate, we have to tell you,

it was lord Indra, why would lord Indra want to send you to disturb me, what do I have to

do, I dint cause him any problem, No he said you want to take over his position, you

wana become INDRA, we are just following his orders my lord please forgive us take

away this curse, we don’t want to be trees, but then he said, I am sorry ones he curse

that like you can’t take them back, they go one way, they are like you know, anyways,

you can write once read many, but we can give curse but we cannot take it back, we


can adjust it little bit, but we can’t take it back, like what kind of tree or what place or this

or that, or how you get out of the cure that they can adjust, how long you have to be a

tree, but a tree you will be there is no…

So they are crying, please we didn’t mean it, you know we were just following, and then

he said why would Indra wana take over, he said you wana take over his position. Me,

be an Indra, phuaa. Never, I don’t want to be Indra, sit up there and watch all you

people, I want to chant Hare Krishna, I want to be a devotee, I want to go back to

Goloka vrindavan, I don’t want to go to Indra Loka, he can have his Indra raj, deva raj,

who wants it. Why does he get his calls on this poor innocent girls like you being force

to get cursed because of this, he felt compassion being a devotee, he said, what can I

do, alright you will be two trees on the side of the river Ganges and there will be a

Brahmana called Dharma who will come and read the 4th chapter of Bhagavad Gita

under you and when he touches both of you with his body after reading Bhagavad gita

you will be delivered from this curse, and bhoom they were gone as apsaras, good bye

deva raj good bye everybody they were there on the side of the Ganges in Benaras two

trees, about 2 meters or 6 feet or something or may be little less than 6 feet..



19970618-SB-08 Parameshwar Prema Das Start Date 14.06.19 End Date 16.06.19

The site of the ganges in Benaras two trees about 2 meters or 6 feet or something

maybe little less then 6 feet apart twin trees standing there ......  there is no snow in

Benaras but they get you know the wind and storm and the people they do sometimes

in the river there are sinful people by the side there. But anyways there they were

standing and this is Brahmana Dharma and he would everyday come. In Florida we

have a Dharma…. In Miami, everyday he would come and read the Bhagavad Gita 4th

Chapter sitting under the trees, he would never touch the trees and just read the

Bhagavad Gita and the trees would say to him please touch us (laughter from the

devotees assembled) but every day, so they received Bhagavad Gita even though they

were trees they still had intelligence because they actually were born their because of a

curse so they were hearing the Bhagavad Gita they were hearing  4th chapter everyday

they were getting purified understanding how the Lord is descending and all the

wonderful things in the 4th chapter, how you have to accept a spiritual master, so many

things are there in the 4th chapter so then ”aah” one day it was very hot and after

reading the 4th chapter then Dharma thought let me just the nice cool shade of these

trees let me just rest for a little bit so he laid down he put his head on one root of one

tree and his foot stretched and you are Guru and then he said from where did you come

from? What happened to the trees? The one and they told him you see we were cursed

to become trees because we had offended a great Vaishnava and you read the

Bhagavad Gita 4th chapter and delivered us know we want to learn from you about the

science of Bhagavad Gita and so then he took them home to his wife you know it wasn’t

really expected, they trained them up in Bhagavad Gita they studied the Bhagavad Gita

and decided there in no going back to Indralok, it’s kind of useless because who knows


what we are going to be sent on to the next, here is our chance if we read the Bhagavad

Gita while being here on the earthly planet we can go back to God head in this lifetime,

so they studied the Bhagavad Gita read the 4th chapter every day and simply by

reading the 4th chapter they were purified from all the sinful reactions and they could go

back home back to God head. “Jai” Nitai Gaura Sita Nande Premanande Hari Hari Bol.

So there are lot of occupational hazards being born apsara you know you realise when

you are here it is not going to be fun, look at what happened to the Nalakuvera and

Manigreeva because that time the apsara’s were fortunate they covered themselves

and were very shy before Narada so they didn’t get cursed but the two brothers who

were so drunk and they got cursed by Narada to become trees also. We have to be very

careful of course then we know how Lord Caitanya he said we should avoid offenses to

vaishnavas there is this mattha hathi it’s the mad elephant offense so we can see here

so many things from this verse Devahuti is praying to her son Kapila to get the mercy to

get the explanation that we should also try to get from the senior vaishnavas and the

spiritual master. Have a spiritual master take our instructions very carefully, learn the

science of Krishna Consciousness and discuss even if one can’t find someone they

have faith in the spiritual master to take a lifelong initiation and shelter, please take if

they find someone and see us as a representative of Krishna they can take as a Siksha

Guru. Take instructions try to learn the science of Krishna Consciousness, what’s the

most important thing here Devahuti has got desire she wants to learn Krishna

Consciousness please and she is humbling herself she is presenting, because she has

got this desire and that desire to be Krishna Conscious that’s the thing that is

irreplaceable you know sometimes you are doing chanting in the front and some of the

kids are jumping up and down some kids, like I don’t they are in a bad mood or

something “I won’t dance” (laughter from the devotees) “I won’t jump” I won’t show any

interest” and just look here I won’t do anything” then what you can do and you know just

like and of course sometimes you change the dance tune or you jump you are running

and sometimes maybe they get into ok I will run I don’t mind, I don’t want to dance but I

will get into running these are kids so may be and somehow, somehow they get into it

but really if someone decides I won’t be Krishna Conscious


Bhargavi Start date 14 June 2019 Completed date 20 June 2019

I am going to dance but i get into running. Is the kids may be somehow somehow they

get into it. But its really, if someone decides I won't be Krishna Conscious there is really

nothing you can do. Rupa Goswami said you can private discussion, group discussion,

big you know lectures, massive people, if someone makes a definite decision after

knowing everything, I don't want to do devotional service, its free will, bhakti is by free

will you cannot force anybody. You have to make it attractive, we have to somehow

enliven people how wonderful it is to be a devotee, how wonderful it is to chant Hare

Krishna, but you are missing if you are not. And then somehow get people to see that

how wonderful it is and then they can practice Krishna Consciousness and in this way if

they decide, ok let me try to be a devotee that is most important. We should have that

positive goal, but i want to.. even though I am fallen, even though i don't have any


qualification,  even though I don't  even see any hope. Sometimes see devotees say i

don't find any hope so what let me someone say that what is the use of trying? That is

maya. Even i am unqualified, even i don't have any hope that i can see. But my hope is

that Nityanadna Prabhu, Lord Caitanya they have promised to deliver the most fallen

souls that means there is hope for me.

Even the materialistic Apsara somehow got mercy to somehow hear Bhagavad Gita. If

we simply get the association of the devotees,


‘sādhu-saṅga’, ‘sādhu-saṅga’ — sarva-śāstre kaya

lava-mātra sādhu-saṅge sarva-siddhi haya


Even a moments association with a pure devotee can change the whole para-dime,

change the whole output, that we can get all mystic powers. No? What can we get? We

can get all perfections (laughs) just testing you(laughter), to see what you wanted

there? Sarva siddhi, we can get all perfection, we can get all perfection of devotional

service is the supreme siddhi. So we should see what a great mercy Prabhupada has

given, what a great opportunity to be Vaishnavas, to be atleast aspiring Vaishnavas and

chant Hare Krishna and try to approach Krishna. Even though sometimes Prabhupada..

even though i don't have any qualification, even though i not able still I am trying to

serve my Spiritual Master. And I am simply dependent upon his mercy. So we need to

be dependent on Krishna's mercy, that ok i may not have any qualification, i may not

see how I can do it, but I am simply depending on Lord's mercy and guru's mercy and

the vaishnava's mercy and the mercy of the Holy Name. Somehow by their mercy I can

achieve this greatest of goals. That humility and that desires is what gives it to us, at

least that’s what puts us some ultimate mercy we have no.. really gives us the mercy of

Guru and Krishna. That is the mood that puts us in the right place, it’s not, many used

just say well there are so many great devotees make it, there is no hope for me, its ok..

Gives me good excuse that don't try that’s how you stay in Maya. We shouldn't be like

that, just like the Apsara they are hopeless they were trees they were gardeners but

they just pleaded to this Vaishnava please forgive us, so then he took compassion. So

we don't see any qualification, Prabhupada said "we don't have any taste for chanting,

we don't have any desire that we should be crying that we don't have any desire, crying

that we are not qualified." Then we are not crying that we are not qualified, crying that

we have any qualification whatever desire that means you should be crying that you are

not crying. In other ways Desire, Laulyam that kind of desire, I want to be Krishna

Conscious even if I am not I want it. Then if we don't want it, then we should really be

crying. That would not crying we don't want it, then we should really be crying, that we

are not crying, we not crying so on.. This is a beautiful lecture, I never forget that I heard

that Prabhupada saying that crying that we are not crying that we are not crying that we

are not crying for Krishna. In other way there is no excuse. If we have at any level,

whether it is servant removed at some level we have a bit of sincerity in us that we want

to be Krishna conscious just understand that!


Srila Prabhupada ki Jay..


Sri Sri Gaur Nitai ki  Jay..

Grantharaj Srimad Bhagavath ki Jay..

Bhagavad Gita ki Jay..

Nitai Gaur Prema nande

Hari Hari Bol!

Any Question or Comment?.


19970618-SB-10  Subhadra Shubhangi Devidasi Start date 16 June 2019            

 Completed date 18 June 2019

Guru Maharaj: Bhagavad Gita ki

Audience: Jai!

Guru Maharaj: Nitai Gour prema nande

Audience: Hari Bol!

Any question or comment? Hare Krishna one, two I don’t know.  One, one only? we get

one, pardon

(00.23 to 01.26 not audible devotee speaking)

should be ever taken offence. Time to think of it any specific scriptures that tells us not

to take offence I can’t think exactly of a specific scripture but we know in the lives of

Vaishnvas and as we’re supposed to – Sadhu, Shastra and Guru. Sadhu examples we

have they generally don’t take offence but sometimes they would take offence like

Narada took offence when the two brothers were naked before him because he saw

that for their upliftment…it wasn’t… he was taking offence “Okay I am going to punish

you.”  Because I want to cause your suffering. He was thinking how can I deliver these

two they are just wasting their life. They got such a big position and they are just you

know - spoiling it.

So sometimes like that the Guru may take an offence. We know that Prabhupada he

asked Nitai das to leave ISKCON (or he had already left so don’t associate or

something) because he had…was spreading poison and contaminating other disciples.

Then Prabhupada said you won’t get another bonafide Guru for hundred thousand

births. That sound like really heavy and so Prabhupada that’s so heavy I mean…you

curs… and that’s like a hundred thousand births and then I heard “hundred thousand”

and then Prabhupada  said no that’s a reduction because according to Caitanya

Caritamrta if you reject your Guru  you don’t get another Guru for ten million births. If


you reject a bonafide guru. So, I reduced it…it’s like one percent (Devotees laugh). So

there might be some cases where someone took….takes offence that we can see but

generally, we see like when Advaita acarya was approached by mother Sachi and they

said that she has offended you because when Lord Caitanya was coming to get this

Swarup and he liked the class too so they both sat and listen to the class and Mother

Sachi said it’s getting late and prasad is getting cold and she got worried because it was

(logical) prediction that this Vishwaroop  would take sannyas and then she became like

upset and she started saying that this Advait goswami “What’s he doing with our kids.”

You know, I don’t know, she said something a bit critical against the Advait goswami. It

wasn’t his fault. He was giving Bhagvatam class. But she was out of love for children

she said offensive things. So that’s why she couldn’t get love for Krishna because she

had offended a Vaisnava. Can you imagine a mother saying you know devotees gives

late classes what a nonsense? That’s enough to not get love for Godhead and what

nectar comes from some people’s lips like about other devotees you should really be

careful that anything we say is truly constructive and I was being precision when I said

“nectar” of course. I mean, I think that’s obvious that some very horrible things that

sometimes people say totally unconstructive and jump to all types of conclusion. And

she just jumped to a conclusion without understanding his motive. His motive was

simply giving the Bhagavatam class and it was really a bit hurtful. She should’ve… the

sons were just not coming. It wasn’t Advait acharys fault at all.

So, when she went and it was explained to Advait goswami that she had offended him

and he should forgive her.



19970618-SB-11 name- krishna Caitanya start date- 17/6/2019

< So, when she went and was explaining to Adwaita Goswami, that she had offended

him and he should forgive her, he said “her offend me, she is the greatest Vaishnava

she could never offend me, who am I, I am insignificant.” and he was  glorifying, look at

her devotion How she is taking care of spontaneous Bhakti, He started glorifying all the

wonderful qualities of Sachi Mata and he became so ecstatic just thinking about her

qualities that he fainted on the ground in ecstacy, he never forgave her and Lord

Caitanya you never going to forgave her by him so that’s what he said, touch his feet,

get the dust from his feet because sometimes if you offend a viashnava, but they are

not  accepting that its an offense but the dust from their feet is offended because

Krishna says that he respects the dust from the feet of his devotees so even if the

devotee isn’t personally taking any offense, normally we shouldn’t take any offense

except maybe some rare case where Guru is doing so to protect the devotee normally

we don’t take any offense, we don’t consider, we consider this is my karma, I deserve

worst than this usually we just look compassionately among the devotees, even like

when Lord Caitanya was walking along the road and a bunch of drunks were sitting and

wine and whatever there and they were all intoxicated and one came behind Lord

Caitanya Oh Lord, Gaurahari, oh he sings and dances so nice and one came [


Gurumaharj imitating drunk’s voice singing Hare Krishna Hare Krishna. Devotees :

laugh, Gaura hari Gaurahari ] and the other associates were like who does this guy

think he is, its like minimizing the position of Lord Caitanya, this is very offensive and

lord Caitanya didn’t show any symptom of  reaction and kept on walking, then  you

know how drunkurds how they can keep us fat trained so he went back sitting with the

other guys and then hit the bottle again and then some devotees said  “Lord Caitanya,

you didn’t say anything, it is  so offensive, so intolerable the way he was acting.” Lord

Caitanya said “actually he didn’t commit any offense, he was just chanting the holy

names and by chanting the holy names, he is getting so much benefit, that effect of holy

name will stick with him for ever, but the drinking, that will be finished by tomorrow but

chanting helped him, its good, let him chant. Sometimes wouldn’t take any offense

mostly Lord Caitanya didn’t take any offense. When jagai-madai hit Nityanada Prabhu,

then madai went and apologized later “ I hit you”, he said no - no I love you like my

baby, like the mother love the baby, the mother is holding the baby in the lap and the

baby kicks the mother, little baby feet, does the mother say  “you kick me, I am gonna

curse you” ? [ Devotees: Laugh] obviously not, the mother loves the baby, its part of the

fun or whatever the pastime, getting kicked by the baby, changing diapers this is all part

of a love of the mother to the baby, anyway, those kicks are not. Lord Nityanada he said

“you are hitting me was like a baby hitting a mother, I loved you anyway.” That’s why he

said “even though you caused me injury, that doesn’t mean I am not going to give you

love for godhead so I didn’t take any offense.” So then madai said “But I feel lousy, I feel

like I offended somebody.” So then he said  “I offended so many living entities, I caused

suffering to innocent, women to people, so many problems I caused, how will I get rid of

that offense ?” then Nityanada said “that’s true, so you need to do something to serve

them spiritually when you get free from your offenses, you can build with your own

hands a bathing ghat in the Ganges, that will facilitate people to go bathe in the Ganges

and by that service to the spiritual life, you will get forgiven for the offense you

committed to others, that’s actually preaching and giving books out and giving out

prasadam, so important because when  we preach and we give out the mercy to others,

we get forgiven for our offenses, when we chant loudly in Harinaam we get forgiven for

offenses that makes our chanting  more pure so we should avoid  taking offense.>


19970618-SB-12 Snigdha Radhika Devi Dasi Start Date 29.06.19 End Date 29.06.19

... makes our chanting more pure. So we should avoid taking offense, but if you really

feel you have offended somebody..and then they haven't acknowledged it still you

somehow got to steal some dust or.. from their shoe or something.. or foot ..or as we

read .. if we constantly chant the holy name that will also.. that maybe take a longer

time... Do you have.. we are a little bit over time ?..

(55:35 - 0:50 devotee speaking in the background not audible) am I getting the story

mixed up or is there another one.. Yeah what happened was..  sometimes people get

on GBCs case.. getting hate mails sometimes from different devotees that why we are

not letting everybody go listen to anybody they want to .. you know.. no matter which

maṭha or which institution they're part of ..you know.. of course I have... as I mentioned


yesterday.. trying to propose that we conceive of some way to get sincere people that

belong in ISKCON back but definitely there is... there is a tradition that we don't listen to

anybody and anything. That's from ..right from Caitanya Mahāprabhu. He told Mukunda

Dutta, you cannot listen to sahajiyās, you cannot listen to Māyāvādīs, you cannot listen

to yogīs, you can't listen to this one or that one. He gave a strict, you know, instruction

who he could listen to and who he couldn't listen to. And Mukunda was one of the.. he

just.. you know.. a little  liberal.. you know.. he went and started listening to people that

he shouldn't listen to. So one point they came and told " Where's Mukunda?", .. and he

said well he's listening to this person. And Lord Caitanya he said " Well that's just.. is

enough! I don't want to see Mukunda anymore. He's banished". So the banishing its

not.. it is in our parampara, sometimes people get banished. And he was not allowed to

see .. he was just allowed not to see Lord Caitanya.. of course he could associate with

other people, it wasn't a total disassociation .. but he couldn't see Lord Caitanya. He

could not associate with Lord Caitanya. So Mukunda kind of came up and while he was

trying to, you know, walk in everyday, he sees Lord Gauranga walk in. You cannot see

him. what do you mean I cannot see him, its not.. No he said he don't want to see you

anymore. why?  you didn't listen to him . he kept warning you again and again, you

know. Lord Caitanya has mercy.. forgives, forgives, forgives, but then if you just again

and again and again you don't make any attempt to follow at one point Lord Caitanya he

also has his limits. You know.. oh, it's sad. But we should try to avoid offenses and try to

avoid sins, then Lord Caitanya will forgive us so many times. But .. we just stop trying or

we just don't really make an effort and again and again we make the same mistake

without really making a sincere effort to correct it. Prabhupada said Lord Caitanya's

mercy does have a limit. It's a big limit, you know, we get a lot of chances, but there is a

limit. We have to think that .. its just a limited. .. In other words, I can do anything again

and again, and not try enough and still not get forgiven. When we get into that mode, it

is dangerous. He may not forgive us. So this Mukunda, he reached the limit. He was

told he couldn't see and he couldn't believe it. Everyday in the kirtan he is the lead

singer.. main dancer, right there in the front row, Lord Caitanya everyday..lifelong

friends. He was there even when Lord Caitanya took .. later, that happens later.. took,

anyway. So he was completely devastated. He went to Lord Nityananda and the others,

"Please I have to see.. I will never do it again. It's a big mistake. I'm sorry. I'll never do it

again". People went to ask Lord Caitanya, he said" What! Mukunda?! I don't want to

hear about Mukunda. He listens to other groups. He doesn't.. he's not loyal to us. Don't

talk to me about.. You can see him. But I don't want to see his face. He's not loyal".

Loyalty is an issue you know..you want to follow Prabhupada or not? Loyalty was an

issue in Lord Caitanya.. So Mukunda then finally you know was like, now people would

.. he would.. the people .. when they saw Mukunda they'd run, you know, otherwise its

like they'd get leprosy because they know he's going to beg " Please! Help me!" and

they couldn't do anything. It was too painful. They couldn't talk to Lord Caitanya. He just

..wouldn't listen to them. He would be even angry at them. Nobody wanted that!


19970618-SB-13 Lakshmi Radha DD Start date- 18 th Feb 2020


Anything It was too painful. They couldn't talk to Lord Caitanya. Just, He won't listen to

them, may be He'll be angry at them and nobody wanted that. So Mukunda wasn't

eating... He is like a mad man he couldn't eat, he couldn't just sleep. He's just crying you

know - 'What did I do? What did I do? How did this happen??' You know and then. So

finally you know he somehow he went on this way going on , I don't know for months or

something and he's just like completely out of his skin. He came up to the Lord and he's

like, came up to one of Lord Caitanya's secretaries. "No no, I told, I don’t think I can do,

I've said, please do something, please I can’t tolerate"

" Do something, I'm too, I can’t see him?

Ok please just ask question when , I know I can't see Him..ok.. I cannot see Him. when

can I see Him, after how much time? That’s all I want to know. If ever I'll be able to see

Him again.. Ever"


The secretary: "ok. I ask that".

Secretary went in and said " Mukunda Dutt" (not sure 1.5)

"Mukunda.. Ohh no I cannot! "

Lord still was upset.

" No no , he just wants to know - when he can see You"

"Tell him that he can see Me after 1 crore of births, 10 million births he can see Me"

And he went out and he told Mukunda Datta

" Lord Caitanya said you cannot see Him until 10 million births from now "

Mukunda Datta said "HARI BOL HARI BOL.. I thought I would never be able to see Him

again.. I'm gonna see Lord Caitanya again.. I will see Him again. Mercyof Lord

Caitanya, I'll see Him again... HARI BOL HARI BOL!! It's not a permanent banishment.

I'll see Him again, some time ! HARI.. BOL!! "

He's jumping and Lord Caitanya

"What is going on? What is all the commotion?" you know and they said it is Mukunda

Datta. "what the ?(audience laugh) Why is he shouting and dancing ? I just told he

couldn't see Me for 10 million births"...

"No he thought he would never see You again.. He was you know that he can see You

again after 10 million births was such a relief compared to never seeing You, like

infinite, never.. To the be.... At least he could see you after 10 million births he's feeling

so much relief that he's chanting and dancing in ecstasy."


That was how frustrated, how much desire Mukunda Datta had come to. Then that

melted Lord Caitanya.

"Alright. Bring him in." (audience laugh and clap)

Don't, you know, we don't want to put Lord Caitanya's mercy to the test. You know, we

don't want to stretch it. We want to be very careful. Avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Hare Krishna, Thank you very much.


Transcribed By: Volunteers

Transcribed On: 29th February 2020


Proof Reading By: Amrita Padma Devi Dasi

On 15/10/2020


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Verifyed by Amrita Padma Devi Dasi
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