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20200202 Lord Caitanya discloses the truth about the Vedas and His son, Murāri Gupta

2 Feb 2020|Duration: 00:41:49|English|Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book|Śrī Māyāpur, India

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book

Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya Book Compilation

By His Holiness Jayapatākā Swami Mahārāja on 2nd February 2020 in Śrīdhāma Māyāpur, India

mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim
yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam
paramānandaṁ mādhavaṁ śrī caitanya iśvaram
hariḥ oṁ tat sat

So, we will resume the Caitanya-līlā.

First, I will give a short report. Do you understand what I am saying, or do you need repetition? Who needs repetition? Who requires a repetition? So, if there is something I say, which you can’t understand, then raise your hand and I will have someone repeat that. We will have it repeat anything at any time. If you want to test the repeater, just raise your hands on that, I will see if they are awake!

So, I went from here to Mumbai and then I flew out to the UK. I was in the UK for the Bhīṣma-pañcaka. I found out that in the UK there are new types of roots, [laughter] roots and fruits, which I didn’t know about. Apparently, some of those are in India – Parsnip and turnips. Turnips apparently, you can get in some parts of India. So, anyway, we observed the Bhīṣma-pañcaka there, but this year I hope to observe it in Māyāpur. Then we went to Atlanta and I did my immigration business and then I went to Florida to Alachua. And then they were having a kīrtana-melā that I attended for two days. I met my Godbrothers and Godsisters, there were about 43 who came to see me. So, it was very nice to meet all of them and then I was there about 5 days and I had various programs. Then we drove to Miami and I stayed one night in Miami. I met the president of the temple and various devotees came to see me.

Then we flew to Peru, to Lima and then I stayed there for a week. We had national meetings, we had various programs in the temple in Chosica and we were staying in a resort in Chosica. It had a swimming pool, so I did my physio in the swimming pool. I developed some ear infection and a doctor came, ENT specialist, he came and said that my right ear had a fungal infection. But in Peru there is no ear medicine for fungal infection. So somehow, we got some fungal infection ear medicine for ears from Chile or something. In Peru, we had to use the eye medicine for the ear. Then I went to Nova Gokula in Brazil and there one devotee was saying, “Jaya! Nova Gokula Uh! Uh! Uh!” I don’t know, it was some Brazilian tune “Uh! Uh! Uh!” “Jaya Prabhupāda! Uh! Uh! Uh!” I was inspired by all the Vaiṣṇavīs in Nova Gokula, so I told them some of the pastimes of Vaiṣṇavīs, great, great, Vaiṣṇavīs with Caitanya Mahāprabhu and Kṛṣṇa. Because they are not so much glorified. So, they appreciated that. Then we went to… and people came from all over Brazil to see me, from various places, Rio de Janerio, Sao Paola.

Then we went to Chile, there the protesters were very organized – they only protested after office hours from 9’O clock at night. And we stayed away from the place they were protesting. We were staying in a house not too far from the temple, about 15 minutes’ drive. There were Jagannātha, Baladeva and Subhadrā. Some days I gave a class there and people sat outside and listened and some days I went to the temple. I gave class there. After staying for some time in Chile, a week or six days and went back one day in Peru in Holiday Inn opposite the airport and went next day by early morning flight to Ecuador. We stayed in Guayaquil for five or seven days and in Peru and Ecuador we had the Māyāpur-vāsī what is her name, Ojasvīnī, was present with us for two days, in Peru and Ecuador. Then for one day we went to Colombia. There we met six Christian priests and some members not only from ISKCON but also some from Vṛndā, various, Govinda Mahārāja disciples and we had a program there. At that place, somehow Māha Varāha he was not let into the country. He stayed overnight in the airport. So, travelling with me is not at all easy. I was under the care of Harināma and Ekanātha Gaura dāsa and Haridāsa. So, we had some program in Bogotá near the airport. Then I went back to the USA.

We flew from Bogota to Atlanta. There they had this celebration of 2020, the 50th year of my sannyāsa, and we had various programs in Atlanta. I didn’t really travel around much in the USA. People came to see me from Canada, from different parts of the US in Atlanta. I went back the UK for a few days and stayed in Birmingham, and then I came back to Mumbai. I was in Mumbai for the (what you call), Makara-saṅkrānti. We had nice programs; many devotees came. It was nice I participated, and I saw how they perform Makara-saṅkrānti, they bathe the utsava-mūrtis of all the Deities at the same time, that was very nice. It was also the 42nd anniversary of the Juhu temple. So, then we went to Chennai where I had a checkup. Basically, I passed my tests, few things we are waiting for the results.

Then we flew from Chennai to Kolkata, then to Bagdogra and to Bangladesh (Thakurgaon). In Thakurgaon, from Siliguri border to Thakurgaon, they gave us police escort all the way to the city of Thakurgaon. It was a two-hour drive. Every thana, police station, they would have a new police vehicle, with siren, lights and a backup vehicle, the police with shot guns. I hadn’t visited Northern Bengal in Bangladesh for a long time. I had visited other places like Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet. Even Rūpa Sanatāna’s tīrtha, but not to North Bengal. So, there was a big ceremony, whole like a festival, melā. It is a shopping center, about 50 small stalls, selling everything from hot jelabis, hot miṣṭis, and different kinds of steel plates and roṭis and kitchen items and even one car stopped and gave a “Jayapatākā pizza!” Of course, it was not quietly part of my diet.

So, every day we would give a big program. Since many Muslims also came, I also glorified Allah a bit, told about Śrīla Prabhupāda’s realizations, Lord Caitanya’s speech on the Quran in the Antya-līlā, Caitanya-caritāmṛta. Then we went back to Siliguri and I stayed there for two days and Siliguri, they have like a mini Māyāpur, mini Navadvīpa with various islands of Navadvīpa. And they have Narasiṁhadeva, they have Jagannātha, they have Sītā Rāma. Sītā-Rāma is like Modrumadvīpa, Narasiṁhadeva is like Godrumadvīpa, like that, Lord Śiva, Madhyadvīpa and they have different dvīpas and they have Bhu-Varāhādeva like the Koladvīpa. So, in Siliguri, there are so many devotees, they came from Nepal, Malda and different places. Then we went to Delhi and from there I came back to Māyāpur. My head is spinning! Anyway,

Lord Caitanya discloses the truth about the Vedas and His son, Murāri Gupta

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 3.35

gupta-vākye tuṣṭa hailā varāha-īśvara
veda-prati krodha kari’ balaye uttara

Jayapatākā Swami: So, Lord Varāhadeva, He was pleased by the words of Murāri Gupta but according to the Vedas, He showed anger and He gave the following reply. So, the Vedas present certain truths in such a way to please the Māyāvādīs and the materialists so that the glories of elevation to heavenly planets or liberation is told by the Vedas. Since the Māyāvādīs study the Vedas according to the ascending process, like the empirical process, so they are encouraged by the Vedas in that way. The Lord was angry at the bewildering potency of the Vedas. This is a prime example of Lord Caitanya’s mercy to the fallen souls. Actually, the Lord cannot be angry with the Vedas – not possible, since they are doing His service. So, His actual anger is at the people who study the Vedas for their angular vision of impersonalism.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.2.21½-22

tacchutvā bhagavān prāha vedo viḍambayatalam mām baktyapāṇipādeti vada smṛtvāvrabīdidam. bhagavān vedasārajṣaḥ sarvavedārthanirmātā

ei kathā śuniyā bhagavān balilena—‘veda āmāra yatheṣṭa viḍambanāi kare. āmāke ‘apāṇipāda’ baliyā thāke. ei baliyāi vedasārajṣa sarvavedārthanirmātā bhagavān smaraṇa kariyā upaniṣadera ei ślokaṭi balilena

Jayapatākā Swami: Hearing this the Lord said, the Vedas mock Me, for it calls Me handless and legless. Then the Personality of Godhead, the reservoir of all opulence who is conversant with the variations of the Vedas and is indeed the author of all the Vedic literatures, the Vedas to His mind and recited the following verse.

Acintya Caitanya not there? I don’t know if they can understand you, Latin ascent. (Jayapatākā Swami said to Ekanatha Gaura dāsa)

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 1.104

ihā śuni punaḥ kahe gaura bhagavān
āmāre biḍambe’veda—śunaha ākhyāna

Jayapatāka Swami: Hearing these words, Lord Varāha said again, the Vedas have mocked me, listen to these words.

Murāri Gupta Kaḍaca 2.2.23 & Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 1.105

Jayapatāka Swami:

apāṇi-pādo javano grahītā paśyaty acakṣuḥ sa śṛṇoty akarṇaḥ
sa vetti vedyaṁ na ca tasya vettā tam āhur agryaṁ puruṣaṁ purāṇam

“parātmā (prākṛta) hastapadādiśūnya haiyāo grahaṇa o dhāraṇa śrī śrī kṛṣṇa-caitanya-caritāmṛta karena—(prākṛta) nayana-śūnya haileo darśana karena, karṇarahita haiyāo śravaṇa karena—tini viśvera sakala vṛttānta jānena athaca tāhāra keha bettā (jṣātā) nāi - tattvajṣagaṇa tāhākei śreṣṭha purāṇa puruṣa baliyā thākena”

"He is without hands and feet, yet He travels as swift as the mind and accepts all that is offered to Him. He sees without eyes and hears without ears. He knows the entirety of this universe, but no one knows Him. Sages call Him the primeval Person."

Jayapatāka Swami: So, this is from the Puruṣa-sūkta. He is without hands and feet. Yet He travels as swift as the mind and accepts all that is offered to Him. He sees without eyes and hears without ears. He knows the entirety of this universe, but no one knows Him. Sages call Him the Primeval Person.

Murari Gupta Kaḍaca 2.2.4.

iti veda-vaco devo hasann evābhyabhāṣata
na hi jānāti vedo mām iti niścitam eva hi

ei vedamantraṭi hāsiẏā hāsiẏā prabhu paḍite lāgilena āra balilena—

“veda ye āmāke jāne nā—e kathā niścitai baṭe.

The Divine Lord was smiling as He recited these words of the Vedas, and then He declared – the Vedas cannot comprehend Me. This is undeniably true.

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya 5.20

bhūyo’sau sa hasitavan madhu-dravais taiḥ
pratyūce prativacanaiḥ prabhus tam enam
vedo’yaṁ nanu kim u vetty ayaṁ vimugdha
saṁmohād avacinute’ndhavat sa nityam

Again, the Lord spoke with a smile, using sweet words. “The bewildered Vedas do not know my glories at all. Like blind persons, they search for me constantly in ignorance.”

Caitanya Carita Mahā Kāvya 5.21

ity uktā śruti-gaditaṁ nipaṭhya bhūyaḥ
sotprāsaṁ sa parihasann uvāca nāthaḥ
vedānām iha khalu nāsti śaktir eṣā
jṣātuṁ mām iti nigadan yayau sva-geham

Uttering this, he recited the Vedas, laughed in derision, and said, “The Vedas do not have the power to know me.” He then went home.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 1.106

vede kahe—āmi kara e caraṇa śūnya
hena viḍambanā more nāhi kare anya

Jayapatāka Swami: The Vedas say that I am without hands or feet. Others will not mock me, will not confuse people about Me as the Vedas do.

Caitanya Maṅgala, Madhya-khaṇḍa 1.107

ihā bali hāse prabhu prasannavadana
nāhi yena veda āmā—kahila kathana

Jayapatāka Swami: Now the Lord’s face was very pleasing, and He is very kind. He was laughing and He spoke the words that the Vedas, they do not know Me.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 3.36

prabhura nirviśeṣa-matavāda-khaṇḍana—

“hasta pada mukha mora nāhika locana
ei-mata vede more kare viḍambana

Jayapatāka Swami: The Vedas mock Me of having no hands, no legs, no mouth and no eyes. In this way, they mock Me. By reading these verses from the Vedas, the impersonalists, they cannot understand the Absolute Truth. They don’t understand the eternal form of the Supreme Lord. He has no hands in the sense that He has no material hands! But we know He has transcendental hands. He has no eyes, no material eyes, but He has transcendental eyes. So, the Vedas say He has no hands, no feet, no arms, no mouth, no eyes. This bewilders people. So, the impersonalists, they twist this around, they think that He is impersonal. But actually, Kṛṣṇa has hands, feet, mouth, but not material, not like we do! So, His one sense can do the activities of all the other senses. So, He has a transcendental form. Unfortunately, the Vedas by saying in this way, in one sense, it is true but because the impersonalists misunderstand it, they think the Lord is impersonal. So, we should not accept the conventional meaning of the words. That is why we have a spiritual master who explains what the words really means. When it says He has no hands, no feet, no mouth, no eyes, it doesn’t mean it literally, it means that He has no ordinary hands, He has transcendental hands. So, they don’t understand the actual meaning of these verses. So what He is saying is that by the impersonalists explaining the Vedas, since they are not receiving the knowledge of the Vedas from a bona fide disciplic succession, they are actually misled, they take the ordinary meaning of the words, without understanding the actual meaning. It is not that the Vedas that He is criticizing, it is actually the misunderstanding that certain impersonalists and materialists get by misunderstanding the Vedas. So, in that way, the Vedas by saying such a thing that they cannot understand, you cannot know Kṛṣṇa simply by the Vedas. You have to have a bona fide spiritual master.

So, the Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad explains that although the Lord has no hands, He accepts all the offerings; although He has no eyes, He sees everything. That means He doesn’t have material hands, He has spiritual hands, He doesn’t have material eyes – material eyes only see a certain range of vibrations. He can see everything, everything! So, Lord Caitanya did not respect people’s superficial understanding of the Vedas.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 3.37

kāśīte paḍāya beṭā prakāśa-ānanda
sei beṭā kare mora aṅga khaṇḍa khaṇḍa

Jayapatāka Swami: There is one wretched person, in Kāśī, Benaras who cuts My body into little pieces, by teaching these verses from the Vedas. I don’t have a body, I don’t have hands, I don’t have feet, and so on, they cut Me up into little pieces. But actually, Kṛṣṇa is the most beautiful and He is known as Padmalocana. Some people think that Prakāśānanda is Prabodhānanda, the younger brother of Veṅkaṭa Bhaṭṭa who lived on the bank of the Kāverī. Such mistakes are found in the sahajiyā book named Bhakta-māla. Some modern writers also make the same mistake. Prakāśānanda and Prabodhānanda are two different people.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 3.38

vākhānaye veda, mora vigraha nā mane
sarva aṅge haila kuṣṭha, tabu nāhi jāne.

Jayapatāka Swami: So Prakāśānanda explained the Vedas but did not accept My transcendental form. His whole body is afflicted with leprosy, he doesn’t come to his senses. So Prakāśānanda Sarasvatī, he is commenting on the Vedas and the Upaniṣads, but he does not accept the eternal form of Lord Caitanya or Lord Kṛṣṇa. So as a result, his whole body was afflicted with leprosy. Still his mistaken knowledge was not awakened.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 3.39

sarva-yajña-maya mora ye aṅga pavitra
aja-bhava-ādi gāya yāhāra caritra

Jayapatāka Swami: My body is the personification of all transcendental sacrifices and most pure. Great personalities like Śiva, Brahmā and others, they sing the glories of My transcendental personality. So, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 2.7.1 explains how the Lord is the personification of all sacrifices. Also, the same thing is described in Canto 3, Chapter 13, verses 32 to 44.

Caitanya-Bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa 3.40

purṇa pavitratā pāya ye-aṅga-paraśe
tāhā’mithyā bale beṭā kemana sāhase?

Jayapatāka Swami: So, sanctity is purified by the touch of My body. How can he describe My body as false? This is the commentary of Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Prabhupāda Ṭhākura:

“The body of the Supreme Lord is eternal; therefore unpleasantness, insignificance, abomination, and division cannot be attributed to it. The touch of such supremely pure limbs of the Lord greatly purifies less purified objects. Therefore, I cannot understand how he dares to establish such an eternal body as temporary.”

Jayapatāka Swami: So, we will end here since it is already 9.30 and we started late. I hope to come at 8’O clock but, you know starting tomorrow is the Māyāpur Executive Board Meeting in the afternoon and the meeting goes on till 7 theoretically. So, after that I have to have my dinner and then come. But any way if there is any question, I will try to answer one or two. I am bit tired from all the travelling.

In Māyāpur Community Hospital we have Testing equipment’s, Eye Cataract operation, they don’t have to actually cut the eyes, it completely dissolves the Cataract, very interesting. So, we are trying to have facilities and they were saying that they are trying to improve more with 25 bed hospital with some ICU beds and some other facilities. So, they are trying to help the devotees to be able to do their service very nicely. I was very pleased to see. I inaugurated Pathology department, Operation Theatre and X-Ray, a new X-ray machine, full X-ray machine. Hare Kṛṣṇa

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī – 2nd February 2020
Verifyed by Rasaprīyā Gopikā devī dāsī - 15th May 2020
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