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20200104 50th Sannyāsa Anniversay Festival Day 2, Morning Address

4 Jan 2020|Duration: 00:24:21|English|Festival Address|Atlanta, USA

Mukam karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim
Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam
Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram

So I thank my dear god sisters and god brothers, so nice to be here with my spiritual sons and daughters, with my spiritual nephews and nieces, and their children. So thank you very much! In 1970, Srila Prabhupada asked me whether I wanted to take sannyas? And since he was asking me I thought, I should take it! So when he handed me the danda, he told me that the danda has three strands, sticks. Three sticks you perform words, deeds, and thoughts and fourth stick which is the atma or the self. And then there is like a moon thing on the top, that is the intelligence. So the intelligence should engage the words, the thoughts and the deeds in Krsna’s service. So at that time, Srila Prabhupada said that I was the eleventh sannyasi. He had given 9 initiations in LA and 2 in Calcutta. So I was the eleventh. Many have passed away, and now I am the senior sannyasi in Iskcon. Srila Prabhupada taught us how Lord Caitanya had chanted a mantra from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 11 Chapter 23 verse 57:

Etaam sa aasthaya paraatma-nistham
Adhyaasitam purvaramair maharshibih
Aham tarishyami duranta-paaram
Tamo mukundaanghri-nishevayaiva

So this was chanted by the Avanti brahmana when he took the tridandi sannyas. You didn’t take it did you?(guru maharaj quipped at HG Ekanath das prabhu who was repeating his words) Ha!  Whether one is a sannyasi or one becomes a grihasta, they all have vows. And we would hope that the grihasta also follow their vows. So we would be very happy to see 50 year anniversaries of our grihasthas! So Srila Prabhupada, His Divine Grace, had me stay in Mayapur and he gave me a lot of association. He came twice a year to Mayapur. Once at the Gaura Purnima time, when he was focused on the worldwide devotees and once he would come for a month to month and a half in the fall. And then he was translating his books, and he was training us to make Mayapur an ideal temple. He would go on morning walks and he would say, what is that? What is this? Any paper, any dirt, he will point it out. One faucet was leaking, tip, tip, tip, a little water. He said, who is responsible, and everybody pointed at me! Jayapataka Swami. Srila Prabhupada said no, he is responsible for everything, but who is the particular person responsible for the taps?! I was saved that day!! Srila Prabhupada said that I should stay in Mayapur, work through my assistants. But then he also told me that, as a sannyasi I should travel and preach. He told me this, there were only two sannyasis present. One me and another. And he told us twice. Second time, I was the only one there! So, from 1980 until 2008, I was constantly travelling, five or six times around the world, a year. I was awarded the million miles’ award by United! And that was because Eastern was taken over by Continental and Continental merged with United. Somebody mentioned that I flew on Eastern and that is what happened. Anyway I am lifetime Gold in United and British Airways also gave me a lifetime Gold! But, now I cannot travel as much. One or two times a year, around the world! Very less! So Srila Prabhupada gave me some service, I would like to complete it. I am very grateful for all the assistance I am getting in completing all these services. I was supposed to attend a meeting today of the Temple Of Vedic Planetarium Exhibits. We told them that I could not attend because of this function. So they are rescheduling it, maybe. This is one of the services that Srila Prabhupada gave me. And I am very happy to see all of you! I hope that you continue to take up responsibilities, for helping Srila Prabhupada establish the mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Actually, I was telling how somebody was helping the people pass away. But actually, in the west they don’t know what to do. At the time of death, they should chant Hare Krsna, should think about Krsna, think of Srila Prabhupada or guru parampara. So in this way we should be ready to go back to Godhead. Unfortunately, the people don’t know what to do. Srila Prabhupada was saying of course even in India many people don’t know. One man he went to see his friend, he was a business man, and his doctor told him that he was not going to live long. The man held the doctor’s hand and said, please give me one more year! One more year! I WILL DOUBLE MY MONEY! Even if he doubles his money, what is the use? He cannot take it with him! But someone who has done devotional service, or he remembers Krsna at the time of death, they go back to Krsna. So there is allot of work for you to do! 

In 2008 when I had my stroke, I was in the hospital. At that time, there was an URI meeting in Mayapur in Iskcon. URI, United Religions International. URI. So at that time, there was an interfaith meeting in Mayapur - Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and they all prayed for me! Of course I think some of you prayed for me! So I am very grateful I am getting another chance to serve Srila Prabhupada. And he gave me the secret sannyas mantra which I cannot tell you, unless you take sannyas! So like this we are trying to carry out our different debts and our responsibilities to Srila Prabhupada. And I think that Iskcon has so many dedicated devotees, vaisnavas, vaisnavis, that the future is very good! So we should try to do whatever we can to help Srila Prabhupada. 

Of course, before, when I had the stroke, they told me I had Hepatitis C and that my liver was damaged. I had gone for a checkup before but they didn’t tell me that I had Hepatitis C. So, I was attacked by a crazy man in Madrid in 1989, and he cut my jugular vein and I lost a lot of blood. So they gave me a transfusion of blood but they were not testing for Hepatitis C until 1992! And at that time there was no cure. So the doctor said that, well because I had a stroke and had Hepatitis C, at that time the only cure was Interferon. And that was only 30-40% success rate. So they said, that if I take that medicine, it may neurologically hamper me. So I was advised not to take it. So later on I met an expert in Delhi, and he said in 3-5 years you may need a new liver. At that time, they invented or found whatever, created a cure for Hepatitis C. It was very expensive 45,000 dollars, one dose. But somehow or another I got that Hepatitis C cured. But my liver was damaged. And the doctor said sorry I made a mistake, you need a new liver in 3-5 months otherwise, I cannot say! Ha! So with the help of my assistants somehow we found a doctor who was the number 1 doctor in India, for this liver transplant, but we couldn’t get a liver! Anyway, somehow with help, we got a new liver and a new kidney! Then I had the operation in August 2018. But they told me no travel - at least for a year. So now my year is over 2019, and I am here! They say that it is very dangerous if I get infection, because I am taking immunosuppressant drugs. So for me it is very easy to get infected, and if I do, it is very dangerous. That is why I wear a mask. But I am still trying to carry out my duties to Srila Prabhupada, and I am very grateful for all your help! Hare Krsna!

All the devotees chanted:


Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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