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20200102 Evening Darśana

2 Jan 2020|Duration: 00:27:16|English|Darśana|Atlanta, USA

Mukham karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim
Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinam
Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram

After Srila Prabhupada visited Caracas, Venezuela and Mexico, he came to Atlanta, Georgia, and at that time I was in India. But I heard many times from different devotees who were here. At that time Srila Prabhupada said that this place would be New Panihati Dham. Just as we have in America, New York, New Hampshire, similarly Srila Prabhupada had a New Vrndavan and New Panihati, New Dwaraka, New Jagannath Puri, etc. But here, nobody knew what New Panihati, what Panihati meant. At that time, even the Caitanya Caritamrita was not available. But I had the good fortune to visit Panihati at least on two occasions with His Divine Grace and other times I have also visited there. So I informed them that how this was one of the places that Lord Caitanya said He is always present in Panihati Dham! How there, Lord Nityananda had the cida dahi festival. So in the month of June, they have the cida dahi festival here. But also there are other pastimes that happened there. Panihati was the first place actually in Bengal that Lord Nityananda brought His sankirtan party to, from Jagannath Puri. And there Raghav Pandit and his sister Damayanti devi, they saw Lord Nityananda and they were in great bliss and they said, how many murtis are you, how many people are you? He said, oh, about 50. They said, ok, take a bath in the Ganges, we will cook a feast for You in one hour. How many of you can cook a feast for 50 in one hour? I don’t see too many hands! But Raghav Pandit and Damayanti were expert cooks and they could do such miracles. How many can understand what I am saying? How many need a repetition? So then Lord Nityananda came back after taking His bath and they had some prasadam and then they took a little rest and they gathered again. There was a malati tree, a special creeper. Lord Nityananda He sat down and watched His devotees doing kirtan. Then He rose up and He started doing kirtan and dancing. Lord Caitanya said that five things here will always be present. One of those things is the dancing of Lord Nityananda. Apparently the dancing of Lord Nityananda is out of this world! Haribol! And so, even though Lord Caitanya was physically at that moment somewhere in South India, immediately He became present to watch, to witness the dancing of Lord Nityananda. And none of the people there could see Him. But Lord Nityananda could, and He told them that Lord Caitanya is here. He said you cannot see Him but you can smell Him, He is wearing a special South Indian scented, jasmine or something, flower garland and you can smell it! Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh! They were in ecstasy smelling the garland of Lord Caitanya! And they danced more and the more and more they smelt they were ah! Ah! Ah! Gauuuuranga! Gauranga! How many of you would like to smell the garland of Lord Caitanya? So this kind of pastime happened in Panihati Dham. And to hear about Srila Prabhupada’s visit, he sang the song parama koruna pahu dui jana, here, before the deities. He told the Americans, that you are very unfortunate because you are living in a remote part of the world, probably from the holy dham. Ha! Ha! Americans think they are the centre of the world, a super power, he was telling that you are far away from the holy dham! Ha! Ha! So it was an interesting visit. Some devotees told me that when Srila Prabhupada was here, devotees felt such ecstasy that they were dancing up in the air, and some people would jump like 3 or 4 feet in the air! So you should hear them tell the pastimes that Srila Prabhupada had in New Panihati dham. Very interesting! So we would like to welcome all the devotees from outside to this New Panihati dham. Somehow, I just visited a tour of South America. I went to Peru, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia. So and I came back here. Now it is the year 2020, so let me wish you all a happy Christabda 2020 and may you have a Krsna conscious and a very spiritual New Year, not only for this year, but all the years to come! So I was fortunate here to be, I think a GBC for about 20-22 years. And so you must have a lot of experience of my harsh nature!! Then, other GBCs took over. I have some places in South America, but mostly I am in the Middle East and India – eastern and southern India and also Bangladesh. Bangla jane keo? (Do anyone of you know Bengali?) Thoda Thoda Hindi janta hun (I know a little Hindi). Jyada nahin, kuch kuch (Not much, but little little). Mainly Bengali and I picked up Spanish being in South America. So we had a very nice time, there it is summer now, in the heat. Here now in the cold! Ha! Ha! And this is a warm place compared to Washington and Toronto and so on.  

So I had some health issues. I wasn’t able to travel. I had a kidney and a liver transplant, so they said I shouldn’t travel for one year far from India. Now the year is over and I ventured here to America and to South America! It is very nice to see so many devotees here from Minnesota, from different places. I hear that more are coming tomorrow. So from New Jersey, Washington DC. While I am here I hope to receive some reports from you, how you are doing service in devotional service. I try to give class every day even in India, I give in the evening, but probably here it comes in the morning. So people like Nandakumar Krsna das and other viewers are top viewers, top fans in Facebook. I give a live class, maybe in the morning it is not convenient for you, you can watch it any time during the day. And I have been trying to make a book on Lord Caitanya’s pastimes, combining the different books of Caitanya lila, not only Caitanya Caritamrita, but the Caitanya Bhagavat, Caitanya Mangal, the Prema Vivarta and so many other books, the Korcas of Murari Gupta. So we are trying to combine all these books, so that devotees will be able to hear more complete, although nothing is ever complete with the Lord, even Anantadeva He has a thousand heads but He cannot reach the end of the glories of the Lord. But to make more of the pastimes available to devotees, we are trying to combine these books. Like we have Krsna Book, we will have Krsna Caitanya Book. So now we are up to, we finished Lord Caitanya’s childhood and His grihasta life, He took initiation from Iswara Puri maharaj, and He turned back to Navadvip and He started the sankirtan movement. So He then revealed to Advaita Gosain that the person He was praying for, the person that He wanted to take appearance, because Advaita Gosain, although He is an avatar of Mahavisnu and Sadasiva, He was not able to give pure love to everyone of Krsna. He is able to give liberation, but love - and people in Kali yuga, they are far away from loving Krsna. So He wanted Krsna Himself to come. But Krsna says in the age of Kali, He does not come as Bhagavan. He comes as a devotee of the Lord, in some disguise. Like Lord Buddha, He is actually Krsna but He did not preach about Krsna, He did not preach about God. But He taught the atheists to worship Him. So how smart He is! They would all worship Lord Buddha, like we worship Krsna! But they don’t believe in God! But He is God! And they worship Him! Ha! Ha! That is the wonderful thing! So Lord Caitanya, He is actually Radha and Krsna combined. His external reason for coming is to establish the sankirtan movement. Golokera prema dhana Harinam sankirtana. But His internal reason is that He wanted to experience what was the bliss that devotees experience, worshipping Him. And the only way He could do that was to accept the mood of Radharani and become a devotee. So He was acting as a devotee of Himself. On a few occasions, He revealed that actually He was Krsna, to a very few people. But generally if anyone would tell Him, You are Krsna, He would cover His ears, no, no, no! He would not accept. Because He was playing as His devotee. There are some very, very, confidential reasons why He came. But you cannot hear it. So I won’t.  So we are happy to present these different pastimes of the Lord. Right now He is in the sankirtan pastimes. Later He will do some of His confidential pastimes in Jagannath Puri. So are there any questions you have? Yes. Siddahari das, the researcher(?)

Question: What is the internal reason for Lord Caitanya to come?

Guru maharaj: I told the external and internal.

Question: Siddha Hari das - Can you explain how to understand the three confidential reasons?

Guru maharaj: How to understand? Mercy. First reason is very easy. He came to spread the sankirtan. The second reason is more confidential, His internal reason. He wanted to research what it is like to be a devotee. I mean, you have read this book Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Every man would want to know what makes the woman think! Anyway, Krsna wanted to experience what it would be like to be His devotee! I cheated answering him. He asked for three reasons, I gave only two! Ha! Any other question?

Question: What is the third one!

Guru maharaj said: Who asked? Ha! All the way from Canada! Come here I will tell you! Ha! Others don’t want to hear from me! Do others want to hear? Are you sure? Very confidential! You may not understand it. You see, in the material world, the Kama Sutra and other experts, they say the man and the woman enjoy equally. But in the spiritual world, Radharani enjoys more, MUCH MORE THAN KRSNA! So Krsna wanted to find out why does She enjoy more than He? And that is the super confidential reason, I mean when anyone does a bit more than God, that is very esoteric. So Radharani in Her version of Krsna, She actually experiences more ecstasy than He does. So He wanted to research why is that? Why is that? So therefore He revealed in the first chapter of the Madhya Lila and the end of the Antya Lila of the Caitanya Caritamrita, audio break at midnight in front of the Jagannath Puri temple, crying for Krsna. He would be in the ecstasy of Radharani, crying for Krsna. Sometime He ran into the ocean, thinking it was the Jamuna river. He performed some amazing pastimes. I have told this pastime when thousand years ago in Navadvip, Jayadeva Goswami appeared, he was famous poet, he would sing every day, the dasavatar Stotra to Lord Nrsimhadeva, tava kara kamala vare nakam adbuta sringam, dalita Hiranya kasipu tanu bringam, Kesava drita Narahari rupa Jaya Jagadisa Hare! Jaya Jagadisa Hare! Jaya Jagadisa Hare! So he was writing a book which was a prayer about Krsna, prayer about Jagannath, called Gita Govinda. We don’t read that much. We don’t have access but Jayadeva was very – He was singing about Krsna humbling Himself before Radharani and he said, how could I write like this? How can I say that the Supreme Personality of Godhead humbled Himself before Radharani? So he stopped there and he told his wife, I will go and take a bath in the Ganges and then come back. Then I will eat my lunch. So he went out. After about 15 minutes, he came back and he sat down at his table. Those days they didn’t use paper, they used palm leaves. He wrote something. He sat down and said I will take my lunch. The wife served him lunch and she sat down. In those days the wife ate after the husband. So she was eating and he came and said, you are eating? She said, you already came and you sat down, wrote and took your lunch and you left! He said, you are the most fortunate lady in the whole world! That was Krsna Himself, He came in my form, and He wrote in the book, He wrote, He confirmed that He humbled Himself before Radharani, then He sat down and with your hands you served Him prasadam! You are the most fortunate! You fed Krsna Himself! Ha! And I told this, there are many great vaisnavis who have done miraculous things in Caitanya Lila and Krsna lila. Anyway, Jayadeva Goswami he wrote the book Gita Govinda, and there it is confirmed that Krsna, He offered His apologies or humbled Himself before Radharani! He was a naughty boy (?) Ha! Anyway, that is the third confidential reason. I don’t know if you understand, but anyway I told you!

So thank you all very much! I will let you take rest.

Transcribed by Jayarāseśvarī devī dāsī
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