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20150902 An Evening Arrival Address

2 Sep 2015|Duration: 00:25:35|English|Others|Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mookam Karoti Vachalam Pangum Langhayate Girim

Yat Kripa Tam Aham Vande Sri Gurum Dina Taranam

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Iswaram.

Hari Om Tat Sat

So, ISKCON is a multi-guru society.  And therefore, we invited all the guru's present, Jananda Goswami, Narasimha Maharaj.  I am not sure about Bhakti Vrijendra Nandana Maharaj.  If he is present you are certainly invited.  But, for one reason or another, they didn't show up I am sure that if you ask them some Kṛṣṇa Conscious question they will be happy to help you.  Also, I will be happy to help anyone's disciple.  So, we are coming up to the appearance day of Lord Kṛṣṇa and Srila Prabhupāda.  In Māyāpur from the Balarāma appearance day to the Janmashtami there are a type of offering almost everyday.  The day after Kṛṣṇa Janmashtami is the official day of Prabhupāda's appearance.  So, that is the Vyāsa puja day.  But the 3 schools  they offer some homage's to Prabhupāda.  The national gṛhastas and the international gṛhastas they offer their homages.  The staff of Māyāpur, they have their homages.  The brahmacharis offer their homages one day.  Sometimes there is dances, dramas.  Because one day is not enough.  I don't know what the process is here but, I am just telling you the process in Māyāpur.  Normally, there is one kitchen for the deities but, for Prabhupāda's Vyasa puja and the festival of Nanda Mahotsava we offer our humble offering of 2016 preparations.  So many devotees kitchens are inspected and approved for cooking for the deities.  No cats, no dogs, no cockroaches (laughs from devotees and Guru Mahārāja )  and the cooks should know the rules of cleanliness.  Who likes to cook for the deities or cook for Srila Prabhupad on this sacred day?  (Haribol from the audience)  Very good ho...ho ( claps ) sheri sheri.[Guru Mahārāja speaks in Tamil]

  So, on the way over I was having some shlokas read to me which depicted Sri Narada Muni going to see Lord Caitanya  in Goloka Vrindavan.  There are 4 dhams, there is Vrajadham, Mathuradham, Dwarakadham and Svetadvīpadham.  Lord Caitanya stays in Svetadwipadham.  So, Naradamuni he went to see Lord Caitanya and he found Lord Caitanya seated on a jewelled simhasam.  To the right side was Rādhārāṇi and her gopi confidence.  To the left side was Rukmini and the queens of Dwaraka.   And Rādhārāṇi was offfering Lord Caitanya abhishek with Ganges water and Rukmini and the queens were offering abhishek with Swaradhwani water.  Nāradamuni saw everybody was in spontaneous Kṛṣṇa prema mood.  He never even thought that such a beautiful thing existed.  Tears poured from his eyes.  It was like seeing thousands and thousands of moons surrounding Lord Caitanya.  He thought himself so fortunate to be able to see this wonderful sight.  He was hitting his chest, he was crying ho ho ho ha ha ha ( audience laughs ).  Then Lord Caitanya saw Nāradamuni and he embraced him.  He asked Nāradamuni, “what brings you here?”  You are the antaryami you know what I am thinking.  Lord Caitanya said, “I was thinking also that the conditioned souls of the universe of the 4 headed Brahma, they need mercy.  In Satyayuga there is very little adharma.  But, in Tretayuga adharma increases and in the Dwaparayuga it's even more.  Kaliyuga is like the dark night.  People don't remember even what dharma is.  So, I tell in the Bhagavad Gita, -

Pavitranaya sadhunam vinashayacha dushkritam

I deliver the devotees and I destroy the demons but, in this Kaliyuga I want to appear with my weapon of the holy name, not the sword, not the chakra but with the divine weapons of chanting and vaishnava qualities. I will destroy the demonic mentality of the people and give them pure love [Guru Mahārāja shows the action of destroying] (All clap) ( Haribol says Guru Mahārāja and devotees  ).  I will personally preach all over India but, if there are some people who flee away from my mercy who go to some distant land in the West or Far East, I will send my senapati bhakta and he will flood the world with Kṛṣṇa prema ( claps ) not only this world but the three jagats.  Bhur, Bhuva, Sva , the earthly planets, the upper planets, in Swarga between earth and the heavenly planets, Yaksha loka,Gandharva loka, Siddha loka, etc etc.  So, then in the heavenly planets they will also have love of Kṛṣṇa.  In this way the 3 worlds will be flooded.” 

 So Prabhupāda, he came to the Wes,t brought the Harinama Sankirtan.  That's why we think and say that he was the predicted senapati bhakta.  So, we need your help to help Śrīla Prabhupad to flood the world with Kṛṣṇa prema.  This is a spiritual movement, non-sectarian everybody can awaken their dormant love for Kṛṣṇa.  So, it is a  very great oppurtunity for us to observe the Kṛṣṇa Janmashtami and to also observe Prabhupāda's Vyāsa puja.  Hope that you all take up some of the services and thus make your life perfect.  

Thank you very much.  

( Claps .....Hari Bol ) 



Transcribed by Rashmi Suresh
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